The Apple Tree (26 page)

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Authors: Kara Jimenez

BOOK: The Apple Tree
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Skipping downstairs, she found her mother in the kitchen already making breakfast.

Bee, wow. You look great. What are you doing so dressed up this early in the morning?”

Bianca pulled an apron out of the drawer, wrapping it around her dress. “Levi’s coming over. I’m making him breakfast.”

Her mother raised her eyebrows. “That’s adorable.” She smiled, pulling a piece of bread out of the toaster. “I suppose you want me to clear out so you can get busy?”

Actually, she’d been surprised her mother had been up this early cooking at all, she didn’t think she’d had done that for years.

Yeah, mom. That’d be great. I have a big spread planned. I need to get to work.”

Okay. Hey, I took an extra shift today and I know you’re working too, so I’m taking Owen over to the neighbors.”

Bianca dropped the frying pan she held with a clatter. She bent to retrieve it, keeping her eyes on her mother. Had she heard her right? She’d picked up an extra shift? Bianca nodded and set the pan on the stove top. “That’s great mom, thanks for letting me know.”

Just as the smell of bacon and warm pancakes began to drift through the air, there was a knock at the door. She yanked off her apron and ran her hands through her hair, glancing in the mirror before swinging the door open.





Levi stared at Bianca, unable to speak. He’d never seem a more beautiful woman. A delicate, vintage rose pattern covered her dress, the skirt ending mid-thigh. His gaze traveled over her long legs down to her bare feet, her toes painted a soft pink color. Her hair fell in soft curls down to her elbows and her honey eyes twinkled as she looked at him.

Before he could think, he stepped across the threshold and kissed her, sliding his hands through her hair. The memory of her lips hadn’t done them justice, kissing her was so much better than the weak vision he’s replayed so many times the night before.

She groaned, clutching the fabric of his t-shirt.

They stepped backward, into the house, their lips moving furiously. He reached behind him, slamming the door shut and then grabbed her hips, lifting her. They needed to slow down before things got carried away, but it was impossible to think straight.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck, kissing him like he was the only man on earth.

Ah-hem,” Lisa said from behind them.

They separated and Bianca set her feet back on the floor, but his arms remained wrapped around her waist.

I’m sorry about that, Lisa.” He couldn’t take his eyes off Bianca. Her lips were swollen and begged for him to take them again.

Lisa smiled and grabbed a coat off the hook. “It’s good to see you again, Levi.” Her gaze shifted toward Bianca. “I’m leaving for my shift and taking Owen to the neighbor’s. Don’t forget that you have to be at work in a couple hours.”

Bianca narrowed her eyes. “I won’t forget.”

Lisa scooped Owen into her arms, squeezed past them, and opened the door. She turned and gave Bianca a meaningful look. “Be safe.” The door closed behind her.

Bianca turned back to him. “Since when does my mom actually act like a mom?”

That’s a good thing, isn’t it?” He ran his hand along her shoulder.

Yeah, it’s a great thing. I’m just confused.”

Maybe the other night knocked some sense into her.” He stepped back, admiring her from head to toe. “You look gorgeous. Did you dress up for me?”

Her cheeks turned pink, making him want to kiss them. “I was excited to see you.”

Now I feel underdressed.” He glanced down at his jeans.

She ran her hands up his back and then whispered in his ear. “You always look sexy.”

Good God, girl! You’re driving me crazy!” He planted his lips on hers again, squeezing her tight. This time, he pulled away before he lost control. “It smells like bacon.” His brows rose.

Oh, the pancakes! They’re probably burning.” She ran for the kitchen.

He followed, stopping short when the table came into view. A lace tablecloth had been spread underneath fancy white dishes that held pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit salad, orange juice, and coffee. A vase of yellow flowers stood in the center. He’d died and gone to heaven. Finally.

Well, these two are burned, but I’ve got lots more.” She stood over the stove, scooping a black cake with a spatula.

Did you make all this for me?”

She tossed the burnt pancakes into the garbage under the sink. “Yes. Is it too much?” She bit her lip, keeping her eyes on the food.

It’s perfect, I just… I’m surprised. Nobody’s ever done something like this for me before.” He sat down at the table and she joined him, carrying a pretty glass jar of syrup.

Well.” She picked up her fork, twisting it between her fingers. “I like you.”

How could everything be lining up so perfectly? What had he done to suddenly have this amazing woman sitting across from him professing to like him? He’d never in his very long life ever had a moment like this, ever had this kind of soul filling happiness. Maybe this was the plan all along, maybe he had to stay alive all this time just so he could meet her.

I like you too.” Like was too weak a word, he loved her, but he didn’t want to scare her off by saying it. “A lot,” he said, instead.

They both smiled and she handed him the plate of pancakes. “Eat up.”



ianca cut the pancake with the side of her fork. “So, last night I couldn’t stop thinking about this whole thing, the apple tree.” She twirled a piece in maple syrup and brought it to her mouth.

Levi glanced up at her, between scooping food onto his plate. “I don’t blame you. I’d never believe it either, if it wasn’t my life.”

She chewed, considering which of her questions to ask next. “Where did the tree come from? It just happened to be there when you got the land?”

He took a sip of his coffee. “Yeah, it was just on the land. I don’t know anything about where it came from or how it works. I’ve tried to figure it out though. The best theory I’ve come up with is possibly the roots feed from an underground stream, something like the fountain of youth.”

I guess that makes sense. There are legends about it so why couldn’t it be true?” She shrugged.

It’s only a theory. I wish I would have thought of it before I planted the other trees around it, but so far those other trees are normal. Maybe their roots aren’t deep enough yet?” He took a bite of his eggs and swallowed. “Every time we’re together we eat eggs.” He chuckled.

We had pasta at the café,” she said. “Should I have made something else?”

No, sorry, I didn’t mean, I don’t like eggs. Love them actually and this breakfast is fantastic.” He grinned and stabbed a bit of pancake, holding it up. “Is there something weird in these though?”

She laughed, placing a napkin over her mouth until she finished chewing. “No, they’re just regular pancakes.”

His grey eyes gleamed as he brought the fork to his mouth and rubbed his stomach theatrically.

She imagined jumping across the table to kiss him again. But she also had more questions. A deep breath calmed the giggles. “If you’re so worried about Peter getting a hold of the apples, why don’t you just cut the tree down?”

His smile fell and he took a sip of coffee before answering. “I’ve considered it, but I’m not sure what will happen to me if I do that, or everyone else who’s eaten an apple. We shouldn’t be alive right now. If I kill the tree will that kill us? I just don’t know how it works.”

The thought of something bad happening to him made her stomach drop. “Don’t do it then. It’s not worth the risk.” She placed her hand on his.

He gazed at her from across the table and the grin returned to his face.

Marry me,” he said.





Bianca stopped chewing her food and stared, her face blank.

Levi panicked. A minute ago he’d been afraid to say ‘I love you’ and now he’d blurted that out? He didn’t regret it. The idea made perfect sense. His life shone brighter and happier than ever with her in it. The desire to care for her and give her everything overwhelmed him. And they only had a relatively short time before she passed. It seemed pointless to waste it by dating when she was the only woman he had ever or would ever love.

Dropping his fork with a clatter, Levi stood. He walked around the table, took her hand and kneeled in front of her.

Her mouth hung open and she stared at him with wide eyes. “Are you being serious right now?”

He nodded, his heart racing. There was no going back now. This would either be the best day ever, or she’d run off screaming. “I know, it’s crazy. I should have planned this whole thing out and done something romantic, but I love you, and I want you to be my wife.”

She blinked and her hand began to shake. “This is the first time you’ve said ‘I love you’ and you’re asking me to marry you at the same time?”

This is the first time I’ve said it, but I’ve been thinking it since I met you.” He placed his other hand on top of hers in an effort to calm her nerves.

I… I… You do realize this is completely insane?” A sob broke through her. “This is so stupid. Yes. Yes I will, but this is so stu—”

He kissed her, pulling her off the chair and into his arms. Joy radiated through his body and forced his lips into a giddy grin. They fell back on the floor and he pulled her on top of him until she straddled his waist.

I love you, too,” she said between kisses. “This is crazy!”

It’s crazy, but it’s so right.” He lingered on her mouth, taking all of her in, before he pulled away enough to look at her. “I’ve never been surer of anything.”

Her hair draped over his head like a curtain, shielding him from the outside world and his hands rested on her waist. The thin fabric of her dress did nothing to conceal the sensation of her hips under his hands. He refused to entertain the idea that he could easily slip under the skirt and touch the bare skin of her thighs. Not yet. He wanted to deserve her, to treat her with the respect that he should.

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