Read Terms of Surrender Online

Authors: Leslie Kelly

Tags: #Uniformly Hot

Terms of Surrender (8 page)

BOOK: Terms of Surrender
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He moved to her other breast, and she hissed, both at how good it felt and at the coolness of the night air against her damp bra. As if he knew what made her shudder, he lifted a hand, sliding the shoulder strap down and catching her breast in his hand. He tweaked her nipple between his fingers, drawing it to an even tighter tip of utter sensation, even as he continued to suckle the other one.

Mari groaned, helpless to do anything but
it as he undid her bra and dropped it to the deck, revealing her full, swaying breasts to the evening air and his covetous attention. He moved his mouth back and forth between them, as if he just couldn’t decide which he liked better, and every kiss, every stroke, sent her further out of her mind.

“Please,” she said, filled with pleasure, but needing more.

He straightened and kissed her mouth. “Can’t help it. You’re delicious.”

“I’m also half-naked, and you’re still fully dressed.”

She reached for his shirt again and helped him pull it off, over that broad chest and those impossibly wide shoulders. Though she wanted to touch, taste and explore, first she simply had to stare at him, shocked by how utterly mouthwatering he was. She’d had lovers before, but never—ever—had she seen one who made her want to drop to her knees and beg for the chance to touch him.

Of course, if she dropped to her knees, she’d do more than touch him, she could guarantee that. She’d never been a big oral sex fan, but right now, she was dying to taste every bit of him, to experience every possible expression of sexual intimacy that existed.

Stepping back, Danny reached for his belt and unfastened it, as if he didn’t trust himself to let her do it. Seeing the way her own hand shook as she reached up to stroke his arm, which bulged with muscle, she figured that was probably a good thing. She was feeling utterly ravenous, practically ready to dive on the man. If she touched, she’d take, right then and there, of that she had no doubt.

She held her breath as he unzipped his pants, revealing his bulging boxer-briefs. They couldn’t even contain the tip of his erection; it jutted above the fabric.

“Oh, my,” she whispered, sagging back against the back of her chair as she acknowledged how big he was. Her legs felt weak. Any fleeting concerns that she might not be able to accomodate him disappeared as her already damp sex flooded with instant heat. Her muscles clenched reflexively, already anticipating taking him, inch by devastating inch.

His wicked smile gleamed in the twilight, as if he knew exactly how he affected her. “If you don’t want me to rip your pretty new pants, you’d better take them off,” he told her, his tone silky, hot, sexy.

“Aye-aye, captain,” she replied, though her retort was much more obedient than saucy. She was ready to do anything he asked, give him whatever he wanted, if only he filled her up, soon. She hadn’t even been aware she was so incredibly empty—hollow—until she saw him. Now she could think of nothing else.

She undid the pants and pushed them down, taking her panties with them, and soon stood completely bare before him. His wolfish smile faded and his hand shook as he lifted it to rub his jaw. He raked a slow, devouring stare over her, as if trying to decide where to start. Top? Bottom? Somewhere in between?

“Take me,” she ordered. “Just take me. Right now.”

“No way, beautiful. Got way too much to do first.”

She whimpered, thrilled beyond belief with the images of what he wanted to do with her—to her—but so desperate to have that massive ridge of male heat inside her she thought she might die.

Wanting to at least feel him in her hand, to see if she could even close it around him, she stepped closer and reached for his elastic waistband. She tugged it down, letting the back of her fingers brush against the smooth, warm skin, silky soft yet covering utter steel, and drew in a satisfied breath when he quivered in reaction.

“I’d say we both have a lot to do,” she whispered.

Oh, such a lot. So damn much.

She took as much as she could of him into her palm and stroked, hearing him hiss out a low, controlled breath. If she had her way, he wouldn’t maintain that control for long. “Wait…”

“You’re the one who wanted to do lots of other things.”

“Yeah, I wanted to do them to you.”

“Fair’s fair,” she insisted as she slowly stroked him, letting his body’s moisture dampen her palm, making each stroke more slick and easy. She liked giving him pleasure, liked the tiny groans coming from his throat and the way the cords of muscle in his neck stood out as he dropped his head back and closed his eyes, giving himself over to it.

He didn’t let her pleasure him for long, though, finally pushing her hand away and holding her by the wrist. Mari smiled in triumph, knowing he was on the edge and was as desperate as she was. He quickly tore the rest of his clothes off, then moved to her, the warmth of their naked bodies blasting away any remnants of evening chill.

“You’re so beautiful,” she told him, meaning it.

Marissa had never realized a man could be beautiful…but this one was. Even though his body was marked by a few scars, including a large one that ran from his hip down to his upper thigh, they only added to his masculine appeal.

He laughed softly. “That’s my line.”

“No line.” She drew her gaze back to his face as he moved in to kiss her again, deeply. Then he moved down her body, kissing every inch of her skin, rubbing his lips here and his tongue there. The here’s felt good, the there’s divine.

When he got to her pelvis, he pushed her onto the chair. She shivered in anticipation, wondering where he’d go next. But he didn’t delve into her core, he proceeded farther down her leg. Reaching her feet, he tasted his way all the way down to her toes, nibbling them and whispering, “You evil woman, you’ve given me a foot fetish.”

A sultry laugh escaped her mouth, but not for long. She was well past the point of amusement. The desperation had grown second by second, until now, she was a live wire, incendiary, ready to burst into flames. As he lowered her foot and began moving his way back up her quivering thighs, she said, “Danny, I
going to have you now.”

“Is that so?” he asked, his eyes gleaming and anticipatory.

She didn’t answer with words, just with action. Sliding out of the chair, she pushed him onto his back, then slid her legs over his lean hips, cradling his cock between her thighs.

“Yeah. That’s so.” She slid up and down, cupping him with the lips of her sex, moistening that ridge of pulsing heat. The skin-on-skin contact was delicious, and it was with real regret that she reached for the condom he’d left nearby. She dropped the thing twice while trying to open it, so desperate to have him she could barely think straight.

“Let me,” he said, taking it from her fingers. “Much longer and we’re not going to need it.”

She cocked a brow. “If you let this end too quickly, we’re just going to have to start all over again.”

He reached up and twined his fingers in her hair, drawing her down for a kiss. Before their lips touched, he whispered, “It’s not going to end quickly…and we are gonna start all over again once it’s over.”

Which sounded like a very good plan to her.

They kissed deeply, and once she was sure he was sheathed, Marissa began to slide over him, letting her body become accustomed to him, inch by inch. Danny’s muscles quivered and strained, and she knew he was holding back, letting her set the pace and the depth, making sure she was okay.

Part of her wanted him to grab her hips and thrust up into her with every ounce of strength he possessed. Another part loved the slowness of it, the anticipation of that moment when they’d be fully joined, when he’d be buried to the hilt, imprinting himself deep inside her body, where no one had ever been before.

“God help me,” he groaned as she continued to inch down.

That—his audible desperation, finally drove away her last bit of restraint. She couldn’t resist him, had to give them both what they wanted. She thrust down, taking him all the way inside her, throwing her head back on a shocked gasp as he filled her to the utter brim.

“You okay?” he asked, cupping her cheek and looking up at her in tender passion.

She nodded. “Like I said, it’s been a while.”

And she’d
had a man as generously built as this one.

“You set the pace,” he told her.

She nodded, knowing he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. So she slowly began to ride him, taking him in tiny thrusts and grinds, not pulling all the way off him and slamming down again, though that’s where they were headed. She knew she’d need it hard and deep sooner or later, but for now there was just such sweet possession, she wanted to savor it until the madness consumed her.

Her first orgasm hit her hard, completely out of the blue. It had been building, of course, but it usually took much longer for her to get there. She shuddered, gasping as currents and eddies of pleasure washed through her entire body, from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

“Oh, yes,” she whispered, sagging onto him.

As if knowing she’d gone boneless, weak, Danny rolled them over, never letting their bodies separate. The wood planking of the deck was hard and cool against her skin, and the amazing man on top of her took care not to rest his weight on her. His thick arms flexing as he bore his weight, he began to slowly thrust into her, while pressing his mouth to her cheek, her neck, her lips.

“More,” she told him, “please, more.”

As if he’d only been waiting to be invited, he thrust hard, then harder still. Feeling almost joyful, like she was flying, she rose to meet every powerful thrust, taking all of him over and over, until a high keening cry left her mouth as she came again.

This time, she wasn’t alone. Danny shuddered, burying his face in her hair, whispering her name. One final powerful stroke, and a deep, guttural groan, told her he’d let the current carry him away, too.

Collapsing onto his side, he tugged her against him, cradling her, their arms and legs tangled. Mari made no effort to pull away, knowing this wasn’t the end.

It was only the beginning.

THEY SPENT THE NIGHT on the water, curled up together in the small bed below deck. The size of the bed really didn’t matter much, considering they were twined around each other throughout the entire night. Danny had lost count of the number of times he’d gotten hard for her and slid into her warm, welcoming channel. He just knew that when the sun rose, and he saw her sleeping in his arms, he wanted her yet again.

She’d been just as passionate the last time as the first, the sparks just as electric, their joining just as fulfilling.

One thing he knew without a doubt—last night, he’d had the best sex of his entire life.

And he was not about to let her get away anytime soon.

“So,” he asked as he steered the boat back into the slip at around 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, “when do you think you’ll hear about the job?”

“Since they want to start the guest lectures within the next few weeks, I imagine it will be soon. Why? Hoping I’ll have a dead battery again?”

He reached out and brushed her tangled hair back behind her ear, noting the lazy, satisfied look on her face. “It’s not gonna take car trouble to bring us together again, Mari.”

She nibbled her bottom lip, as if unsure of his meaning. “You want to…
get together

Laughing, seeing her uncertainty, he tugged her into his arms and kissed her. “Hell, yes, I want to…get together again.”

“I mean, we don’t have to, it’s not like you made any promises. I went into this with my eyes wide-open.”

Cocking a brow, he asked, “You saying you don’t want to?”

“Oh, God, no!” She shook her head so hard her jaw audibly cracked.

Glad to hear it, he kissed her again, hard, a little more possessively than before. She’d given him a scare. He hadn’t thought this had been an unimportant, one-time-only thing for her, but it was good to hear her confirm it.

“Okay then. I have to make a quick trip down to Norfolk—I have to leave in a couple of hours, actually. But I’ll be back by Wednesday at the latest. I’ll call you then.”


He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. “Do me a favor? Plug your phone number into my address book. I’m not going to take a chance on the wind stealing away a piece of paper with your number on it.”

BOOK: Terms of Surrender
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