The Anarchist Cookbook (16 page)

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Authors: William Powell

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Rumors: Why Spread Them?

Do you ever get tired of hearing rumors? You know, someone gets an urge to impress

others, so they create a rumor that some long distance company is now using tracing

equipment. Why start rumors? It only scares others out of phreaking, and then makes

you, the person who started the rumor, look like Mr. Big. This article is short, but it

should make you aware of the rumors that people spread for personal gain. The best thing

to do is to denote them as a rumor starter and then leave it at that. You should not rag on

them constantly, since if the other users cannot determine if it is fact or rumor, then they

should suffer the consequences.

The New Sprint FON Calling Cards

US Sprint has opened up a new long distance network called the Fiber Optic Network

(FON), in which subscribers are given calling cards. These calling cards are 14 digits, and

though, seem randomly generated, they are actually encrypted. The rumors floating

around about people getting caught using the Sprint FON calling cards are fact, not

rumors. The reason people are getting caught is that they confuse the FON calling cards

with the local 950 port authorization codes. If you will remember, you never use AT&T

calling cards from you home phone. It has ANI capability, which is not tracing, but rather

the originating phone number is placed on the bill as soon as the call is completed. They

know your phone number when you call the 800 access port, but they do not record it until

your call is completed. Also, through several of my hacks, I came up with some interesting

information surrounding the new Sprint network. They are listed below.

800-877-0000 - This number is for information on US Sprint's 800 calling card service. I

have not played around with it, but I believe it is for trouble or help with the FON calling

cards. I am not sure if it is for subscribing to the FON network.

800-877-0002 - You hear a short tone, then nothing.

800-877-0003 - US Sprint Alpha Test Channel #1

800-877-(0004-0999) - When you call these numbers, you get a recording saying:

"Welcome to US Sprint's 1 plus service." When the recording stops, if you hit the pound

key (#) you will get the calling card dial tone.

Other related Sprint numbers

800-521-4949 - This is the number that you subscribe to US Sprint with. You may also

subscribe to the FON network on this number. It will take 4 to 5 weeks for your calling

card to arrive.

10777 - This is US Sprint's equal access number. When you dial this number, you then dial

the number you are calling, and it will be billed through US Sprint, and you will receive

their long distance line for that call. Note that you will be billed for calls made through

equal access. Do not mistake it to be a method of phreaking, unless used from a remote

location. If you are in US Sprint's 1+ service then call 1+700-555-1414, which will tell you

which long distance company you are using. When you hear: "Thank you for choosing US

Sprint's 1 plus service," hit the pound key (#), and then you will get the US Sprint dial

tone. This however is just the same as if you are calling from your home phone if you dial

direct, so you would be billed for calls made through that, but there are ways to use this

to your advantage as in using equal access through a PBX.

Automatic Number Identification (ANI)

The true definition for Automatic Number Identification has not been widely known to

many. Automatic Number Identification, (AKA: ANI), is the process of the destination

number knowing the originating number, which is where you are calling from. The method

of achieving this is to send the phone number that you are calling from in coded form

ahead of the destination number. Below is an example of this.

ANI Method

Dial: 267-0293

Sent: ********2670293

* - Denotes the originating number which is coded and sent before the


As you noticed there are 8 digits in the coded number. This is because, at least I believe,

it is stored in a binary-like form. Automatic Number Identification means a limited future

in phreaking. ANI does not threaten phreaking very much yet, but it will in the near future.

A new switching system will soon be installed in most cities that are covered by ESS,

Electronic Switching System, now. The system will have ANI capabilities which will be

supplied to the owners of phone lines as an added extra. The owner's phone will have an

LED read-out that will show the phone number of the people that call you. You will be able

to block some numbers, so that people cannot call you. This system is in the testing stages

currently, but will soon be installed across most of the country. As you see, this will end a

large part of phreaking, until we, the phreakers, can come up with an alternative. As I

have been told by several, usually reliable, people, this system is called ISS, which I am

not sure of the meaning of this, and is being tested currently in Rhode Island. 800 in-

watts lines set up by AT&T support ANI. The equipment to decode an ANI coded

origination number does not costs as much as you would expect. 950 ports do not offer

ANI capability, no matter what you have been told. The 950 ports will only give the city in

which they are based, this usually being the largest in the state, sometimes the capitol.

One last thing that I should tell you is that ANI is not related to tracing. Tracing can be

done on any number whether local, 950, etc. One way around this, especially when dialing

Alliance TeleConferencing, is to dial through several extenders or ports. ANI will only

cover the number that is calling it, and if you call through a number that does not support

ANI, then your number will never be known.

68. Jackpotting ATM Machines by The Jolly Roger

JACKPOTTING was done rather successfully a while back in (you guessed it) New York.

What the culprits did was sever (actually cross over) the line between the ATM and the

host. Insert a microcomputer between the ATM and the host. Insert a fraudulent card

into the ATM. (By card I mean cash card, not hardware.) What the ATM did was: send a

signal to the host, saying "Hey! Can I give this guy money, or is he broke, or is his card

invalid?" What the microcomputer did was: intercept the signal from the host, discard it,

send "there's no one using the ATM" signal. What the host did was: get the "no one using"

signal, send back "okay, then for God's sake don't spit out any money!" signal to ATM.

What the microcomputer did was intercept the signal (again), throw it away (again), send

"Wow! That guy is like TOO rich! Give him as much money as he wants. In fact, he's so

loaded, give him ALL the cash we have! He is really a valued customer." signal. What the

ATM did: what else? Obediently dispense cash till the cows came home (or very nearly so).

What the crooks got was well in excess of $120,000 (for one weekend's work), and several

years when they were caught. This story was used at a CRYPTOGRAPHY conference I

attended a while ago to demonstrate the need for better information security. The lines

between ATM's & their hosts are usually 'weak' in the sense that the information

transmitted on them is generally not encrypted in any way. One of the ways that

JACKPOTTING can be defeated is to encrypt the information passing between the ATM

and the host. As long as the key cannot be determined from the ciphertext, the

transmission (and hence the transaction) is secure. A more believable, technically accurate

story might concern a person who uses a computer between the ATM and the host to

determine the key before actually fooling the host. As everyone knows, people find

cryptanalysis a very exciting and engrossing subject..don't they? (Hee-Hee)

_____ ______

| |-<<-| |-<<-| |

|ATM| micro |Host|

|___|->>-| |->>-|____|

The B of A ATM's are connected through dedicated lines to a host computer as the Bishop

said. However, for maintenance purposes, there is at least one separate dial-up line also

going to that same host computer. This guy basically BS'ed his way over the phone till he

found someone stupid enough to give him the number. After finding that, he had has Apple

hack at the code. Simple.

Next, he had a friend go to an ATM with any B of A ATM card. He stayed at home with

the Apple connected to the host. When his friend inserted the card, the host displayed it.

The guy with the Apple modified the status & number of the card directly in the host's

memory. He turned the card into a security card, used for testing purposes. At that point,

the ATM did whatever it's operator told it to do.

The next day, he went into the bank with the $2000 he received, talked to the manager

and told him every detail of what he'd done. The manager gave him his business card and

told him that he had a job waiting for him when he got out of school.

Now, B of A has been warned, they might have changed the system. On the other hand,

it'd be awful expensive to do that over the whole country when only a handful of people

have the resources and even less have the intelligence to duplicate the feat. Who knows?

69. Jug Bomb by The Jolly Roger

Take a glass jug, and put 3 to 4 drops of gasoline into it. Then put the cap on, and swish

the gas around so the inner surface of the jug is coated. Then add a few drops of

potassium permanganate solution into it and cap it. To blow it up, either throw it at

something, or roll it at something.

70. Fun at K-Mart by The Jolly Roger

Well, first off, one must realize the importance of K-Marts in society today. First off, K-

Marts provide things cheaper to those who can't afford to shop at higher quality stores.

Although, all I ever see in there is minorities and Senior Citizens, and the poor people in

our city. Personally, I wouldn't be caught dead in there. But, once, I did. You see, once,

after The Moon Roach and Havoc Chaos (Dear friends of mine) and I were exploring such

fun things as rooftops, we came along a K-Mart. Amused, and cold for that matter, we

wandered in. The Tension mounts. As we walked up to the entrance, we were nearly

attacked by Youth Groups selling cheap cookies, and wheelchair sticken people selling

American Flags. After laughing at these people, we entered. This is where the real fun

begins... First, we wandered around the store, and turned on all the blue lights we could

find. That really distracts and confuses the attendents...Fun to do... The first neat thing,

is to go to the section of the store where they sell computers. Darkness engulfs the earth

the day they find Apple Computers being sold there. Instead, lesser computers like the

laughable C-64 can be found there...Turn it on, and make sure nobody's looking...Then, once

in Basic, type...

]10 PRINT "Fuck the world! Anarchy Rules!" (or something to that effect.)

]20 GOTO 10 and walk away.

Also, set the sample radios in the store to a satanic rock station, and turn the radio off.

Then, set the alarm for two minutes ahead of the time displayed there. Turn the volume

up all the way, and walk away. After about two minutes, you will see the clerk feebly

attempt to turn the radio down or off. It's really neat to set ten or more radios to

different stations, and walk away. One of my favorite things to do, is to get onto the

intercom system of the store. Easier typed then done. First, check out the garden

department. You say there's no attendent there? Good. Sneak carefully over to the

phone behind the cheap counter there, and pick it up. Dial the number corresponding to

the item that says 'PAGE'... And talk. You will note that your voice will echo all over the

bowels of K-Mart. I would suggest announcing something on the lines of: "Anarchy rules! "

71. Mace Substitute by The Jolly Roger

3 parts Alcohol

« part Iodine

« part Salt


3 parts Alcohol

1 part Iodized Salt (Mortons)

It's not actual mace, but it does a damn good job on the eyes...

72. How to grow Marijuana by The Jolly Roger


Marijuana is a deciduous plant which grows from seeds. The fibrous section of the plant

was (has been replaced by synthetics) used to make rope. The flowering tops, leaves,

seeds, and resin of the plant is used by just about everyone to get HIGH. Normally, the

vegetable parts of the plant are smoked to produce this "high," but they can also be eaten.

The active ingredient in marijuana resin is THC (Tetahydrocannabinol). Marijuana contains

from 1%-4% THC (4% must be considered GOOD dope). Marijuana grows wild in many parts

of the world, and is cultivated in Mexico, Vietnam, Africa, Nepal, India, South America,

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