The Bad Boy Next Door: A Red Hot Bad Boy Romance (5 page)

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At 7:30, she clocked out and drove over to the baby sitter’s house. Her daughter, Reggie, ran over to her with a happy squeal and threw her arms around Genie’s legs, hugging them tightly as she gave a little “rawr.”

Genie laughed and pretended to be afraid. “Oh my! A tiny little bear has got me! What will I do?”

“I’m no bear, Mommy! I’m a Fairy Princess!” Reggie stepped back and twirled in her white tutu.

“You are a Princess, Regina,” Genie said. She looked at Sidney, the woman who had been Reggie’s babysitter since birth. “I take it she behaved?”

“She always does,” Sidney replied. “I bribed her with a movie and a graham cracker.”

Reggie started picking up her toys and putting them in the special toy box that Sidney had built and helped her paint. Genie was always impressed when her four-year-old started cleaning up after herself. She didn’t know many young kids who took to the task well. Once she was finished, Sidney gave her another graham cracker. Reggie thanked her and hugged her legs before grasping Genie’s fingers in her little hand.

“How old would you say Reggie looks? I mean if you didn’t know how old she is. She seems tall for four doesn’t she?” Genie asked idly.

“Yeah. When we go to the park, the other nannies say she looks old enough to be in kindergarten. Smart enough too, in my opinion,” Sidney said.

Genie picked up her daughter and got her buckled into her car before heading to her mother’s house. She still had to take Judith to pick up her car where she had left it at the diner.

Judith was waiting on the steps, hair and make-up perfect, Genie noticed. Her mother knew how to hide a hangover with the best of them. “Hello, dear,” Judith said as she buckled her seatbelt.

“Hi, Mom. Got a date tonight? You’re all dolled up.”

“Heavens yes,” Judith said, giving her daughter a wink. “Melvin Mathers, from the country club.”

“What the hell kind of name is Melvin Mathers?” Genie asked with a laugh. “He sounds ancient.”

“Ancient and loaded. His grandparents founded the country club,” her mother said sharply. “Not only that, but his grandfather owned the only construction company in the city until twenty years ago. Melvin does quite nicely for himself as CEO of the country club,
owner of not only the original construction company, but the other one as well. He’s very shrewd.”

Genie just smiled. Good, her mother had someone to keep her occupied for the time being. With any luck she would stay out of Genie’s way. “I might be taking my vacation days soon,” she said as her mother exited the vehicle. “A high school friend moved to Dallas recently and wants me to come see her.”

“Ugh, Dallas. When are you thinking of going?”

“Soon as I can get the time approved,” Genie responded.

“Take lots of pepper spray,” her mother said over her shoulder.

“Have fun on your date with Melvin Mathers,” Genie said, and she pulled away before her mother could respond.



Isaac knocked on Ruby’s front door at precisely six that evening. Ruby was staring at herself in the full length mirror on the back of the closed bathroom door. She had decided on black capri pants and a lavender halter top. Her raven hair was in a French twist with tiny purple crystals adorning the hairpins holding it in place. Ruby looked at herself once more and spritzed on a single spray of perfume. Then she walked into the living room and answered the door.

The pair of them were simultaneously stunned by what they saw before them; Isaac by the way the halter top skimmed Ruby’s curves just right, as if inviting his hands to encircle her waist, Ruby by the muscles flowing beneath the skin-tight white tee shirt her date wore. As she was reminded of the dream she’d had recently, she wondered what it would feel like to be wrapped in those arms, pinned by them even. She felt herself blushing lightly and hoped Isaac wouldn’t notice and ask her about it.

Ruby looked past him and saw a sleek, dark blue sedan idling at the curb in front of her house.

“Ready to go?” Isaac asked, swallowing the lust that was balling in his throat, making his voice husky. “I made reservations for us.”

Ruby nodded and retrieved the small, delicately-beaded purse she had splurged on during a trip to Rome. The tiny crystals caught the light and sparkled like diamonds. Isaac offered his arm, and Ruby took a deep breath and looped her arm in his. Once in the car, Isaac gave the driver his orders.

“Imane, please.”

Ruby gave a low whistle. “That place is pretty posh. Maybe I under dressed.”

Isaac gave her a smile. “You might be
over dressed,
” he said playfully. “You look perfect,” he protested when Ruby gave him a playful glare in return.

Ruby took in the tight shirt and black jeans her date was wearing and decided that if his clothing was acceptable at the upscale Moroccan restaurant, then hers would be as well. They rode in silence for a ways before Isaac brought up the subject of her books.

“You mean you actually went out and bought one?” she asked, incredulous.

He nodded. “This morning. I needed to get groceries and there in the impulse buy magazine rack was an Ophelia Maddox novel. I read the whole thing in one sitting.” He put an arm around Ruby and pulled her close, whispering, “
steamy if I do say so myself. I imagined myself doing some of those things to you in fact. Made for a very interesting read.”

Ruby felt goosebumps run up and down her spine. Her breath caught in her throat as she suddenly found herself imagining the same scenario. “If you’re lucky, you might get the chance,” she said deciding to be just a little flirtatious.

At the restaurant they were seated immediately. Ruby watched Isaac shake the hostess’ hand and slip her a fifty dollar bill at surreptitiously. The woman gave him a generous smile, showing off teeth so dazzling, Ruby wondered if they had been bleached to within an inch of their enameled lives. As they took their seats, glasses of ice water were placed before them along with menus.

“What did you slip her a fifty for?” Ruby asked.

“It’s customary to tip the hostess in restaurants such as this,” Isaac explained. “Besides, I’m not exactly dressed like I have money to burn, so the generous tip ensures that we won’t be harassed about the dress code.” Isaac took a long drink of his ice water and smacked his lips. “Could use some gin to go with this ice water.”

Ruby pursed her lips and just as quickly forced the expression of disapproval from her face. She enjoyed a drink or two now and then herself, she thought.
But I don’t want this to degrade into some kind of drunken revelry.

The waiter came to their table and took their drink orders: they both ordered colas, sans booze. Ruby smiled at Isaac as she flipped through the menu and looked around the restaurant. She had never eaten Moroccan food before and she was looking forward to the experience. Colorful, woven textiles hung from the high ceilings around the establishment. The space was broken up into two main rooms, with a small banquet room at the back of the building. Each room had a different color scheme to it adding visual interest to the dining experience. The section in which Ruby and Isaac had been seated had doorways of peaked arches, and a richly-colored mosaic mural dominated one wall.

“This place is breath-taking,” Ruby said.

Isaac nodded. “This is my second time coming here, and the food is amazing. I thought after this we could take a walk or see a movie.”

The waiter returned to the table to take their orders. Both ordered beef tagine, a stew-like dish with butternut squash and couscous. When the food came, Ruby exclaimed over the fragrant, spicy aroma and the tenderness of the beef.

“It’s perfect,” she said, taking another bite.

Isaac smiled and dug into his own dinner. They conversed as they ate.

“I gave some thought to the things you said. I should find something productive to do with my time and money. I’m just not sure what I want to do.”

Ruby chewed thoughtfully before answering. “You could invest in a company, like a venture capitalist or something. Assuming you have the money for that kind of thing,” Ruby said quickly. “I have no idea what your finances are like.”

“I could lose money doing that thought, couldn’t I?” Isaac asked as he took another bite.

“It’s possible, but if you choose carefully and get some advice from an expert, you could see a lot of return for your investment too. I’m assuming your parents invested somehow?”

Isaac nodded. “They set up a trust with half of it, and invested the rest into mutual funds. I mainly live off the trust fund which generates some interest. I mutual fund is a backup mostly.”

“I’d start by talking to your financial team then,” Ruby offered. “They could probably tell you what direction would be best.”

“But that doesn’t give me anything productive to do with my time, really. It’s just another income.”

Ruby nodded. “That is true. Have you considered maybe getting a part time job?”

Isaac’s eyes widened. “The thought never crossed my mind. My parents always took care of me, so I didn’t really need to work.”

Ruby felt a slight twinge of envy. Oh, to have rich parents and a carefree life. “Have you ever worked?”

Isaac nodded. “When I was in college, I had a job. Just delivering pizzas. I was going to be an oral surgeon originally. Then I just lost interest.”

“That’s quite an ambition,” Ruby said, “Not to mention expensive.”

“Yeah, that’s what turned me off. I didn’t want to come out half a million dollars in debt.”

“I’ll come up with some ideas, if you like.”

Isaac put his hand over hers. “I appreciate that you’re concerned about my well-being,” he said.


On the drive home after a late movie, Isaac whispered in Ruby’s ear. “So, do I have a shot at trying some of those things on you?”

Ruby blushed as a smile crept across her face. “Maybe.”

“I have a better idea,” Isaac said. “Why not come in and I’ll
those steamy scenes to you while we soak in a hot bubble bath.”

“Oh my,” Ruby said, feeling the pleasurable thrills running rampant down her spine, all the way to the place between her thighs.

The car stopped at the curb in front of Isaac’s house and he took Ruby by the hand, leading her out of the vehicle. Ruby licked her lips, and couldn’t come up with a single reason not to let the night go where it would.
I’m not marrying the guy, it’s just a date.
She smiled at him and nodded. “A bubble bath and a good book sounds perfect.”

Once inside Isaac’s house, Ruby grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled her surprised date toward herself. She reached up on her tip toes and planted a kiss on his lips. Ruby let her lips linger against his and she felt his hands sliding around her waist, pulling her closer, parting her lips with his tongue, exploring her mouth. Ruby moved her hands from the front of his shirt, sliding her hands into his back pockets to pull him closer. Isaac pressed her up against the front door, and they moaned lightly against each other.

Suddenly Ruby felt her feet come off the ground. Isaac lifted her, wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her up the stairs and into the master bedroom. His lips never broke contact with hers. Her hands fisted in his shirt as he set her down on the edge of the bed. Ruby’s hormones were running rampant throughout her body now, reminding her what it was like to be desired by an attractive man. She heard water running momentarily and Isaac came back out, stripping the shirt from his tight abs as he did. He threw the shirt on the floor and gave Ruby a predatory smile that made her lower parts shiver.

“What are you doing?” She asked with a smile as Isaac came over and knelt before her.

He merely smiled at her again and winked one beautiful eye as he reached around to untie the halter top. He pulled the flimsy fabric away from her small, but full breasts and licked his lips. Ruby shivered and reached for him, letting her nails rake lightly over his skin. Isaac closed his eyes and smiled. Then he laid her down on the bed and unzipped her pants, pulling them off of her slowly. Ruby returned the favor, unbuttoning his pants and unzipping them with her teeth.

“Show off,” Isaac laughed. He pushed her back down on the bed again and took the red lace underwear she wore between his teeth and pulled them off of her. As they slid down, revealing the place between her legs, Isaac’s eyes met hers and he ran his thumb over the tiny, pink nub there. A ripple of orgasmic pleasure rippled through her and Ruby’s breath caught in her throat.

“I have plans for you,” he said to her. His voice was thick, Ruby noticed. She looked him over appreciatively, noting that he was hard, his thick shaft standing at attention.

Isaac picked her up again and carried her into the bathroom where the water had just finished filling the large garden-style tub. The air was scented with lavender, and Ruby’s skin prickled lightly as he lowered her into the steamy water. Ruby watched him move, lithe, like a cat. He lowered himself into the water across from her, never breaking eye contact. He took hold of her leg and slid her towards him and then ran his hand under the water, up her leg and back to the pink nub he had triggered moments ago.

Ruby closed her eyes as another shudder ran through her. She reached through the warm water and grasped him in her hand, giving a long, firm stroke, applying pressure to the underside of the head where she knew most men had an erogenous zone. Ruby was rewarded with a sigh from her date, and his fingers delved downward, from her pink bud, between the lips covering her pussy. Ruby took hold of his shaft and stroked up and down watching his eyes dilate and his breathing grow ragged.

Isaac slid his fingers inside Ruby’s womanhood, enjoying the extra tight sensation the water provided. He thrust his fingers in and out of her several times as she stroked him expertly with her hand. “I want you,” he whispered.

“Then take me,” she whispered back.

That was all the motivation Isaac needed. He slid forward, crossing his legs, and pulled Ruby onto his lap facing him. As he pulled her toward him, he positioned himself for entry, and as he thrust into her for the first time, forcing her open against the water, Ruby let out a long moan of pleasure. Isaac was oblivious to the splashing water as he thrust into her again and again, each time a little deeper than the last, until Ruby was breathless and raking her nails down his back. He felt the sting of the bubble bath in the scratches and didn’t care. He was in heaven, her tightness gripped around him as if their very lives depended on this contact, this heat, this fevered lovemaking.

Ruby felt herself lifted slightly, and then Isaac let go of her, her weight pulling her down on his shaft over and over again. She arched her back, moaning and panting. She felt Isaac take one wet breast into his mouth and suck, using his teeth to nibble and tease.

“More, more,” she whispered breathlessly. “Harder.”

Isaac slid her off of him and turned her over in the water so she was kneeling against the side of the tub. Then he took her from behind, using her shoulders as a fulcrum to give himself more depth. As he felt himself slide once again into her velvet tightness, they both moaned, long and loud.

“You are so tight,” Isaac said as he pumped himself in and out of her.

“Or you’re so big,” Ruby laughed as she felt another merciless thrust against her G-spot. She felt her inner muscles tighten until she thought they would burst and then came the climax.

Isaac thrust himself once more, holding himself inside of her as he emptied himself. The orgasm took them together, in waves and convulsions. They rippled and shuddered against each other, Isaac grasping her breasts and pinching the nipples between his wet fingers, Ruby tightening her insides around his now spent shaft, giving him another convulsion of pleasure. Finally he had to let go of her and pull himself out.

Breathless, they both sat in the water, Ruby on Isaac’s lap, this time kissing each other deeply. Ruby’s full breasts pressed against Isaac’s and his arms encircled her tightly, as if she were a life saver and he a drowning man.

“We better stop or we’ll get ourselves worked up again,” Ruby said with a laugh.

Isaac smiled slyly. “That’s the plan.”

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