The Awakening (7 page)

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Authors: Mary Abshire

Tags: #Vampires

BOOK: The Awakening
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“She's a shifter who lives with us,” Jonas said.

First vampires. Then gargumen and demons. Now shape shifters. What creature would I run into next?

I followed Jonas into the clean house while Boss shut the door. We rounded two corners, then Jonas flicked the switch on the wall with his elbow. The light came on and revealed an exquisite kitchen with stainless steel appliances, tiled floor, and cherry wood cabinets.

I set my bag with the milk on the center island, next to the other bags. “Nice kitchen.”

Jonas unloaded the bags. “Some of us have to eat regular food.” His lips twisted into a charming smile.

Boss strode into the kitchen and stopped beside the refrigerator. Seconds later, a young woman strode in, dressed in shorts and a thin T-shirt.

“Why didn’t one of you call and warn me you were bringing home company?” she asked in a soft voice. The tall, thin lady pushed her long, dark hair over her shoulders. She looked from me to Boss. “You could have called.”

“We had a busy night.” Boss moved closer to me and set the keys on the counter. “Tabby, this is...” Boss paused, and stared at me.

I extended my hand and gazed into her green eyes. “Stephanie.”

One of his brows rose. “Stephanie?”

“Jonas gave me the name,” I said.

Tabby shook my hand. “What’s your real name?”

“I don’t remember.”

She narrowed her gaze at me. “How can you not remember?”

Jonas shut the refrigerator doors and came to stand by the center island. “We found her at the dump. There were thirty bodies and she was the only one left alive.”

“At the dump? Oh my gosh.” Her eyes grew wide. “Are you okay?”

“I’m alive,” I said.

“Her memories were wiped clean. She has knowledge, but not much else. I’ve never seen anything like it. I don’t know who could do such a thing.” Boss withdrew the crumpled papers from his blazer and set them on the countertop. “She had these on her.”

“They look like receipts,” Tabby said, peering down at them.

“They are,” Jonas said. “One is for a pawnshop and the other is for a bookstore.”

“Did you check them out?” Tabby asked.

“We visited the pawnshop and found out she sold a demon watch,” Jonas replied.

Tabby looked at me. “Why would you carry a demon watch?”

I shrugged. “It’s one of the pieces of the puzzle I need to figure out.”

Boss removed his blazer and set it on the back of one of the chairs. The gun holster strapped over him gave him a dangerous and oh so sexy appeal. “Someone tampered with the owner's mind. He said a man bought the watch, but the image in his mind showed a woman.”

“Perhaps a demon bought the watch and altered his memories,” Tabby said.

Jonas leaned his elbows on the counter and looked at the receipts. “Since the watch can tell the time in Hell and on Earth and open a portal, it’s plausible a demon purchased it.”

“Would anyone besides a demon want a demon watch?” I asked.

“Doubtful. Only demons would have an interest in traveling to their natural home,” Boss answered.

“What about the bookstore?” Tabby asked, holding one of the papers and staring down at it.

Jonas straightened. “We’re going to check it out tomorrow.”

Suddenly, my gut tightened with piercing pain. I clenched my jaw, fighting the urge to curl into a ball and scream. “I think I’ve seen enough action in one night. Is there somewhere I can lie down?”

Tabby stepped closer. “Are you okay?” She put her hand on my shoulder.

“I'll be fine. It's just a bad cramp.”

Tabby looked at Boss and then Jonas.

“She's part vampire and demon,” Jonas said. “And by the look of her, she hasn't fed in a while.”

“Demon and vampire? I didn't think such a thing was possible.”

“It’s not,” Boss said. He crossed his arms and his biceps stretched the fabric of his dark shirt.

“We need your help to test a theory,” Jonas said to Tabby.

She nodded. “Sure.”

“Why don’t you give her a tour of the house? Maybe you have some clothes she can wear for the time being,” Boss said.

Tabby pointed her finger at his shoulder. “Is that a hole in your shirt?”

“He got shot,” I said.

“How did you get shot?” she asked.

“It happened at the pawnshop. I’m fine. The bullet passed clean through.” Boss headed for the open doorway. “Jonas and I need to go downstairs for a little while. Bring her down when you’re ready.”

“Sure,” she said with a knowing nod. “Come on, I’ll show you around.”

Tabby took my hand and led me from the kitchen. Even with my heels, her height beat mine by a few inches. She had long legs and arms. By my estimate, I was a size larger including in the chest area. Any clothes from her would fit snugly on me.

I climbed the stairs behind her, turned on the landing, and then continued up. The house smelled of lilac and a faint hint of cleaning supplies. The cream-colored carpeted floors were spotless and light fixtures sparkled.

Tabby stopped at the top of the stairs and waited for me. “There are four bedrooms up here, two ahead and two behind me. I have the master bedroom down the hall. Jonas usually stays in the corner room back here near the bathroom. Everything is clean.”

I rested my hand on the railing and glanced down the hall. “Where does Boss stay?”

Tabby walked past me. “He stays in the basement during the day. It’s big with two bedrooms and a mini lab, I mean, mini kitchen.”

“A lab?”

“You’ll see. Come on.” She waved her hand. ”Let’s see if I can find some clothes for you.”

I followed her down the hall with slow steps. Half way to the bedroom, my stomach cramped as if someone had kicked me. I stopped and leaned against the wall, hoping it would pass. For a second I thought it would until I inhaled and caught a whiff of blood.

“Are you all right?” Tabby rushed to my side.

I held my arm over my abdomen. “Can you take me to Boss and Jonas?” The pain was far worse than when I’d had it in the pawnshop.

She nodded and headed down the stairs.

The pain grew worse as I followed her and it took all my will not to fall to the floor. All my muscles ached like a bad case of the flu. With each breath, the scent of blood tickled my nose and made my mouth water. I couldn’t think of anything else.

Tabby kept eyeing me with worry in her pretty green eyes. I hated that she was seeing me like this.

Reaching the landing, I paused and leaned my hand against the wall. Every breath made things worse.

“I’m going to get Boss. Stay here.” She ran down the stairs before I could argue.

I rested my head against the wall. A moment later, Boss appeared at the bottom of the stairs. In two leaps, he reached me.

“Why do I smell blood?” I asked, looking up at him.

“Come with me.” He wedged his arm behind my back, bent, and swung his other arm behind my knees. In one swoop, I was in his arms. He carried me down the rest of the steps, down the hall, and another staircase. The air became colder and the scent of blood grew stronger. We passed a bathroom and continued down another hall. After rounding a corner, I saw Jonas sitting on a stool with a band around his upper arm. He held his fist tight in a ball. Next to him, I saw a small tube of blood.

“Stay there,” Boss said as we passed Jonas.

At the end of the dark hall, Boss pushed open the door using my feet. Light trickled in and I saw a large bed covered with a maroon comforter, entertainment equipment across from the bed, and a chair in the corner. Boss laid me across the end of the bed.

Sharp pain jabbed at my gut and every muscle in my body cramped. I clenched my teeth and curled into a ball.

Boss brushed the hair away from my face. “Hold on.”

I let go of the air I had been holding and whimpered softly.

Tabby appeared near the door looking panicky. She was biting her lip, and tears swelled in her eyes.

Boss left me and headed for the door. He grabbed Tabby’s arm. “Stay with Jonas. I don’t want you near her.” He pulled her out of the room.

My heart pumped violently while my head felt ready to explode. I smelled blood and I wanted it more than air. Boss rushed into the room. Jonas stood at the door, holding his arm with Tabby at his side. I gripped the comforter.

“It hurts so bad,” I said, and closed my eyes.

I heard a snap above me, then felt Boss's cool hand pressed down on my head. “Don’t move.”

I felt a slight sting on my neck, and winced. Boss held me still as a warm fluid flowed into me, and spread quickly into my chest. My heart thumped faster. The ache in my muscles lessened. I felt warm all over, every part of my body soaked in the elixir.

Boss lifted his hand from my head. Two seconds later, something pierced my neck again, and more warm fluid spilled into me. I relaxed as it ran through my veins, ridding me of all the ache and discomfort. I was at peace. I was warm with my heart beating steadily.

Darkness invaded my mind, and I drifted off into a deep sleep.



Chapter 8


Stars twinkled in the dark sky as if they were winking at me. Sitting on the steps of the deck, I held a mug of hot cocoa and had a smile on my face. The cool air chilled me, even in the sweatshirt and pants Tabby had loaned me. I sipped on my drink and for once, I didn’t feel sick.

As I held the cup under my nose, I savored the sweet aroma of the chocolate. My body felt normal, and I had a new stirring in my belly. My stomach growled.

The patio door swung open behind me, and heavy footsteps thumped over the deck.

Jonas sat next to me. “How are you feeling?”

“Better, thanks.”

He flashed a bright smile and placed a hand on my back. “Glad I could help.”

“I hope I never have to go through such horrible pain again.”

He put an arm around my shoulders, and tugged me closer to him. “Now that you know what you are and what you need, you can control it.”

“Boss said you were his donor. Any idea where I can find one so I don't have to go such a horrific ordeal again?”

He rubbed his chin. “Well, I'm sorry to say there's not a clinic you can go to, and if you showed up at the hospitals, they'd give you the cold stuff. You can survive on hospital plasma, but it'll leave you thirsty for more, at least that's what Boss told me.” He paused and took in a deep breath. “You're best option is to find a companion or friend who doesn't mind sharing a little every now and then.”

I lowered my eyes. Jonas and Tabby were the only two members of the living that I knew and felt semi-comfortable around. I wondered if either one would share with me until I could find someone else.

“Don't worry, I've got enough blood to keep you and Boss content.”

I lifted my gaze. “Really?”

“Yeah, you can survive fine on a tube every other day. Boss does. If you're body isn't used to the amount, it might take time to adjust, but you can do it.”

A tube every other day seemed miniscule, but if Boss was surviving on such a small amount, I sure as hell could too. “But what about you?”

“I'm a healthy man. A tube a day won't harm me.”

“Will Boss mind?”

“Don't worry. I'll talk to him.”

He smiled, and relief flowed through me like the cool breeze brushing over my skin. At least I had one major obstacle resolved, for now.

“Well, we still have the matter of not knowing who I am, who made me, why I have no memories, or who took them from me.”

“We’ll work on it.”

I admired Jonas. We barely knew each other, yet he was willing to help me in every way possible. He had a good heart and soul. Boss was a lucky to have him.

“Where’s Boss?”

His arm slid off my shoulder. “Downstairs researching. He said the bed is yours if you want it. He’ll sleep on the sofa if he gets tired.”

I took another sip of my cocoa. “Do vampires get tired? Well, I mean, do we have to sleep during the day?” I’d already figured out vampires could get weary.

“You don’t have to sleep during the day. Older vampires rarely do at all.”

“Does Boss?”

“Not much. He’s usually researching online.”

“But he stays in the basement.”

Jonas nodded. “He doesn’t like to come up during the day unless it’s storming. He complains the sun is too bright for his eyes.”

“So the sun won’t burn us?”

He gave me a nod. “Oh it will, if you stay out too long.”

Interesting, I thought as I drank the rest of my hot chocolate. Since I was part human, I wondered if I could tolerate the sun better than a regular vampire could. Maybe I’d have to stay up past sunrise to find out.

“Do you think I’m part demon, Jonas?”

He hesitated and took a deep breath. “I don’t know. You don’t look or smell like one.”

“What do I smell like?”

“You don’t have a scent. Well, you didn’t. Since you’re wearing Tabby’s sweatshirt I can smell her scent on you.”

I chuckled. “How did you even know what I was when you first met me?”

“Your eyes and your skin tone. I’ve been around vampires long enough to recognize one at first glance.” He grinned.

“So how can we tell if I’m part demon?”

“Well...there are a couple of different ways. Demons can turn into dark mists.”

I squinted my eyes. “Like a shadow?”

“Something along that line. They can also force humans to do things, manipulate memories, communicate with the dead and…” He gazed into my eyes.


“They can travel to Hell and return back to Earth.”

I shook my head. “I am not going to venture there. No way. And I don’t want to even try communicating with the dead.” Demon or not, I wanted to keep my feet planted on Earth and my conversations with the living.

“I don’t think we could test sending you to Hell anyway. Without a demon watch, it requires a séance.”

“Hey you two,” Tabby said.

Jonas and I turned around as she strolled out on the deck with bare feet.

She put her hands on her hips. “I’m going to fix a sandwich. Would either of you like one?”

Jonas eyed me. “Hungry for real food yet?”

I smiled and tilted my head back to meet Tabby’s eyes. “I’ll have one with you.”

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