The Awakening (5 page)

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Authors: Mary Abshire

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: The Awakening
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Jonas pulled out the chair next to Boss. The plastic skidded over the tile with a loud scrape. He smacked the brown bag on the table. “I got you a cheeseburger and French fries.”

The thought of food made my stomach churn, but I decided to keep silent. Coming to McDonald’s had been my idea. After I’d dashed out of the pawnshop, I’d needed something to settle my stomach. A trip to a fast food restaurant seemed like a good idea, and a way to test if real food would satisfy my craving.

Jonas handed me a sandwich. I unwrapped the yellow paper, and stared down at the patty. The smell of the meat and bread seeped into my nose, making my stomach cringe in disgust.

I glanced at Boss. He appeared relaxed with his legs spread and hands settled on his lap. The small hole in his black blazer was barely noticeable.

“How’s your shoulder?” I asked.

“It’s fine. The bullet passed through.”

He stunned me with his nonchalant attitude. How did he control himself? How did he manage his hunger?

My thoughts returned to the pawnshop. I had almost panicked and lost myself. I wanted Ronnie's blood, craved it as if my life depended upon it. It all seemed surreal, until I saw my reflection and realized the truth.

Jonas set a small bag of fries next to my cheeseburger before he sat in the seat across from me. “Food's nice and hot.” He smiled as he popped up the cardboard box containing his sandwich. It looked even less appetizing than mine did.

“Do you think Ronnie is going to live?” I asked.

Boss shrugged. “His partner shot me. I don’t care.”

“Won’t he go to the cops?”

“No. I wiped his memory of us. He thinks he was in an argument and the man behind the counter shot him.”

“And the cameras?” I asked.

“Jonas took care of the recording.”

I remembered running out of the pawnshop. The potent smell of Ronnie's blood overwhelmed me, and I feared I might give in to my thirst. For several long minutes while I waited in the car for Jonas and Boss, my body trembled. The truth was beyond shocking. I found myself amazed I didn't pass out.

“Did you slip into Ronnie’s mind and find anything?” I asked.

“I did. I searched deep and on the night you sold the watch, all I saw was you.”

Well, the man did say I was alone. Guess he told the truth.

“Did you find the person who bought the watch?” Jonas asked before he shoved a couple of French fries in his mouth.

“I saw a face. Quite honestly, I’m not sure if the memory was accurate. Ronnie said a man bought it, but the picture in his head revealed a woman.”

“That's odd,” I said. How could Ronnie believe a man bought it when he had a picture of a woman in his head?

Jonas finished chewing. “Someone changed his memory.”

Boss gave a single nod. “Demons tamper with minds. I’m inclined to believe a demon bought the watch and altered Ronnie’s memory.”

Jonas nodded. "Makes sense." He picked up his sandwich. Lettuce fell into the cardboard box. “Did the woman in his memory look familiar?”

“Yes. I need to do some research when we get back,” Boss said.

“And you’re sure she was alone when she sold the watch to him?”

“No, I’m not sure.” Boss’s gaze turned to me. “The memory showed you alone, but your mannerisms were off. A couple times, you looked up and to your right. Ronnie’s behavior seemed unusual too. He talked normally, paused, lifted his eyes, talked more, and nodded.”

“You think he could've been talking to someone else?” I asked.

“It would seem that way,” Boss said. “Whoever he spoke to didn’t want to be remembered.”

Jonas swallowed. “Wouldn’t that suggest a vampire or a demon?”

“They would be the most likely culprits.”

A demon or a vampire was with me when I sold the watch? Oh, great. “What's a demon watch anyway? And what does it do?” I asked.

Boss leaned forward and set his elbows on the table. “A demon watch is round, has two dials on it, and four unmistakable diamonds on the outside. It can tell the time on Earth and in Hell. I need to research, because I don't believe many exist.”

“Time in Hell?” My eyes enlarged. “Are you kidding me?”

“I don’t kid,” Boss said flatly.

“Why would anyone want to know the time in Hell?”

“The watch opens a portal to Hell at specific times. Only those with watches would know the exact time the portal would open. I'll have to research, but I think some watches can create portals.”

My stomach churned. I’d sold a watch that not only told the time in Hell, it could open a portal. “Where would I have gotten a watch that could do that?”

“That is one excellent question. Since you don’t have any memories, I can’t answer it.” Frowning, he leaned back in his seat.

“Mm,” Jonas said as he chewed and held up a finger. After he swallowed, he said, “I saw a couple of demon and vampire bodies at the dump.”

“How can you tell a demon from a regular human being?” I asked since I couldn’t remember meeting any demons before.

Jonas held his fat sandwich in front of his mouth. “Their pupils are encircled with red.”

I made a mental note for future reference, should I encounter a demon.

I picked up a fry. It looked a wee bit appetizing. “Any ideas who would've been with me to sell a demon watch?” I looked from Jonas to Boss. Neither one offered an answer.

“Did anything in the pawnshop look familiar to you?” Boss asked.

I racked my brain, trying to find some resemblance, something that might help. Several frustrating minutes later, I gave up searching. “I don’t remember walking into the shop or talking to Ronnie. I don’t remember having a stupid watch either.” I threw down the fry.

Boss leaned back and crossed his arms. “I think we can make a fair guess you were involved with something big, something that involved different clans. Maybe you were seen as a threat and that’s why they erased your memories, though I still don’t know how.”

“Maybe she was working undercover and got in over her head,” Jonas said.

“Our council would not send people out under the radar. I’ve worked with them for far too long. I know each member personally. They wouldn’t do it.”

I let out a heavy sigh. All we had were theories and no new answers. In fact, we had more questions now than when we had left the dump.

“Are we going to visit Arnie’s Books?” I asked, picking out another French fry from the bag.

“I don’t believe it’s a twenty-four hour establishment. Most bookstores, even independent, don’t stay open late,” Boss answered.

“Did the receipt have a date?” I asked.

“Yes, three days ago. And the time on your receipt showed after eight-thirty.”

“Mm,” Jonas mumbled and held his hand over his mouth to talk. “The same day the watch was sold.”

Interesting, I thought as I tapped the fry on my lip. Three days ago, I visited a pawnshop and a bookstore. Why?

Jonas eyed the French fry between my fingers. “Are you going to eat it or play with it?”

I stared at the string fry. For goodness sake, the small piece of food couldn't hurt me. What was I afraid of?

Boss and Jonas watched as I slid the fry into my mouth and bit down. My tongue absorbed the taste of salt and potatoes. With each chew, the food tasted more flat and dull. When my gag reflex kicked in, I dropped the rest of the fry and sprang up from my seat, pushing out the chair behind me. “Excuse me.”

I raced to the bathroom as fast as I could. My stomach heaved, then a different type of sharp pain stabbed me. I shoved the door wide open. Thankfully, no one was around to see me puke.

I braced my hands on the counter and shut my eyes, fighting the wave of nausea creeping up on me. My stomach tightened. I kept my lips sealed and held my breath. Repeatedly, I told myself I would not vomit.

And I didn’t.

Once the nausea passed, I lifted my head and opened my eyes. The reflection in the mirror showed someone scared, tired, and at their wits end. Damn it. I hated this version of myself.

A tear escaped each eye as reality sank into my head. I was a vampire, or half-vampire. In any sense of the word, it meant the same. I needed blood to survive. But was I a killer? I didn’t know anymore. Didn’t the two go hand in hand?

A light knock on the door jolted me. I wiped my face as the door opened.

“I came to check on you,” Jonas said as he walked in.

I turned on the faucet and hot water splashed in the sink. “Thanks, and send Boss my gratitude for sending you.”

“He didn’t send me in here.”

I glanced at him in the mirror. “I appreciate it. I’m fine.” I washed my hands and shook them over the sink.

Jonas snatched two brown paper towels from the dispenser and handed them to me. “I always wanted to see the inside of the ladies restroom.”

I forced a grin. “Thanks.”

“You’re making it too hard on yourself,” he said, his gray eyes on me.

“How am I supposed to make this? I have no memories. I know what I am now and I don’t have a single fucking clue what to do.” Pain jabbed at my insides and I bit down on my lip. I wanted to break down, cry, and scream, but what good would it do? Frustrated, I crumbled the towels into tight balls and threw them in the trash. “I’m not a killer.”

“You don’t have to kill to survive.” His warm hands gripped my bare arms. “You can control the hunger. Trust me.”

I wanted to believe him. “I don’t know where to go. I don’t know...what to do.” I lowered my eyes, feeling stupid for admitting I didn’t know how to feed. I felt so alone and helpless.

“Don’t worry. We’ll help you,” he said, and pulled me closer.

As he embraced me, I swallowed, trying to keep myself from bursting into tears. His hands glided down my back. I rested my head on his shoulder and breathed in his musky masculine scent mixed with the outdoors and the fast food. His heart thumped a steady rhythm, strong and vibrant.

“Let your instincts guide you, and you’ll be fine.” His warm breath tickled my ear.

I closed my eyes and listened to his heart. The pulsing sound grew louder in my ears. Listening closer, I heard fluids swishing and gurgling within his body. His warmth encased me and I wrapped my arms around him. He was living and breathing, and I needed him.

“You feel so warm,” I said as I opened my eyes and lifted my head. The veins in his neck pulsed beneath his skin, calling to me. I blinked to make sure my eyes weren’t deceiving me. They weren’t. My mouth watered. I wanted a taste, just a little taste.

“It’s okay,” he said softly. “I’ve done this before.”

The need for blood consumed my thoughts, much like it had at the pawnshop. Jonas smelled so good, felt so warm. He was strong.

The two sharp canines in my mouth descended. I licked my lips. I could do this. I’d bite him and sip, nothing big. Warm blood would spill in my mouth. Oh God, warm thick fluid. My knees quivered at the thought.

I opened my mouth and inched closer to his neck. My teeth ached as my canines lowered. A little taste would make all the pain disappear.

Brushing my lips over his flesh, I prepared for a small bite. Then the bathroom door squealed. I jerked my head around. Boss stepped into the bathroom with eyes colder than the frozen tundra.



Chapter 6


I thrust the glass door open as I rushed out of the fast food joint. The cool breeze grazed my skin and swept strands of my hair into my face. Fresh air filled my lungs. When my feet hit the pavement, I wobbled sideways and bumped into the side of the car. Laughter leaped out of me. I was a total and complete freak. I had no memories, no family, and no friends. I was a vampire that didn’t know how to feed, and I almost took advantage of the one person trying to help me. Could my life be any worse? I had doubts.

Jonas strode out of the restaurant, jingling keys. He winked at me as he headed to the driver’s side.

Boss walked out behind Jonas. “We’re leaving.”

“Where to?” I asked. “I have nowhere to go, and no home. I’m probably better off here.”

He opened the passenger door and met my gaze. “Don’t be a fool. Get in the car.”

I crossed my arms. “Don't you think I'm dangerous? I almost bit your partner.” If he wanted to get rid of me, here was his chance.

“Yes, I believe you are dangerous, but not because of your need to feed. Now, get in the car.”

I hesitated to get in the car.

“Look, we need to find answers. I doubt they will fall into our laps if we stay here,” Boss said.

He had a point. Though I didn't feel warm and cozy with the man, he had offered to help me. I got in the car.

An awkward silence extended between the three of us while Jonas drove. I didn't know what to say. ‘Sorry’ didn't seem appropriate. They seemed to know more about me than I knew about myself. And as for Jonas, he had offered himself to me. I'd done nothing wrong, nothing against his will. After further thought, I didn't have anything to apologize for.

Staring out the window, I noticed Jonas had turned in the lane leading toward the interstate. “Where are we going?”

“We’re going home.” Boss glanced over his shoulder. “We need to do some research and the sun will be up in a few hours.”

I wanted to ask where home was, but knew I’d find out soon enough.

Boss turned his gaze to Jonas. “We have to stop at the store and get Tabby some milk.”

Jonas simply nodded.


Leaning my head back against the seat, I closed my eyes. My body still ached and I was weary. Maybe a good night’s rest would help me feel better and joggle some memories. God, I hoped so.

My thoughts returned to what had happened in the bathroom, I wondered about Jonas. He’d showed deep concern for me when he offered himself. He told me he had done
before. Had he shared his blood with Boss? It seemed plausible since he’d worked with the vampire for twenty-five years. Boss injected his blood into Jonas to keep him healthy and prolong his life. What would keep Jonas from sharing his blood if Boss asked? What a perfect friendship or working relationship. Where could I find someone like Jonas?

After a short drive, the car slowed. I opened my eyes to see where we were. Jonas rounded the corner and accelerated. The roads were dark and void of any activity. Red lights flashed above the streets. Most businesses had their lights off, except for a few fast food restaurants, and Wal-Mart.

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