The Alpha's Mate: (7 page)

Read The Alpha's Mate: Online

Authors: E A Price

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Horror, #Occult, #Romance, #Fantasy

BOOK: The Alpha's Mate:
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He was looking at her apprehensively.  “I... I just don’t know what to say... it’s a lot to take in...”

“I know, and I’m sorry I rushed things tonight, I just couldn’t sta
nd the thought of you being hurt.  I needed to let you know how special you are to me, how no one else matters to me but you.”

She squirmed under his intense gaze.  He held her chin up and forced her to look him in the eyes. 
“Cards on the table, I want to bond with you and I want you to stay here and live with me.  But if you don’t want that then I won’t force you.  I need you to want to stay here.  But I don’t expect you to decide tonight.  Tonight I just plan on giving you a reason to stay.”  He leered at her.

She managed to regain a few of her senses. 
“Only one reason wolf man?”  Her lips curved upwards evilly.

His voice was low and dangerous.  “Oh I think I can stretch to multiple reasons.”

Her teasing wicked nature slowly started to return.  She leaned forward and nipped his earlobe.  “You sure you don’t want to run out there and see if Julianne’s available?”

“Why would I do that when I already have the
sexiest.  Hottest.  Most beautiful. Most desirable woman already wet and ready for me?”  He punctuated each compliment with a quick, teasing kiss.  “God, seeing you in that dress almost made me explode earlier.”

“So you like my dress?”  She ran her hands up the taut muscles of his chest.

“The only way that dress could look any better is if it was lying on my bedroom floor...”

“Oh my!  Prince charming, you’re somewhat dirtier than I imagined you’d be!”

He rubbed his hot erection against her stomach. 
God he felt massive
.  “Or your bedroom floor, or on the floor of my truck... or on this floor, I’m really not picky sweetheart.”

She snorted.  “Yes I gathered that
when you were flirting with that girl at the grocery store...”

He caught her mouth and kissed her, hard.  His tongue licked over her upper lip demanding entrance.  She opened for him and he mercilessly invaded her mouth, his tongue sweeping over hers.  He grasped her hair in one hand tightly whilst the other moved down to cup her rear. 

She scraped her nails down his chest catching his nipples.  He groaned into her mouth and she did it again.   His sex was trapped between their bodies, it grew so big it was jabbing her almost to the point of pain. 

He breathlessly tore his mouth away from her, lustfully growling at the passion he saw in her face and her kiss-swollen lips.  He captured her hands and raised them above her head.  He held them in place with one hand and used the other to knead her breasts.  He tweaked her nipples through the thin material of her dress. 
Fuck she wasn’t wearing a bra again
.  He freed one of them from her dress hesitating to see whether she would object.  She didn’t.  He took her breast into his mouth suckling and nipping.  She whimpered at his ministrations and he moved onto the other.

She arched her back towards him, wanting more, demanding more.  The scent of her arousal grew.  It was almost unbearable.  The sweet smell overloaded his senses.  He couldn’t think straight.  He needed to taste her so badly.  He needed her honey on his tongue.

He released her breast and her arms and slid down her body until he was kneeling before her.  He rubbed his hands up her legs until he came to the hem of her dress.  Slowly he smoothed it upwards until it was bunched at her waist.  He ripped her soaked panties and threw them on the floor.  Lifting one of her legs he hooked it over his shoulder, opening her to him.

She felt the slow swipe of his tongue from her puckered hole to her clit.  She cried his name and grasped his hair in her hands, the painful tug urging him on.  He suckled at her tender clit before quickly thrusting
his tongue into her channel.  He pushed into her fast and hard, mimicking how he would take her with his shaft. 

Her inner walls desperately tried to clutch at him and hold him inside her. 
But damnit he wouldn’t stay still
.  One second he was plunging into her canal the next he pulled out to suck and nip at her nub.  He moved so quickly she couldn’t keep up.  The barrage of his sensual attack was too much.  She felt her body tremble and he grasped her thighs tightly to hold her up, the slight pain of his fingers keeping her grounded.

She felt herself climbing toward release, her whole body tensing for the bliss she knew was coming.  The pressure within her wound tighter and tighter unt
il she thought she couldn’t bear it.  Each swipe of his tongue, each push inside her was exquisite torture.  She wanted to scream at him to end it and let her come.

He suddenly withdrew his tongue and thrust three fingers into her hard with his thumb pushing against her clit.

The suddenness took her breath away and she couldn’t contain herself.  She screamed and shattered as the orgasm struck her.  He kept his thumb pressed into her nub, so the pleasure continued to roll through her.  He held his fingers still inside her delighting in the feel of her trying to suckle them and excited at the thought that soon she would do that to his penis.

Slowly she came back down to earth.  It was truly the most intense orgasm she had ever received. 

He looked up at her and licked his lips, savouring the taste of her.  “You enjoy that sweetheart?”

She wanted to say something sarcastic, something to wipe that cocky smile off his face but her brain didn’t seem to want to connect to her mouth.  She simply nodded and stroked his hair.

He chuckled, the low rumble resonated through her body intensifying the tingling she already felt.  “Speechless huh?  I should definitely give you as many orgasms as possible.”

She growled at him like a she-wolf.  His sex twitched at the sound, eager for its own release.  Reluctantly he withdrew from her.  She mourned the loss of him, the feeling of warmth and completeness even his fingers could create. 

Slowly she regained the power of speech.  “That was... so...”

“Fantastic?  Amazing?  Incredible?  Earth shattering?”

She sighed contentedly.  “Nice.”

“Nice?!  That’s it?”  His wolf roared at him, demanded that he satisfy his mate.

“Well it was over quite quickly... I’ll probably need a few more of them before I can really make a judgement...”  She batted her eyes at him innocently.

God she was a minx! 
“Sweetheart be careful what you wish for, I’m going to fuck you again and again until you beg me to stop.”

“We’ll see

He moved to plunge back into her sweet canal when he heard the door open. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
  He stood abruptly, his large body shielding his semi-naked mate from this intruder’s sight.

“What the fuck are you doing?”  Adam snarled.

Gabe averted his eyes and showed his neck in submission.  “I’m sorry Alpha, but Hans is about to kill Melody.”

Chapter Eight

Rosalee crossed her legs self-consciously.  She didn’t like going commando.  She had to throw her panties away after their little tryst.
Adam had practically shredded him

After checking that she was okay Adam had tore out of the office and back into the bar.  She had trailed behind him, after doubly checking that her clothes were all in order. 
Didn’t want to give anyone a free show.

Apparently Melody and Hans had both decided to go to the bar and
buy a drink at the same time.  An argument had ensued and Melody had thrown a drink at Hans.  This time it had met its mark.

The handsome young man Hans was with, who
Rosalee found out was his brother Acksel, had tried to restrain Melody while Andy restrained Hans. 
If anything that had made Hans even more angry
.  Things had gone downhill from there.

Gabe had gone to fetch Adam.
  Gabe considered that an angry Alpha thoroughly annoyed at being interrupted with his mate was surely better than a torn apart witch.  At least Gabe
thought so, but seeing the murderous look in the Alpha’s eyes gave him second thoughts.

Adam furious at being taken
away from Rosalee had come back to the bar and roared at Hans to step down.  Hans had reluctantly submitted, and even Melody who was in no way accountable to the Alpha had acquiesced.

Both Melody and Hans had now left the bar. 
Much to the relief of everyone
.  After the incident the bar had pretty much gone back to normal. 

‘friend’ Julianne, much to Rosalee’s delight, had high tailed it out of the bar as soon as possible.  Apparently she wasn’t quite as comfortable with shifters as she thought.

Mac and
a few other wolves said their goodbyes and left.  The tension caused by Hans had left their wolves feeling a little restless and they decided to shift and go for a run.  Rosalee noticed that Andy stared after Mac.

There were a few broken glasses and chairs, nothing major.  Kim said she’d make Hans pay for them.

Adam reached an arm around Rosalee’s shoulders.  He was tired.  Lack of sleep from spending two nights awake watching over his mate and having to deal with another incident caused by a hormonal wolf was taking its toll.  Not to mention the sexual frustration he felt from having his mate so close, but not being inside her yet... 
Time to rectify that.

He leaned down to whisper into her ear.  “I seem to recall you issued a challenge earlier...”

She looked at her questioningly before remembering that she had teased him about his sexual ability.  “Oh yes...”

“And my wolf never backs down from a challenge...
he wouldn’t allow me to, he’d insist I ensure the challenge was... thoroughly satisfied.”

She clenched her thighs together, convinced that people would be able to feel the red hot warmth emanating from there.  “I’m glad to hear it.”

“How about we get out of here and I satisfy this challenge?  All night long if I have to.  No scratch that all night long,
because I want to

She turned and rubbed her thigh against his groin.  “You sure you can last all the way to my house...”

He rumbled with desire.  Pulling her to her feet he grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the bar not stopping to say good bye.  His long legs strode purposefully toward his truck, she had to run to keep up.  The night was turning cold but her body was already on fire for him. 

She noticed
Dean stood across the street talking to someone, or rather arguing heatedly with a young blond haired man.  She was about to mention it but Adam noticing that she had started lagging quickly hurled her up into his arms and jogged the rest of the way.  She giggled at his impatience.

Soon they were speeding out of town toward her house.  Feeling impish she reached over and caressed his sex through his jeans.

He almost jerked them off the road.  “Damnit woman!  You want to get us both killed?!”

She giggled and blew him a kiss.  “Just wanted to make sure you were ready for me

Adam gritted his teeth and increased his speed. 


Adam had parked the truck and was carrying Rosalee into the house before she could even object.  He thought about knocking the front door down but considering her reaction to the last time he did that perhaps it wasn’t a wise idea.

He growled his impatience as she fumbled through her purse for house keys.  Sniggering she bumped his nose and told him to be a good dog.  He tightened his grip on her. 
She was going to pay for that

When she finally had it unlocked he pushed through and back heeled it shut behind him.  He was about to sprint up the stairs... but something was wrong.  The stench of rancid animal blood hit him.

“What’s wrong?”

Slowly he placed her on her feet, still keeping one hand wrapped around her he switched the light on.

She screamed.  The books, furniture, pictures had all been ripped apart.  The walls were covered in blood. 

Chapter Nine

Rosalee sat on the steps to the porch.  Further examination of the house found that nothing had been spared.  Every room, every piece of furniture, every possession was destroyed. 

Adam called
Alec over to come and make an official report.  He also had Don come over to search for scents.  Not that he thought there would be.

was in shock.  He vainly searched for some clothes or something he could find to pack for her.  There was nothing worth salvaging.  Even her suitcase was shredded.

He bundled her up in his truck and drove her to his house.  She stared out of the window motionlessly.  He shook with rage at the thought of this monster invading his mate’s house and going through her possessions.  He wanted to punish them so badly for hurting her.  His knuckles whitened as he gripped the steering wheel.

When they arrived he gently lifted her out and carried her in.  She was too numb to take in her surroundings. 

He took her up to his
bedroom, or rather what he hoped would be their bedroom.  Carefully he undressed her and put her in one of his t-shirts and lay her down.  She dozed for a while but suddenly felt very cold and lonely.

Her body was suddenly very
alert to the fact that she was here in Adam’s bedroom, in his bed, in his clothes, surrounded by his wonderful musky scent and yet where was Adam?

Being so fully surrounded by everything that was him made her tingle, yet it wasn’t enough.  She became painfully aware that she needed
him.  She needed to feel the touch of his skin, something to calm her down, to soothe her.

She heard running water.

Gingerly she swung her legs off the bed and softly padded into the bathroom.  She pulled the t-shirt over her head and let it fall to her feet.  Quietly she pulled back the shower curtain.  Her breath hitched in her throat.  His body was breathtaking.  The contours of his hard sculptured muscles were
.  His chest was lightly dusted with black hair that led all the way down his torso to his impressive manhood.  She gulped at the sight of it. 
That didn’t look like it was going to fit...

Steeling herself she
stepped under the spray, and placed her hands on his massive shoulders.

Adam was
holding his head up to the water and had his eyes closed.  When he felt the soft touch of her hands he smiled and his body relaxed in her touch.  His wolf whimpered,
their mate had come to them.

“I thought you were tired.”  He practically purred at her.  He had heard her coming from the moment she moved off the bed but had purposefully
ignored every instinct to run to her and sweep her off her feet and had held himself still waiting for her.

She kissed his back and pressed herself against him, pushing her breasts into him and smoothing her hands round his body to
massage his taut stomach.  He groaned lustily.  Rubbing her breasts against his back she stroked her hands down until she found his arousal.

She caressed him tend
erly, her hands running up and down the steel length.  He twitched and grew under her ministrations.  “Fuck Rose that feels good... I want to be inside you.”

“I want to taste you first...”
  She purred as she slithered in front of him and kneeled before him.

Keeping one hand on his thigh she gra
sped his arousal with the other, directing him to her mouth.  Slowly she ran her tongue around the tip and sucked the head into her mouth.  He moaned happily and palmed the wall
.  His fantasy becoming reality.

She pushed
her mouth down the length, her tongue lathing him and her cheeks hollowing out to massage him.  Her tight throat felt heavenly around his engorged manhood.  She pulled back to the tip and licked his slit.  He shuddered with the effort of holding still.

engulfed him as far as she could before he hit the back of her throat, swallowing hard she contracted her throat around him.  The erotic moans she gave, the scent of her arousal was too much.  He fisted her hair with one hand and began slowly pumping his hips into her mouth, her tongue swirled over him as he pulled backwards and forwards.

She held her head still as he settled into a satisfying rhythm.  R
eaching one hand to his balls she slowly massaged them between her fingers.

The pressure inside him was growing, it was too much.  He wanted to be inside her yet he couldn’t bear to pull away from her.  Seeing his beautiful mate before him, pleasuring him, being dominated by him he couldn’t hold back.

Growling he began pumping into her harder and faster, her sweet moans around his shaft spurring him on.  She began sucking harder and harder, her fingers workings faster on his balls.

he pleasure coiled within him.  Looking down he stared into her lust filled eyes pushing him over the edge, with a long thrust he exploded into her mouth.  He threw back his head and roared as he emptied himself into her.  She sucked wildly, swallowing down his salty fluids.

His hand in her hair loosened until her locks were being gently tugged by him.  Lazily she continued to twirl her tongue over his softening shaft as he fought to come back down.

He sighed in satisfaction.  He’d never come so hard in his life.  He’d never felt more sated.  She truly was perfect for him.  His mate. 

Under her constant ministrations his arousal began to grow again
and she started to lap at him with more enthusiasm.

With a groan he reached down and
pulled her up the length of his body.  His manhood came out of her mouth with a wet pop.

He brought her into his arms and kissed her fiercely.  Her
arms and legs immediately locked round his body, her sex grinding over his.  She moaned as his tongue danced with hers.

Pushing her back against the tiled wall for support his hand sought her folds and he pushed a large finger inside her knuckle deep.  She gasped against his lips as he twisted and twirled his finger before adding another and then another finger
, stretching and exciting her.

“Inside... now...”
  She breathed against him full of need and desire.

Whatever his mate wants
.  He removed his fingers and moved his penis over her slit covering the tip in her juices.  He pressed against her channel and pushed himself into her.  She felt unbelievably tight around him.

He pulled back and gave a hard thrust until he was seated to the hilt.  She moaned pleasurably
at the fullness she felt and tightened her grasp on his shoulders, her inner muscles squeezed him and he groaned at the glorious feeling.

With his hand
s on her hips he began a strong steady rhythm, each thrust taking her from the tip to the hilt, she ground her hips down on him, matching his strokes.  Their mouths never parting as the constant crashing of their bodies swept them both up towards release.

whole body felt taut, every nerve ending begging to feel the pleasure that his touch promised.  His massive girth dragged in and out of her.  Her breathing hitched as he began moving faster against her, feeling his own release gaining on him. 

Suddenly she c
ried out as wave after wave of her orgasm hit her, her inner muscles clamping down on him.  He couldn’t hold back.  Thrusting deep inside her he grew even bigger and harder and then burst.  He held still inside her loving the feeling of her pulsating channel sucking and milking the seed out of him, giving him an intense massage.

Finally their mouths broke apart. 




watched Adam sleep.  He lay next to her peacefully.  His magnificent chest rising and falling rhythmically.

It had been a long couple of days.  On the plus side she had received
a number marvellous orgasms from the world’s sexiest wolf currently resting next to her in all his naked glory.  But on the downside all of her possessions had been mutilated beyond recognition and apparently she was the Alpha female of an entire wolf pack!

After some prodding last night while he was trying to sleep Adam had given her a bit more information on what it meant to be the mate of an Alpha. 
It sounded hard

The thought of spending the rest of her days (not to mention nights) with the gorgeous Alpha was certainly appealing.  But being with him
meant she would have to stay here, in this quiet little town.  There would be no more travelling, no more adventures.  She wouldn’t be able to just pick up and take off somewhere new and different whenever she wanted. 
She’d have responsibility.

She’d be expected to guide the other females and take care of them.  Not to mention what Adam expected of her.  The man was practically a Neanderthal.  He’d want her to cook, clean and do his washing. 
Hah!  She barely did those things for herself! 

It was just sex.  Just mind-altering, toe-curling, wonderful, orgasmic sex.  That was all.  The two of them had nothing in common other than sex.  She could spend a couple of months here sorting out her grandmother’s house whilst suffering through all the orgasms that Adam cared to give her and then she’d be on her way.

They’d have some fun together and then part ways. 
Easy peasy
.  At least that was the plan.  Every time she thought of leaving town, or rather leaving Adam, she felt queasy. 

Last night after
he brought her to his home she assumed he would initiate sex, or at least part of her hoped he would.  But he hadn’t, he had worried she was too upset and so had left her be, leaving it up to her to seduce him.  The small romantic part of her had found that even more erotic than their other trysts, which was

After enduring numerous orgasms in the shower, he really had a divine
shower, they had lay down on his bed and drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.  She’d felt his naked body pressed against her all night and now she was horny as hell.

She slowly pushed the covers down their body and noticed his sex was already at half-mast. 
God it was impressive.

She reached down slowly to touch him and quick as a flash one of his meaty paws came out nowhere and snagged her wrist.

“Morning sweetheart.  Sleep well?” 

He was looking at her through hooded eyes.

.”  She slid out of his arms and climbed over him until she was straddling his waist.  He placed both hand behind his head, very satisfied with the view of his naked mate on top of him.  Blood was rushing to his manhood at an alarming rate.

She leaned down and kissed his chest.
  “Do you have any whipped cream?”  She asked naughtily.

leered at her, but before he could answer his phone buzzed.  Thoroughly annoyed at the interruption he reached to answer it and barked “what?!”

He grunted a few times and then hung up.

He rubbed his hands on her thighs scowling.  “Alec hired some cleaners to sort out your house, you need to be there when they arrive to let them know what you do and don’t want to keep.”

“What time do
they need me?”  She kissed his chest again and licked one of his nipples.  His arousal grew to uncomfortable proportions.

“Half an hour.”

She pulled up abruptly and clambered off him moving toward the bathroom.

“Where are you going?”

“For a shower, hurry up!  We’ve got just enough time for a quickie.”

He didn’t have to be told twice.

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