Terran Times 02 - Deal with a Dhemon (5 page)

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Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Champions of Terra

BOOK: Terran Times 02 - Deal with a Dhemon
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Viola Grace

signal to the Alliance satellite. From there it was sent from relay to relay at a speed she couldn’t even imagine. In three minutes, the connection was made on a secure channel and the face plate was back in the screen.

“Samantha, you have no idea how happy I am to see you.” The voice was flat and mechanical.

The sentiment was not.

“Thanks Tyrell, I am happy to see you too.”

“Based on your pallor, I think you know why I called.”

“I have a good idea.”

“Trackers have been deployed. Apparently one of your many fans obtained a DNA sample from one of your costumes and leaked the information to the arena cartel. They’ve put a substantial price on your head. Dead or alive, preferably dead.”

Tyrell stopped for a moment to let the information sink in to Samantha’s head.

“Your involvement in tracking Kyra Dannick and pointing the Alliance to the Arena Station has been exposed. That’s the reason your physical appearance was altered. To hide you. Your public appearances have now made you a target.”

The faceplate did not offer any indication of amusement. “I’m sorry. I never meant to put myself in danger after all the trouble you went to.

I love the changes in my body. I especially like the fangs, oohh, and the pointy ears. I love the pointy 10

Deal with a Dhemon

ears.” Her grin was infectious, the fangs flashing in the reflection of the screen, but the mask facing her was unmoved.

“We have to get you somewhere safe, Sam. I have contacted a number of worlds, and found one willing to take you. There are certain strictures in your behavior that will be necessary, but nothing to onerous. The rep from this world will contact you tomorrow. Be ready to leave immediately.”

“Where are you sending me Tyrell? C’mon, I need to know.” Samantha’s voice was plaintive.

“That is all I can tell you. Take care Sam, I miss you and want you to be safe. Transmission out.”

The screen went black.

She sat in silence for the better part of an hour, then stood up and looked around her rooms.

“Well hell, I had better pack.”


Viola Grace

Chapter 3

he next morning, only a few hours later Tactually as she had been in medical for most of the day, she briefed her friends on her travel plans. They were accepting, but concerned. Moran promised to stay by her side until the contact was made and she was escorted from the station. He assigned himself as her bodyguard, and Adal agreed.

Adal recommended a few items she might like to take with her, as well as copies of her performances on holo disk.

“They’re what started all this trouble, but what the heck.” She accepted the disks and returned to her room with Moran escorting her, his eyes alert and his body tense.

She had not been expecting another attack so soon, but Moran had. As two attackers came at them in a frontal assault, one snuck up behind Sam and tried to use a gas canister to knock her out.


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