Testing Fate (19 page)

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Authors: Belinda Boring

BOOK: Testing Fate
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“Well, it looks like I was right to trust my instincts.” My mother’s words brought my attention back to her. “I’m glad I brought Mikey and Helen.”

“Who are they?” I asked, confused. My mother’s face broke out into a sly smile.

“Mikey is an absolute godsend when it comes to doing nails and Helen has been my personal hair stylist for years. When I heard what you’d gone through the past while, I knew you’d need some pampering.”

I wasn’t quick enough to bite my tongue. “Honestly, I don’t need anything fancy. I was just going to have April help me with my hair.”

The horrified look on my mother’s face was priceless. “Over my dead body. This is your special day and I want my daughter to look like a princess.” She pointed her finger at me when I started protesting. “You’ll indulge me on this, Darcy. It’s the least you can do after keeping your poor mother in the dark. Now finish your breakfast while I go get them from the other room.”

“Yes, Mom.” I looked over at my abandoned food. Suddenly I wasn’t so hungry anymore.



Chapter Nineteen


Staring down at my nails, I had to admit I loved how they were turning out. The young Vietnamese guy, introduced as Mikey, was busy shaping the French tips he’d applied, the filing stick expertly whipping back and forth. I was surprised at how effortless he made it all seem, certain at any moment he’d slip while he bantered back and forth with my mother. It was clear they were good friends and I relaxed a little.

There was something familiar about Mikey, supernatural, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. He didn’t bear any of the tell-tale signs that he was a vampire and I knew he wasn’t a werewolf because his scent wasn’t the same. There was a subtle magical energy emanating from him, an old power that contradicted his youthful appearance. The more I tried to discretely watch him and discern the truth, the more confused I became.

“Have you determined what I am yet?” Mikey laughed, winking at me before returning his focus back to my nails.

“I …” I stammered, embarrassed that I hadn’t been as stealthy as I thought I was. My face heated. I felt like I’d gotten caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

“I’ve been around for a very long time. I’m used to all kinds of stares.”  The scratching of the nail file paused for a moment while he examined my hands, checking to see if any more work was needed. “Give me your best guess. Let’s see how close you are.”

He came to a complete stop now and I peered into his eyes. Again familiarity struck me and this time I caught a hint of wildness.

“I don’t know; but I’m going to go with some kind of shifter.” My answer came out unsure, more like a question than a statement of fact. “I don’t think you’re a shifter that I’ve ever met before, though.”

Mikey let out a loud bellow, the sound filling my room. “A shifter! Your daughter has a keen sense of discernment, Lynn. Not many people ever get that close to the truth on the first try.”

My mother smiled, looking up from the magazine she’d brought with her. “Of course she does, she’s my daughter isn’t she?”

“If I remember right, it took you a few visits with me before you figured it out.” He laughed and my mother rolled her eyes, returning her focus to whatever she was reading.

“So, what kind of shifter?” It was obvious he wasn’t ready to divulge his identity yet. Gesturing for me to go wash my hands, I left the makeshift work station, mulling it over as I walked. “Well, you’re not werewolf and I’ve met a bear shifter before. You don’t have the same scent, but I saw the same kind of feral wildness in your eyes that I see in pack members. That’s why I guessed.” I came to sit back down, placing my dried hands before him. “You’re going to have to tell me, because we could be here forever and I got places to be later—boyfriends to marry and all.” I winked at him this time.

“Then as a wedding gift to you, let me introduce you to the only dragon shifter you’re likely to meet in your lifetime.” He quickly stood and bowed, adding a flourish of his hands for extra theatrics.

“A dragon?” I couldn’t keep the wonder from my voice. There was a mythical creature in my bedroom, one of power, wisdom, and legend. I wanted to call Mason so he could come and meet him too.

“In the flesh. I was once a koi, one of many fish who swam together. Through the grace of the gods, I was turned into a dragon many centuries ago. I have lived in this form ever since; exploring the vastness of the earth, seeking out knowledge, and experiencing all that life has to offer.”

“And you chose to be a nail technician?” I asked, amazed.

“Of course, one of the things I hunger for most is to understand what makes people who they are; their secrets, their desires, what they value most. What better way than while I paint their nails?” Mikey picked up a bottle of clear coat and began banging it against the heel of his palm. “You’d be surprised at all the gossip I hear.”

“I thought dragons loved solitude. And guarding their treasure.”

“Oh Darcy, I see you’ve heard about my kind. It’s true. Traditionally, that is what we like. It’s instinctual, but I’m somewhat of a black sheep. I guard a different kind of treasure, even though I do enjoy collecting the odd shiny thing and sparkling gem.” Mikey smiled, coating my nails with polish.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” My brain whirled over everything I’d read and what I’d seen in just the short time we spent together today. It was a humbling reminder that just when I thought I understood the world around me, something would surface and surprise me.

“So, are you nervous?” he asked, releasing my right hand, so he could work on the left.  A brief silence had fallen over us, giving me a chance to study my new friend better. His short, black Mohawk and the diamond piercing in his ear gave him a modern look and I wondered how Mason would look with his hair styled the same way. I loved how sexy Mason looked when it was all tousled, the ends sticking up, so it wouldn’t be too different for him.

“Don’t tell me you’re daydreaming? About what, hmmm?” He laughed again, the sound infectious, and his eyes twinkled with blatant meaning. He tapped the back of my hand with his fingers, stopping my musings.

“I don’t know what you mean.” I blushed. His reply was a knowing, “Uh huh”
I knew exactly what he was hinting at, but the last thing I wanted was a birds and bees talk with my mother and father in the room. “I love how you added the thin line of silver to my nails.”

“Don’t try to change the topic. Today is a special day, and tonight.”

There was a thunk by where my father was sitting. He’d dropped his book and after picking it back up, buried his face into it with a cough. I didn’t quite catch what he’d murmured under his breath, but odds were he was just as uncomfortable as I was. It was a shame my mother wasn’t, however.

“That’s right. I think it’s time we have the talk.” She put down her magazine and came over by me. “We’ve always stressed how vital it was for you to be a virgin and we’ve neglected talking about sex.”

“Mom!” I was absolutely mortified and wanted to strangle Mikey, who didn’t even bother trying to hide his amusement. With a mischievous grin, he sat back to watch it all unfold.

“No need to be embarrassed, sweetheart. These things happen. What’s important is that you’re prepared.” She had the gall to lean in like we were two conspirators. “I know it sounds scary, but you may even enjoy it.”

“Ugh, can you please stop! I may be a virgin, but trust me; I’m not deaf or stupid. I’ve heard others talk about it and I do watch movies and read. I’ve known for quite a long time all about it.” I couldn’t even bring myself to say the word “sex” with her sitting there staring at me, all knowing. Parents and sex just didn’t mix.

“I’m sure you know all about human sex.” I groaned when she said the S word again. “But do you know about how it is with werewolves?”

I wasn’t the only one making noises now. Peering around her at my father, I was mentally laying bets about when he’d remove himself from the room.

“Oh, I’d love to hear about it, Lynn.” Mikey sounded positively giddy. Blowing gently on my nails, his heated breath leaving behind a light coating of glitter, giving it a final touch. Mouthing for me not to move and let them dry, he smiled at my mother. “Is it any different?”

“Well, the mechanics are all the same. What I mean is the mating ritual. It’s two parts—the first being what Vivien will conduct tonight with everyone as witnesses and the second . . .”

“Please, tell me there are no witnesses for that.” I cringed.

“No. That’s just between you and Mason. You and him will . . . oh, for goodness sakes, quit looking like you want the floor to swallow you, Darcy. It’s nature.”

“And you’re my
.” I reminded her.

“I second that, Lynn.” my father added.

“Fine. Just know to complete your mating, both you and Mason will need to bite each other and draw blood.”

I stared at her, waiting for her to continue. This last piece of information I’d heard whisperings about, but I hadn’t really talked about it. Now that I was interested, she sat there tight lipped.

“When do I bite him? Does it matter?” The idea of Mason sinking his teeth into my skin during the most intimate moment of our relationship set a hot flush through my body. It sounded painful and erotic. “Is it like a big bite or a nip? Where do I bite him?”

My mother cocked her eyebrow at my last query. “That’s between you and Mason. Your father and I bit . . .”

“Lynn,” My father warned.

“The essential part is timing. It needs to happen,” she paused, making sure she had everyone’s attention, “when you both orgasm.”

“And that’s my cue.” My father stood, almost tripping over his feet in his haste, and quickly moved to the door. “I’m going to go get dressed and leave you to all this. It’s getting close to time, so I’ll be back to walk you down the aisle.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him flustered,” I commented, staring at the closing door as he escaped. Staring over at April, wondering how she was faring with the conversation, she also looked relieved that it was over.

“It’s time for your hair and dress. Only an hour to go.”

Nerves erupted in my stomach and I nodded. With the conversation postponed, preparations for tonight continued, every minute ticking by bringing me closer to my greatest desire.




I was speechless and for once, so was my mother.

Staring at my reflection in the full length mirror, it was hard to believe it was me peering back. I’d always seen myself a certain way; kind of average, neither ugly nor spectacularly beautiful. There were no words for how I looked now. The dress was stunning.

After Helen worked her wonders on my hair, I could instantly tell the style she chose was not only flattering, but perfect. My long brown hair was loosely pulled back into a low bun with two thick tendrils shaped to conform to the shape of my face. It looked elegant when coupled with the diamond hair pin my mother presented me, telling me it was my something old. She’d worn it on her wedding day, as did her mother and so on, going back countless generations.

Next came the dress that I’d chosen the night before with Harmony. Following Mason’s orders, she’d brought a number of different styled gowns to the house; hoping one of them would draw my attention and fascination like the original. I’d felt like a princess in that first one, the sparkles and beading all part of the illusion. She’d seen the longing I’d had each time I’d come into her boutique to try it on. After exchanging small talk and trying on assorted finery last night, Harmony had confided in me that she feared that nothing she sold would please me like the first one had.

I’d held that same worry. Eyeing the five or six hanging garment bags, I prayed that one of them would at least be decent enough to wear. At this stage, all I wanted was to marry Mason. I’d have done it in a potato sack if that’s what it took. The need for the perfect dress had disappeared the second I saw Amber wearing it in the cabin, her obsession with my future mate pushing her over the edge of insanity. A dress like that was for a once in a lifetime event. She had stolen that from me.

That’s what made this all like a dream. Carefully running my fingers over the soft white bodice, I still held the same wonder at finding this gown.  From the moment I saw it, I couldn’t stop looking at it. It was a simple design, the main body strapless, cinching my waist slightly before dropping straight down to the floor. An intricate flower design had been added to the fabric, with sequins added to the petals that glittered and sparkled under the light. White sheer gossamer was then wrapped around the waist band and over my shoulders as fine straps. It was breathtaking.

“You look beautiful, Darcy,” my mother croaked, unable to keep the thick emotion from her voice. She dabbed her eyes with a tissue before blowing her nose. “I can’t tell you long I’ve waited for this day. I’m so proud of you.”

Giving her a quick hug, I squeezed her hand before looking back into the mirror. Helen stepped up behind me and added the long veil to the back of my hair. I was finally ready. The only thing left to do was to slip on my shoes and get married.

There was a commotion at the door resulting with April adamantly holding it closed to whoever was outside. She was dressed up in her bridesmaid finery as well. I tried not to laugh as her features kept alternating between looking stern and laughing.

“You can’t come in and give it to her,” she spoke through the thin crack. “Yes, I will. Just no monkey business, okay? You know, tradition says you can’t see her before the wedding. No, I don’t care that you’re the Alpha and I have to listen. This takes precedence.”

Mason. She was trying to reason with an impatient wolf and I chuckled as I watched her step back a little, take something from his hand, and then slam the door closed. There was a bang on the door that caused her to jump, followed by a throaty laugh.

“He’s just messing with you, April. Trust me. His bark is worse than his bite.” She turned around and I was curious to see what he’d given her.

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