Read The Bad Boys of Eden Online

Authors: Avery Aster,Opal Carew,Mari Carr,Cathryn Fox,Eliza Gayle,Steena Holmes,Adriana Hunter,Roni Loren,Sharon Page,Daire St. Denis

The Bad Boys of Eden (109 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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How to Debauch a Biker – A Savage Tale

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Turn the page for an excerpt of How to Debauch a Biker – A Savage Tale


How to Debauch a Biker – A Savage Tale

Daire St. Denis


That’s the thing about Gray. I never know what to expect from him. One second he’s charging me, holding me captive against a wall, the next second he’s compliant, doing everything I ask him to do. It’s like his perceived sickness—which isn’t a sickness at all—has turned him into a wild, rabid animal. Unpredictable.

“Gray?” I call. “Are you okay?”

No answer.


I take a deep breath and open the door to the bedroom. He’s still there. Not asleep. Nope. His legs are free, he must have broken the thinner cords—gulp—and his eyes are wide open. Shit-fucka-shit. It’s not a storm
in his fierce gaze, it’s a hurricane in full fury. Flashes of golden lightning pierce right through my leather jacket. Gusts of angry breaths ruffle my hair as I inch closer.

“Hold still,” I say, working the knots attaching him to the headboard. Whatever he’s done, whatever struggles have taken place, the knots are too tight and there’s no way I can undo them.

“Wait here.”

A low voice stops me in my tracks. “If you leave me again, I will kill you.”

My laughter has a panic-stricken quality to it. “I won’t leave. I promise. I just need scissors or a knife. I’ll be right back.”

With my arms wrapped around my mid-section, I stumble to the kitchen, replaying Gray’s threat over and over.
I’ll kill you, I’ll kill you.
No. Not Gray’s threat. That’s Sonny Holt lying on the bed in there.

After rifling through drawers, I find a sharp knife and hurry back to the bedroom to saw off the ties. “You should have used the word,” I mumble as I saw.

The cord gives and Gray lowers his arms with a groan. While his hands are still bound together, I scurry out of the bedroom, going back out into the common area, keeping a firm grip on the knife.

Seconds later he emerges, his limping gait slow and measured. His gaze narrows. “Don’t
do that again.”

“Okay.” So he doesn’t like humiliation. I get it. I won’t do it again. No problem. Lesson learned. I swallow and then swallow again to keep the bile from rising.

“Drop the knife.”

Oh dear God.

“Come here.”

“Listen, Sonny…”


I drop the knife on the counter and come toward him. I am so not in control of this situation I don’t know what to do, so I abide by his demands. Will it pacify him? I guess I’m about to find out.

When I’m within reaching distance, he grabs the collar of my leather jacket and pulls me flush against him. He tugs up so that I’m forced onto tippy toes and we’re as close to eye to eye as we’re going to get.

“I should fuck you right now.”

I nod furiously. “It’d be within your rights.”

“But I won’t.”


“Never again, Tessa.”

“Never again,” I agree, wetting my parched lips.

His feverish gaze drops to my mouth. Next thing I know, his head drops and his lips are on mine, punishing me for what I did. That powerful tongue forces my lips apart, gaining entrance without invitation. His hands slide to either side of my face, holding me in place. Any wrong move and the man could snap my neck with the least amount of effort.

“I warned you,” he whispers into my mouth, “not to fuck with me.”

Like the unpredictable man he is, Gray pushes me away as if I’m the one who forced a kiss on him and not the other way around. Swiping his lips with the back of his hand, he glares at me one last time before striding out the front door.

Ho-lee shit. I collapse into the nearest chair, wondering if I’ve gotten myself in over my head this time.

# # #


Hold Me Close

Eliza Gayle

Sometimes you need to cut and run and sometimes the ties run too deep to abandon.

Bonnie’s job at Purgatory keeps her on edge in more ways than one. Every day the pain of her grief over losing her Dom threatens to consume her. Her only escape comes at the hands of the resident tattooed  bad boy who likes to keep things light and loose with a variety of women. He may not be the Dom of her dreams, but he chases away the darkness if only for one night…

Dex is used to unattached submissives coming to him for a chance to feel the kiss of his flogger or the sting of his whip until they find their own Doms. With his busy life of ink and kink he likes keeping his women at arm’s length. Except one night a month when Bonnie shreds him every time she asks him to hold her close.

When a secret invitation to an island resort arrives, is it the answer to their problems? Or their worst nightmare?

*Author's Note: While HOLD ME CLOSE can easily be read as a stand alone story, you'll likely enjoy reading the earlier Purgatory Club books, too.

Copyright 2015 Eliza Gayle

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

About The Author

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Chapter One

I will not look. I will not look. I will not look.
Bonnie squirmed on her chair, her hands gripping the seat edge so tight her fingers were beginning to ache. The crack of a whip behind her made her heart leap into her throat. Most nights she tuned out many of the more common sounds in the club. But tonight wasn't like most nights.

Every sound she took in felt like a touch on her needy soul. The music vibrated through her core and made her nerve-endings light up. Every moan from the play space behind her stroked across her flesh like a lover's caress. And every strike from Dex's whip against a bare back pushed her one step closer to the ledge she normally avoided.

Except tonight, the one night a month she allowed herself to seek out a few moments of bliss and relief at the hands of Dex, one of the club's favorite Doms.

It had been barely a year since Jim, her Dom, had died from pancreatic cancer and the thought of finding a new Dom made her ill. Guilt had a way of tearing up her insides until her mind refused to fight it. Instead she learned to live with it. All she would allow herself was this one night a month where she could let down her guard and feel. And what a night it would be.

Bonnie unclamped her teeth and rotated her jaw. She'd woken up on edge and the situation had only worsened as the day progressed. She stared down at the dance crowd and watched the mass of bodies moving to the loud techno beat coming from more speakers than she could count.

The Purgatory Club was even busier than normal tonight. Throngs of partiers filled every inch of available space. They came here for many reasons. Some to explore and expand their sexual horizons in a safe environment. Some to stand back and watch as the insanity of another night in Purgatory pulled them one step closer to a connection they needed without even knowing it. Even more were the regulars who'd already embraced their love for kink and looked forward to visiting the club whenever possible.

She tried to steel her mind against the energy that fed her edgy need, keeping her strung tight more often than not these days. Several months ago, her best friend Cass had suggested she go to Dex for help. Dex was amazing. His skill with a flogger or a whip was unparalleled. A shiver worked through her at the memory of their last encounter. The music and lighting was better on the third level where they'd meet once the public play space closed. She'd finally escape the constant blood-pumping beat of the club and slow down to the moody music Dex seemed to favor when they were together.

The candlelit space they shared always threw interesting shadows and watching Dex's unmistakable silhouette on the wall quickly mesmerized her. He was a big man, not just tall but also thick with muscles. She couldn't even wrap her hand around his biceps. And there was nothing like the feeling she got when he pressed his body and all that glorious flesh into her backside and trapped her against the St. Andrews cross with his full weight.

Sweat popped out on Bonnie's brow and she waved her hand in front of her face. The crowd had definitely heated the club tonight. No wonder she couldn't sit still. Another crack sounded behind her and this time she didn't heed her own warning not to look. Dex had a submissive she didn't recognize at his station. A pretty blonde, the perfect size six, was strapped half-naked to the cross. Even from this distance, she could see the red marks he'd made on her back with his whip. The woman's face was turned away from Bonnie, but she didn't need to see it to know how much she enjoyed what Dex did. Her body writhed on the dark wood and her hands pulled at the restraints binding her. The body language spoke louder than any words.

Right then, with Bonnie fixated on the scene, Dex stepped forward and placed both hands on the girl's perfect ass and stroked her tender skin. Bonnie averted her eyes and looked down. Never in a million years could she compete with a body like that. If she had her way, she'd keep her curves hidden as much as possible. Except employees were expected to dress in their respective roles while in the club, working or not.

So she wore a corset with her long flowing skirts. The steel bones cinched her waist nicely and made her boobs look really good, as if they were ready to burst from the cups at any moment. And the matter of the skirt she insisted on wearing had finally been solved when she found an online store who sold almost floor length skirts made from a sensual sheer material. They made everyone happy, especially since all she wore underneath was a tiny thong. Still, she got the illusion of camouflage on her wide hips and thick thighs while adhering to club policy that insisted submissives keep their arms and legs bared.

Not that she'd get that luxury with Dex. Tonight he'd strip her naked to set her mind for the scene. From the beginning of their negotiations, he'd been completely clear that was one rule he wouldn't budge on. She'd gone through with it that first night with the plan to never do it again. Only what he didn't know was the vulnerability of being naked and his in front of their friends and coworkers did something to her insides. It pulled her to his side in a way she'd never expected and it made her want to break the rules between them all together. Specifically, the ones where they'd both vowed to keep their relationship strictly at one scene a month and nothing more.

Bonnie sighed when the familiar pain of guilt moved into her chest. She had made a commitment to Jim and it was disgusting how easy that was to put aside so soon after his death.

"What's that look for?"

She jerked at the sound of Dex's voice and looked up to find him standing a few feet in front of her with a deep frown across his face. She hadn't realized his scene with the skinny blonde had ended.

"Uh—Noth—I mean—" She sucked in a breath and slowly exhaled. "Nervous is all." Better to be as truthful as possible with the man who had a way of seeing straight through her.

He lifted his hand and threaded his fingers through her hair, pulling her head back. Before she could process what he was doing, his mouth was on her neck, his teeth nipping at her skin. He nudged her thighs apart on the stool and stepped between her legs.

Oh God.
A different kind of shiver worked over her as her nipples went hard at the unexpected attention from this incredible, aggressive man.

"Your mind should be on tonight and nothing else." His gruff tenor went straight to her core. "In two more hours, you'll be mine to do with as I please."

There was as much anticipation in her as guilt. Although she knew the need for his attention would win out, as it always did.

"This is where you say Yes, Sir, my little subbie."

"Yes, Sir," she said, croaking as his teeth latched onto her neck again.

Her body went red-hot under the onslaught of Dex's touch. Even the pricks at her scalp when he tightened his grip on her hair caused her to burn hotter than lava. There was intense and then there was
. Despite her years of experience with another Dom she hadn't realized turning to Dex would make her feel this—crazy. Like every time he touched her she lost another small grip on her old reality. And her resolve to keep things unemotional.

Her body melted against him, his chest pressing against her corset. She had half a mind to undress now just for the sheer pleasure of feeling his hard body against her soft one. Maybe he would just hold her.

"You smell too good. I don't want to wait until later for my taste." He bit down on her neck and tugged at the skin with his front teeth. The pain immediately mixed with the pleasure of his touch and she moaned. "That's what I'm talking about, darlin'. Now wrap your legs around my waist and let me in.”

She wasn't sure exactly what he meant, but she didn't care. The warning at the back of her mind telling her to not get too close to this man went ignored. Whatever he wanted she needed to give. With his hips firmly planted inside her knees, she did as he asked and lifted her legs and wrapped them around his trim waistline. At the first touch of her bare calf against the leather of his belt she moaned again. Good God she couldn't think straight. He knew he had her right where he wanted her and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it.


He took his free hand and slid it up the outside of her right leg. Bonnie looked out over the crowd unseeing. She could do nothing at the moment but feel. That's what Dex did to her. Brain cells melted the moment he touched her and anything he wanted she wanted to give. So far they'd not found anything he could do that she didn't want. The rough scrape of his hand continued around her thigh and under her leg, straight to the edge of her thong.

"I thought we agreed this stupid thing wouldn't be here tonight." He hated when she wore panties and had ordered her not to when they were together.

"You may have said it. I didn't agree." She said, her breath coming fast and hard with him so close to her sex. Those stupid little panties were useless to begin with and were probably now soaking wet. He growled in response while his finger probed underneath the edge of the now forgotten thong. She was going to go insane the second his finger touched her—

Hot sharp pain shot through her pussy as she realized he'd not taken her comment lightly. He now had two fingers clamped around her clit in a grip so tight she couldn't breathe.

"Don't make the mistake of thinking I will put up with your cute fucking mouth tonight. I'm not in the mood to play with a brat." He pulled back from her ear and the unreadable look in his eyes had turned hard and heated. There was anger, and plenty of it, but more importantly, there was lust and it didn't look friendly. Something different was lurking inside him.

"I'm sorry, Sir." She quickly backpedaled. "I'll take them off now." He still had a grip on her tender flesh and she could barely breathe through the pain, or the added layer of pleasure crawling up her spine.

"That won't be necessary." He released her as quickly as he'd caught her off-guard and ripped the offending garment on his way out. "These are going with me." Dex unwrapped her legs and eased her back onto the stool she'd been dangling off of. Then he leaned forward and trapped her inside his arms against the wall behind her. "Midnight sharp, is that understood?"

She nodded unable to speak. Bonnie watched his body move as he headed back to his station, her panties wadded in his hand. He proceeded to hang them on an empty hook on the wall next to his collection of floggers where everyone in the club would see—and probably know exactly where they came from.

Fucking A. Just when she thought she knew what to expect, he blew her mind again.

* * *

Dex leaned over his clipboard to see which victim had signed up for his station next. He forced his mind to get back under control. From the corner of his eye, he could see Bonnie watching him, her mouth still open in shock. As much as that made him want to smile, he couldn't. The damned woman was driving him insane.

All month long she avoided him as if he didn't exist, leaving him with only memories of how she responded perfectly to him on the cross during their last scene. His job at Purgatory had always kept him in plenty of pussy and masochistic subbies. And he'd been just fine with that. Until Bonnie asked him to help her. She wasn't the first and he doubted she'd be the last, so he easily agreed to this stupid deal. Now with his head locked up and his insides twisted, he had the sense the whole situation mocked him. He couldn't stop thinking about her, every day and night.

If he had any smarts left in his half-baked brain, he'd end this charade tonight. As much as they both enjoyed their sessions, he could never forget the guilt in her eyes the next day or the days after. Those haunted visions of green were etched into his memory.

Everyone in the club knew about her Dom and what happened. He'd gotten sick quick and died even quicker, leaving his submissive a little lost and a lot sad. It was easy to see she wasn't over him yet. But did that stop him? Like the selfish asshole Dex was, he'd agreed to be her recovery Dom because he wanted to get his hands on her gorgeous body more than anything. Then he got pissed when it wasn't enough.

The original terms of their agreement had put sex strictly off limits. He could touch all he wanted, but no penetration. Over time, he'd worked her past some of her limits to the point that fingers and toys were permissible. And since then, he'd imagined her every third Saturday of the month going home to a fucking vibrator. Because a woman like her was never going to be truly satisfied without getting fucked.

Said like the horny dickhead who couldn’t think of anything else but getting his dick in her at least once—so he could walk away. He was such an asshole.

If he was a better man, he'd leave now and not look back. Gabe could handle the club just fine without him here and he had a busy tattoo shop to keep his mind off of a certain brunette with eyes that displayed every emotion that went through her mind. Only no matter how many clients he worked on or how much art he inked, his mind always returned to Bonnie.

He'd known her Dom well and, looking back, he knew Jim was his polar opposite in every way. His friend had been older and wiser with no chaos in his life, and Bonnie had been his perfect little baby girl. Dex most definitely did not need a girl. He wanted a woman strong enough to take him on and one who liked to fuck. A lot. Far more than a gentle baby girl knew how to handle.

If she ever found out what he really wanted from her, well, he fully expected her to run as fast and as far as she could. He doubted there was a gentle bone in his body.

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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