The Bachelor and the Beauty Queen (17 page)

BOOK: The Bachelor and the Beauty Queen
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“The flipper,” Nate whispered and tapped his two front teeth.

Unlike all the other girls who needed help, Philly stopped at the
on the stage without having to look down. She cradled her cute little baby cheeks at the judges and showed off her perfect cupcake hands as she turned around to walk back behind stage. Not once did she turn her head for guidance from Lexi. After she blew the judges an air-kiss from her glossed lips, she exited the stage, where Lexi waited. The crowd rose to their feet in applause. Lexi swung Philly in her arms and visibly mouthed how wonderful she was.

“That's our girl!” Nate whooped, pumping his fist in the air.

“Where was Lexi before?” Stephen frowned.

Nate rolled his eyes. “Didn't you pay attention to when Lexi trained her?”

He paid attention to Lexi, not necessarily her words.

“Even though those mothers are behind the judges—” Nate pointed his long finger up ahead to where one overly plump mother imitated the cupcake walk with her hands down as if fluffing an imaginary tutu “—the judges are aware. They take off points on their scoring cards if the parents are too obnoxious. Lexi is off to the side. Check out how irritating those mothers are. They're ridiculous.”

“Speaking of obnoxious.” Stephen cleared his throat.

Nate nodded and winked, “Yeah, you've been obnoxious.”

He ignored his brother's comment. “What's with this Philip guy?”

Slinking in his seat, Nate groaned and rested his head on the back of the chair to view the high ceiling. “He's a good guy, Stephen. Do I like the way Kimber went about it? No. If you're going to live here with us, you need to understand and accept the fact that Kimber is sixteen and not the angel on the pedestal you've placed her on.”

“You need to be quiet talking about Kimber.”

“Accept it,” Nate said with a carefree shrug. “We're not the holiday uncles who come in town and shower the girls with gifts. We're parents now and we need to realize our kids are going to mess up. Are you up for the job, or do you want to go back to your big old mansion in Berkeley Lake and visit us on vacation?”

Stephen did not like the idea of not being with his nieces. He hated Nate's veiled threat. “Well, big brother, you've got some thinking to do.” Nate gave Stephen's knee a hard pat. “I'm going to go upstairs, give Lexi this pager.” He extracted a square black buzzer with a red center which reminded him of something a commercial restaurant would hand out when a table was ready. “I want to watch Philly get ready for talent.”

The other girls weren't done on stage, but Stephen got up, not caring about seeing about the rest. He wanted to spy on Kimber. What kind of outfit had Lexi designed? Lexi had worked day and night for Philly's dress. When did she have time to complete one for Kimber?

“Stephen, right?”

One of the last people Stephen wanted to run into was the woman he held responsible for Kimber entering the pageant. Rose Laing, Lexi's former boss. She exited the doorway of the hotel's bar and tugged at the hem of her low-cut leopard-print tank top—her steps a bit wobbly. “Hello.” Stephen gave a short nod with his bald head.

“You out here all by yourself?”

Stephen wanted to button up his shirt with the way the woman leered at him. Something about the way she spoke to him creeped him out. “I'm about to find my family.”

“Lexi?” The corners of her eyes where he expected to see crow's feet trembled. A sly smile tried to appear but obviously Botox worked for her. “She should know better than to leave a handsome man like yourself down here all alone.”

“Well, I'm a big boy,” Stephen said, backing up as she closed the gap between them. Someone ought to teach her about personal space. Her breath smelled like gin.

“Yes, you are.” A weird growl came from the back of her throat. “You know I am a firm believer in returning favors. Lexi slept with my husband. I think turnabout's fair play. You and I should get together.”

“Whoa!” Stephen jumped when Rose reached out between his legs.

Pulling her head back in amusement, Rose gave a bit of a cackle. “You seem shocked. You didn't know?”

“Lexi's past is none of my business.”

Now realizing he would not sleep with her, Rose stepped back and chose her next weapon. “Haven't you ever wondered why she stopped being a pageant coach?”


“Ever wonder why her little dress shop is so little? Why she tucked her tail between her legs and took off or why her parents want nothing to do with her?” Rose went on, “She has such a bad reputation. No one wants to buy from her.” Rose sniffed the air and exhaled loudly, “And I'm not saying this because I caught her and Ernest.”

Stephen's jaw twitched as he ground his back molars together. “Ma'am, what happened in the past is not any of my concern.”

“Of course not,” Rose said with a throaty laugh. She dug her phone out of the lace lining of her bra and flipped her screen on. “You're not concerned anymore. This is you in the photograph with Natalia Ruiz, no?”

For some reason Stephen took the bait and craned his neck to view her screen. He shook his head, trying to figure out why his picture would be in Rose's phone. “You've moved on to better things.”

“You'll have to excuse me,” Stephen grumbled. He needed to find Lexi and find her fast. The last thing he wanted her to think was he'd gone to Natalia last night while angry. Dinner was strictly business. He might be mad as hell with Lexi, but not crazy.

“Don't say I didn't warn you. Good luck to your niece today,” Rose called out. “Remind her second place is nothing to sneeze at.”

* * *

In order to get a better assessment of Kimber's walk, Lexi thought it would be a good idea to watch her go from room to room. Lexi propped open Kimber and Philly's door and Nate's to judge. After a summer of monitoring pageant walking with cupcake hands, Kimber managed the art well. Nervously, Kimber chewed on her bottom lip, waiting for Lexi's opinion, while the boyfriends stood off to the side, tossing a football to each other.

Lips curving into a slow smile, Lexi couldn't keep the girl in suspense any longer. “You are awesome!”

Kimber's sister and fake boyfriend cheered for her. Her new boyfriend picked her up and swung her around in the air. “Oh, thank God!” Kimber cried. “Miss Chantal and Andrew ran those old tapes of you in the store. I've been studying your walk all summer!”

“You've mastered it, Kimber.” Lexi beamed. “I want you to remember, I will always be off to the side watching you, in case you need reassurance,” Lexi said, patting Philip's large arm to set Kimber down. He let her down easy but still kept his arm protectively over her shoulder while he one-handedly caught a football toss from Marvin.

Nodding, Kimber blushed, “I've got this!”

“I still don't want you to feel like you have to go through with this.”

“Are you kidding me?” Kimber gasped. “I'm sorry, but that brat's mother needs to be shut down.”

“She wasn't always mean,” Lexi mumbled to herself. Her heart ached for Vera and the pressure her mother must be putting on her now to win. “I'm a big girl. You don't have to worry about me.”

Kimber reached out to pat Lexi's arm. “Please. After how Uncle Stephen acted last night, it's the least I can do.” She gave Lexi an apologetic smile.

Bottom line, Stephen still held her responsible for the dress and still thought less of her for wearing the garment. Funny how the dress Kimber stole was what brought Stephen and her together.

Someone knocked rapidly at Lexi's door. Nate went to answer and Chantal came flying inside with a garment bag in her arms. “Geez, you would think the presidential campaign was being held here,” Chantal breathed. “None of the guards would let me through. I had to give all my IDs to them. Thankfully Andrew spotted me and vouched.”

Lexi crossed the room to half hug her and take the garment bag from her. “Thank you for doing this.”

“Yes, thank you,” Kimber said.

“Tell me you love the dress and we'll be even,” said Chantal, stepping backward. Lexi handed Nate the hanger to hold up while she unzipped the black garment bag. A collective gasp filled the room. The dress blinded them with sunset-orange beauty—perfect to kick off the fall season right around the corner. With Kimber's hazel eyes and amber coloring, the floor-length gown with a sweetheart neckline was a sure winner.

“Lexi,” Andrew said, waltzing through the adjoining doors. He lowered his voice when he peeked into the other room and he realized Philly had fallen asleep on the bed. “You won't believe this, but from wearing this shirt around I've already gotten orders for six new clients for your October workshop.” He ducked out of the way of the hurtling football.

“I don't have any October workshops.”

The ball whirled his way again, and this time Andrew caught the pigskin and tossed it back with force. “You better tell her, Chantal.”

“Chantal?” Lexi said her name low and slow.

“Sorry, too many people were asking me about your services, so I started a sign-up sheet.”

“You're busy until next summer,” said Andrew.

Lexi wanted to grab Andrew's hands and twirl around the room out of sheer excitement, but she contained her joy with a close-lipped squeal. Kimber needed to change into the dress, so Nate kicked the boys out and closed the door for the women. While Kimber went into the bathroom to change, Lexi glanced over at Philly and grinned. A plate of apple slices remained untouched. Lexi preferred Philly continue the talent portion well rested. She hated when parents offered their children candy and Go-Go Juice—a mixture of high caffeine and sugar drinks.

“How are you doing?” asked Chantal.

“I'm fine. Didn't you hear Andrew? Business is booming.” Lexi plastered on a toothy smile.

Chantal sat down on the bed and patted the space next to her. “I
him. I also
the picture of Stephen and Natalia Ruiz on

Did everyone follow the blogs but her? “Whatever.” Lexi shrugged.

Not believing her, Chantal rolled her eyes. “Don't try and be tough.”

“I'm not trying.” Lexi attempted to sound cheerful and hoped she came off the same. “I've got too many things going on in my life, thanks to you.”

Nate knocked on the adjoining doors before poking his head in. “Everybody decent?”

“We are,” Lexi answered. Kimber mumbled from the bathroom and Chantal went in to help. A few minutes later, Kimber twirled into the bedroom in a ray of autumn sunshine. The boys rushed in to see all the fuss. Philip, clearly smitten, stood speechless. After a while, Chantal ushered the boys out on the promise of getting some food from downstairs. Everyone left through the boys' room, leaving Nate and Lexi alone.

“Mind if I hang out in here? I can't take another argument between Andrew and your cousin, Henri, over decorations for a pretend wedding.”

“Is your masculinity threatened?” Lexi teased.

Nate chuckled. “No.” He leaned against the doorjamb and sighed, shoving his hands in his pocket and training his penetrating deep green eyes on her. “How are you doing?”

“Why does everyone keep asking me if I'm okay?”

“Because last night was pretty crazy and my brother is a jerk.”

Lexi relaxed and smiled. “I'm fine, I promise.”

“Listen,” he began, “I didn't get a chance to apologize to you.”

“I didn't stick around—” she shook her head “—but you don't need to apologize. Stephen is a grown man, Nate,” said Lexi. “What he says and does isn't your responsibility.”

“I know you saw the picture in the gossip blogs.”

A heavy sigh escaped from Lexi's lungs. “I promise you, I don't pay attention to those things. If Stephen was on a date, he was free to do so.”

From the other room, Kimber's shrill scream rang through the air. The two of them rushed into the room next door. The floor was a mess, door wide-open, and Philip sat on a bed clutching his jaw, Kimber in front of him, staring her uncle down.

“You had no right!” Kimber yelled at Stephen.

“I had every right. This
had his hands all over you.”

Nate came between Kimber and Stephen. “Relax, Stephen. They're a couple of kids making out.”

“Where in the hell were you with this going on?”

“I was right here.” Nate folded his arms across his chest.

Stephen pushed his chest against his brother's. Lexi feared they were going to come to blows. After all, Stephen had just hit a teenage boy. “No, you weren't here because you would have seen this punk groping our niece. What had you so distracted?”

Nate didn't say her name; his eyes flickered in Lexi's direction. Stephen spun around. His cold eyes narrowed on her, chilling her to the bone. Her heart seized against her chest. She'd never seen such a wild look in his eyes. The man had gone mad. She had no idea what she'd done so wrong, and as high-and-mighty as she wanted to claim Stephen was, it didn't lessen the pain. Lexi was positive if they all stood still, everyone would hear her heart breaking.

“You!” he growled. She was sure she made a squeaking noise. “I swear to God, haven't you done enough? I already know what lengths you'll go through just to get my property, but I'll be damned before I let you teach Kimber your little tricks. First, you sell Kimber your dress, then talk her into this and now you're moving on to my brother?”

Lexi's hands flew to her mouth, covering her face. Nate jerked Stephen's arm and slugged him one good time across the face. Stephen's head turned slightly at the blow but stopped when Kimber screamed.

Kimber cried, tears running down her face. Lexi wanted to comfort her but hesitated. Fortunately Nate reached around and supported her. “She didn't sell me the dress!” Kimber blurted out. “I stole it.” Stephen gasped and Nate nodded his head. “I stole it one day when Uncle Nate came into the shop. I took it because I wanted to impress Philip.”

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