The Baby Truth

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Authors: Stella Bagwell

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BOOK: The Baby Truth
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She couldn’t be pregnant…

Except apparently she was! Still, Sassy Matthews was a woman on a mission. She’d come to Carson City to find her biological parents—not to faint in the arms of the lawyer who’d met her plane! Of course, finding out she was going to be a mommy didn’t exactly fit into her plans either. Now what was a girl to do?

Jett Sundell wanted to keep an eye on Sassy—and not just because her new “family” suspected her of being a gold digger. Sassy captured his interest from the second she fainted into his arms, but she was pregnant with another man’s child! Jett knew he might be able to provide Sassy with the link to her past, but she might just be the key to his future.

Having Sassy close to him felt far too good, and before Jett could stop himself, he slid his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close against him.

She didn’t resist. Instead, her body settled against his as though it had found a perfect niche. Encouraged by her reaction, he said, “I’d like to change that for you, Sassy.”

Her head tilted backward, allowing her gaze to connect with his. “How? You can’t change the course of my life.”

“You might be surprised about that.”

Uncertainty flickered in her eyes. “Jett, I think—”

Her words suddenly halted as his thumb and forefinger wrapped around her chin. “You probably won’t understand this, Sassy, but I’m very glad that you’re here.”

“How can you be?” she asked, her voice little more than a breathy whisper. “You didn’t ask for all this trouble.”

“I’m beginning to think you’re just the kind of trouble I need.”

* * *

Men of the West: Whether ranchers or lawmen, these heartbreakers can ride, shoot—
and drive a woman crazy…

Dear Reader,

A few years ago, when I first walked into the Cantrell home,
I met a young maid with bright red hair and a bubbly smile. At that time the
only thing I knew about her was that she kept the house clean and often spoke
before she thought. I never planned for her to have a story. After all, there
were so many more important family members and their friends to grab my
attention. But Sassy had a way of poking her nose into everything, and she
slowly convinced me to give her a chance to step out of the background. And even
then I didn’t realize she would eventually become such an important character,
or the bridge to a new ranching family with plenty of problems of their own.

The Baby Truth,
it takes
courage for Sassy to travel to Nevada on a search for the truth. But the past
holds the key to her future, and she’s determined to find just where the Calhoun
family fits into her life.

I hope you’ll join Sassy on her journey to a rugged land,
where she finds a love as big as the Western sky and the family she always

Thank you for reading, and happy trails,

Stella Bagwell


Stella Bagwell

Books by Stella Bagwell

Harlequin Special Edition

+Daddy’s Double Duty
+His Medicine Woman
+Christmas with the Mustang Man
+His Texas Baby
+The Doctor’s Calling
+A Daddy for Dillon
+The Baby Truth

Silhouette Special Edition

+From Here to Texas
+Taming a Dark Horse
+A South Texas Christmas
+The Rancher’s Request
+The Best Catch in Texas
+Having the Cowboy’s Baby
Paging Dr. Right
+Her Texas Lawman
+Hitched to the Horseman
+The Christmas She Always Wanted
+Cowboy to the Rescue
+*A Texan on Her Doorstep
+Lone Star Daddy
+Branded with His Baby
+The Deputy’s Lost and Found
+His Texas Wildflower

Silhouette Books

The Fortunes of
The Heiress and the
Maitland Maternity
Just for Christmas
A Bouquet of Babies
*“Baby on Her Doorstep”
Midnight Clear
*“Twins under the
Going to the Chapel
“The Bride’s Big Adventure”

*Twins on the Doorstep
+Men of the West

Other titles by this author available in ebook


has written more than seventy novels for Harlequin. She
credits her loyal readers and hopes her stories have brightened their lives in
some small way. A cowgirl through and through, she loves to watch old Westerns,
and has recently learned how to rope a steer. Her days begin and end helping her
husband care for a beloved herd of horses on their little ranch located on the
south Texas coast. When she’s not ropin’ and ridin’, you’ll find her at her
desk, creating her next tale of love. The couple has a son, who is a high school
math teacher and athletic coach. Stella loves to hear from readers and invites
them to contact her at
[email protected]

To Jason and Karen,
with lots of love.

Chapter One

regnant! But that can’t be!”

Sassy Matthews stared in disbelief at the doctor standing at the side of the examination table. If the roof over her head had suddenly crashed in, she couldn’t have been more shocked.

The doctor gave her a kindly smile. “Why not? You’re a young, healthy woman.”

Sassy’s mouth flopped open. “But that happened more than two months ago! And we used protection.”

“I’d say two months or a little more is just about right. And no method is foolproof. You did say you’re not using oral birth control?”

Birth control! Sassy had never needed it. Then she’d gotten to know Barry and spent one impulsive night with him. Now a baby was coming. It was too much to comprehend.

“No. I’m not. I didn’t. But, doctor, I’ve not missed my period. How—”

“Occasionally that happens in the early months. If you continue to experience them, let your obstetrician know. In the meantime, I want you to take these vitamins until you get back home to New Mexico and see your regular physician.” He handed her a small square of paper. “You can purchase them at a nearby pharmacy. I’ll send a nurse in to help you dress and she’ll give you some information regarding diet and nutrition. Think you can stand now without fainting again?”

With a dazed nod, she said, “Yes. Thank you, doctor. I’ll be fine.”

As the physician left the curtained cubicle, it took all the strength she could summon to keep from dropping her face in her hands and sobbing. Thank God he’d not asked about the baby’s father. Telling him about Barry’s death would have broken what little composure she was clinging to.

A few minutes later, her purse stuffed with prenatal care pamphlets, she walked into a large waiting area filled with people, most of whom were sitting on stuffed couches and armchairs. As her gaze swept over the scene, she caught sight of the man who’d been waiting for her.

He was standing near the double-door entrance, his shoulder resting against a wooden pillar. A gray cowboy hat dangled from one hand while a cell phone was jammed to his ear. No doubt explaining to someone that he was delayed at the hospital because of a dizzy redhead.

Oh, my, what must he be thinking?
Sassy forced herself to move in his direction. He was the Calhoun family lawyer, and he’d met her nearly two hours ago when the small plane the Cantrells had chartered for her landed at the Carson City, Nevada, airport—and after five minutes of conversation she’d fallen into his arms in a dead faint. He’d rushed her to the nearest hospital and had been waiting for her ever since.

Spotting her approach, Jett Sundell immediately pushed himself away from the pillar. As he strode toward her, Sassy’s heart suddenly kicked into a seriously high gear. His tall, lean frame was covered with worn blue jeans and a short denim jacket. A brown-and-white patterned kerchief was tied around his neck, and the square toes of his cowboy boots were scuffed and worn to a buttery brown. She guessed his age to be somewhere in his early thirties; his complexion was a leathery tan while his thick hair appeared to be a shade shy of black. He looked nothing like a lawyer and everything like a cowboy who made his living in the saddle.

At the moment, a smile was tugging at the corners of his chiseled lips, and in spite of the news the doctor had just given her, she found herself smiling back at him.

“I see you’ve recovered,” he said in the same low, graveled tone of voice she remembered from their short conversation at the airport. “I hope the fainting spell was nothing serious.”

She was going to have a baby and the father would never be around to be a part of the child’s life. That was serious. And, unfortunately, a fact that couldn’t be changed.

Trying to keep a positive smile on her face, she shook her head. “Nothing life threatening. I’m fine.”

“Good. Then let’s get out of this place. I’m not exactly fond of hospital emergency rooms.” Taking her by the elbow, he urged her toward the exit doors, and as they moved forward she was acutely aware of the strength of his hand, the nearness of his big frame. At least she’d had the good sense to faint in front of a man with enough muscle to save her from a nasty fall, she thought.

“I parked the truck not far from the entrance,” he informed her. “But if you’re still feeling shaky, I’ll pick you up beneath the portico.”

She hadn’t asked Jett Sundell to meet her at the airport. But when she’d informed him that she’d be arriving today, he’d insisted on meeting her plane and driving her to the hotel. He’d offered because he represented the Calhoun family, the people she’d come to Nevada to meet. She’d never intended to cause him so much inconvenience.

“No need for that. I can make the walk,” she told him. “And I apologize, Mr. Sundell, for putting you through all this.”

“Call me Jett. And as for the fainting—forget it. I always wondered what it was like for Roy Rogers or Gene Autry when the damsel in distress fainted in their arms,” he said with a grin. “Now I know.”

For the past three months her life had been a whirl of grief, shock and confusion. By mere chance, she’d learned she was adopted. Then the man she was beginning to truly care for had been tragically killed. The combined trauma had left her in such a fog she’d not noticed anything going on around her. But now Jett Sundell’s presence was penetrating that daze, making it very hard for Sassy to ignore him.

Working on the Chaparral, a huge cattle ranch down in New Mexico that was owned by the Cantrell family, she’d seen plenty of tough, rugged men. But there was something about this man that set him apart and demanded way too much of her attention. Especially when she needed to focus on the news she’d just been handed by the doctor.

Outside the building, the afternoon sun was bright in a cloudless sky. A faint wind was blowing from the west, where a tall ridge of mountains towered over the city. Sassy had worn a light green coat over her dress, and the extra clothing felt good against the brisk January air.

When they reached a black pickup truck with a brand of J Bar S emblazoned on the door, he helped her into the passenger seat. Sassy supposed it was the same vehicle he’d placed her in after she’d fainted, but she couldn’t remember their trip to the hospital. One minute she and Jett had been talking in the airport, and the next thing she’d known she was in a curtained cubicle with a nurse standing over her. And now she felt very grateful to this man. Even bonded to him, in some weird way.

Sucking in a deep breath, she watched him settle his tall frame behind the steering wheel. She had to speak up now, she thought, otherwise it was going to make things even worse.

“Mr. Sundell—I mean, Jett—before we go any further, we need to talk.”

Instead of jamming the key into the ignition, he squared around in the seat so that he was facing her, and Sassy’s attention was immediately captured by his craggy features. The grin on his face was causing a dent in his left cheek and his dark brown eyes were studying her in a way that gave her the impression he was enjoying the moment. Which didn’t make sense. No normal man wanted to deal with an emotional female.

“Okay,” he said. “Fire away. I have plenty of time if you do.”

Feeling a blush sting her cheeks, she glanced away. Before now, talking one-on-one to a man had never been difficult for Sassy. But what she had to say was so personal, and Jett was such a rugged, masculine man.

“This isn’t easy and I don’t even know how to say it. But I think I should cancel the meeting with the Calhouns.”

As soon as she spoke the words, a look of comical confusion spread over his face. “Cancel! Are you kidding me? After flying all the way out here?”

“I’m sorry,” she said feebly. “I realize you’ve gone to so much trouble—first to meet me at the airport and then this whole hospital thing. I feel awful about wasting your time.”

“I’ve had trouble before, Ms. Matthews. And you’re not trouble. At least, not yet. But I do think I deserve an explanation.”

Thrusting a hand into her tumbled red hair, she shoved it back from her face while trying to force her breathing to an even pace. “You have to be thinking I must be the silliest woman you’ve ever encountered. But everything has suddenly changed.”

“Sudden is an understatement, Ms. Matthews. Two weeks ago, when we talked on the phone, you were champing at the bit to meet the Calhouns. And hardly more than an hour ago at the airport you were gung-ho to see them. I don’t get any of this. I thought seeing the Calhouns, Finn in particular, was important to you.”

No doubt about it, she was looking worse than an idiot right now, Sassy thought. “I’m Sassy to you, not Ms. Matthews. And let me assure you that everything about coming here to Nevada was—
important to me.”

The square corners of his mouth twisted to a skeptical slant. “Why? Because you believe there’s a million-to-one chance the Calhouns might somehow be connected to your biological parents?”

She shot him an annoyed look. She’d already explained to this man why she was here. Why was he questioning her again? Especially now that she wanted to leave? “You sound just like a lawyer.”

“I am a lawyer,” he reminded her.

And she couldn’t let herself forget it, Sassy thought. Instead of seeing him as a sexy cowboy with feelings, she needed to remember that he represented the Calhoun family. Everything she told this man would most likely be repeated to them.

“Well, since you feel the need to cross-examine me, I don’t mind answering. Although I don’t understand the need. We discussed all this before I came out here. Or have you forgotten?”

The sardonic grunt he made brought her gaze back around to him.

Sassy had a spirited nature that matched her red hair. Any other time she wouldn’t have hesitated to spit fire back at this man. But learning she was pregnant must have done something to her. Instead of using fighting words, she was fighting back tears.

“I agree it sounds a little far-fetched. At first I didn’t give Barry’s suggestion a second thought. Just because he thought I looked like a friend of his, this Finn Calhoun from the Silver Horn Ranch— Well, it was amusing. We both laughed about it. Then Barry invited me to join him in Canada for a few days where he was going to be competing in a rodeo. I needed a passport to travel there and—”

“In order to obtain one, you had to have a certified birth certificate,” he finished for her. “I recall you explaining all of that. But hadn’t you seen your birth certificate before? And didn’t you have family who would have said something?”

She let out a pent-up breath. She’d been in such a daze these past few weeks, she couldn’t remember exactly what information she’d given to this man. “If my late grandparents knew about the adoption, they never told me. I don’t have any other close relatives that might have known the truth. As for the certificate, all my family papers burned years ago when I was seventeen. Before that happened there wasn’t any need for me to see the document. Anyway, that same fire killed my parents, took my home, everything. I just happened to be staying with a friend that night. Otherwise, I would’ve probably perished with them.”

“Sorry,” he said ruefully. “I’m not trying to be insensitive, Sassy.”

This man was rattling her, and it had nothing to do with the questions he was asking. His dark, rugged features and muscled frame seemed to fill up the whole left side of the truck, making it difficult for her to breathe, much less think. And those brown eyes—they were warm enough to melt butter.

“It’s a jumbled explanation, really. But I’ll try. You see, I applied to the state for a new birth certificate, and when the new document arrived in the mail I was stunned to discover that I’d actually been adopted from an orphanage in Santa Fe. I immediately drove up there and visited the orphanage, but they couldn’t tell me anything.”

“Couldn’t or wouldn’t? Adoption files always have a tight lock,” he said.

She shook her head. “They don’t know where I came from. I was left there mysteriously—in the night. A few days later, I was still reeling from that discovery when I got word of Barry’s death. All together, it knocked me for a loop.”

The skepticism on his face disappeared as he shook his head. “That’s understandable.”

Not wanting him to see the despair in her eyes, she glanced out the windshield. She wasn’t a loser or a whiner. She’d always kept her back straight and her chin high. And that strong woman was the one she wanted Jett Sundell to see.

“I was still going around like a zombie trying to come to terms with everything when I got a letter from Finn Calhoun saying he’d like to meet me. That’s when Frankie Cantrell, my employer on the Chaparral Ranch, suggested that I make the trip out here. In fact, she and her family even treated me to this trip.”

He nodded. “Finn told me about his friend Barry sending him a picture of you. He said you looked enough like him to be his sister. And I admit there’s a strong resemblance—I recognized you right away. I just hadn’t been aware Finn had written to you until a few days ago, when you called the ranch’s business office.”

Suddenly clearing his throat, he twisted the key in the ignition and the engine sprang to life. “It’s getting cool. We need the heater.” As he fiddled with the controls on the dashboard, he said, “I apologize again if I sounded like I’m cross-examining you, Sassy. It’s just that families like the Calhouns...well, they can sometimes be the objects of—”

“Con artists,” she finished flatly. “Gold diggers or nutcases. I appreciate it’s your job to shield them from that sort of thing. But Finn did invite me to come for a visit. It’s not like I took it upon myself to make this trip. Actually, if Frankie hadn’t pushed me, I wouldn’t be here at all. And it’s not really like I expect anything. But it’s been a rough few weeks and this was a chance to get away—to have a bit of a rest from everything else that’s going on. And maybe discover some information that could help me find my birth family.”

After studying her for a long, thoughtful moment, he said, “What are you going to do, then? Disappoint her by racing back home?”

“You don’t understand. I—” She paused, unable to come out with the real crux of her problem.

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