The Bachelor and the Beauty Queen (19 page)

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“Philly!” Lexi dashed to the five-year-old's side and knelt on the ground. “You had me worried.”

“Philly, what were you thinking?” Stephen sat down at the bottom edge of the little diva's seat. Every visible inch of her seemed okay. “You bought a candy apple after what happened?”

“I don't want to do the pageant anymore,” Philly announced.

“Okay,” Lexi said softly and pressed the back of her hand against Philly's red-stained cheek. “Do you feel forced?”

“No,” Stephen interrupted with more force, “you're not quitting this pageant. Lexi's worked hard. Uncle Nate, Kimber... Hell, Philly,” he cursed and winced at the same time when both ladies looked up at him, “you're not a quitter. You made a promise and you're seeing this thing through to the end.”

“But I don't want to do it if you're going to be unhappy.” Philly's bottom lip quivered, her brown puppy-dog eyes watering as she looked at him.

“What? I've never been prouder.”

“But you've done nothing but yell at everyone. And I don't want Miss Lexi to leave us, so I'll just stop.”

“Philly,” Lexi cooed, wrapping her arms around her. “What gave you the impression I'd leave?”

“You left Vera Laing. She told me not to count on you for pageants. So if I leave pageants, will you stay?”

Lexi glanced over at Stephen. He shrugged his shoulders, not sure what to say but sure the two of them both wanted to throttle the Laings. “Sweetie, when the pageants are over, you can always come and see me anytime.”

Taking another chance, Stephen reached over and pulled Lexi against him. “Lexi isn't going anywhere, Philly. I promise.”

Long false lashes blinked back the giant tears. Stephen's heart ached for Philly. “But you're mad at Miss Lexi.”

“I'm not mad at Miss Lexi, I'm mad at myself.”

“Philly!” Nate's voice boomed across the Olympic-sized pool.

“Is everyone mad at me?” asked Philly.

Lexi began to leave. Maybe she thought this was a private moment. Stephen held on to her hand to prevent her from walking away. “Philly, walking off and not telling anyone is so dangerous. You could have fallen in the water. Someone could have snatched you up and we'd never know how to find you. I can't have you doing that ever again.”

“Am I in trouble?”

“You're certainly not finishing this candy apple.” Stephen reached for the wooden Popsicle stick holding the half-eaten apple. “You will finish the pageant, and then we will discuss your punishment later.”

Nate stormed over and took Philly away after Stephen filled him in, all the while still holding Lexi's hand. It dawned on him she may have wanted to leave with Philly, but not before they talked. Stephen stood to face her.

“We need to talk, as well,” he said, glancing into her eyes.

This time Lexi pulled harder on her hand and pulled herself loose. “No—” she shook her blond head “—we don't.”

“Lexi, I'm sorry.” Stephen stepped forward, his hand already feeling empty. “Let me explain. I lost my mind.” The fact she didn't breeze by him gave him hope. He took a step closer; the bottom of the lounge chair scraped against his calf. “What can I say?”

Lexi sidestepped his attempt to reach for her hand. “There's nothing to say. One day you're telling me how I can count on you, the next you make insinuations about me like you have from day one.” Her dark eyes glanced around the pool before she leaned forward and gritted between her teeth, “Day one, Stephen.”

“Everything okay, Miss Lexi?” asked the security guard, Barry.

A plastered smile pressed on Lexi's face indicated to anyone paying attention that all things were okay. The plastic smile did not reach her eyes, and in the last rays of summer light, Stephen shivered. “We're good,” she called out to Barry. To Stephen, her smile ceased. “We're not good. In fact, we're done.”

“Lexi, please listen to me.”

“I can't, Stephen.” Lexi sighed and folded her arms underneath her breast. “Philly means the world to me, and I can't stand the idea of her hating me the way Vera hates me. She thinks I left her when it didn't work out between me and her dad. Oh, and yes—” she slapped her hand against her denim-clad thigh “—I dated a married man, but in my defense, I didn't know they were married until Rose decided she wanted to be a wife and mother again. Ernest told me he was single and I foolishly believed him. That's why they hate me.”

As much as he wanted to know, Stephen no longer cared about her past. “Lexi.”

“I'm serious, Stephen. Let's just call it—”

Never before had Stephen been more grateful for the pageant parents to live up to their reputation when a mother, not happy her child's teeth were stained black with the free candy, tossed over the food table into the pool. Pandemonium broke out, and out of instinct, Stephen grabbed Lexi by the arm and guided her through the drama into the lobby.

“Now that I'm done parenting,” he said, proudly admitting what he was, “go back to the pageant and wait for me. I promise I'll be right back,” said Stephen over the noise of screams, alarms and police whistles. “I love you, Lexi.”

* * *

So much for promises
, Lexi thought miserably to herself as she sat in her seat in the ballroom of the Brutti Hotel. She tried to keep a happy face as she sat next to Nate and Andrew. At the end of the row, Philly sat in Philip's lap based on the notion they shared the same name. Kimber and Marvin were at the end. Last night, she'd stayed up in her room, waiting to hear back from Stephen. Around midnight she realized what a fool she'd been for giving him a second chance. Who wanted a man who was so quick to humiliate her? Did it matter if he apologized? Well, she was done waiting—even if she'd literally just walked through the doors twenty minutes ago, not wanting to miss a call.

“All right, ladies and gentlemen. We're back at it,” the emcee said. “Crowning time!” Applause drowned out the emcee. Everyone was ready for the weekend to end. “Well, before we conclude, we have a little surprise for everyone.”

“I am so tired.” Lexi yawned and laid her head on Nate's shoulder. “Wake me when they're done.”

“This year we've decided to have one more treat to liven everyone's spirits with a little fun and send everyone off on a good note. We want to thank all the parents and participants for coming. Moms, we thank you for all your devotion and hard work.”

Music began to play, a violin twanged. Lexi made out the Charlie Daniels Band's infamous “Devil Went Down to Georgia.” She stifled a giggle and shook her head.

“Moms, grandparents, god-mamas, coaches, we thank you for getting your girls here on time. Dads, brothers, uncles, we thank you for your patience. So without further ado, we would like to introduce the men of the Southern Style Glitz Pageant.” The room broke out in catcalls and whistles. “Ladies and gentlemen, coming to you from right here in the Peach City, uncle of two of our contestants, Philly and Kimber Reyes—please put your hands together for Stephen Reyes.”

Lexi sat straight up. Her ears barely caught the names of the rest of the surprise contestants. A dozen men lined the back row of the stage and waited for their turn. Some men dressed in suits, a few in Speedo bathing suits and others casual in jeans.

She blinked in disbelief but sure enough, walking slowly to the center of the stage right on the masking-taped
, was Stephen Reyes, head shaved, beard trimmed, in a pair of snug jeans and a pink personalized Grits and Glam Team-Kimber Team-Philly T-shirt. He took it in good stride as he slowly spun around for everyone to see, and all the mothers, with no shame, hollered out for him.

Without moving her head, she cut her eyes to Nate. He was laughing and filming the whole event. Down front, in the middle of the aisle but directly behind the judges, Andrew spun in the same slow motion with his hand on his hip for Stephen to copy. Stephen didn't seem to have any trouble keeping his composure. He kept his hands in perfect cupcake hold and kept his almond-shaped eyes glued to Lexi. Her heart stopped and jump-started ten times over as he was on the stage. As he exited, another father came out and then another and another. No one generated the same excitement as Stephen.

“Thank you, gentlemen.” The emcee fanned herself. “Did the temperature get hotter or am I going through a spell?”

Unless Lexi had hit menopause, it was the temperature. Heat crept down her face, across her neck and down her spine. She pushed away from the row of chairs to run over and meet Stephen as he exited the stage.

“You're nuts!” Lexi cried, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Is this why didn't call me? Did Andrew have you working all night?”

“For you, Lexi, only for you,” he said.

“Ah-hem,” the emcee interrupted, “Will all contestants please remain on the stage while we tally the scorecards?”

Stephen planted one more kiss against her lips before jumping back onstage. The crowd cheered for him. Lexi shook her head and covered her mouth while she laughed all the way to her seat. Her personal scorecard went off the charts for him.

“This just might be a tough one to call,” the emcee chuckled, not believing the lie. “We'll go by the judges' score...” She paused for a moment, pushing her glasses back up on her face. “Oh, I stand corrected, a unanimous vote. Ladies and gentlemen, your first and new Mr. Southern Style Glitz is none other than Mr. Stephen Reyes.”

Stephen stepped forward from the back; he blew ridiculous kisses at the audience members like Philly. At least he had been paying attention during her rehearsal! Once Stephen was fitted with a king-size crown, the other men all took a bow before disappearing back behind the curtain.

“You're not going to show anyone that tape, are you, Uncle Nate?” Kimber asked from the end of the row.

Still laughing to the point of tears, Nate nodded his head. “I've already uploaded this directly to the web.”

When the men came back into the audience, Stephen was given a standing ovation. Everyone cleared the way for Lexi to come out into the aisle and for them to meet halfway. Her mouth twitched with a smile and desire to kiss him. He didn't need to be asked. Stephen took her in his arms and wrapped her up in a hug.

“Lexi, I'm so sorry for what I put you through. I was fighting a ghost—my brother. Thanks to you, I finally understood what he tried to tell me about finding the right woman and wanting to settle down. I'm just sorry in order for me to understand, I hurt you in the process. I embarrassed you and to prove that it'll never happen again, I will go to any length to top what I've done to you. You must have thought I was such an ass.”

“Well, if the shoe fits...” She grinned.

“It did,” he whispered, “but I promise, if you'll allow me, I will do whatever is necessary to make things up to you. Nothing happened between me and Natalia. We had dinner to talk, for closure. You're the only one I want. You're the only one're the only one I love.”

“Stephen, it's okay.” She kissed his jaw. The crown tilted off his head so she straightened it.

“I love you, Lexi.”

Her heart melted. She bit her lip as he set her down. She'd found her prince, crown and all. “I love you, too, Stephen.”

Through the microphone, the emcee cleared her throat. “Are we ready to announce the winners of this weekend?”

Stephen took Lexi's hand in his and led her to the Reyeses' row. She didn't have to sit through the rest of the event. She already knew who the real winner was tonight. The Reyes family.


eated on a king-size bed strewn with golden, orange, yellow and red rose petals, Lexi shook her head to the upbeat song's tempo as Stephen strutted his stuff in the privacy of her bedroom in the condominium they shared. At the end of summer, they had moved to the top floor in a bigger place with more rooms for the kids when they came over.

“I'm beginning to think you're making fun of me,” Stephen said, slowly spinning around to reveal his ripped torso in a pair of white boxer briefs. “How many nights are you going to make me do this?”

As far as Lexi was concerned, she'd never get tired of Stephen working the faux runway of carpet before the bed. It had been a few months since they'd returned home as the winners of the Southern Style Glitz Pageant. Kimber insisted on keeping her Miss Ultimate Grand Supreme Queen trophy at Grits and Glam Gowns in the new storefront window on the corner of Sunshine Boulevard and Sunshine Street. Philly slept with her Mini Grand Supreme trophy every night. Every morning and evening Lexi walked by her desk she pressed a kissed finger to the framed photograph of her and Stephen in his first and only beauty pageant sash. Right next to the photograph sat a simple congratulations card signed “Mom and Dad.”

“Forever,” Lexi hummed to herself. Her parents had yet to make an appearance at Grits and Glam Gowns but the card was a definite start in the right direction and there was always hope. Maybe they realized their daughter was a pillar of the community. She'd taken out the photograph her parents sent her in her congratulations card and set it on her nightstand.

This weekend Stephen and Lexi had celebrated their six-month anniversary by hanging inside and decorating for the Halloween party they had planned for everyone later at Grits and Glam Gowns. Their
Saturday Night Fever
costumes hung over the door of their walk-in closet. With the renovations upstairs and down the street, their businesses boomed. The former upstairs apartment had been converted into a bridal salon with a special Realtor right next door.

“Happy six-month anniversary,” Stephen said when the song ended. He stood at the end of the bed and stroked her red-painted toenail.

Lexi curled her toes and grinned. “I cannot believe it has been six months since you stormed into my life.”

Stephen cocked his head to the side and gave a lazy smile. “
is such a strong word.”

“Barged, intruded, disrupted?”
She offered a range of words, but anything else she wanted to say got lost in her yelp when he grabbed her by the ankles and yanked her body down to the edge of the bed. She rested her heels on his shoulders while he stroked the length of her calf. “You can't be serious about going another round?”

“Didn't I say I'd make love to you every hour on the hour?” He dipped his head to kiss her ankle. “We're already behind schedule.”

This morning Stephen had woken her up with breakfast in bed, catered by Henri's restaurant. And every night since returning, he had been at Lexi's side. He showered her with gifts. She refused to take the space next door but had stood back and admired him as he donned a pair of workman's boots and helped remodel Grits and Glam Gowns.

“New picture?” asked Stephen, when he stopped fiddling around. “Let me see.”

Lexi reached over and handed him the photograph in the frame by her nightstand. “You want to see a picture of my parents before you're about to make love to me?”

“Scandalous woman.” Stephen winked. “Why have I never noticed this picture?”

“My mother sent it to me yesterday.” Lexi felt her cheeks rise as she beamed. “It's a start, right?”

“Your dad runs a bank, right?”

“Yes, David and Mary Pendergrass in the flesh.” Her smile dropped. “Well, sort of.”

“I've met this man before. He's the one who suggested I give you the Dancing Lady orchids.”

A shaky hand touched her mouth. “What?” she gasped.

“Yeah, crazy—” Stephen set the picture down on the nightstand “—almost like I got his permission to pursue you.”

“Sure.” She sighed with a playful smile. Her hands rolled through the soft petals, lifting them and letting them fall back onto her bed. “Are we getting back to your talent portion?”

With that, Stephen began to crawl onto the bed, stalking the length of her body with each move. Lexi used her elbows and scooted back to fit Stephen between her legs. She went to wrap her arms around his neck but he pulled back. “Wait, I have something for you.”

“Stephen, really.” Lexi shook her head, rubbing her neck against the soft, pink fluffy robe from the spa day he'd surprised her with in her living room this morning. “You've done too much already.”

“I don't think I can ever stop doing too much, Lexi.”

Blushing, she rolled her eyes. “You've already fed me grapes by hand, helped build my little castle in the store, barely let me step foot anywhere without you carrying me. You're treating me like some sort of princess.”

“Well, you know, if the tiara fits...”

As he reached for the drawer of the nightstand, he stumbled to the ground. Lexi stifled a giggle until he righted himself, on one knee with a black velvet box in his hands. Lexi's hands flew to her mouth. The one-and-a-half-carat princess crown diamond blinded her. “Stephen! It's big enough for a queen!”

“Well, Reyes does mean ‘kings.'” Stephen shortened the distance between them, greeting her with a kiss. “So what do you say? Will you put me out of my bachelor misery and be my queen?”

“I do.”

* * * * *

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