The Adventures of Steve and Terry: The Zombie Chronicles (22 page)

BOOK: The Adventures of Steve and Terry: The Zombie Chronicles
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“Dude, you used the one vial of
the cure on
?” Steve asked in shock.

vial?” Terry asked,

The wall behind him was covered in
vials, half were yellow, the cure for vampirism, the others were red, labeled
zombie cure.

“So Orville allowed that thing to
kill him because . . .”

“He was crazy,” Terry said.

Steve nodded and shrugged. “Okay.”


















Steve and Terry sat on the porch
of the house that Orville had reinforced for the apocalypse, drinking lemonade.
Beside them, still clad in her black getup, was the Ninja. The sun was shining
brightly. People walked down the street, drove in cars, and generally went
about life.

“Well,” Terry said. “We saved the
world, man.”

“Well, technically, Orville saved
the world,” Steve said.

“True, he found the cure, but we
were the instrument, the vehicle that took it to the people.”

Steve nodded, taking a drink of
his lemonade. “Everything back to normal.”

“Well, almost,” Terry said with a

“True, we
filthy rich

“Being heroes has its rewards,”
Terry said with a smile, taking a sip of his lemonade.

“Yeah, well—”

Suddenly screams broke out and
people started to flee in fear. Steve and Terry looked at each other and then
quickly stood. They stepped to the edge of their porch to find a massive
spaceship hovering above the city.

“Oh you have got to be kidding
me,” Terry said in disbelief.

Steve set down his lemonade and
picked up an assault rifle. He quickly chambered a round and looked to Terry.
Terry nodded, setting down his lemonade and grabbing his rifle as well. The
Ninja stood and drew her sword.

“Here we go again,” Steve said.

Terry nodded. “Let’s kick some

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