The Ascendants: Genesis (10 page)

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Authors: Christian Green

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Short Stories, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Superheroes, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

BOOK: The Ascendants: Genesis
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The League of Protectors: Fire and Ice



“Okay guys, this interview is going to be pretty laid back. I've compiled a list of my personal questions for you, along with questions submitted by our viewers,” Alicia Torres said to Shayne and Jackson.

Alicia Torres was a year older than Shayne and Jackson. She was an aspiring journalist who was a lead reporter for Jackson and Shayne's school's weekly paper. For over a year, she had been trying to schedule an interview with the duo and for over a year, the crime-fighting duo had to reschedule.

Her time had finally come though. It was the day in which she would finally be able to interview the duo and really try to learn more about them. She was excited and nervous all at the same time. She wasn't the only one though, Shayne was unusually nervous as well.

He wasn't the biggest fan of giving interviews, but it wasn't as if he was nervous or shy when he did give them. This particular day though, something was different. Jackson noted it took Shayne much longer than normal to get ready. Typically, it was Jackson that spent nearly an hour in the shower each day. But on this occasion it was Shayne that was hogging the bathroom.

“Do you guys have any questions before we get started?” Alicia asked.

Jackson looked towards Shayne and let out a slight chuckle. He could see that Shayne was trying to hide his attraction for Alicia.

Shayne was dressed up even more than usual. It wasn't as if this was the first interview they had given, or an interview with special significance, neither was the case. This was simply a school interview. Jackson now understood why Shayne was overdressed.

Jackson looked down at himself and noticed a stark difference in the way in which he was dressed compared to Shayne. Jackson was in a blue tank top and some old blue jean shorts. Shayne on the other hand was dressed in a long sleeve button down shirt, black vest, and well pressed dark blue jeans.

“Interesting,” Jackson said.

“I'm sorry?” Alicia said turning her attention towards Jackson.

“I do have a question before we get started,” Jackson said his eyes switched between Alicia and Shayne.

Jackson and Shayne's bond was so close; people often thought the two shared a telepathic link, as both men were often able to decipher each other’s thoughts, just by looking at one another. Shayne already knew what Jackson was up to and it made him slightly nervous.

“OK, go ahead,” Alicia said.

“I was just curious, which lucky guy around here has the privilege of calling you his girl?” Jackson asked.

Alicia was surprised by the question. Her slightly pale face turned three shades of red. “I'm currently focusing on my classes right now. Looking towards my career,” she finally said without looking either man in the eye.

Jackson chuckled. “So basically... you're single?”

Alicia laughed uncomfortably and acknowledged that Jackson was correct. “You hear that bro? She's single,” Jackson said he looked at Shayne. It was now Shayne's turn to turn three shades redder.

“Let's get started with the interview,” Shayne replied. He desperately wanted the conversation to change immediately.

“I agree,” Alicia said, smiling politely. She let her gaze linger on Shayne just a second longer than it should have. Alicia looked towards her cameraman for confirmation that he was ready to proceed. The cameraman gave a slight nod, prompting Alicia to begin the interview.

“Good morning, I'm here with Jackson Prescott and Shayne Tucker, two of the most prominent Post Humans in the world today. Gentlemen, it's an absolute pleasure to have this opportunity to interview you.”

“It's great to be here. We love this country. We love our fans and we love doing what we do,” Jackson said flashing his million-dollar smile.

“I've had a chance to check out your articles, you do excellent work. I have no doubt in my mind that you're going to make an excellent journalist someday,” Shayne added with his typical chill demeanor and tone.

Alicia smiled brightly. She appreciated the compliment tremendously. She thanked Shayne for the kind words and then proceeded on with the interview.

“First question, what is a typical day like for the League of Protectors?”

Jackson looked over towards Shayne. Typically, it was Shayne that answered the first question in any of the duos' interviews. That pattern held true on this day as well.

“Well first off, I think it's important that everyone that watches this interview realizes that we are humans just like the rest of the world. We just happen to have extraordinary abilities and as such, we've been given a different classification. Sometimes I really hate the word Post Humans because it's a label, and labels can be destructive and divisive at times. It's like when people look at me and they classify me as a young black man. I hate that, I'm a man, my skin tone is just a part of who I am, but it doesn't define me,” Shayne said.

Alicia smiled as Shayne spoke. She found him to be very eloquent in his speech. She had heard several of his interviews before, but it was truly impressive to listen to him speak in person.

“With that said, each of us lives our lives as best as we can. This is our second year in college now. My concentration is on genetics. I'm really curious to learn more about how these extra genes humans possess are activate in some, but not in others. The phenomenon that is Post Humans has really expanded the field of genetic research. It’s mind boggling how little we really know about the field.”

“I'm currently undecided in my career choice. Although a career in Hollywood doesn't sound too bad,” Jackson chimed in.

Alicia smiled politely. “I can see you playing yourself in some Hollywood movie.”

Jackson laughed loudly; he could easily see himself playing the role of himself in a movie.

“All of us have responsibilities beyond protecting this country. Making sure beautiful women like you stay safe, is a top priority of ours,” Jackson said.

“Making sure everyone stays safe is a top priority of ours,” Shayne clarified, he wanted to make sure he corrected what would obviously be viewed as a sexist statement by Jackson.

“Yeah, that's what I said,” Jackson retorted.

“Okay, moving on, next question comes from one of our fellow students here on campus. Jim, a junior, wants to know how do you balance your time being a member of the League and also a college sophomore?”

Shayne thought for a moment. Jim's question was a good one as balancing the two “jobs” wasn't easy.

“It's about prioritizing. There's no telling when our name is going to be called, there's no telling when our presence is going to be needed. Me personally, I try to stay ahead of my schoolwork so that when I'm needed, I don't find myself falling behind. It's not easy balancing the two, but I make as conscious an effort as possible to do so.”

“Yeah, I just try to live in the moment. Life is too short. Every time I do battle with someone, there's a chance it could be my last. So I just try to live everyday carefree and enjoy it while I can. I know some people think that's a bad idea. That by doing so, I'm not being productive enough with my education. But I am who I am, and I refuse to let society dictate my happiness,” Jackson said.

“Great answers. Next question, how long have you two been friends and what makes your bond so tight?”

The duo looked towards one another and smiled with respect. “We've been friends since we were little,” Jackson started. “We went to the same private school together. We lived nearby. We played the same sports. We just, we were just meant to be the best of friends. I mean our friendship is the stuff of legend. It's legendare...”

“Don't do it!” Shayne chimed in.

“It's legendary!” Jackson finished, paying homage to his favorite show, “How I Met Your Mother.”

“I loved that show! I was sad when it went off the air,” Alicia said with a jubilant facial expression.

Shayne at that moment felt a bit out of the loop as he had never seen the appeal of that show. Then again, he had never watched an episode in its entirety. Perhaps he would have to go back, watch it, and give it another chance.

“But in all seriousness, while Shayne and I might be opposites in a lot of ways, there's nobody that gets me better than Shayne does. This guy right here is my brother. My brother from another mother.”

Shayne rolled his eyes. He hated that expression and found it corny, like he did most of Jackson's expressions.

“It shows that you two are close. The way you guys work together on the field is intriguing to watch. You two really complement each other well and it's so cool that even your abilities are polar opposites!”

“Okay, I've been saving this question here for the ladies. All of our female viewers are dying to know if you are seeing anyone, and if not, what qualities do you look for in a woman?”

Jackson looked towards Shayne to see if he wanted to answer the question first, as he expected, Shayne did not.

“I'll be real with you Ms. Torres, what I look for in a woman is someone that's smoking hot! Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, race doesn't mean anything to me. What matters is that she's hot,” Jackson said. “And having some sort of personality is beneficial as well,” he added.

The look on Alicia's face indicated she was surprised by Jackson's honesty. Jackson shrugged his shoulders and smiled with that charmed grin of his. “Hey, I like to keep it one hundred.”

“I've never really understood that phrase,” Alicia replied. She felt a little embarrassed that she didn't understand that popular phrase that was seen on social media sites all the time.

“It simply means he likes to tell the truth. He likes to be honest about what he's thinking. One hundred percent,” Shayne said.

“My answer reflects what a lot of guys feel, but don't want to say. They don't want to come across as shallow. Screw it. Call me shallow. I don't care, I'm just being real. I hope whatever woman I hook up with has a great personality. But the first thing I look at is how attractive she is.”

Alicia looked towards her cameraman who was still trying to regain his composure thanks to Jackson's comments. “How about you Mr. Tucker, do you share a similar opinion as Mr. Prescott?”

There was something about the way in which Alicia asked the question that peeked Jackson's interest. It was almost as if she was asking for Shayne's perspective on a personal level and not necessarily as a journalist.

“Like most things about us, Shayne is the complete opposite on this subject as well. He's one of those hopeless romantics!” Jackson said. He leaned in and placed his arm playfully around Shayne's shoulder.

Alicia smiled, she liked what she heard, but she still wanted to hear it from Shayne himself.

“If anyone ever told you that looks don't matter, they aren't being completely honest with you. An individual has to have some level of attraction to another for a relationship to work. However, for me, a woman's personality means everything. Her values, her beliefs, her opinions, everything that makes her who she is on the inside is what I look for. It's what's needed to keep my interest. A woman's physical beauty is an added bonus, but my perfect woman starts from the inside and then out,” Shayne said.

Jackson rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Ladies, this guy right here is as genuine as it gets. I kid you not, everything he just said, he truly means!”

Not only was Jackson quite skilled in combat and picking up women, he was also one fantastic wing man. If Shayne allowed him to do so more often, the number of women Jackson could've landed for him would've been much higher.

The cameraman snapped his fingers lightly to gain Alicia's attention. He gestured for her to wrap the interview up.

“OK guys, we have time for one final question, the thing everyone wants to know is...”

A symphony of panicked screams interrupted Alicia.  Outside of the gym where the interview was taking place, several frantic students scurried about trying to avoid the wrath of two intruders.

“Did we miss the interview?” one of the intruders asked. The speaker was short; he stood at about five feet seven inches. His hair was long, shaggy and black, his skin peach.

“Nope, looks like you arrived just in time!” Jackson said, hopping out of his seat and taking a defensive stance. “You're going to want to get this,” Jackson said to the cameraman before he turned his attention back to the two intruders. The two intruders headed towards the duo.

“You two looking for your fifteen minutes of fame?” Jackson asked. “Well probably more like five, because that's about as long as I suspect it'll take to handle the likes of you.”

Shayne raised his eyebrow at that last statement. While the first speaker did not have an imposing look, the other individual did.

Standing at five feet, ten inches, the man was built like a bull. Shayne took a defensive stance and waited patiently for the two men to make a move. For the time being, the League members were at a disadvantage. Everyone that was interested in combating members of the League knew their skill set, but Shayne and Jackson had no idea what these two individuals were capable of.

The duo had three options. They could call Stephanie and get an idea of who they were dealing with, they could run a facial recognition program, or they could find out the old fashioned way. While the first two options were more ideal, there wasn't enough time to go through the process required to get that information.

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