Terran Times 02 - Deal with a Dhemon (22 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Champions of Terra

BOOK: Terran Times 02 - Deal with a Dhemon
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Deal with a Dhemon

“No, I am afraid not. It is a peculiarity of my species. I know it must have seemed like it from your perspective, but it was not.”

“If you insist. Your species must not reproduce often, if the females bleed and experience pain every time.”

Her face heated once again, and she squirmed in discomfort. Damn, he had noticed. The majority of her friends that she had polled about sex and men had claimed that the vast majority of men would not notice a little thing like breaking her hymen. With her usual luck, she had hooked up with one of the small percentage who took note of details. Mind you, she had screamed in pain, cried and tried to push him off of her, perhaps that had tipped him off.

“I need to clean up.” She struggled to rise from the bed, and he easily kept her pinned to the sheets.

“Are you sure that you were not a virgin?” He seemed to want confirmation for some reason.

“Positive, you were just a little too large for me that first time. Dhemons are built slightly different than Terrans.” Her face was completely expressionless. She hoped that he fell for it. His being obligated to her because he had taken her innocence was not something she wanted to encourage. From what Etion had told her, premarital relations with a virgin was frowned 51

Viola Grace

upon on Dhema, and usually resulted in a sudden marriage.

“Well, then we’ll just have to try again.” His lips began to taunt hers as his fingers stroked between her thighs and slid into her. She arched at his penetration, partially in response to the heat he had begun to generate once again, and partially due to the raw soreness that flared at the contact.

When the liquid heat had begun to flow from her once again he moved between her thighs and pushed the angry head of his cock into her depths, parting her and making a haven for itself inside.

The pleasure soon drove off the pain, and she moaned and arched against him as his fingers stroked her clit in time to his thrusts. Time passed, he drove her higher than she had imagined she could go. The coil of arousal had wound to an unbearable tension. Her head rocked from side to side as she fought to escape the pleasure as he drove within her. She seemed unable to reach a climax and was almost weeping in frustration.

There was a sheen of sweat on Kassil’s flesh, his skin glowing with his exertions, a cruel and distant look on his face as he plunged and rocked into her. His head dipped suddenly and his teeth found the side of her neck again, this time breaking the skin, as the hard thrust of his cock caused her spine to bow and lift her from the bed.

She squealed. It was not a noise she had ever 52

Deal with a Dhemon

heard from her own throat. With that sudden move, her climax dropped upon her, shaking every muscle to the core, leaving her limp with the pulsing of her release flowing through her.

He snarled and began to shake with tension, and his shaft spurted it’s contents into her as his own climax was once again triggered by hers.

He fell to the bed beside her, cuddled her against him and was sleeping in a matter of moments. Samantha was not far behind.


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