That's a Promise (6 page)

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Authors: Victoria Klahr

Tags: #Romance, #new adult, #Adult contemporary, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: That's a Promise
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My parents called me mid-week and told me that they were coming by the campus and wanted to take me to lunch, and I was excited to see them. I was not, however, excited to explain a date to them. They always said I was a terrible liar. Ever since I was a little girl, I would scratch the side of my nose when I was lying, so I knew that I couldn’t keep it a secret from them. They had the same issue with me dating as Seth did. They were worried that I might get hurt.

Friday finally came after over analyzing every encounter I had with Blake. I felt like a ridiculous love-sick teenager while I waited, but there was no point chastising myself because my subconscious mind was just as much under his spell as my body.

As I was getting ready for the big night, someone knocked on the door. Assuming it was Brooke coming in to critique my look some more, I yelled, “Come in!” I had decided to go casual and wear some shorts that showed off my legs and a blue top that had showed just the right amount of cleavage. Even though I was slender and short, I knew my legs still looked good in shorts. Seth walked in as I was pinning some curls to the top of my head.

“Oh…Hey Seth. What’s up?” I knew that he was probably there to talk me out of the date. Again.

“Just wanted to talk to you before you left.” He touched one of the loose curls that escaped my hairspray raid. “You look beautiful Josie.” He looked a little sad, but I didn’t understand why since he was the one to suggest that we should stop what we had to pursue other people.  

“Careful Seth, you might give off the impression to other girls that you could be looking for something serious,” I joked and backed away from him to put on my tan cowgirl boots.

He smiled and sat on my bed before saying, “Look, Jos, I just want you to be careful tonight. Brooke told me where y’all are going, so I have a better idea of what’s going on. We just haven’t been to a self-defense class in a while, and I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

He got up and walked back over to me and grabbed my face and made my lips pucker out like a fish. “Just don’t do anything stupid, and call me if you need anything! Even if it’s stupid, call me.” He let go and swatted my butt before backing away and heading towards the door.

“I’ll be careful Seth. Love you! Go get some girls to fall all over you tonight!” He laughed, shook his head and walked out the door. I finished my make-up and sent a text to Blake letting him know that I was heading down. I walked outside and saw Blake looking so sexy in his dark designer jeans and a fitted grey t-shirt. The shirt showed off his defined muscles, and I immediately and quickly sent out a request to any goddess of sexual desires to give me the chance to touch those arms.

He strolled up to me, and smiled that big gorgeous smile as he watched me walk to him. He grabbed me, and twirled me around once before wrapping me in his arms. “You are the epitome of beauty, Josie. You ready to go?”

“You better live up to my expectations Mr. Blake Porter, I have heard some rumors that you usually don’t take girls out on dates.” We walked over to his black Lexus and he opened the door for me. My parents would be glad to hear that he had manners.

“Well Miss Josie Sommers, I think I may surprise you.”

As we drove, we talked and laughed about different movies and music. He made it so easy to be around him. Every fear I had about getting out into the real world, about putting myself out there for relationships, he was able to melt away.

We drove in the car for about ten minutes before we pulled up to a building that looked kind of like a night club, but a classy one. The medium sized parking lot was filled, which wasn’t surprising since it was a Friday night. He turned the car off and turned in his seat towards me.

“So, it was about ten minutes away and there is a crowd here, but not enough of a crowd that you would get swallowed in it. Is that good enough?” he asked.

“Yes it’s perfect.” He smiled, and I melted a little more in my seat.

“Good. So, this place is kind of like a jazz club or bar, and every couple of months, they have talent nights when people, usually college students, come in and get their five minutes of fame. They have poetry, music, art, or even magic.”

“Ohh, that sounds like fun! Do you ever go up there?” We got out of the car and he opened my door again to let me out. He gave me his hand and I grabbed onto it, already excited that I got to feel his hand in mine.

“I can only design houses and buildings. So, no, I haven’t gone up there to show some boring blueprints to the crowd. Trust me when I say that you never want me to sing in front of anyone.” I chuckled at his honesty as we walked into the bar. It was very relaxed and peaceful in there, and I was instantly impressed with his taste.

The jazz club, Lantern, was exactly how you would picture a jazz club. The atmosphere was calming and laid back. It had a bar in the back corner, and the walls were lined with draped black and red fabric. The middle was full of round tables with a lantern and a cluster of candles at each one, and there were a few booths against the wall. Everything pointed to a stage at the front where the performances would take place. We went and grabbed a booth towards the back of the room, and settled in for the night.

We had just ordered drinks and an order of cheese fries, when a group of guys came up to the table. Blake got up and said hi to the guys and did one of those manly hand shake things mixed with a one armed hug. He introduced me to his friends, and I recognized one as the guy who helped me get Brooke into his car. I also found out that he was Blake’s little brother.  

“Hey girl,” he said to me after Blake introduced him, “is your hot friend here tonight too?”

I laughed. “Not tonight, but you might be able to catch her at a make-up party with her other friends. They said there was some room for guys.” Brandon was even more handsome than I realized, and I could definitely tell that he and Blake were related. He had longer dark brown hair than Blake, and wore it in a surfer kind of way. He was leaner than Blake’s muscular figure, and he was about an inch shorter than Blake. He had this cute quirky smile with a dimple on one cheek, and I could tell that that smile probably made him really popular with the ladies.

“Yeah, that’s right up Brandon’s alley,” said one of the guys Blake introduced as Dom. He had light brown skin and honey brown eyes. He was also very handsome and his laugh was contagious. Everyone laughed, and I felt like I may have missed something, because Brandon looked pissed.

Blake wrapped his arm around my shoulders and moved his thumb against the side of my neck. It sent a bolt of electricity through my body. I was so affected by him.

“We found Brandon here trying to wipe off some make-up one day,” Blake said with a laugh. His story was getting lost in my inability to comprehend anything but where his hand was touching me. He gently tugged on a loose curl, and it sent a jolt right to my sweet spot.

“Dude, it was the only way I could get Ally to let me fuck her. I could handle a little make-up if it meant hitting a piece of that ass.” Brandon was trying to brag, but the guys only laughed harder at him. I was still focused on Blake’s hand, but I didn’t miss the comment and I had to roll my eyes at him.

“Yeah… or she just knew that you were the most girly looking guy around and took advantage of that.” The guy named Robbie looked at me and continued, “She came out of the closet not long after that,” he said, and everyone started laughing again.

Robbie was also a really cute guy. He had light red hair and had pale skin, but he was so handsome that the hair and skin only enhanced his features. He was really tall, and very well dressed. He had name brand clothes, and wore them very well. Everyone laughed some more, and we talked for a little while longer before Blake told them to get lost so that we could continue our date. I got the impression that picking on Brandon was a theme within the group, but he took it well.

“Sorry about that,” Blake said to me when we were finally alone again.

“No, it’s fine! They were funny. I liked your brother,” I assured him. I actually was relived they were gone, because I was sure that any more contact with Blake would turn me into a boiling puddle.

“Mmmm,” he leaned in towards me and rubbed his nose against my neck before nipping lightly at my ear. “Not too much right?”

Oh my god!
I thought. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest and every girl part on my body started screaming for more attention. I needed more of him, and as I turned my head so that my lips were only a few centimeters from his, the look in his eyes seemed to get darker and heated with the same kind of need. I licked my lips, fully prepared to kiss him and heard a small moan mixed with a slight growl come out of his mouth. We were soon interrupted by the host of the night coming on the microphone and introducing the first act. We stared at each other a moment longer, heat permeating the short distance between us, before we reluctantly broke eye contact and focused our attention on the performances.

The first act showed a short animated video about a dog and cat who went on a mission to save a friend. It was incredible and creative, and I was so impressed with the talent. I could see why Blake went to those talent shows. It really was nice to see other students expressing who they were through their talents, and not being afraid to do it. The fourth act was a guy who dressed up as a woman and it looked like he was going to sing. I instantly felt protective and a little nervous for him. He stood up there with so much confidence, and I smiled even before he started belting out the lyrics to Defying Gravity from “Wicked.” He was so good, and I was lost in the music until I heard someone behind me speaking very loudly.

“Look at this fag! Hey faggot, get off the stage and go suck some dick somewhere else.” Blake and I both turned around and we saw the lewd man standing behind our booth with a bunch of his friends snickering as if he was funny. My blood boiled and my face heated with anger, and even though I noticed Blake starting to get up out of his seat, I raised out of my seat a hell of a lot quicker than he did.

“Those people shouldn’t be allowed in public; it’s fucking disgusting. They should all be put down” the man continued with his hateful words. He never saw me coming. I shoved him back and yelled in his face.

“Shut the fuck up before I smash your jaw shut and you can’t talk ever again.” He just laughed at me. Big mistake. I threw my arm back, and punched him as hard as I could in his ugly, disgusting mouth. The corner of his mouth bled and my hand hurt, but I still pulled back for another punch. Before I could make contact with his face, a hand grabbed me.

Blake held me back as I yelled at the guy, “How dare you criticize someone for being who they are! Who are you? People like
are the ones who are disgusting!” The man started to move towards me, so Blake pulled me behind him.

“I would stop right there, because if you put one finger on my girl, you will not just be bleeding at your mouth. That’s a fucking promise. I suggest you leave before I get the manager, who happens to be a family friend, and make sure that you never set foot in another bar ever again.”  I didn’t even have time to relish in the thrill it gave me to hear Blake call me his girl, because things got too intense.

“You think I’m scared of you or your ugly Mexican girl-?” the man hissed in Blake’s face, before Blake’s fist connected with his jaw rendering him unable to speak.
Mexican… Really?
Blake stepped up to the guy, towering over him in dominance and height.

“I think you’re scared of going back to jail for violating your parole, Eddie,” Blake said in a scary soft tone. Clearly he knew this guy, and knew exactly how to make sure he left the singer and us alone.   I was still livid, and I kind of hoped that Blake would kick his ass some more, because I wasn’t quite finished with the guy.

The man huffed, but the threat of having the police involved must have scared him, because with one last evil glare at me, he and his friends left the bar. The singer finished his song, none the wiser, and the crowd applauded his performance. Blake turned around and looked at me, his dark brown eyes filled with a mixture of emotions. They flashed between anger and heat before he grabbed my hand and took me towards the back entrance.


Chapter 5


When we got outside, Blake grabbed me and led me towards the wall where he put both hands next to my head. He was breathing pretty hard, and for a moment he and I didn’t say anything. Our breaths combined as if they were not coming from any one of us, as if we were one breathing being. He moved his hand to my face and held on to me firmly.

“That was so stupid and reckless,” he said, anger and awe lacing his tone.

He moved his fingers to my trace my lips softly, and moved his other hand to the bottom of my back. His fingers grazed over the skin between my shirt and shorts making me get goose bumps again from just a simple touch. It felt like I had been shocked and then reawakened with raw passion. With a gentle strength from his arms, he pulled my hips right into his.

“It was also the sexiest fucking thing I have ever seen,” he ground out deeply.

He finally crushed his lips against mine, and I moaned at the ferocity of the moment. I moved my arms to wrap around his neck and moved my chest to his so that we were as close together as we could be. He started the kiss by licking my lips and then sucking my bottom one into his mouth. The light touch of his tongue gave me a miniscule inclination of what it would feel like to have more of that tongue teasing me, and I wanted more. I opened my mouth so he could kiss me deeper, and he acquiesced enthusiastically. He moved his tongue against mine, and I was relieved that he tasted so good, because it would have really sucked if he didn’t.

He grabbed the back of my head and put his other hand back on the wall so that he could grind his hips even harder against mine. I could feel how much he wanted me, and I could feel myself getting wet with desire for him. With every lick of his tongue against mine, I could picture that same pressure against other parts of my body.

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