Dark Star (3 page)

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Authors: Patricia Blackraven

BOOK: Dark Star
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And when the jaguar di
sappeared in the crossroad,
she used her sha
king legs to enter her home.
And when she closed the door after herself, she laughed for the first time in a very long while





Chapter 2


“An interesting personality, don’t you think?”

Their eyes focused on Mikaela. She was sitting lounged
on a chair and moved a
of abisinthe in her hands.
knew why Blake loved this alco
hol so much, was it because of it’s green colo
ur or because of it
s disgusting burning taste?

“Did you check her?” Morton asked the woman

“Carrie Andrews, eighteen, student. She lives with her parents on the
of Knoxville and
vampire fanatic. Her favo
rite book author is Anne Rice, her favo
urite book i
Interview with the vampire
and her favo
urite movie is
Van Helsing

, Aidan, and Zack puckered their eyebrows
and after a while the chestnut-haired boy spoke:

“And is she..?”

“A virgin? Yes“
said and then
she took a sip of absinthe and felt how the drink burns her throat and stomach

“She’ll be perfect then” Blake laughed grimly
under his nose

Jacob entered the room. His brother noticed that his eyes were shining with

as he came to him and embrac
ed him with a brotherly hug “
I have a new assignment for you. I just came to know a few more things about our new f
riend. She will be the perfect
victim for  Lilith.  But… I’m not hiding th
e fact that Carrie intrigues me
and I would like to know more about her. Maybe she’ll even be useful in a completely different way…

“What should I do

Blake showed his claws in a predatory smile

“Go to her ho
me and try to find things that
will tell us more
about her. You know how she is
… And
we’ll go on a little hunt. Don’t worry, we’ll leave you some

Jacob nodded his head, even though he didn’t like what his twin said. What was he planning? What does he need Carrie

s things for? If the girl is suppos
ed to  be an offering to Lilith
then why does he need to know anything more about her?  And what does he mean by “useful in a completely different way”?


Carrie spent
Saturday locked in her
room. She
was lying
bed and watch
she got from Mikaela. She wondered why she gave it to her. Is the powdered dark crystal a new type of drug she never heard of before? Could it hurt her? Mikaela said it would help her
to relax
but Carrie didn’t trust her .

She never
had any contact with any drugs
but this time t
he temptation
was just too strong. Carrie wanted to see what will happen after she’ll  take  a little bit of the crystal.
She slowly opened the phial but
she froze after a moment. She had no idea how to use such a powder. She caref
ully put some of it on her hand and
after carefully looking a
t it
she  put it in her mouth and swallowed it. T
he dark crystal had a weird
slightly sweet taste. After a while the girl felt an
incredible pain in her stomach
darkness s
tarted dancing before her eyes
along with the rest of the room.
She sighed silently
and collapsed on her pillow

uddenly she appeared in a grim place. She stood before a wide corridor le
ading to a much brighter room.
She went through it feeling a surge of adrenalin
e in her body
and suddenly her body froze.

She arrived at a very big hall similar
to an old castle’s chamber. It was easily large enough to fit hundreds of people.
Large torc
hes hanged on the stone walls.
Something resembling a large altar was situated in the middle of the chamber next to Carrie.  The Morton brothers,  Aidan, Zack and Mikaela were situated around it.  Behind it 
large stone stairs
ing upward
nd on their peak there was a throne on which a blond
dressed in
a red dress
was sitting.
is she?,
thought to herself.

five people suddenly tu
rned around and looked at her. She looked at Jacob
who smiled in a
mysterious way and called her
towards hi
m with a movement of his hand.
Her legs moved as if they had
their own mind
.  She g
ot dangerously close to the boy
and couldn’t divert
her gaze from his green eyes.
he felt as if he hypnotized her
and had total control over her body. Her heart started pounding her ribcage like a
bird trapped in the cage

Her breath stopped for a little when he touc
hed her face with his cold hand
and then he kissed her once, twice, t
hird time…

Suddenly she
felt that
the sharp fangs are biting
her lower lip and
she screamed
drops of blood dropped on her chin and neckline. Jacob
was still
miling and Carrie noticed
his fangs. “No
this is
impossible“ s
he thought as she looked at the others “They can’t be…”

ob pushed her onto the altar.
She was completely naked when he
r back touched the cold stone.
The young man also stood before her just as
god … or some other darker creature… has created him.

She closed her eyes
saying to herself that it’s all only a hallucination. But when she opened
them again Jacob was kissing her.
She shook when he
her body with his strong hands. Her body became filled with an o
verwhelming sensation of lust.
Jacob lie
d down on the altar next to her and she sat on him. She bowed and moaned
as she felt that Jacob was filling her with himself.

Suddenly he r
ised into a sitting position
and started licking
blood of her breasts. She took his head and hugged him close to herself. After
a while the rest joined them. Blake started kissing Carrie
and Zack, Aidan and Mikaela started licking the blood of he
r body in the same way as Jacob
who at the same time
didn’t stop moving in her.
And maybe it’s
not all just a hallucination?
, the girl
thought to herself. She felt such
pleasure, unlike any she ever experienced in real life. And she completely forgot about the blond woman who
was observing
everything from her throne. B
ut it all ended rather quickly when Carrie felt a sharp pain
in multiple places at once – in her neck
, lower lip, breasts, and thigh. She screamed
as the five people  have bitten her strongly.

But suddenly everyone moved back
because the mysterious woman  moved down the stairs and got closer to her. Carrie looked at her, entranc
ed with her supernatural beauty. The brightly-
haired woman smiled seductively, moved her hand across the bleeding body of the girl
and then
she leaned back and gave her a passionate kiss…

and then
Carrie regained consciousness. Shit,
she th
ought bitterly. What was that?
Her head was aching and
she had an incredible thirst.
She stood up
and walked towards the kitchen
where she poured herself a
glass of water
which she drank in one sip. She immediatel
y poured herself another glass
and noticed that it’s already dark outside
. The clock on the wall showed
9 p.m. Carrie
realised that she
it’s too late for her to prepare herself for the meeting
so she just combed her hai
r with her fingers
and straightened her shirt.

The doorbell rang. Carrie came
to open it and when she did it, she smiled as she saw Jacob’
s familiar eyes
like the emeralds



rrie moved aside and let him in
and immediately invited
him to her room.
Her parents will come back from
the work soon
and they wouldn’t be happy if they saw a male in their house.

“I’m sorry
, I didn’t have time to prepare”
the girl
while closing the door behind her.

Jacob sat on the bed.

“It’s no problem. I’ll wait for you”

Carrie went towards her
and started looking
in it for clothes with her shaking hands
and asked

“Where do you want to take me?”

“What do you think of the cinema?”

“What movie is playing?”

30 Days of Night

“When will it start?”

“In an hour”

“Okay, wait”

Carrie took
some clothes
out of the
closet and left the room.
After th
macabre vision she didn’t feel comfortable near Jacob. Although she hoped that they were only hallucinations caused by the dark crystal

Meanwhile Jacob
searched through her room for something that Blake
find useful. He thought tha
t her diary would be the best. Many girl
s Carrie
’s age write diaries
so probably does she. 

And Jacob was right
as he saw in her drawer a notebook covered in
hearts with the label “diary”. He looked around
and then he hid it in his jacket. T
he sat back on the bed
in a cool position.

Carrie entered the room
dressed in a black hoodie, black jea
ns and sport shoes. Comfortable
and chill, just as she liked it the best.

“So are we going?”





Chapter 3


Rosenberg put down his stole and vestment
with relief.
Another day of hard work ended
and the man could finally rest. Being a priest and
exorcist at the same time isn’t as easy as it sounds. You have to risk your life each day fighting demons

Although ther
e were no important calls today
and Jonathan jus
t conducted his regular morning, noon
and evening ceremonies
. He just finished the last one and as always
was pleased with himself.  Even though he
was only twenty five years old and didn’t serve the L
ord for long
he dedicated all his heart into each
ceremony so
his words
could be more reliable
to the followers of the L
ord. He nev
er regretted becoming a man of G
od, even though he had to sacrifice a lot: his
house, his friends, his family,
his own life

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