The 20/20 Diet (24 page)

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Authors: Phil McGraw

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Diet & Nutrition, #Diets, #Weight Loss

BOOK: The 20/20 Diet
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ything by the book, you’re conducting yourself and your life in

such a way that the only logical outcome is weight loss, but the scale

continues to tell a very different story, you feel frustrated, defeated, confused, and downright ticked off.

The Ultimate Weight Solution
, I discussed the concept of weight loss resistance. Back then it was a very new notion, and not one that


was widely accepted. Since then, doctors and weight loss experts have

conducted more studies on weight loss resistance. It is real, it is recognized by weight loss professionals, and they now have a much better

understanding of weight loss resistance and its various root causes.

So, if you’ve been putting in the hard work that’s necessary for

years but your weight loss attempts have just felt like an endless series of banging your head against the same wall, hear me now

. You’re

crazy. Weight loss resistance is a description for an entire category of people who, due to certain physiological imbalances, are unable to lose

fat through traditional methods of healthy diet and regular exercise.

The causes range from thyroid malfunction to hormone imbal-

ance, sleep deprivation to food intolerances or digestive imbalance,

and more. Because there are many potential sources of the problem,

there isn’t a one-size-fits-all treatment that works for all weight loss resistant individuals. The key is to uncover your own, specific chemical imbalance or physiological “glitch”

so that your doctor can target

it with a treatment plan tailored to you. Until you talk to your doctor, you cannot be sure what plan is best for you, including if the plan in

this book would help you lose weight. And thanks to all the research

conducted on the subject in recent years, doctors are armed with more

methods for you to manage and treat the core of your problem than

ever before.

As I revealed earlier in this book, I identify with what you’ve been

going through on a very personal level. Having been an athlete for

my entire life, it w

as more than a little alarming when I found, a few

years ago, that I was struggling to maintain my target, healthy weight.

I was moving in what felt like slow motion across the tennis court in

my afternoon games and feeling winded far too easily. The subtle signs

started to add up, and despite my efforts to push myself harder phys-

ically and becoming hyperaware of my food intake, my body simply



d, “Sorry, buddy, but you’re wasting your time here. Something is

off.” So I pursued the medical experts for answers.

It turned out that I have metabolic syndrome, a genetic disposition

that was transmitted to me from my father. The tests revealed that my

triglycerides were sky high, as was my blood sugar, and to top it all

152 | The 20/20 Diet

off, I had insulin resistance, so I was not processing sugar properly. My body was just hanging on to absolutely everything I put in it and not

letting go. I simply wasn’t configured for weight loss.

The good news for me, and for you if you fit the bill, is that all

of this is manageable with the right nutritional and medical plan. I

got started right away working with my doctors to get my blood sug-

ars stabilized and bring everything back into proper bal

ance so my

body would start releasing the weight again. But this experience was

about much more than just my weight. I shudder to think where I

might be now had I not jumped right on this problem, because I was

unwittingly on the road to some devastating illnesses, including heart

disease. Now that I’ve learned, with the help of my doctor, how to

manage my body chemistry, my weight has remained in a safe range

and I am healthier overall. The very same can happen for you if you

talk to your doctor.

I really want you to get this: You a

re not destined to be overweight

or obese just because you got a raw deal in the metabolic or biochem-

ical department. You do not have to feel trapped in your body any-

more. I know you’d do anything to get out of the quicksand and onto

dry land and win back control over your weight. I’m extending you a

helping hand, so read carefully because it’s more than just your weight

we’re talking about now. It’s your life.

Identifying Signs of Weight Loss Resistance

If all of this is res

onating with you and you have serious concerns that

there could be a physiological cause for your inability to lose weight,

then the first order of business is to closely examine your symptoms so

that you can present them to your physician.

To get you started on your internal inspection, here is a list of


e common symptoms to discuss with your medical professional

because they might indicate weight loss resistance. But, just remember

this is not an exhaustive list and if you are experiencing any physical

issues that you are worried about, you should bring them to your doc-

tor’s attention.

Are You Resistant to Weight Loss? | 153

 Do you find yourself unable to lose weight, despite closely

following a healthy eating plan and exercise program?

 Has your physician diagnosed you with or medicated you for

three or more of these conditions: high triglycerides (150 or

higher), low HDL cholesterol (less than 50), high blood pres-

sure, or elevated blood sugar?

 Do you experience gastrointestinal symptoms such as d


constipation, acid reflux, nausea, vomiting, or bloating two times

or more per month? Or, do you notice any of these digestive

symptoms or headaches after eating wheat, dairy, soy, eggs, or nut


 Is your natural waist measurement (the area 1 inch above your

belly button) 35 inches or more if you’re a woman, or 40 inches

or more if you are a man?

 Have you recently been experienc

ing disruptive sleep patterns

such as waking up often during the night or finding it difficult

to fall asleep, or do you sleep six or fewer hours most nights of

the week?

 Are you feeling any of these symptoms: increased sensitivity

to cold, drastic changes in your body temperature, thinning

hair, excessively dry skin, hoarseness, memory loss, or difficulty


 Have you rec

ently been under chronic (ongoing) stress in your

life? The kind of stress that you cannot seem to resolve? Take a

moment here to measure your stress level on a scale from 1 to 5,

with 5 being the highest level of stress and 1 being the lowest. Is

your stress level 3 or higher?


Are you on any of these medications: antidepressants, diabetes

medications, steroids, blood pressure medications, antiseizure

drugs, sleeping pil s, birth control, or any form of hormone

replacement therapy (HRT)?

 Do you use or abuse il icit drugs or abuse prescription medica-

tions that have not been prescribed to you?

154 | The 20/20 Diet

 Women only: Have you been told by a doctor that you are

menopausal or perimenopausal, or have you ever been diagnosed

with polycystic ovary syndrome? Or are you often experienc-

ing two or more of these symptoms: hot flashes, mood swings,

tender breasts, vaginal dryness, excessive sweating, or changes in


You cannot know with certainty if you fall into thi

s weight loss

resistance category without a medical evaluation because everyone’s

body chemistry is different. There are specific tests that can give your doctor the data needed to properly diagnose you and create a treatment plan, but the idea is to be an informed patient by asking the

right questions and providing the right information when you visit

your doctor.

Col ecting Data

When I visited the doctor with my i

nitial concerns, I didn’t just plop

down on the exam table and say, “Hey Doc, I can’t lose weight. Fix

me.” Instead, I did my homework and provided my doctor with the

whole picture. No one knows my body better than me, and no one

knows yours better than you. So, be your own advocate by telling your

physician the whole story.

Your whole story includes any of the symptoms above, any other

symptoms you ar

e concerned about, as well as a complete list of all the

vitamins, supplements, and medications you’re taking because they

could affect the way your body functions or the way it stores food. They might not seem significant to you, but your doctor could very well spot

something on your list that’s a potential culprit.

You should also bring a food journal like the one you filled out

in c

hapter 3, or at least a list of foods you’ve been eating often or

any new foods you’ve recently started eating. This may tip off your

doctor to any food sensitivities or contraindications of certain foods

with certain medications. You might have developed (or always had)

a dairy intolerance, for example, and the simple act of removing dairy

products from your life could help you get rid of bloating. Include in

Are You Resistant to Weight Loss? | 155

Checklist: What to Share with Your Doctor

Symptom List:

 Anything from the list we just discussed

 Other symptoms, even if you don’t
they relate to

weight loss

Medication/Supplement List:

 Prescription medications (and dosages)

 Over-the-counter medications you often take (and d


 Vitamins, minerals, and supplements

 Herbs (and dosages)

 Illicit drugs or medical marijuana

Food/Drink Journal:

 Foods and drinks (including al

cohol) you commonly


 Any new foods or drinks you’ve recently added

Exercise Pattern:

 Amount and type of physical activity you’re getting in a week

Chronic Stress:

 Any new or ongoing causes of stress

Sleep Patterns:

 Amount and quality of sleep you’re getting every night

this list your curre

nt alcohol intake, even if it’s just a glass of wine in

the evenings, because that can play a role. And if you are using medic-

inal marijuana or illicit drugs, you need to be honest with your doctor


t that too. Everything you’re consuming could be an important

clue in your weight loss mystery.

Another critical factor you need to share with your physician is

your current activity level. If you used to be a three times per week

gym-goer, but in the last few months you’ve called a cease-fire on

all exercise because you can barely drag yourself up a flight of stairs, 156 | The 20/20 Diet

much less work out, that’s significant. Or if you’ve amped up your

exercise to a frenzied pace in a desperate attempt to move the needle

on the scale, that’s important too.

Chronic stress can have a substantial effect on your biochemis-

try and is definitely something to discuss with your physician. Stress

comes in many forms, but it is insidious and it can ravage your organs

and bodily functions. If you’re living each day as thoug

h you’re a rat

in a maze with no exit, there’s no doubt that stress is taking a physical toll. Bring it up so your doctor can inspect you for adrenal fatigue and other physical symptoms of chronic stress.

Sleep is also a key piece to this puzzle. Have you had problems

sleeping lately? Do you take sleeping medications regularly? Are you

hardly ever getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night? Are you

sleeping too much? Tell your doctor if you have experienced any irreg-

ularities in your sleeping patterns. It may help to write down your

sleep pattern for two to three nights i

n a row before you go in.

Now let’s talk in a little more depth about a few common causes of

weight loss resistance and the diagnostic tools used to identify them. I want you to be well informed about these causes, but this information

in no way substitutes for the opinion of your doctor. It is impera-

tive that if you think a medical problem is making it difficult to lose

weight, that you talk to your physician.

Metabolic Syndrome

According to gui

delines set by the American Heart Association, when

you have three or more of the fol owing factors, you have metabolic

syndrome: high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess visceral fat (an accumulation of fat around your belly area), and abnormal cholesterol

levels (such as low HDL or high triglycerides). This puts you in a higher ris

k category for some dangerous il nesses, including type 2 diabetes,

cardiovascular disease, stroke, some cancers, liver disease, and more.

If you think you are in this category, then there are some tests you

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