The Antarctic Discovery (Novelette) (12 page)

Read The Antarctic Discovery (Novelette) Online

Authors: V Bertolaccini

Tags: #first contact, #from beyond space and time, #action adventure thriller, #sf classic, #ice station, #movie science fiction horror, #new action thriller, #new first contact scenario, #supernatural voyager

BOOK: The Antarctic Discovery (Novelette)
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It could
not use him or me in the state we are in! It could not alter us
without killing us! It is far too weak to think properly and
control the voyager and needs an altered human that will be able to
do what it wants, and I believe that it has enough energy to get to
a powerful energy source to revive its energy supplies and its own
energy and repair itself.”

Did you
get that from it?”

I got
most of it through communications and from experiences with it! I
am ready and I am going to persuade it to take me aboard

Willis rested
and concentrated on thoughts that he had accumulated and moved near
the voyager, and where the entrance was located, and they all
watched the entrance hole appear and they fitted a ramp under it
and he climbed up into it.

Weaver gasped
and felt something from somewhere like something incredible was
about to take place.

believe that what’s active now is the equivalent to our
subconscious mind!” a scientist announced from Weaver’s side,
sitting at some equipment monitoring what was happening. “While it
is in a type of sleep or suspended animation, which carries out
various functions for it.”

Weaver was left
confused in what Willis intended to do and started to see the
problem in more depth, and it might not work.

I am
picking up communication thoughts from it!” the scientist
announced. “I believe that he is persuading it to make a copy of
him for some reason! No! He wants it to make an altered version of
him that can carry out what it wants! It has accepted it and is
creating the copy!”

Weaver watched
all the scientists stop work all around the voyager, waiting for
something to happen!

Chapter 25


The Voyager from Beyond


explosions of energy blasted out with so much force that they
threatened to start doing damage to the physical universe, and he
imagined space and time becoming unbalanced and warped, and he
wondered what damage the world could be subjected to!

Echoes of
conversations haunted his mind as he considered why they had not
moved away when they had activated it!

The vast powers surrounding them were
staggering and Weaver wondered why he had not considered the entity
as being dangerous and he felt sorry for Willis and wondered if he
could escape alive, and he contemplated the dangers and his chances
of survival!

The voyager had formed a perfect energy form
of itself, clearly of transcendent origins, and pulsated in the
center of the cavity, as all the scientists sheltered around the
rim of the cavity, and he wondered why nobody attempted to try to
make it to the doorway into the Russian base, and looked there and
saw people near there were rushing there.

An immense whirlpool of energy lines
magically began shifting around it like the rings around Saturn,
and he studied it for a long time and realized that it had no
proper presence there any longer and was some form of force
formation, while the rest remained in other dimensions! There were
signs of the vortex reshaping by its energy patterns!

The voyager frequently turned visible in a
translucent energy state, and he heard it functioning, and he had
sensations and visualizations of the depths of the universe.

Everything around him seemed to alter into a
mind-bending dream of altering displacements as the voyager
completed its mission, and he felt dizzy as everything transformed
and the voyager vanished, leaving emptiness and a massive empty

For a moment he
had a weird sensation about something happening, and he saw Willis
walking calmly up towards them, along the cavity edge.

He watched some
scientists nearby calibrating their equipment and anxiously
checking what their equipment had recorded!

All the scientists there seemed to realize
that it had worked and that it had achieved its mission!

happened?” he immediately asked Willis as he arrived at where they
were. “Did it fully work?”

Willis smiled
brightly, and replied, “Yes! It has returned to where it came

that is?” Weaver gasped, and felt deep

He realized he had survived it, and the most
dangerous mission he had undertaken so far, and at the bottom of
his pocket he felt the two parts of the alien sphere, where the
microfilm had been, and he wondered if they noticed! The material
was the material the voyager had been made of and the
indestructible material, and he considered what value it would have
if they recreated it!


The Lost Alien Artifact

V Bertolaccini


Throughout history a secret chamber is buried away at an
ancient desolate castle with something unearthly inside, waiting to
be revived, haunting the place; opening gateways going beyond the

Newspapers and legends, over centuries, captivate people and
tell unexplained and mind-bending tales of horror, of deaths, of
mutilated remains of travelers scattered throughout the woods; of
people being attacked and chased by evil mysterious magical forces
and transcendent monsters, with fearful sounds and swift-moving
lights, shifting through trees.

A group of people are forced to stay at the castle for a week
and are fanatical with hunting and getting the treasure hidden away
there, which they believe has been left there by the late owner,
and they explore the immense haunted castle and vast estate in a
remarkable treasure hunt adventure with the characters racing to
get it first, even after televised murders.


The Alien Sphere

V Bertolaccini


Scientists stumble upon a mysterious metallic sphere with a
pulsating vibration and unlock it to reveal its forces by the
manipulation of gravitational forces are suspending a black hole,
and while experimenting on the black hole an accident occurs and
scientists enter it and travel out beyond the realms of the cosmos
into a mind-boggling deadly universe.

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