The Awakening (19 page)

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Authors: Mary Abshire

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: The Awakening
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“Let them go!” Jonas yelled.

The demon held Tabby and jabbed the gun into her ribs. “Come any closer and I put a bullet in her.”

Jonas peeked around the corner.

“Man, you didn’t say anything about someone being with them,” Chris complained.

Sweat and fear poured from him in buckets. If I could convince him to run, I could tackle Tabby’s captor. I could fight for his gun or grab the dagger in my boot and take out the demon.

“Shut up and do what I told you to do,” the demon said. He stepped backwards, pulling Tabby with him. “Come on, back up.”

Tabby obeyed, shaking and whimpering.

Chris tugged on my arm. “Let’s go.”

I took a step back and then another. “The cops will be here soon Chris. They’ll catch you and you will go to jail. Is that what you want?”

“Shut up!” Tabby’s captor growled at me.

Damn it. Why wasn’t Chris listening to me? It only took me two tries to convince Tabby to punch Jonas. Then I recalled I had stared into her eyes when I persuaded her. I had yet to meet Chris’s gaze. Shit!

Glass pinged behind Chris's head and shattered. Tabby flinched.

“Jesus that was close,” Chris said.

I had a feeling Jonas purposely avoided hitting them. He could take out one in a single shot, but the other still might fire the weapon. He wouldn’t risk our lives.

Anger flowed from the demon. “Shoot again and I will put a bullet in her foot.” Glass crackled under his shoe as he stepped on the broken pieces.

Chris pulled me back, heading toward the end of the aisle. My heart raced. My time to act was dwindling. Once we got around the corner, Jonas would have to step out from hiding to come after us. Out in the open, he would be a target.

I twisted around to face Chris. Our gazes locked as he stabbed the gun into my stomach. “I’m telling you now. Get the fuck out of here before it’s too late. Someone is going to get shot and go to jail, and it might be you.”

Chris stared back at me. I had him, but would he obey?

“Go,” I said more forcefully.

“Hey!” the demon yelled. “Don’t look at her.”

I stared into Chris's eyes. “Get out of here!”

He turned to his friend. “Man, I’m not getting shot or going to jail for this.”

“Chris, don’t you dare back out now,” Tabby’s captor said.

“My friend is a good shot. He’s buying time until the cops get here,” I said fast, and Chris faced me. “Get out, now!”

Chris took a step back. “I’m not going to jail.”

The demon turned his head as Chris ran off. In one quick motion, I lifted my knee, grabbed my dagger, and hid it behind me. When he turned back to face me, he thrust his gun at me.

“I have had enough of you,” he snarled.

I held my dagger tight in my hand. I couldn’t attack just yet. He still had Tabby in his grasp.

“You’re the one I want anyway. I don’t need the shifter. It’s no loss if I kill her,” the demon said.

Jonas stepped around the corner and approached with his gun aimed at the demon. “Drop the weapon and move away from them.”

I met the demon’s fiery eyes. “You can’t shoot me. You’d jeopardize my life. I don’t think your clan leader would approve.”

He leveled his gun at my chest. “Don’t tempt me.”

I took a step forward, clenching my dagger. When he turned and aimed his weapon at Tabby, I lunged for him.

I gripped his arm and shoved him back against the shelf. More bottles fell and smashed on the floor. He slipped in the spilled liquor and released his hold on Tabby. Seeing my opportunity, I plunged my blade into his chest as he fired the gun. His body froze and his eyes grew wide. He slid down the shelf and landed in the mess on the floor.

I heard footsteps and turned just in time to see Jonas catch Tabby as her legs gave way. A red circle had formed on her shirt.

“No, no...” I ran toward her.

Jonas laid her gently on the ground and held her head up. Tears ran down her face. She held her hands over her abdomen.

I kneeled by her and lifted one of her hands. The blood was soaking her shirt and spreading. My heart sank deeper as I looked into her watery eyes. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She didn’t deserve this kind of fate.

“It doesn’t hurt,” she said in a soft voice. “I don’t feel it.”

“Be still Tabby. The ambulance will be here soon,” Jonas said.

He handed me his gun. “Get your dagger and shoot him in the same spot. I’ll tell the cops I shot him.”

I did what he asked as sirens drew near. Before returning the blade to my boot, I wiped it clean on the demon’s shirt. Then I rushed back to Tabby.

“Can you hold her head up? I need to find out if there are any tapes or discs recording this,” Jonas said.

I gave him his gun back, and he took off. I kneeled on the floor and gently held Tabby's head onto my lap. She looked up and our eyes met.

“If something happens to me, will you promise to look after him?” she asked.

I swallowed hard. “Nothing bad is going to happen to you.” I caressed her wet face. Her heartbeat was slowing down. Damn it, where was the fucking ambulance?

“Will you stay with me? I feel better when you’re around.”

I smiled as best I could. “I’m not going anywhere.” Tears burned in my eyes. My heart vibrated in my throat.

I heard sirens outside the store. Jonas was nowhere in sight. I had no clue what his plan was, but I refused to leave Tabby.

I glanced at the demon’s lifeless body. Fury filled me. I wanted to walk into Sal’s house and rip his head off. This wouldn’t have happened had he kept my picture off their database.

Seconds later, I heard a barrage of footsteps. I lifted my head and saw a herd of cops rushing toward me with guns in their hands.

“Don’t move,” one of them shouted, his weapon aimed at me.

“She needs an ambulance,” I said.

One cop bent down to check the demon’s pulse. The other one spoke into the device on his shoulder. Two other cops walked up behind me.

“What happened miss?” one of them asked.

I dropped my jaw and tried to look shocked. “He shot her.”

The cops holstered their guns and began to investigate.

A gurney finally showed up and two paramedics came to Tabby’s side. I crawled back and lowered her head on the ground.

Tabby tilted her head toward me. “Don’t go.”

“I’m not leaving you,” I said.

“Will you grab my purse for me?”

I wanted to laugh. She had a bullet inside her and she worried about her purse.

“I’ll get it.” I rose and strode down the aisle.

I passed a group of cops chatting. One watched me intently. I peered closer at his eyes and saw a red ring around his pupils. Great. Just great. A demon cop. Where did all the demons come from?

I snatched Tabby’s purse, spun around and nearly bumped into him.

“You’re going to need to come with me,” he said.

“I’m going with my friend to the hospital.” I glanced at the cop standing next to him blocking my way. He was human.

“I’m afraid you will have to come with us,” he said, and reached for me.

I stepped back. “Why? I didn’t do anything.” I peered between the two men and saw Jonas at the end of the aisle. I pointed at him. “I’m with that guy.”

The human cop looked over his shoulder. “I’ll get him.”

“Come with me.” The demon cop grabbed my arm.

“Why? Where are you taking me?” I said, rather loudly.

He escorted me toward the end of the aisle where Jonas and everyone else crowded. The paramedics were loading Tabby on the gurney. I didn’t want to leave her.

“Please, I need to be with my friend,” I said.

The cop kept a tight grip on my arm. As we passed by Tabby, I tugged my arm, trying to break free from his grasp. When he wouldn’t let go, I twisted sideways. Tabby was watching me with her eyes full of despair. She reached out to me. Damn it, this wasn’t fair.

I inhaled deeply and summoned my vampire strength. I jerked my arm free and ran for Tabby. I placed my hand into hers and squeezed. “You hang in there sweetie. I’m coming back for you. I promise.”

She smiled at me and nodded. A tear escaped her eye.

The demon cop grabbed my arms and pulled me away from her. “Miss, come with me.”

I stared at Tabby over my shoulder as he led me from the aisle. I wanted to cry and scream. But then, I knew making a scene would only cause more problems for me, and for my friend. I stopped resisting.

I searched for Jonas as the demon cop led me toward the front entrance, but I couldn't find him. The doors swished to the sides and we stepped out of the store. Polices cars surrounded the front. A small crowd of people stood off to one side, herded like cattle by a couple of officers. The demon cop pulled me in the opposite direction. Past a few vehicles, I saw two officers with Jonas. The demon’s partner was handcuffing Jonas’s hands behind his back.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Keep quiet and do as you’re told.”

The two cops with Jonas spun him around. Jonas saw me coming, and looked pissed. The demon’s partner opened the car door and nudged him into the back.

“Hey David, this one needs to be frisked,” the demon cop said to his partner as he stopped me near the open door.

David faced the other cop. “I’ve got it. You can go on. I doubt she’ll give us any trouble.”

“Yell if you need anything.” The cop gave David a pat on the back before leaving.

The demon took Tabby’s purse from me. I shot him an evil glare, wishing he’d drop dead. With the events in the store, the angel part in me lay dormant.

David grabbed my arm and jerked me toward the back of the car. “Hands on the trunk and spread your legs.”

I obeyed, clenching my jaw

Jonas watched me from the back seat of the cruiser while David patted me down. The pat down didn't compare to the time Boss checked me. And the cop skipped checking my boot. Moron.

I turned my head to the side and saw the demon cop open the front passenger door. He bent and dug in the glove compartment. My view of him wasn’t clear enough to see exactly what he was doing.

After David finished checking me, he pulled my wrists behind my back and cuffed them. I laughed silently in my head. Handcuffs couldn’t stop me from misting.

The policeman spun me around and leaned me against the car. He turned to face the demon cop. “She’s clean.”

The demon cop strode toward me with something in his hands. He locked gazes with his partner. “Thanks, I’ll put her in the car. The purse is in your seat. You’ll need to check it.”

“On it.” David headed for the open door.

I met the demon’s gaze.

“Turn around,” he ordered.

Frowning, I twisted.

He took one of my hands and slipped something cold and metallic over it. The object wrapped around my wrist like a bracelet and something dangled from it. After a snap, he turned me around.

“Don’t think you’re going to change and get away from me,” he said with an evil grin.

Oh crap! Had he put something on me to prevent me from misting?

The human cop returned. “The purse is clean. Should we wait for instructions before we take them in?”

“No,” the demon replied. “Let’s head downtown and get them booked. I don’t want to stay all night filling out paperwork.”

“Good idea. We can call it in on the way.”

The demon grabbed my arm and nudged me into the back of the car. As I fell into the seat next to Jonas, the ambulance siren came on. I turned to gaze out the back window. Lights flashed as the white truck pulled out of the lot. At least Tabby was safe and she’d get the care she needed.

The front doors slammed and I twisted back around. The demon sat behind the wheel and his partner was in the passenger seat. I looked at Jonas.

They aren’t taking us to the police station,
he said in his thoughts.
They haven’t charged us with anything or read us our rights.

Any ideas where they're taking us?

If I had to guess…Sal's office.



Chapter 21


My arms ached. The handcuffs pinched my skin and the bracelet, or whatever it was on my wrist, irritated me. I scratched my wrist with my finger to relieve the itch. Jonas sat next to me, calmly watching the demon. The human typed on the computer between the front seats. Glancing out the window, I saw nothing but open fields and a few houses. Where the hell was this demon taking us?

Stop scratching. It increases the strength of the spell,
Jonas said in my head.

Is it true, I can’t mist?

The spell keeps you in human form. They use it for shape shifters too so people can't run off or disappear.

A spelled bracelet to prevent creatures from shifting or vanishing made a whole lot of sense.

I shook my head in frustration.
So, if I hadn’t scratched, I could’ve misted?

No. The spell activated once it locked. The charm irritates the skin and amplifies the hold.

I was stuck, regardless. Great. I let out a deep sigh.
Got a plan?

I'm working on one.

And they can’t hear us, right?
I asked for certainty.

The demon kept checking in the mirror and looking at us, but it didn’t appear he sensed anything.

No, they can’t hear thoughts. They don’t know you’re part vampire so they wouldn’t suspect anything.

Excellent. I crossed my legs.

We can’t let them take us to meet Sal.

I was afraid he would say that.

“The man’s weapon checks out clean,” David said. “His name is Jonas Kincaid. Registration is current and his record is spotless. We’re not going to be able to detain them for long.”

“Let me see the gun,” the demon said.

David handed the weapon over. The demon cop glanced at it briefly, and clicked off the safety. He pointed the gun at the David’s chest, then fired twice.

I flinched from the dual loud shots. A ringing sound grew in my ears while my heart nearly jumped up in my throat. Oh my God! He shot his partner. Why?

The man’s body slumped against the door with his head drooping. The scent of blood captured my attention and stirred my hunger. My stomach cramped as I breathed in the aroma.

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