Texas Rose TH2 (51 page)

Read Texas Rose TH2 Online

Authors: Patricia Rice

Tags: #Historical, #AmerFrntr/Western/Cowboy

BOOK: Texas Rose TH2
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Tyler could feel the effect of her beauty shattering the lump in his middle. Or perhaps it was the eager light in her eyes that jolted his insides alive again. He'd known many beautiful women. None of them had made him feel like this. He wanted to wrap her in his arms, kiss her until she melted, and carry her off into the sunset.

But she didn't necessarily want the same things as he did. Sighing, Tyler refrained from reaching out for her. "Not necessarily. Looks to me like you've got a right cozy little place here." He gave a glance to the far corners of the room, noted another doorway, and strode over to inspect this possible hiding place.

Finding only another empty bedroom, one without the advantage of a mattress, Tyler faced Evie again. She was hastily tugging on her chemise without having toweled herself completely dry. The thin cotton clung to the moisture on her skin, leaving her nearly as naked as if she had not worn it at all. Silhouetted in the fire's light, her lovely figure made a tempting shadow beneath the garment, and Tyler caught his breath as his gaze found the outline of her legs and their juncture.

His fingers instinctively reached for the fastening of his gun belt. Principles flew out the window when confronted with the temptation of Evie in nearly nothing in the absolute privacy of this hideaway. Fear didn't enter those lovely dark eyes of hers as he lowered the belt to the nearest chair.

"Do you have any idea how long it's been since we've been alone together?" Tyler started across the floor toward her.

Evie clutched the open neck of her chemise and stared as Tyler approached. She wasn't prepared for this. Nothing could prepare her for the burning hunger she found in his eyes. Her skin was aflame even before he could reach for her. She felt consumed, reduced to cinders, and incapable of independent motion beneath that stare. A sudden breeze might blow her ashes across the floor, but nothing else would move her from this spot.

But as his hand cupped her elbow, he ignited a flame that restored her and caught her up in its raging glory. Evie slid her arms around Tyler's neck and arched her body against his, and he swept her into an embrace that threatened to consume them both.

Their mouths met and meshed and clung and devoured until they discovered that their starvation could not be satisfied with just this one contact. Evie shivered as Tyler carried her into the darkened bedroom, but she refused to release him after he lay her against the bare mattress. She clung to his shoulders and pulled him down until he was sprawled over her, his heavy weight pushing her back into the feather down.

"My God, Evie, I don't want to rape you. Give me time..."

But her warm hands were already inside his shirt, stroking, touching, making him feel like a warrior god as he jerked his shirt and coat free and started on his trouser buttons. If he didn't release them, they would almost certainly pop open of their own accord.

She was so soft and enticing beneath him. Tyler felt rough and grimy and completely undeserving of the scented silk and warmth of her, but her eager hands pulled at his clothing, and he had no intention of stopping.

He cursed at the tangled confinement of his trousers and his drawers and finally forced himself to sit up and remove his boots and clothing before returning to her. In his absence, Evie had flung off her chemise, and Tyler reveled in his unobstructed access to her breasts. He felt her arch off the bed as he took one nipple in his mouth, and it took all his self-control not to come into her then. He wanted it so bad that he ached.

"Tyler, please, now," she whispered in his ear as her hands rode down his back, their motion giving meaning to her words.

He had wanted to take time, to love her slowly, to show her how he felt, but after a night like this past one, they were both raging out of control. The brush of those soft thighs he had just seen silhouetted in the firelight flamed along his hips as Tyler dipped his tongue one more time into the recesses of her mouth. His hand caressed her breast, and when she gasped and arched into him, he couldn't stop.

Evie gave a wild cry of triumph as Tyler plunged into her, filling her, stretching her, forcing her to follow him in his mad ride as he withdrew only to surge into her again. She didn't think about what she was doing. She only knew she was in Tyler's arms again, that he had come for her, and that she would never let him go. The violent joining of their bodies was testimony to that. Nothing could ever put them asunder again.

She cried out her ecstasy as Tyler delved deeper and carried her with him into regions hitherto unexplored. She was lost now, running through a mindless landscape with only Tyler for guide. And as her body slammed into an unseen mountain, she shattered in his arms, and knew the joy of his echoing shout.

Still throbbing, they lay together afterward, their skins soaked with sweat. Evie had never felt more alive in her life, and she stretched her thighs to wrap around him.

"Lord, Evie." Tyler felt himself stirring again, as if dying and coming back to life once wasn't enough. "We're going to kill each other if we keep this up."

"If this is the way to heaven, then I'll gladly go," she whispered in his ear.

"I don't know if it's heaven or hell where we're headed, but we're getting there fast." Tyler finally summoned the energy to roll over to keep from crushing her, but he pulled her with him, keeping her trapped in a tangle of legs and arms so he could feel her along the length of him.

"I love you," she murmured against his skin.

Tyler pretended not to hear, but his arm tightened around her. "We've got some problems, Evie," he reminded her.

"You came for me." Evie stretched out along his length.

"I have half a mind to paddle your behind for running." Tyler ran his hand down her back to cup that soft part of her anatomy. He could feel the heat build in his loins as he stroked her there. Holding a naked Evie wasn't conducive to logical thought.

"I didn't think I would be much help to you if I was behind bars, too," she reminded him. "And I thought the Hardings might help. I wasn't running away, I was running to."

"The Harding ranch is west, not east. You'd better start learning directions, sweetheart. Hale wasn't taking you to the Double H. He was taking you here."

That brought Evie out of her moonstruck lethargy. She pushed up on her elbow and stared down at him. "Why would he do that? The carriage axle broke. He'd just gone back to get help. He'll be back shortly." At that thought, Evie swung toward the edge of the bed.

Tyler caught her waist and pulled her back. Without any of the restraint that Evie had shown, he closed his mouth over her breast and suckled until she cried out and melted into his arms again. Then he raised his head and kissed her mouth. When she was firmly back in place, he leaned over her.

"I think it would be beneficial to his health if he realized that you're truly my wife. What better way to show him?" he asked tauntingly.

"Tyler!" At this indication of his intention, Evie wriggled beneath him. "If the preacher wasn't really a preacher, I'm not your wife. Besides, that would be embarrassing. Let's get out of here now."

Tyler pinned her shoulders to the pillow and held her still. "You are my wife, and what better place could we go but your father's house? We've not had this much privacy since we married. And he assured me we could have the use of the place for as long as we liked."

"My father's house? This house belongs to my father?" Evie stared up at him.

"I'm certain your Mr. Hale had a reason for choosing this as his headquarters. Why don't we ask him when he returns? In the meantime, what better place could we be? I'm in no hurry to go anywhere. My only concern is that Ben and Daniel and your cousins may blow the whole damned town up while we're gone."

He was distracting her deliberately. Evie knew she shouldn't be here, doing this with him. They weren't really married, and they weren't doing anything to prevent babies. And she didn't really care. That shocked her, but she wasn't fighting it. It felt right to be lying in bed with Tyler practically on top of her. She wanted to see the taut planes of his muscles as the sun rose in the window behind them. She wanted to see his eyes dancing with laughter or darkening with desire. She wrapped one leg around his to keep him from moving.

"I thought I heard something last night. Ben and Daniel made that explosion?" She shouldn't encourage him, but she would.

"That's what it looked like to me, but I didn't stay around long enough to inquire." Tyler brushed a kiss along the side of her mouth when he felt her tense. "Don't worry, they're all in one piece. The town isn't, though. It's got a gully right down the middle."

"Tyler, what are we going to do?"

Reluctantly, Tyler shifted to a less-tempting position. He knew what he wanted to do, but he'd already created enough problems by doing that once already. He would have to proceed at a more logical pace.

He leaned back on his elbows and stared at the dying embers of the fire in the next room. "Why did you have those papers served on me?"

"What papers?" Sitting up, Evie shoved a handful of curls over her shoulder.

That gesture was almost Tyler's undoing. If Evie had eyes at all, she had to see what she was doing to him. There wasn't any way he could hide his body's reaction to her. But she was staring pensively at the fire in the other room and ignoring him. Gritting his teeth, Tyler swung his legs over the opposite side of the bed and searched for his pants.

"The papers ordering me to keep away from you. What did you think I was going to do? Rape you in front of the children?"

Evie smacked his back. "Of course not. I don't know what you're talking about."

Locating his trousers and resisting the relief of that love tap, Tyler got dressed. He hadn't really thought Evie would serve those papers on him. She might smile him into oblivion, but she would never use the courts to keep him away. It was ridiculously comforting to know that if Evie ever decided to tell him to get lost, it would be with lavish smiles and a flurry of lies.

"Hale gave me papers signed by a judge ordering me to keep away from you. I figured if you really wanted to see me, you knew where to find me, but you didn't come. Am I to take it that you don't need me around anymore?"

Evie continued to sit in the middle of the bed, naked, staring at him. "Tyler Monteigne, have you been drinking?"

Tyler ignored the insane surge of hope rushing through him. "Answer the question, Evie. You know who your parents are. I'll give you the rest of the information in Hale's possession. Do you want me to leave so you can be the town belle or whatever it is you want to be?"

Evie wanted to throw something at him. She wondered what Jane Eyre or Elizabeth Bennet might do in this situation, but those ladies would never find themselves in such a fix. She really would have to get her hands on a copy of Fanny Hill.

With a sigh of exasperation and as much dignity as she could muster while naked, Evie raised up on her knees and swung her right hand and struck Tyler as soundly as she could manage across his handsome jaw.




Chapter 39


Tyler staggered backward and held his hand to his cheek. "What in hell was that for?"

"For coming in here and taking me like this if you didn't mean to make me your wife." Growing more furious by the minute, Evie swung her legs over the opposite side of the bed and started for the parlor and the fireplace where her clothes were.

"You are my wife!" Wearing nothing but his trousers, Tyler stalked after her. "You're the one who claims we're not married. Our agreement was for me to get lost when you didn't want me around anymore. I thought from the sounds of it that you'd decided you've got what you want, and that I don't fit in those plans."

Evie spun around and swung for the other side of his face, but Tyler grabbed her hand before she could connect. She jerked her wrist free and picked up her gown, but discovering she had no chemise, she started back toward the bedroom.

Not daring to touch her anywhere else, Tyler grabbed her hair as she passed by. Caught up short, she turned and glared at him.

"Start talking, Evie, or I'll scalp you." Feeling a little more relaxed with the situation, Tyler grinned at the fury on Evie's gorgeous little face. If his assumptions were so wide of the mark that he drew this much wrath, maybe he was better off than he knew.

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