Testing Fate (25 page)

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Authors: Belinda Boring

BOOK: Testing Fate
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“Take down your hair.” His voice was gruff. I watched as his hands clenched and unclenched. He was also walking a thin line, judging by the tautness in his muscles and way his own body was reacting. Knowing I was the cause of him slowly unraveling empowered me, made me want to draw out the tension a little longer.

Slowly, making sure he never took his eyes from me; I unclipped the diamond studded pin. My brown hair tumbled down, falling in soft curls below my shoulder blades. It felt good to have it loose again, and I swayed my head back and forth, running both hands through my hair until I was satisfied.

“Like this?” I asked, my hands resting now on my hips. Mason answered with a brusque nod. I liked the conflicted look in his eyes, liked seeing his control warring beneath the surface. I wanted him to snap. I wanted to see how far I could push him.

I slid my finger under my right bra strap, testing its resistance. My arm brushed against my chest and, without being told, I let the strap fall down the side of my arm. Staring back at Mason, I knew this now exposed the top of my breast. Brushing my finger over my white skin, I was careful that nothing else showed. Having his full attention, I repeat the same thing on the left side and stood still for a moment before reaching around and unclasping my bra altogether.

The laced piece of clothing hit the ground, joining my dress, and the room suddenly felt as though all the air had been sucked from it. Mason gasped . . . groaned . . . growled . . . some animalistic noise signaling his approval. My hands slid across my chest, down over my stomach and rested just above the thin lace of my panties. I stopped, no one moving, and that’s when he snapped.

“Mine,” he exclaimed, crossing the distance, and dropping to his knees as he brought his face to my abdomen. “Mine.” He repeated his claim over and over in between deep breaths, scenting my skin. His hands gripped my hips, his fingers adding just the right amount of pressure, as I tried not to squirm under his hold. His breath blew against my skin, awakening each nerve ending and when his tongue began tasting, my knees almost caved beneath me.

“Then take it.” I urged, placing my hands back in his hair and clenching, tilting his head to look up at me. “Please.”

A seductive smile slowly spread over his face before he leaned back in and nipped at my stomach. “You don’t like slow?”

“No,” I answered. “Mason, it’s too much. I need . . .” I couldn’t find the right word. “I need . . . you.” I was shocked at just how sexy I sounded.

“Patience, sweetheart. There are a few more places I want to explore . . . taste.” His nose nudged my belly button at the same time his hands moved my right leg over a fraction. “So much new skin to sample. To mark.”

I was grateful he was helping me keep my balance because as he passed over my underwear, the brush of his face maddening in a way I’d never experienced. I was ready to crumple. My body screamed for him to stop where he’d been, to linger, but Mason had another destination in mind. Lowering his hands, his fingers clasped my thighs and his mouth followed. I moaned out loud as he took my sensitive skin and began nibbling. Between his teeth and the constant swirl of his tongue, I prayed I would survive.

Just when I thought I couldn’t withstand the blinding torture of those bites, Mason stopped, trailing more kisses down my leg. Coming to my high heels, he quickly unbuckled them, slipping them off. All I wore now were my panties and he was still painfully overdressed.

Still on his knees, Mason peered up at me with a new expression, one of reverence and worship. “You are so beautiful.” Those masterful hands, that had all but set me on fire with need, now shook. He touched me with such care, as though I was made of glass. “You are so perfect.” His hands rested at my hips again. “Let me make love to you.”

I nodded, stepping back only so he could stand. We moved quickly now, my fingers working furiously to free him of his clothing. The shirt was first to go, my hands pausing long enough for me to offer my own growl of approval at his well-defined abdomen and chest. I wanted to do a little tasting of my own, but we were beyond that now. Not being able to explore his body didn’t disappoint me in the least. I knew I had many nights with Mason stretched out before me.

He clasped his hands behind his back, knowing I’d want to undo his belt and remove his pants. What was hidden beneath was no secret to me, but it didn’t stop my mouth from watering when I saw just how ready he was. Kicking off his trousers and shoes, I reveled in the sight of my mate. He was mine—every glorious inch of hardened, well sculpted male. As my gaze trailed up his body, there was no denying I’d never forget this night.

My heart was racing and as I placed my hand over his chest, I could feel his pounding just as fast. “I love you, Mason,” I declared.

We locked eyes, inching back toward the bed before he gently lifted me and placed me amongst the pillows. There was so much emotion boiling between us, through our connection, our body language, and the soft sounds we couldn’t help but make as he joined me on the bed. The moment had finally arrived, our bodies ready to become even closer; and I welcomed his weight when he covered me. He felt right.

“I don’t want to . . .” I covered his mouth with my hand, silencing him.

“You won’t. Don’t think, just be with me.” I wiped my fingers across his brow and smiled up at him. “Right here, right now . . . just us.”

There was a moment where my breath hitched, a flash of pain before a rightness settled in and took over. My spirit soared at just how perfect this union was, my heart overwhelmed by the most intimate act Mason and I had ever done. Repositioning slightly, Mason kissed both my eyes before feathering the softest of touches on my mouth. I want to cry out at how special this was, but all thought fled when he began to move.

Somewhere, somehow, in the midst of the most indescribable pleasure, in the midst of whispering to Mason just how much I loved him, I remembered that we were approaching the second part of the mating ritual. Wave after wave washed over me, my body surging toward a point where I was positive I’d shatter.

Instinct kicked in as both Mason and I cried out, our fangs dropping while Mason rolled us over so I was now lying on top of him. Just as we reached the peak, our bodies straining, I plunged my teeth into Mason’s neck, him doing the same. His blood sizzled on my tongue, infusing me with magic and I convulsed against his chest, calling out his name. My own echoed in the room, Mason’s voice hoarse and I felt all the bones in my body liquefy. The moment was beyond intense and I struggled to catch my breath.

Something inside me expanded, growing tighter and tighter. There was a rush of power that filled me completely, sending my senses spinning in all directions. I felt euphoric and whole. I could feel energy pulsing under my skin and my wolf howled with joy. Our mating was now binding and it had been epic.

“Wow.” I laughed, my heart still racing. “Just wow.” I could barely move.

“Pretty profound, huh?” Mason chuckled. Somehow he’d found enough strength to trace his hand up and down over my sensitive skin.

I let out a deep breath, enjoying how close we were. “I didn’t know it could be so . . .”


“Mind blowing.” I sighed happily. “Is it always . . .”

“Good?” Mason bent his neck slightly so he could kiss my shoulder, tightening his arm around my waist.

“So amazing?”

“Just you wait.” There was a hint of a grin in his voice that had me moving so I could look at him.

“For what?”

“That was just round one.” He gave me no warning before he rolled me over onto my back again, desire in his eyes as his body stirred. Mine eagerly responded and I curled my leg around his hips. “Ready for more?”

“Always, husband. Always.”

“The night is young and I aim to please.” Capturing my mouth in a soul searing kiss, Mason proceeded to show me how dominating and thorough he could be in keeping his promises.

Over and over again.



Chapter Twenty Five


It was early morning, the sun slowing rising when I stretched out my muscles. We’d finally fallen asleep a few hours ago, completely satiated and blissfully content, our bodies still wrapped up in each other.

Shifting my weight, I tried not to wake Mason, who was softly snoring beside me. Certain parts of me ached, but I didn’t complain. I was deliciously sore, memories of our first night together as man and wife still fresh in my mind. My fantasies about how it would be hadn’t even come close to reality, Mason proving he was just attentive in bed as he was out. Touching my lips, I smiled. I was tempted to wake him so we could replay some of the kisses.

Your wish is my command
. Mason’s arm tightened around my waist and he nuzzled into my neck.

Do you think people would notice if we didn’t leave our room for let’s say . . . a week or three?
I tried not to squirm as he found yet another sensitive spot, his day old scruff tickling my skin.

They will; but if they know what’s good for them, they won’t say anything
. His hand rested against my bare stomach, the slight pressure awakening my body.
I say we stay right where we are.
His fingers began moving in a small circle, each swirl going lower and lower.

But, I’m not tired.
Between the kisses at my neck and the magic his hand was now evoking, there was no chance of sleeping. Ever.

Good, because I had a few things I wanted  . . .

I bolted up, my eyes widening with wonder. Not from what Mason had been about to do, but from the realization that had struck me like a lightning bolt.

“We weren’t talking!” I exclaimed, bouncing on the bed, so I could turn and look at him. “We weren’t talking normally. Our connection . . .” I placed my hand on his bare chest as he folded his hands behind his head and grinned.

“Our connection seems to be working perfectly. Crystal clear with no interference.”

“Do you think it’s because we’re mated?” Early morning sex was now pushed aside as my mind attempted to wrap itself around this new revelation. “All this time and now it works.”

“You’re cute when you’re excited.” Mason chuckled. He tried pulling me down on top of him, his plans obviously not cast aside just yet.

“Wait, I want to make sure. Let’s test it.” I made my expression blank and stared hard at him. “Okay, what am I thinking?”

Mason snorted. “I’m not the one stopping us from doing that, Mrs. O’Connor.”

I shook my head, ignoring the warm flush in my cheeks. “You try then.” Mason cocked an eyebrow and when I didn’t say anything, looked me up and down. “I don’t even need our connection to know what’s on your mind. Be serious.” I slapped his chest and he pushed himself up into a sitting position.

“Fine.” He paused for a second and then returned my gaze. “Ready.”

I didn’t even need to try, his thoughts and feelings were right there inside my head, easy to interpret. “I love you, too.”

“Hmmm, this is definitely a good thing. Are you satisfied our connection is fixed?” Mason was already reaching for me again, desire taking over his features.

“Just one more test and I will be.” I bit my bottom lip and cast a sidelong glance at the door. I didn’t say a word, telling him through our mental pathway.

Mason responded just as I wanted. “One glass of cold orange juice coming up.” He slipped out of bed, pulling on his trousers before leaving the room. His hair was all messed up, making him look incredibly sexy and watching the way his muscles flexed when he moved, made me impatient. Just a few more minutes and I’d be certain—leaving the rest of the day for play.

Liked the view, huh?
His voice still came across loud and clear. He continued talking, describing what he saw and which pack members were already up, not bothering to block out his brief conversation with a curious Daniel.

Tell him to mind his own business!
I exclaimed.

Taking advantage of my few moments alone, I lazily entered the bathroom, needing to freshen up and complete my morning routine. There was no hiding the happy reflection that greeted me in the mirror or the way I seemed to shine. Brushing my teeth was easy; my mouth shaped in a constant smile and after tying my hair back in a loose ponytail, all I wanted to do was dance.

Then do it, sweetheart.
Mason’s thoughts revealed he was headed back to our room.

Winking at myself in the mirror, I jumped up and down, moving my arms above my head like I didn’t have a problem in the world. Deciding to throw in a random twirl, I fist bumped the air when I completed it—grinning crazily.

“Wooohoooo!” I cried out, not caring if my exuberance woke others. “I love Mason O’Connor!!”

Power surged from within me, pushing it outward. There was a slight buzzing in my ear before the mirror shattered, tiles exploded, and the shower head shot off the piping. Water sprayed everywhere and I screamed in surprise. Shock and fear flooded my system as all around me the bathroom was reduced to rubble.

“What the hell happened?” Mason shouted, bursting through the door. He skidded to a stop as he caught sight of me—standing in the middle of jagged glass and ceramics, wet from the broken shower. “Darcy?”

I shook my head, bewildered. “I have no idea. I was just goofing around and bam!” I twisted my body around, gesturing to the destruction. “I didn’t do this.”

Mason grabbed one of the towels, laying it out on the ground between me and him.  Once he was sure there was no way I could cut my feet, he helped me bridge the distance, scooping me up in his arms.

“Maybe it was water pressure that made the pipes burst and everything else go crazy.” Thanking Mason as he sat me down on the bed, he handed me my underwear and one of his t-shirts from the drawer. It was his way of saying I was getting dressed enough for someone else to come into the room, but not too dressed so that it wouldn’t take too long to get me naked again.

“I saw through the connection though. The mirror went first, then the tiles, followed last by the shower.” He raked his fingers through his hair, glancing back at the bathroom. “More importantly, I felt you as well. Something happened inside you. Some kind of magic that I think triggered everything.”

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