Read The Bad Boys of Eden Online

Authors: Avery Aster,Opal Carew,Mari Carr,Cathryn Fox,Eliza Gayle,Steena Holmes,Adriana Hunter,Roni Loren,Sharon Page,Daire St. Denis

The Bad Boys of Eden (53 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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There’s nothing better than knowing you have an escape waiting for you at the end of a long day in the form of a good book.

I’m lucky enough to live in the shadow of the Canadian Rocky Mountains in the foothills of Alberta, where I can write the stories I love. Whenever I get the chance, I escape into those amazing mountains and I can usually be found sitting with my feet in the lake, working on my next book.

As well as contemporary romance novels, I also like to write women’s fiction and my collection of stand alone novels are all part of the Escape Collection. I’m always trying something new, so stay tuned to see what’s next!

Other Books by Elena Aitken

The Springs Series

Summer of Change

Falling Into Forever

Winter’s Burn

Midnight Springs

Second Glances

She’s Making A List
(A holiday novella)

Summit of Desire

Summit of Seduction (Winter 2015)

Summit of Passion (Spring 2015)

Castle Mountain Lodge Series

Unexpected Gifts

Hidden Gifts

Mistaken Gifts

Secret Gifts

Goodbye Gifts

Tempting Gifts

The Escape Collection

Nothing Stays In Vegas

Drawing Free

Sugar Crash

Composing Myself

Betty and Veronica

The Escape Collection

Halfway to Nowhere

Halfway in Between

Now for Some Excerpts of Elena Aitken’s Books...


Summer of Change

Elena Aitken

With the Springs resort set to open in mere weeks, Trent Harrison needs to stay focused and see to every detail. The last thing he needs is a complication, even one that comes in the form of sexy bar owner, Samantha Burke.

Samantha loves her quiet close-knit community of Cedar Springs, just the way it is. The addition of a fancy new resort as well as its arrogant owner, and the change they’re both sure to bring, is certainly not welcome.

With Trent pushing his way into her town, and her life, Samantha’s resistance to him wavers in the face of the passion and heat they share. Change is inevitable, but can either of them drop their guard long enough to accept it when there’s so much on the line?


“Are you coming?” Samantha turned around and called to him before she faced the water again.

He had his mouth open to reply, when she pulled her t-shirt over her head and rendered him speechless. She was gorgeous. Her hair, released from the ever-present elastic, fell in dark waves over her bare shoulders. Recovering his senses, he jogged the rest of the way to where she was standing in nothing more than a red bikini top and her jeans.

“Where’s your suit?”

Trent looked down at his black dress pants and buttoned up shirt. He hadn’t thought of a suit.

She shrugged. “That’s too bad.” She smirked before turning her attention to the button of her jeans. Trent had to fight the urge to take care of the task for her. And when she slid the denim down her hips and shimmied out of her pants, leaving them in a pile at her feet, it was all he could do to keep his hands to himself.

She was delectable, with her body curving in all the right places. Dangerous places that encouraged every dirty thought he’d ever had to flood his mind. He looked to the lake, and then back at Samantha. Suit or not, he was getting in the water with her.

“Who needs a suit?” Trent almost laughed out loud at the look of horror on her face.

“You can’t…it’s a…” Her gaze drifted down the length of him, and Trent could only imagine the dirty places her own mind was going. He’d like nothing more than to go there with her.

He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, and pulled it from his arms. He folded it and placed it next to her messy pile of clothes before looking at her. There was heat in her gaze as she checked him out, and Trent took his time, relishing the fact that he wasn’t the only one affected.

“You can’t skinny-dip.” She finally found her words. “It’s a public beach.”

Trent raised his eyebrow and slid the leather of his belt through the buckle.

“Trent.” Samantha put her hand on his before he could unbutton his pants. The heat of her hand had an immediate and very dramatic effect on him, and there was no way she could have missed it. She snatched her hand away and stared at him as a blush crept over her. “You…you can’t.”

“Relax.” He attempted to apply the same advice to himself. “I’ll swim in my shorts.”

“Oh.” Her face pinked further, the blush spreading to her chest, and dipping between her breast. “Of course.” She dipped her head and before Trent could say anything else, Samantha ran into the water, where she pointed her arms over her head and dove gracefully beneath the surface.

He wasn’t going to let her get away that easily. Grateful she was already in the water and couldn’t see his very obvious arousal, Trent stripped his pants and ran to join her. He imitated her dive, only when he broke the surface, the air was sucked dramatically out of his lungs, leaving him breathless. When he surfaced, he struggled to regain his breath and composure.

“It’s…it’s…friggin’ freezing!”

Her laughter rang out, and if he hadn’t been experiencing some form of shock, he would have taken offense. A splash of water hit him in the face. He wiped his eyes and looked to the source. Her hair was slicked back, the water giving her an exotic quality that had Trent’s body reacting once again, despite the frigid water.

“Don’t be such a baby,” Samantha said. “It’s not that cold.”

“You’re crazy. It’s like ice in here.”

“If you don’t want to swim, go back to the beach.” She turned away from him and dove under before she surfaced and glided into easy, long strokes that took her away from him.

Hell no. There was no way he was getting out. Not when that exquisite water nymph was only a few feet away. Accepting her challenge, he dove under, kicking hard, and pursued her.

His years in swim club as a child paid off, and it wasn’t long before he’d caught up with her. Before he could overthink it, he grabbed her slippery leg and pulled her back, using his strength to bring her close.

“What the—”

Trent brought his mouth to hers, kissing away her protests. He let his hand slide down her smooth back, resting on her buttocks and the tiny scrap of fabric between him and her skin. Just as she had the other day, Samantha’s body responded to his kiss, and soon the temperature of the water was not an issue because there was more than enough heat between them.

Her hands gripped the hard muscles in his back and one slick leg wrapped around him, locking her to him. A primitive groan came from his throat and he pulled her up against him, hard. He let his free hand travel down her body and cup the swell of her breast before moving to the base of her head, deepening the kiss. He wanted her closer still. Needed her closer.

Damn, he needed a lot more than that. He’d never felt a need so deep and all-consuming with another woman.

Samantha was the one to break the kiss, pulling back so suddenly that Trent lost his grip on her, and she deftly turned and dove under the water, putting distance between them.


Unexpected Gifts

Elena Aitken

Cozy up to the Castle Mountain Lodge in the middle of the remote Canadian Rockies for Unexpected Gifts.

Christmas represents everything Andi Williams is supposed to have, and doesn't. Running away to a remote mountain lodge in the Canadian Rockies sounds like the perfect way to escape, until a mix-up finds her sharing a villa with sexy, rough around the edges, Colin Hartford.

Colin's determination to enjoy the holiday he's missed for the last five years sweeps Andi into a season of joy that she's not sure she's ready for. Can Andi open herself up to everything the holidays have to offer...including love?


Andi let out a sigh of relief, and asked, “What’s wrong with you?”

“Pardon me?” Colin sputtered after choking on his drink.

“Sorry.” Andi tried to suppress a giggle. “What I meant was, why are you still single?”

“Oh.” Colin put his glass down and moved toward her. He put his hands on her thighs and despite the hot water, shivers thrilled through Andi’s body. “I guess because I hadn’t met you yet.” He inched closer to her mouth.

“That’s such a line.”

“Did it work?” Colin’s mouth turned up into a grin.

She struggled to keep her breath even. It was a losing battle. “We should probably get to bed,” Andi whispered. “It’s a big day tomorrow with the ball and—”

His mouth locked on hers, and not for the first time that night, thoughts of her self-imposed dating rule flashed through her head and almost just as fast, she came up with a dozen reasons why it didn’t apply. She pressed her body against his and closed the gap between them. Her drink spilled into the water as Andi reached around Colin’s back and pulled him closer. He tasted of the rich wine, and she drank him in.

Andi wrapped her legs around his waist. The feel of his bare, slippery skin on the inside of her thighs caused the pressure to build into a flaming center of molten heat. Colin secured his hands on either side of her legs; they slid up and over her bikini bottoms. His fingers teased the ties that secured her bathing suit closed, before he plunged them under the fabric to squeeze the flesh beneath.

She pulled her mouth away from his, gulped a breath and let out a moan as Colin moved his mouth to the top of her breast that was just peeking out of the water. She groaned again and tipped her head back to give him better access to her chest. Colin responded by lifting her up to expose more of her body from the water. With one hand still holding her bottom, his other hand deftly untied her bikini top and swiped it to the side. He grasped her breast and squeezed with just enough pressure to liquefy her resolve.

The cold air bit at her skin, but Andi hardly noticed as Colin’s expert hands caressed her, while at the same time his mouth explored her bare skin. The combined sensation built up in her until Andi thought she’d scream out with pleasure. One second before she could do just that, Colin released his grip on her and gently pushed her back to the bench so she was once again covered by the hot water.

“I’m sorry,” he said, when he met her gaze.

“Sorry for what?” she breathed. “I wasn’t complaining.”

“No.” He chuckled. “You most certainly were not. But because of your little rule, which I respect,” he added quickly, “I think I might be complaining sooner rather than later, if you know what I mean?”

“About that rule—”

“No, no,” Colin cut her off. “I respect it. And I respect you and—”

Andi threw herself forward in the water and smashed her chest into his. She met his mouth with a ferocity she wasn’t even sure she possessed. Blaine certainly had never brought out the level of want and desire that Colin had ignited in her. She kissed him deep, wrapped her arms around his neck and entwined her fingers in his wet hair. Andi couldn’t remember a time when she’d ever been the aggressor in a relationship. Perhaps it wasn’t her. It was the man. And this time, the man in front of her was certainly worth the aggression.

“Andi.” Colin groaned as he pulled himself away from her. “I’m serious. I’m respecting your boundaries. I want to, actually. Although, I must say, you are not making it easy on me.”

She didn’t let go of him. “I don’t believe you.”

“Believe what?”

“That you actually want to respect my boundaries, because your body is sure as hell telling me different.” She kissed him again, and it didn’t take long to convince him that her boundaries were no longer a problem. When she pulled back to look into his eyes, Andi knew she’d won. He reached up for her head, and pulled her down to him in a kiss that left no room for doubt.

She trailed her hands down his hard abdomen, relishing the feel of his rippled muscles under her fingertips. His erection strained at the cotton of his board shorts and she deftly untied the strings at his waistband to release him, but he stopped her with a hand on her wrist before she could slip her hand inside. She groaned, this time out of frustration. No way was he going to try to stop her this time.

“Andi.” His voice was barely constrained, heavy and full of lust. “I’ll be…I’ll be right back.”

Before she could protest, he hopped out of the tub and crossed the deck in three short strides to disappear inside. Andi fell onto the bench; her head dropped back and water sloshed over the sides. Frustration rolled through her, but maybe it was for the best. After all, she had a rule for a reason, and—

# # #


Blurring the Lines

Roni Loren

Gretchen doesn’t know how to move on after losing her fiancé a year ago, but her best friend Burke has a lot of R-rated ideas when he sweeps her away to the Island of Eden for a much needed getaway. Enjoy this sexy friends-to-lovers story with a paranormal twist and a six-foot tall dose of Cajun spice named Burke Brennan.

Copyright 2015 Roni Loren

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15


About The Author

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BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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