Read The Bad Boys of Eden Online

Authors: Avery Aster,Opal Carew,Mari Carr,Cathryn Fox,Eliza Gayle,Steena Holmes,Adriana Hunter,Roni Loren,Sharon Page,Daire St. Denis

The Bad Boys of Eden (138 page)

BOOK: The Bad Boys of Eden
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“Is this just about the competition—?”

“It’s about you,” he interrupts.

I am so aware of him that my skin is getting steamy under my thin sundress. All I have to do is reach out with my fingers and I could touch his hot, hard body.

I look away, trying to fight for my composure and some control—

The poster of Ryder and Xavier is on the wall, across the room from me. I can’t read it from this distance, so all I can focus on are Xavier and Ryder’s muscular bodies, mostly bare except for their boxing shorts. The fight is scheduled for Saturday night.

The two men I care about most will be pounding on each other at the end of the week.

“How exactly do you and Xavier intend to fight for me?” I ask nervously.

“I know what I have to do: seduce the pants off you, give you everything you deserve, and win your heart.”

“You won’t seduce the pants off me—” I begin.

Ryder whisks me up into his arms, then into the air. My sundress skirt flies up as he positions me with my legs around his neck.

I squeal. I’m aware of how close my pussy is to his mouth. Then he draws me in closer, so I can feel his hot breath through my panties.

Supporting my ass with one hand, he pulls my undies aside. His mouth does amazing things to my clit, my pussy. He knows how to make me climax, and he starts licking my pussy as he always used to. With slow, light caresses of his tongue over my clit. Making me tremble. Making me get hot. Making me hurt with need.

His tongue rasps over me. He presses harder, gets my clit ready to ignite, then his tongue plays with my pussy lips and slides up inside me. The warm pressure strikes a magical spot inside me.

“Oh. Oh. Oooooooh,” I moan.

Should I be doing this? But this is what I’m supposed to do: discover whether I love Ryder or Xavier.

Xavier was amazing in my kitchen.

Ryder is incredible right now.

Ryder’s hands grip my ass and he pushes me into his face like he’s trying to devour me. I want it hard. I need it intense. Right now.

I grip his head, grinding against his mouth.

“God, oh God, oh yes!” Then a wail comes out of me, just as my whole body seems to take flight and pure pleasure washes through me.

Pleasure that keeps coming.

I almost fall off Ryder, it’s so intense.

He grips me and holds me tight. Holds me and keeps me safe while I come.

I see rainbows. Starbursts. Comets. I erupt on him, climaxing like never before.

I sob and squeal and yell his name.

It lasts forever.

Then Ryder puts me down gently. I almost fall over, so he holds me to him. Ryder has always been amazing sexually, but I’ve never felt anything like this—

Then I get it. “Bermuda Triangle orgasms.”

Ryder frowns. “Tessa, I gave you the orgasm. Not the triangle.”

I get up on tiptoes and kiss him. I realize he’s right. When we stop kissing, I say, “The magic came from you.”

I say it breathlessly. It’s a big epiphany for me. He is magical to me. He always has been.

God, if a guy is magical and he’s a good, rock-solid, hot guy, shouldn’t that be enough?

I’m just not sure if I can go back, knowing Ryder will be haunting and hurting and I’ll never be able to do anything for him.

“I struck a deal with Malone,” he says. “He gets you this afternoon and it’s my turn tonight.” Then he grins. “Making you come right now was cheating. But I’m not going to play fair to get you, angel. I love you.”

* * *

“I need to put my bathing suit on,” I say to Xavier, when he arrives at my room.

Xavier’s slow, hot smile unfurls. “No problem.”

Ryder has dimples, and his boyish grins melt your heart, even as you
he’s thinking very wicked things.

Xavier’s smiles are cooler, reflecting the tough businessman he has proven to be. He doesn’t smile easily, but when he does, curving his wide, attractive mouth, it’s magnetic. You can’t look away.

“You get changed and I’ll meet you downstairs. There are a few things I need to arrange.” Xavier’s voice is deep, husky. Without waiting to see if I agree, he leaves my room. Xavier does that, just like Ryder does. Takes charge.

When they were teenagers, Xavier was quieter and more distant than Ryder, and I always felt he was more dangerous.

Xavier’s mom was a biker chick, and he lived with her in a ramshackle bungalow on the outskirts of town. One of her boyfriends operated a MMA fight club, which got Xavier into the competitive world after he’d trained with Mr. Kendo. Then Xavier brought Ryder to the club, and they got onto the fight circuit.

When Xavier was seventeen, one of his mother’s drunken, stoner boyfriends tried to beat him up. It was at one of the high school parties that used to be held in a field.

Ryder stepped in and got cut with a knife, trying to help out Xavier. I saw how Xavier attacked the guy to defend Ryder. He went wild. When it looked like Xavier was going to kill the guy, five students had to hold him back. The boyfriend took off and never returned.

It made me understand the deep bond of Ryder and Xavier’s friendship.

Their friends-to-rivals story fascinated fans on the fight circuit. Female fans would pick their favorite to cheer for. Either Ryder, with his blond, boy-next-door charm, or Xavier with his dark, mysterious aura.

I have no idea how those women could

When I was young, I liked both guys, thought they were both gorgeous, but I fell hard in love with Ryder.

Now I don’t know exactly what I feel.

I do know I don’t want to destroy their friendship. But I can’t see how else this is going to end.

Frowning about that, I change into my new black bikini and throw on my wrap. Then I erase the frown, and go meet Xavier downstairs. Hand-in-hand, we walk again through the lush gardens. I’m aware of how strong and scarred his hands are from fighting. Xavier lifts me down a rocky part of the trail, his hands on my waist, and I’m gasping at the contact of being held.

Xavier dated a lot, but his relationships never lasted more than two or three months.

Was that actually because of me?

Eden is protected by a reef, so here the water rolls in gently in turquoise waves tipped with white foam. Xavier leads me to the water’s edge and we walk along the white sand beach. I’m surprised to discover we’re alone. There are other guests after all.

The sun on the water is dazzling, and I shade my eyes to look to the horizon, even with sunglasses on. We round a rocky outcrop of the island. There, set on the sand at the edge of the water, is a small bistro table and two chairs. The waves murmur up, lapping around the legs.

“This is what you arranged?”

He draws out one of the chairs for me. “A private beach for us. Do you like it?”

“Oh yes.”

For all Xavier grew up in a rough situation, with a mother who had problems with drugs, alcohol and criminal guys, he’s become very cultured. He has an apartment in Manhattan and is often seen at the theatre or art galleries. He’s also always been protective and gentlemanly with women.

From the foliage near the shore, a waiter appears to take our cocktail orders.

I laugh. “Is there a bar in the foliage too?”

“We have a mobile bar that can be set up anywhere on the island. Mr. Malone requested its exclusive use today.” The waiter hands me a long embossed leather book—the extensive drink menu.

“You can have anything and everything you want,” Xavier says. “That’s the beauty of Eden.”

“You aren’t going to stick this on Ryder’s tab, are you?” I ask. I think of their rivalry, played up by fight promoters to draw in crowds. If they were really both in love with me, how much of it was actually real?

can’t believe that.

“I wouldn’t do that. Not to my friend. I want to steal you from him honorably.”

“Xavier, I don’t think you can steal someone

Instead of the usual resort drinks, I choose something called the Eden Orchid. My drink proves to be stunning. In a tall glass, it is a psychedelic swirl of purple, pink, and blue, topped with fruit and a perfect white orchid. I expect it will be sweet, but when I take a sip through the straw, it’s an amazing blend of sweet and tart, rich and fresh flavors.

The warm water rushes around my bare feet. The ocean is dark and mysterious beyond the reef, but light and turquoise on the inside. “I could live here forever.” I sigh.

“That’s possible. Not on Eden, but somewhere like it. I’d be happy to buy you your own island.”

And he could.

“Jakey needs to go to school.”

“Tutors could be brought to the island.”

“He needs playmates.”

“Brothers and sisters would be great playmates,” Xavier says. There’s a wistful note to his voice. He’s drinking a beer. Moisture runs down the glass onto his long fingers.

He’s thinking of a family. I realize how serious he and Ryder are about this. “Boys his age,” I say quickly. “Friends. So, no, I can’t really live on a luxurious deserted island.”

I sip my straw and quickly get the sucking noise that means my drink is finished. At once, a second one is delivered.

The first one has left me relaxed and slightly buzzed. It tasted so good I can’t resist a second. When I’m finished it, I announce, “Think I’ll walk in the water.” It sounds more like, “Shtalk in the sauter.”

As I pass Xavier’s chair I stumble in the sand. Xavier catches me and deposits me on his lap.

I suppose going out into the water is not such a good idea when you’re loaded. “Those two drinks were pretty potent.”

“In a good way,” he says.

I’m sitting on Xavier’s lap, my bottom balanced on his rock-hard thighs. I’ve never seen Xavier dressed this way. He’s wearing cotton shorts, sandals, a loose Hawaiian shirt in a blend of colors that sets off his dark hair, dark blue eyes, and slight tan. He used to wear leather or jeans all the time. “You need to cut me off.”

“I intend to look after you.” His voice is deep, smooth, sensual, and it resonates with determination. His dark eyes hold mine. “I’d like to do that. I’d like to lay the world at your feet.”

I know he can do that. I’m remembering Jakey’s birthday party, followed by sex with Xavier in my kitchen. “So I’m supposed to test drive you.”

“Accelerate me. Corner me. Take me around the pylons and put me through my paces. Decide which man you want to spend your life with.”

“What if it is neither of you?” I tease.

“I hope it does prove to be me,” he says huskily “Can I kiss you?”

I know Xavier is ruthless in business. The way he is tender and polite to me makes me breathless. What would it be like to be married to Xavier? I picture being on our own island, with an exotic open-air beach house and kids of our own so Jakey would have brothers and sisters…

Xavier’s mouth moves over mine, a caress of his lips that’s hotter than fire. His tongue plays with mine. He kisses in a controlled way. His kisses make me melt but they’re different than Ryder’s passionate, wild kisses.

He lifts me and carries me to the water. My wrap falls off and Xavier sets me down at the edge of the breaking surf. Then he rolls over, so his back is in the wet sand and he pulls me on top of him.

The waves wash over us, warm, and soft as silk while our mouths duel.

His cotton shorts are soaked and I reach down and unfasten them. He arches up so I can shove them down. His wet shirt clings to his muscular body. I can see the dark tattoo of a stylized panther on his left side, claws bared, tail coiling around his body, just above his lean hip.

I slip my bikini bottoms down and realize Xavier has rolled a condom over his thick, rigid cock. Kissing me, he moves me and I hold his cock up so I can sink down on it.

Soon I have him inside me to the hilt. We’re joined as intimately as we can be. I sit up and brace my hand on his chest, on his wet shirt. I ride him with wild and fast thrusts at first. Then I milk him, sensually moving my hips. I want to please him. Thrill him.

Xavier holds my hips, guiding me, and he moves me so—oh God—each thrust teases my clit.

After my first orgasm (with Ryder), I’m still sensitive and Xavier directs my hips in just the right way—

The climax ravages me. My hands slap down on Xavier’s chest.

“Ride me, Tessa,” he urges. “Ride it out on me. Hard.”

I’m thrashing on him, jerking back and forth, out of control. Then it ebbs so I can regain control and I ride him just the same way until I explode a second time.

Xavier hangs onto his orgasm.

“I want to make you lose control.” I push damp hair off my face. “I want to do anything you want.”

“This is what I want.”

Even though he’s flat on the ground with me on top, he lifts me up and moves me so I end up on all fours, with my ass facing him. I love anal sex, but I’m too shy to ask for it. Ryder knew I wanted it, and our sex sessions usually went with him making me come a few times with his cock in my pussy, then getting on me from behind and fucking my ass until we both burst into oblivion together.

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