The Ascendants: Genesis (11 page)

Read The Ascendants: Genesis Online

Authors: Christian Green

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Short Stories, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Superheroes, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

BOOK: The Ascendants: Genesis
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“Before we take you out, mind telling us your names?” Jackson asked confidently.

The big bull looking man wasn't in the mood to talk. He was there to fight, and fight is what he did.

The man lowered his head and charged forward.

“Would you look at that? Not only is this guy built like a bull, but he comes charging at me like one as well!” Jackson said looking into the camera.

Jackson waited until the charging man was close enough to him that he wouldn't be able to slow down his momentum. When the man got close enough, Jackson created a wall of ice that the bullish looking man foolishly ran straight into. “You would think he would've seen that one coming!” Jackson said into the camera.

“Focus!” Shayne snapped.

“I'm focusing on how incredibly stupid these two are!” Jackson replied back. “So, how does it feel to get an exclusive video of a Jackson Prescott and Shayne Tucker epic battle?” Jackson asked Alicia.

“Jackson, look out!” Shayne hollered. Shayne sped over towards Jackson and pushed him out of the way just as a bolt of electricity was about to strike him. Shayne grimaced as he caught a fraction of the lightning bolt.

“Crap, you okay bro?” Jackson asked.

“Yeah, nothing my healing factor won't fix, neutralize him before he gets off another electric shot,” Shayne ordered. He took charge as he always did.

“So, electric shock is his ability,” Jackson said to himself as he charged forward towards the young man trying to electrocute him. Shayne and Jackson still had no idea what the man that was built like a bull could do besides run foolishly into ice walls, but unfortunately, they would soon find out.

While Shayne made his way back to his feet, the bullish looking man had already recovered. He stealthily snuck up from behind Shayne and wrapped him in a bear hug. Shayne could feel his bones crushing. He desperately fought back to get the man off of him. Having no other option and on the verge of succumbing to the pain, Shayne heated himself up making it impossible for the bullish man to hold on to him.

“Whoops miss me!” Jackson said showing a lack of respect for his opponent. Jackson constructed an ice sled and moved around on it swerving left and right to evade the dark-haired man's attack.

“Jackson!” Shayne shouted angrily as bolts of electricity zipped passed him, Alicia, the cameraman and the bullish looking man.

“On it!” Jackson shouted back as he hopped off the ice constructed sled. He hopped off in such a way that the sled came spiraling towards the dark haired man. The dark haired man was able to evade the creative attack, but Jackson followed right back and made the ground beneath the man's feet slippery.

“Caution, wet floor!” Jackson mocked as the man tumbled to the ground. Jackson took his time approaching the dark haired man. With one last attempt, the man stretched his hands forward and released a weak blast of electricity, the man's aim was off and the shot missed.

“Oh, so close!” Jackson said with fake sympathy. He reached down inside his pocket and pulled out the inhibitor syringe that became standard issue for all armed forces. He jabbed the syringe into the man's arm. Thus ending the man's feeble attempt of taking down the duo.

Meanwhile, the bullish man was back on his feet, but in severe pain. He charged forward with aggression seeking another chance to inflict pain on Shayne.

“Seriously?” Shayne said. He was a firm believer in not making the same mistake twice, a lesson the bullish man hadn't learned. Shayne dove to his left evading the attack. The man's momentum pushed him forward, right into the patch of ice Jackson used to get his opponent off his feet.

“Caution, wet floor!” Jackson repeated. The bullish man landed right next to his partner in crime. Jackson whistled as he jabbed the syringe into the man's arm.

Alicia Torres and the cameraman hurried forward towards the duo and praised them for their efforts. Jackson posed for the camera and made a statement while Shayne contacted the local G.U.A.R.D. unit to apprehend the intruders.

Alicia made her final statement and thanked the two men for their time. She couldn't stop singing their praises as she wrapped up her segment. “This is going to be our biggest episode yet!” Alicia said to her cameraman. “Thank you guys so much for doing this interview, even without the impromptu battle that took place, this was going to be our biggest issue.”

Shayne and Jackson smiled at the pretty woman. “It was our pleasure,” Shayne said respectfully. “You've got a lot of talent Ms. Torres. Pretty soon the whole world is going to know it!” Shayne extended his hand and Alicia accepted it.

“Dude, ask her out already!” Jackson whispered as the two men began walking away.

“It was an interview nothing more.” Shayne replied.

“You know, for someone as smart as you are, you can be really dumb when it comes to women. She's obviously interested, ask her out!” Jackson insisted, but Shayne refused.

“You have to let me make it up to you!” Alicia blurted out. Her words caused the two young men to turn back around and face her.

“That isn't necessary,” Shayne replied.

“Sure it is!” Jackson insisted. “What did you have in mind?”

“How about dinner later on tonight at my place?” Alicia asked. Her face indicated that she was extremely nervous to hear Shayne's reply.

Jackson's face turned into a grimace. “Sorry, I can't make it, I already have plans. But Shayne here doesn't. He'll see you there!”

Alicia's smile grew twice as wide, “Great, I'll text you the address!”

“Sounds good!” Jackson replied.

Shayne looked at his friend in disbelief, “You liar, you don't have any plans tonight.”

The duo walked past the G.U.A.R.D. unit that had just arrived and made their way out of the building.

“Sure I do, I've got big plans,” Jackson insisted. Shayne knew Jackson was full of it, but he decided to humor his friend anyway. “What sort of plans?”

“Getting you ready for your date tonight!”

Jackson took a few steps in front of Shayne and whistled. He was proud of himself for fixing Shayne up with Alicia and taking down a few more criminals in the process.







Christian Gree
is the author of three other books; The League of Protectors: Dawn of a New Age, The League of Protectors: Fire and Ice, and The Blood in Their Veins. He is an avid reader of all things fantasy related. As a writer, Christian focuses on telling a compelling story that engages the audience and delivers captivating dialogue. He is known for adding small bits of information in each story that connects with characters from other stories. Christian currently lives in Illinois. He is working on the next part of his The Ascendants series and book two of The Blood in Their Veins series.






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