Read The 5 Love Languages Military Edition: The Secret to Love That Lasts Online
Authors: Gary Chapman,Jocelyn Green
Tags: #Religion, #Christian Life, #Love & Marriage
9. What if I speak my spouse’s love language and they don’t respond?
“My husband would not read the book so I decided to speak his love language and see what would happen. Nothing happened. He didn’t even acknowledge that I did anything differently. How long am I supposed to continue speaking his love language when there is no response?”
I know it can become discouraging when you feel you are investing in the marriage and receiving nothing in return. There are two possible reasons for this. First and most likely, you are speaking the wrong love language. Wives often assume their husband’s love language is Physical Touch. In reality, his primary love language may be Words of Affirmation. Because she feels no love coming from him, she may be verbally critical of him. Her critical words are like daggers to his heart, so he withdraws from her. The problem is not her sincerity; the problem is she is actually speaking the wrong love language.
On the other hand, assuming you are speaking your spouse’s primary love language, there is another reason why they may not be responding positively. If the spouse is already involved in another romantic relationship, either emotionally or sexually, they will often reason that your efforts have come too late. They may even perceive that your efforts are temporary and insincere and you are simply trying to manipulate them to stay in the marriage. Even if your spouse is not involved with someone else, if your relationship has been hostile for a long time, they may still perceive your efforts as being manipulative.
In this situation, the temptation is to give up, to stop speaking their love language because it is not making any difference. The worst thing you can do is to yield to this temptation. If you give up, it will confirm their conclusion that your efforts were designed to manipulate them. The best approach you can take is to continue to speak their love language on a regular basis no matter how they treat you. Set yourself a goal of six months, nine months, or a year. Your attitude is “Whatever their response, I’m going to love them in their love language over the long haul. If they walk away from me, they will walk away from someone who is loving them unconditionally.” This attitude will keep you on a positive road even when you feel discouraged. There is nothing more powerful than to love your spouse even when they are not responding positively. Whatever the ultimate response of your spouse, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you have done everything you could do to restore your marriage. If your spouse eventually chooses to reciprocate your love, you will have demonstrated for yourself the power of unconditional love. And you will reap the benefits of the rebirth of mutual love.
10. Can love be reborn after sexual infidelity?
Nothing devastates marital intimacy more than sexual unfaithfulness. However, this does not mean the marriage is destined for divorce. If the offending party is willing to break off the extramarital involvement and do the hard work of rebuilding the marriage, there can be genuine restoration. In my own counseling, I have seen scores of couples who have experienced healing after sexual infidelity. It involves not only breaking off the extramarital affair but discovering what led to the affair. Success in restoration is a two-pronged approach. First, the offending party must be willing to explore their own personality, beliefs, and lifestyle that led them to the affair. There must be a willingness to change attitudes and behavior patterns. Second, the couple must be willing to take an honest look at the dynamics of their marriage and be open to replacing destructive patterns with positive patterns of integrity and sincerity. Both of these will normally require the help of a professional counselor.
Research indicates the couples who are most likely to survive sexual infidelity are those who receive both individual and marriage counseling. Understanding the five love languages and choosing to speak each other’s language can help create an emotional climate in which the hard work of restoring the marriage can be successful.
ou may think you already know your primary love language. Then again, you may have no clue. The 5 Love Languages Profile will help you know for certain which love language is yours—Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, or Physical Touch.
The profile consists of 30 pairs of statements. You can only pick one statement in each pair as the one that best represents your desire. Read each pair of statements, and then, in the right-hand column, circle the letter that matches up with the statement you choose. It may be tough at times to decide between two statements, but you should only choose one per pair to ensure the most accurate profile results.
Allow at least 15 to 30 minutes to complete the profile. Take it when you are relaxed, and try not to rush through it. Once you’ve made your selections, go back and count the number of times you circled each individual letter. You can list the results in the appropriate spaces at the end of the profile.
Your wife may not do some of these, but if she did, which would you prefer?
1 | I wish my wife would send me a love note (or text or email) for no special reason. | A |
I would like more hugs from my wife. | E | |
2 | I would like to spend more time alone with my wife, just the two of us. | B |
I enjoy working around the house with my wife. | D | |
3 | Receiving special gifts from my wife makes me happy—I wish she would do it more! | C |
One of my favorite things is traveling with my wife. | B | |
4 | I would like my wife to run errands or put gas in my car. | D |
I wish my wife would touch me more. | E | |
5 | I wish my wife would sometimes put her arm around me when we are with others. | E |
Every now and then I’d like to get a surprise gift from my wife. | C | |
6 | I like going places with my wife—even the grocery store! | B |
I like to hold my wife’s hand. | E | |
7 | I value the gifts my wife gives me. | C |
I would love to hear my wife say the actual words “I love you” more often. | A | |
8 | I wish my wife would sit close to me more often. | E |
I feel loved when my wife tells me, “You look good.” | A | |
9 | I wish my wife and I could spend more time together. | B |
Even the smallest gift from my wife is important to me. | C | |
10 | I would love it if my wife could say, “I’m proud of you.” | A |
When my wife cooks a nice meal for me, I feel very loved. | D | |
11 | No matter what we do, I love doing things with my wife. | B |
I wish my wife would say more supportive things to me. | A | |
12 | Little things my wife does for me mean more to me than things she says. | D |
My wife and I need to hug more. | E | |
13 | I would love to hear more praise from my wife. | A |
It means a lot to me when my wife gives me gifts I really like. | C | |
14 | I wish my wife and I could spend more time together. | B |
I would like a back rub from my wife sometimes. | E | |
15 | I wish my wife would be more enthusiastic about something I’ve accomplished. | A |
I wish my wife would help me with tasks, even those she dislikes. | D | |
16 | I never get tired of my wife’s kisses. | E |
I wish my wife would show more interest in things I like to do, even though they might not be her “thing.” | B | |
17 | I would like my wife to work with me on projects. | D |
I wish my wife would get more excited about gifts from me. | C | |
18 | I love it when my wife compliments my appearance. | A |
I wish my wife wouldn’t jump in to criticize my ideas rather than hearing me out. | B | |
19 | I can’t help but touch my wife when she’s close by. | E |
I wish my wife would now and then run errands for me when I’m busy. | D | |
20 | At times, when I’m feeling swamped at work, I wish my wife would see that and do more around the house. | D |
If my wife gives me a gift, I would like her to put thought into choosing it. | C | |
21 | I wish my wife would give me her full attention when we’re talking, and not look away or check her phone. | B |
Keeping the house clean is an important act of service. | D | |
22 | I look forward to seeing what my wife gives me for my birthday. | C |
I know my wife loves me, but I wish she would tell me more often what I mean to her. | A | |
23 | It would be nice if when my wife takes a trip, she would bring me a little gift. | C |
I wish my wife would sometime surprise me by helping me with a chore I dislike. | D | |
24 | It bothers me when my wife interrupts me. | B |
I never get tired of receiving gifts from my wife. | C | |
25 | I want my wife to help me out when I’m tired. | D |
I wish my wife was as enthusiastic about going places as I am. | B | |
26 | I love having sex with my wife. | E |
I like it when my wife goes to the store and picks up little things she knows I’ll like. | C | |
27 | I wish my wife would be more encouraging. | A |
I love to watch movies with my wife. | B | |
28 | If I received a gift from my wife, I would feel appreciated. | C |
I just can’t keep my hands off my wife. | E | |
29 | I know my wife is busy, but sometimes I would love it if she would help me with things I have to do. | D |
I would really like it if my wife sometimes said, “I appreciate you.” | A | |
30 | I love embracing my wife after we’ve been apart for a while. | E |
I want to hear my wife say she believes in me. | A |
A: _____ B: _____ C: _____ D: _____ E: _____
A = Words of Affirmation; B = Quality Time; C = Receiving Gifts;
D = Acts of Service; E = Physical Touch