Dark Star

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Authors: Patricia Blackraven

BOOK: Dark Star
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The full moon
was shining
over a local cemetery in
xville like
a big bright lamp. The silence of the night was
filled only  with the hooting of
owls. Three black crows were sitting on an angel made of stone, and observ
the cemetery with their  black pearly eyes,
but they flew away
crowing loudly,
when  the
y heard the sound of human footsteps.

“Sid, my legs hurt… H
ow far is it?”

“Just a bit
, Cleo.
Be strong

A young man named Sid and his girlfriend Cleo
were walking
through a b
rick alley,
holding their hands
while flirting with each other.
They were coming back from the birthday of the girl
’s friend.
The night was too beautiful for Sid to miss an occasion to spend it in Cleo’s arms
  So when they passed
the cemetery, the boy
suddenly started
her there. She
n’t protest
. She was too drunk to
think rational,
and so was he.

Finally they arrived
to the old part of the cemetery
was holding the unkept forgotten graves
destroyed by
time and
vandalism. In this place the atmosphere became much more uncomfortable

“I don’t like
this place,
” Cleo whispered
shaking and g
rasping herself with her arms “
This darkness… Let’s go away from here. I want to go home


Sid stopped suddenly
and said “Calm down honey
I’m with you. It will be fun, you’ll see. Just relax…”

He wrapped his arms aroun
d her pulling her closer to him and started
her face, neck and the neckline. At fi
rst the girl felt uncomfortable
but then she calmed down and started switching between giggling and moaning. Sid, feeling that she submitted to him, lied her on the marble plate of one of the graves. Still kissing her, he began unbutton
her jacket

“Sid! What the hell is this?”

ed by this question, he looked
at Cleo. She
was looking
on the inside of her left hand
which was covered with black lightly shinning dust.

“It’s just normal ash
, dear”
he calmed her “
Did you forget that
the graves in this si
de of the cemetery are unkept? Now relax
because you’ll experience an unforgettable trip to the land of ecstasy

As he said it he crouched
and started fondling the belt of her trousers. Cleo looked at the
moon hanging above both of them
and took a few deep breaths.
She lifted herself
up on her elbows with the intentions of telling Sid to take her back home
but suddenly
a terrifying scream emanated from her throat
Sid, who just managed to unmingle her belt, turned his back and jumped as if he was burned.

They saw a beautiful young woman with
snow-white skin, long honey-colo
ured hair and
dark blue eyes
to be
black in the darkness. The woman was dressed in a blood-colo
ured dress
which was fitting her so well and
it seemed
to be
painted on her skin.
hooded strangers
the woman

“Who… who th
e hell are you?” Sid screamed
while Cleo
his fingers tightly

He did
n’t get an answer. The b
londe got closer to him and Cleo, smiling friendly. At first she looked directly into the girl
’s eyes
and then she moved her delicate hand across Cleo’s skin.
for some reason felt a shiver of excitement and moaned slightly.
But suddenly the moan turned into a scream
when the woman grew
the sharp fangs
with which she cut her throat. Th
e grave on which Cleo was lying
was covered in blood


as he started running.
The beautiful
blond woman chased after him soon after getting satisfied with the young girl

s blood. She
was walking slowly
among the  graves, confident that she’ll catch him. Sid
was running as fast as he could
and look
behind every few seconds.
But when he just passed
the large cross in the middle of the cemetery he tripped
on one of the candles under it
and fell on the ground.  He didn’t have the strength to run anymore. As he lifted his head up he noticed that all the crosses in the c
emetery were turned upside down
and on the gravestones
there was written 666
. “
it written in blood?” “Were those hooded loons
the s
atanists? And this blonde, who wa
s she?” Sid flipped on his back
and as he did,  his heart started rushing and dots started dancing before his eyes.

The mysterious woman stood before him, showing him her claws through her predatory grin. “A vampire? No it’s impossible
vampires do
exist. But maybe?” Sid
to himself

Sid was so deep in thought that he didn’t even scream when the mysterious woman ripped his throat.
There burst the
fountain of blood and Sid joined his beloved Cleo in the afterlife

five hooded fig
ures appeared next to the woman
and o
ne of them  crouched before Sid to check
whether or
not he’s truly dead
after wh
he exclaimed to the rest:

“Long live our Queen! Long live Lilith, the mother of all damned!”











Chapter 1


`Then we are not . . .' I sat forward. `. . . the children of Satan?'

`How could we be the children of Satan?' he asked. `Do you believe that Satan made this world around you?'

`No, I believe that God made it, if anyone made it. But He also must have made Satan, and I want to know if we are his children!'

Èxactly, and consequently if you believe God made Satan, you must realize that all Satan's power comes from God and that Satan is simply God's child, and that we are God's children also. There are no children of Satan, really.'


“Hey, b

Carrie Andrew
cringed when she heard the sound of this voice.  She hated it when someone forced her
so brutally
to come back to
reality. She raised he
r head from her book with a mild
The member of the school’s basketball
team, Jay Dalton
who for some mysterious reason followed her, came closer. A bright sm
ile could be seen on his face which irritated

“What are you reading?” He asked when he crouched ne
xt to her and brutishly swiped the book from her hands

Interview with the vampire
… aren’t you tired of this nonsense?”

“What d
o you mean Jay?”
from under he
r teeth, taking her book back
and pretending she didn’t hear the question.

e raised her hands in a defensive gesture

“Okay. I just wanted to ask you… because you know, today’s Friday,  so me and Paige are
going together to the club
and I wondered … if … you… would
like to go with us?”

It’s weird, Carrie
to herself. W
hy is he ashamed to talk to me when he’s a regular Casanova
while talking to any other girl? Maybe it’s because she’s different than a
ll the other girls
in this school? It doesn’t matter
- she never liked him
and thought he was the biggest douche in the universe.

“Why should I go with you?”
she asked squinting her eyes suspiciously

smiled as brightly as he could
but even that didn’t change her mind

“Because I want  you to get away from all your vampires and live a little with normal people f
or once. I’m tired of watching
you in the corners all sad. It will be cool, you’ll see. So are you in?”

She shrugged her shoulders and fake
d a smile
and said “Do I have a choice?”

in a grim tone but his face
shined with a smile again
when he said “Ok, we’ll see you at around nine then. See you soon!”

He stood up and ran towards his teammates. Carrie hid her books in her
backpack, hid her face in her hands
and thought to herself “ Terrific. I never dreamed of anything else but of spending time with the school’s macho-man and a real life Barbie”


The  Delirium Club was one of the most popular
places in town
and so
neither Jay nor Carrie
nor Paige were surprised that
was filled with people.  It had a very specific, even intimate, atmosphere. The lights were dimmed,
the windows had their curtains
drawn, and the sensual song “Arsenal”
Kidney Thieves ran from t
he speakers
and the air was fille
d with the bitter smell of beer
d with the stench of cigarette
smoke and women’s perfume
  Some pairs
were moving in the rhythm of the music
and some
were kissing in the corners.
Carrie felt a bit uncomfortable here. She told herself that she doesn’t belong in this environment. Black clothes, thick makeup and a pale complexion… The girl wanted to turn back and leave, but…

“I will bring you all someth
ing to drink, please wait here”
said as he begun
his wa
y through the mob
towards the bar. Carrie was left alone with Paige, his girlfriend

“So Carrie, we’ll find someone for you
soon” Paige said cheerfully
while playing with her hair

“Why? I don’t want
to have
a boyfriend”

“You’re only saying that
honey. But don’t worry
auntie Paige will find you one very quickly. Hmm, who would be a good match for you… “ Paige looked around
the club, engaged in thought
“Oh maybe this one!?”

Carrie reluctantly looked into the pointed direction.  A young man with a hair style similar to that of a porcupine was leaning on the wall. He
looked blankly in the distance
as if he was waiting for a young girl to come up to him and offer him a dance or a quickie in the toilet

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