The Bass (10 page)

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Authors: Moira Callahan

BOOK: The Bass
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Chapter Seventeen


After catching her breath, and when Shade had returned to the bed after
disposing with the condom, Cat curled into his side. “Hi,” she whispered. Her
lips couldn’t seem to stop curling into a smile now that she had him close

“Hi yourself,” he said. He pressed a kiss to her lips when she tipped
her chin up. “Not that I’m complaining in the least, but what was that all

“I missed you.” Chewing on her lip, she lifted a hand to touch his
cheek. Lightly stroking her fingers over the scruff on his jaw, she let out a
breath. After pushing her hair back, Cat sat up to look down at him. “I’m not
exactly sure how to say this. It’s a first for me. Hopefully I don’t fuck it

Shade sat up, looking concerned. He lifted her to straddle his lap,
cuddling her close. “Talk to me, kitten.”

She took a breath, put her hand on his cheeks, and gave him a quick
kiss. This was a lot harder than she would have thought. Maybe she should have
taken the easy way out and told him over the phone. “I love you, Shade Benson.
I am in love with you. I’ve missed you these last weeks, and hated every minute
we were apart. It hurt to have to hang up with you each day knowing it would be
hours before I could hear your voice again. That I couldn’t drive over to see
you if the urge hit. To have you wrap me in your arms, and hold me close. I
don’t like being away from you.”

He looked stunned, shocked, and taken aback. Then he kissed her.
Wrapping her arms around his head she held on tight until he broke the kiss. “I
love you, too, Cateline Lyon. I wanted to tell you before I left that I’d
fallen for you hard, but I didn’t think it was fair. You have this huge
decision to make, and I didn’t want anything I said to sway you one way or the
other. I needed you to make the choice your way.”

“You should have told me,” she whispered. “I was nervous about coming
here to tell you. I couldn’t get to sleep on the flight because my mind
wouldn’t stop spinning. I was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way I do.”

“I most definitely do, kitten. I didn’t expect it, but I should have
known. You always have held my heart. First when we were friends, and now as
the only woman I can see being there through the years to come whatever they
might hold, or wherever we are.”

Tears slid hotly down her cheeks. Unable to form words, she pulled him
in for another kiss. When they broke apart again she pressed her face into the
curve of his neck and held on. They’d managed one hurdle, but they still had
many to come. Cat’s decision was getting harder by the minute to make. She knew
that Shade would stand by her choice no matter what it was. He would always
stand by her. It was only one reason why she loved him. It actually felt like
her heart would burst open to shower the world in all she felt at any second.

Shade got them back down onto the bed, keeping her over his chest. He
tucked the blanket around her, and then wrapped her up in his arms. His soft
words, and the warmth of his hand stroking her back created eased Cat into
sleep. Maybe when she woke up she’d know what to do.


Cat would never get used to the effect a band could have on a crowd.
Victorious had everyone up on their feet from the word go until the last song.
Eerie silence filled the venue when the last song in their nightly set began.
She’d witnessed the same thing in L.A. all those months before, but to see it
in a totally different country was surreal. Sharing a smile with Jennifer, they
watched Lance sing to the thousands in the crowd.

The man who sang nothing else, whether on the albums, or in concert,
held the entire venue in his palm. Not a soul seemed to breathe at the gritty
and sensual lyrics that were backed by spine-tingling musical accompaniment.
When the last note hung in the air still no one moved. Then, like an explosion,
the building erupted with an ear piercing volume.

“Holy shit,” she whispered.

Jennifer nodded while bouncing on her toes. “I fucking love that man and
his voice. I mean Jeremy is amazing, but my man.” She gave a little squeal and
jumped the man in question when he came into the wings off the stage.

Still shaking her head in awe, Cat turned her face up to accept Shade’s
lazy kiss. “You guys are phenomenal.”

She could feel his smile against her mouth. “You enjoyed it then?”

“I don’t think the word truly encompasses what an experience that was. I
mean I’ve seen you guys perform before. But out in the audience it’s entirely
different than back here. Wow.” Wrapping her arms around his sweaty shoulders
she let him lift her up allowing her to wind her legs around his waist.

He was grinning ear to ear. “I’m glad you had fun.”

She’d had a blast. Pressing another kiss to his lips she hugged her
close. Cat was eternally glad she’d agreed to come visit him, if only for this
experience. It had been wild, loud, and the best thing she’d ever experienced.
Next to telling him she loved him and having him reciprocate in kind.

Oddly it had also made her extremely horny. Which she’d share with him
when they got back to the hotel, and were alone. There was something about
watching him pour everything he was into playing a song. Knowing the same
fingers that could pull such intensely emotional notes from a guitar were what
stroked her to orgasm was a major turn on. Her panties were soaked through from
the performance. She knew he’d get a kick from that when,
she told him. Right before tossing her onto the bed to have his
delightfully wicked way with her.

“What’s next?” she asked rubbing her nose to his.

“Next we sign autographs for all those who have backstage passes, and
take some pictures. And then we chill out for a bit in the dressing room before
heading out for the night.”

Cat wasn’t sure about sticking around for the autographs. Shade must
have picked up on it because he gave her a kiss before telling her, “You can
hide out with Jen in the dressing rooms if you want. It won’t hurt my feelings,
kitten. There will be media there, too. If you’re not ready for the world to
know we’re together yet, it might be an idea to slip away.”

While she didn’t want to have her face splashed across every newspaper
around, she was still hesitant. Maybe it was the fact that most fans that
showed up for the backstage portion were female. Okay, she was flat out
jealous. One reason she avoided the one page on their website completely. She
didn’t need to see some other woman plastered up against Shade.

Giving him a nod, she took another kiss because she could. “Might be a
good plan,” she told him. “Try not to let them feel you up too much, please.”

She could have kicked herself at having said that. His smile was way too
knowing. “There’s only one woman I care about feeling me up. But I will try to
keep the fans from getting too gropey with me.” Shade eased her down until her
feet hit the ground, his expression turned serious. “You are the only one I
want in my life, and in my pants, kitten. Always.”

She felt better with the words he gave her. Another quick kiss because
security was giving the band the warning about the fans, and she let him loose.
“I love you,” she whispered.

Shade blew her a kiss when he went one way, and she the other with
Jennifer. “I love you too, kitten.”

Holding his words close, Cat grinned at Jennifer. She had a feeling it
matched the goofy one the other woman was wearing. With a laugh, Jennifer
hooked her arm through Cat’s. “Welcome to the club, Cat. It’s a crazy place to
be, but there’s nowhere else I’d want to be.”

All Cat could do was nod at that. Jennifer’s words echoed exactly what
Cat was feeling. She couldn’t imagine being anywhere else in that moment. Maybe
the decision wouldn’t be all that hard to make.


Chapter Eighteen


For the first Christmas in too long, Shade felt truly happy. His woman
was in his arms, warm, and snug against his skin. The band was reaching a whole
new fan base with their decision to start being more open about themselves.
Life was pretty damn fucking good in his humble opinion. Only thing that could
make it better was being able to share it all with Cat on a daily basis.

He knew she was enjoying herself. The other guys in the band adored her,
and already considered her family. It was actually pretty simple when it came
down to it. She’d always been Shade’s, but now she had an extended family with
the guys. They were finally all at a point where they were comfortable enough
to truly tease her. Not the careful, cautious teasing they’d done whenever
she’d been at the compound in L.A., but more what you’d expect from a bunch of
goofballs like they were.

Stroking his hand lightly down her side, Shade smiled when she murmured
sleepily, and snuggled in closer. He didn’t want to wake her yet. She needed
the sleep. Victorious ran on a schedule few could tolerate unless they were in
the business. She’d done admirably up to that point, but any chance he had to
let her sleep in he did. No way in hell was he letting her get run down. Not
when he had plans to exhaust her later in his own unique way.

He gently extricated himself from her, tucking her in tight to his
pillow, and then went to the bathroom. When he came out ten minutes later all
he could see was her nose peeking out. Chuckling softly, he left her to sleep
while he went to find the room service menu. He’d get the order in, and then
crawl back under the blankets with her. If he timed it right he could give her
breakfast in bed to start their Christmas off right.

He kept one eye on her to ensure she didn’t wake up while he waited for
the food to arrive. The security guard from near the elevator brought the cart
to the room. Thanking him, Shade took over control and wheeled it into the
bedroom after locking up.

Cat was still out cold. Shade quickly ditched the sweats he’d pulled on,
and slipped back under the blankets with her. Tenderly, he pressed kisses all
along her spine until he felt her stretch. “Good morning, and merry Christmas,
kitten” he whispered against her shoulder.

He could feel the smile through her body before she rolled over to look
up at him. “Merry Christmas, Shade.” Her hand to his cheek drew him in for a
slow kiss. “Is that coffee I smell?”

“And some goodies to eat, too. I thought we could do breakfast in bed
before we got around to opening gifts. If you can wait a little longer.”

She bit her lip in that way that drove him more than a little crazy. “I
can wait. Do we have to do anything today, or can we stay naked?”

“Only dinner with the gang tonight. Jeremy convinced the kitchen staff
to allow us a corner for us to cook up our own dinner tonight. The fact he
promised them they could get in on the eats likely helped. They are damned
territorial of their kitchens. I’m still not sure how he managed to get them to

“All that charm he has,” Cat said. She gave a huge yawn, stretched out
until she was quivering, and then collapsed. “He seems to have it in spades.”

Shade couldn’t argue with her assessment. “That he does. We’re to all
gather down there at five to get things going. He’ll have the turkey already
in, but the rest we’ll need to put together. You up for the challenge? Maybe
make your mom’s stuffing?”

“Aha!” She gave his shoulders a shove that did absolutely nothing to
move him. “I knew you had a master plan. You are trying to get Mom’s secret
recipe aren’t you?”

“Me?” He plastered on what he hoped was an innocent look. From the squint
she leveled at him, he didn’t think she was buying it. “You have to admit it’s
the best damn stuffing ever created. I miss your mom’s cooking.”

“Me too,” she said with a soft smile. “Shit, remind me to call her when
we’re finally up. We should both be dressed from the waist up, too, since it
will be on Skype.”

Like he would ever forget anything she asked him. “You know I will,” he
said softly.

Another kiss to her lips before he pushed up off the bed, and he went to
the cart. Wheeling it in closer, he waited until Cat was sitting up before
moving the tray to sit across her legs. He poured them both coffee while she
removed the domed lids from the various plates, and then swapped her a cup for
the lids.

Sipping at his coffee, Shade settled in at her side to eat breakfast. It
was nice to relax with her when neither one had to rush off for anything in

She caught him staring at her. “What? Oh God, don’t tell me I have
something on my face already.”

“No,” he said with a laugh. “I was thinking about us, here, now. How
nice it is to be with you, and with nothing major on our schedules for once. We
can take our time to enjoy a lazy meal, schlep around naked, and do whatever we
want for the day.”

Cat’s lips curled up while she nibbled on a croissant. “I wholeheartedly
approve with this plan to have you schlepping around naked, Shade Benson. You
have one smoking hot bod.”

Because it was Cat saying it to him Shade felt his cheeks warming in
embarrassment. Anyone else he would have brushed them off, fully believing they
were feeding him a line. Cat didn’t do that, she spoke only the truth. “If I’m
running around naked then you damn well are, too. We’ll throw on robes for the
Skype call to your mom, but other than that I want you naked until we have to
go down for dinner.”

She lightly tapped a fruit slice to her pursed lips. “I think that could
be arranged. And only because you are adorable when you blush.” A quick smirk,
and she leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek. “Now help me eat this
unbelievably amazing, if seriously dangerous for my waistline, food.”

“Yes, kitten.” With a kiss to her lips, he stole the fruit bite from the
fork she held up.


Cat blew a kiss to her mom, and gave the woman a watery smile. “I love
you, Mom.”

“I love you too, Cateline. Now go dry your cheeks while I talk to your
man for a minute.”

Shade stiffened at those words. The look Mrs. Lyon was giving him had
Shade wanting to squirm. Cat muted the connection, and turned to look at him brushing
a kiss to his cheek. “Remember, she has always adored you, babe.”

“Not all that comforting when she’s leveling her mother evil eye on me.”

His sarcasm got a laugh from her, which made it totally worth it. Giving
her a squeeze, he waited until she was in the bathroom before turning the
volume back up. Shade held his tongue. Since Cat’s mother wanted to have this
chat, he was going to let her go first.

“She looks happy again,” Mrs. Lyon said quietly. “For too long she had
shadows in her eyes, but they are gone now. Be good to her, Shade.”

“She is my heart,” he said.

The woman who had given life to Shade’s everything nodded. “I always
knew you were it for her. When you two were kids you were inseparable. I
worried after your father moved you away, she was heartbroken at a level I
couldn’t fix. No parent likes that feeling, Shade.”

He understood where she was going with this talk now. “I will always be
there for her, Mrs. Lyon. She means more to me than the music.” Which should
tell the woman everything she needed to know. Shade lived and breathed music
daily, but Cateline was more important. Without her he didn’t know if he could
ever play again.

With a nod, the older woman smiled. “Merry Christmas, Shade. We’ll talk
again soon. One day soon I expect you two to get your asses here to visit. I
plan to feed you properly, too. Be ready. Obviously you both are not looking
after yourselves like you should.”

Bursting out with a laugh, he held up a hand. “I will make it happen,

“Good enough. Now go kiss my girl for me, and be good.” Blowing him a
kiss, she ended the connection.

Warm hands pressed to his chest before Cat’s arms wound around his neck.
“You survived?”

He twisted to draw her into his lap, and squeezed her close. “Yeah. I
think she was being gentle, but did tell me we both have to get over there to
visit her sooner than later. She plans to feed us. I am totally on board with
the plan.”

Cat gave him a dirty look, ruined by the laughter he could see in her
eyes. “She won’t give you the recipe either, babe.”

“Who says I want it? I miss being doted on by her.” Shade paused to chew
his inner lip for a second. “After mom died I felt lost. Your mom didn’t say much,
but she would do those mom-things I was missing. Fixing my hair, or my collar.
Asking how school was and making sure my homework was done. She always gave me
a hug whenever I left your house, too. At first it made me feel like I was
betraying my mom’s memory. Your mom set me straight by telling me that all
mom’s belonged to the same secret club. That when one could no longer be there,
the others stepped in to care for her child.”

“God, that sounds like her,” Cat said. Her voice was choked up, and more
tears rolled down her cheeks unchecked.

“Took me a few years to figure out she was pulling my leg, but I never
said anything to her. I loved the fact she continued to do it right up until
the day we left. It was something I’ve missed every day since.”

Cat didn’t seem to know what to say. Wrapping her arms around his
shoulders and neck, she pulled him in closer. Shade let her. He always felt raw
when talking about the past, especially anything to do with his mother. But
Shade knew Cat would protect his hurts like he would always protect hers.

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