Terran Times 02 - Deal with a Dhemon

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Champions of Terra

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Champions of Terra - Deal

with a Dhemon


Viola Grace

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Champions of Terra - Deal with a Dhemon Copyright © 2006 Viola Grace SERIES ISBN: 1-55410-732-6

Cover art by Angela Waters

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I would like to thank Barb for reading
everything I shoved at her, and being honest
about it. And Silas, without whom writing
would not be possible.

Chapter 1

he ship coming in is loaded with Rranik

“Twarriors. You’re going to have your hands full tonight, Sam.” Moran was cheerful as he watched his friend getting ready for her evening at the Nodak Space Station brothel. Samantha Vorning was a dancer and entertainer of earth extraction. Holograms of her performances were making the station famous and making her quite wealthy.

“Aw, man. I hate the Rranik laments. Do they have any other requests?” She tucked her auburn hair behind one delicately pointed ear and put in an earring. She eyed the effect in the mirror, then removed it and selected another.

“The Warrior Laments, as well as any other songs you choose. As long as the laments are first.” Moran averted his eyes quickly as she dropped her clothing in a heap and began to sort through her costumes. Her naked body gleamed in the dim light of the dressing room, her hunter tattoo visible on her thigh, the trident dagger 1

Viola Grace

picked out in vibrant metallic hues.

“Stars Sam! Could you warn me before you do that?” His face turned a funny shade of silvery purple as a flush came over him.

“Do what? Oh the clothes. Sorry. I forgot.” She reached out and threw a caftan over her golden skin. “You do know that Adal doesn’t care if you see me naked. She knows that we’ve been friends for years.”

“Yes, she knows that. And I know that, but you’re still an attractive female. I can’t help basic responses.”

“Yeah, but we were trapped on that mining station for months, you saw all that there was to see. It’s all old territory to you. Plus, we aren‘t even sexually compatible.” She winked at her friend of three years and then continued her search. “Moran, have you seen the costume armor that the M’dil ambassador sent me? Ah, here it is.”

She held up the armored breast plate and grinned.

“Perfect. I may insult every Rranik there tonight, or it will be one helluva show.”

She turned her back to Moran, stepped into a gauzy skirt, and tugged it up to her waist. “Can you get Adal in here to help me with my hair?”

She shed the caftan again and put a cropped top on to pad her from the armor.

“Look how fast I go.” Moran bowed to her and left the room with Sam struggling in the confines 2

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