The Bass (7 page)

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Authors: Moira Callahan

BOOK: The Bass
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Chapter Eleven


For the next month Cateline floated on a cloud. Both at work, and during
her weekends spent with Shade. He’d arranged with the other guys to keep the
weekends free as much as they could manage. Their manager, Christine, was on
board, too. Something about a happy Shade was a productive Shade.

Cat couldn’t argue with that since Shade was definitely happy, and he
had helped the band write another three songs since she’d come back into his
life. She wasn’t conceited enough to believe it had anything to do with her.
She did seem to be helping with relaxing him, but that was as far as she’d go
with accepting his productivity.

Not that the songs were yet ready for public consumption, but they were
definitely coming along. Only one weekend hadn’t gone quite as planned. The
guys had been called into the studio to lay down another track because the
previous one had something on it making it unusable. With their tight schedules,
they’d had to do it over the weekend.

Cat hadn’t minded in the least. She’d gone along to see what they did
during a session, and learned a lot about the process involved in turning a
first inkling into a full-fledged song. The bonus was being able to watch the
guys working smoothly in studio which had actually been rather interesting, too.
Quite different than when they were out on stage. There was still that wild
energy there, but in a more mellow way. They joked around, played with
different sounds and notes. They had fun. From the band members to the crew
working the sound boards were not exempt from the hilarity.

Setting her travel mug down next to her computer, she quickly shrugged off
her jacket, and stashed it along with her purse. A quick glance at the schedule
showed no changes by her boss to his insane day. He had back to back meetings with
staff members up for review for the next three days, including one with her as
well. With that unsettling thought in place, she quickly checked the voicemail,
and her emails for anything he needed to handle before collecting the hard copy
files for all the staff on the morning docket, and headed into his office.

To alert him of her presence, she gave a quick knock at the partially
open door and then stepped inside. When she’d first started with him she would
have waited for him to acknowledge her. A huge time waste since the man more
often than not had his phone surgically attached to his ear. The only time he
didn’t have it strapped to his head was when he was face to face with someone.

Simon Ackerman was old fashioned in some ways. He believed that when he
was talking to someone, the sole attention should be in that moment and on that
person. He was as technologically hip as the next person, sometimes more so,
but technology could only take a deal to a certain point. A good solid hand
shake, eye contact, and truly listening to the other person was what had made
him into the successful individual he was. At least according to an interview he’d
given Forbes magazine three years prior.

Cat set the files on his desk in the clear space to the right of his blotter.
Stepping back, she waited while he finished his call. “Problems?” she asked.

“The usual bullshit,” he muttered. “What’s first today?” he asked.

“Files for you to go over prior to starting the staff reviews. You have
about forty minutes before the first one.” Cateline handed over his phone
messages written out on various colored sheets. The soft blue was non-urgent,
buttercream was semi-urgent, and the mellow pumpkin shade was the most urgent.
“Only two calls you’ll need to deal with prior to the first staff member coming
in. The others can wait until you have time.”

He nodded while glancing through them. “Shit, yeah, this one I better
call back.” Simon reached for his phone while she collected his coffee mug.

Leaving him to make the first call, she went to the executive breakroom
to start a fresh coffee pot. Simon was always in two hours before Cat got
there. But no one in their right mind ever drank the sludge he brewed. Anyone who
valued their stomach lining waited to swipe the good stuff until she was in and
had the pot going.

After taking him a cup, she settled down to deal with the items on her
list for the day. Her own assistant wouldn’t be in until eleven. As a working
mom, Lori only did part-time hours to ensure she was there to see her son off
to school, do her own household chores, and then still get off with time to spare
to pick him up in the afternoon’s. Simon had been unsure about the set-up, but since
it was working out perfectly for, Cateline he couldn’t complain.

Lori was a hard worker, and extremely efficient. If she could get over
the terror she felt whenever Simon was on a rampage, she’d be fine. Poor thing
still froze up despite Cat’s assurances that Simon was all hot air.

“Hot air by the gallon,” she muttered under her breath with a smirk.

Over the next two hours she answered almost all of the emails, and showed
staff into Simon’s office. From their expressions when they came out, she knew
who had been told what. If she hadn’t been the one to take notes last week when
Simon had prepped for these reviews, she’d still have known merely from their

Simon ran a tight ship. While he did not expect perfection, he did
expect quality work during the hours someone was in the office. As long as an
individual did his or her absolute best, yet still failed, he wouldn’t find any
fault. Sloppy or lazy workers, though, were his biggest pet peeves. He felt
that he gave one hundred and ten percent, the least everyone else could do was
the same in their own unique way.

It was why there would be several jobs on the line, three outright
firings, and a half dozen promotions in between the regular pat on the backs,
and pay increases. The only review Cat didn’t know the outcome of was her own.
It was scheduled to be the last for the morning, and he’d had the file since
she’d pulled them all the week prior.

The ringing phone tugged her mind from the worrying she couldn’t quite
control. “Ackerman Developments Limited, Mr. Ackerman’s office, Cateline
speaking. How might I assist you today?”

“Fucking hell, you have that prim, and proper voice down to an art form.”

Shivering at Shade’s voice coming over the line, Cat couldn’t stop the
grin that pulled at her lips. “You like that do you?” she inquired. Another
staff member walked in, and she checked her off the list before waving the
woman to a seat. “It’ll be five minutes, Gerry. Coffee’s fresh in the breakroom
if you’d like some.” The woman shook her head, and sat down with a smile
allowing Cat to return her attention to the sexy rocker on the phone.

“I’m interrupting aren’t I?” he asked.

“A little bit, but that’s okay. What’s up?” she asked curiously.

“Christine let us know that she’s finalized all the details for our
international tour. This one’s going to be different than the others since
we’ve broken our silence with the media. She’s got our schedule packed full
between shows with radio interviews, a couple TV shows, and things I’m going to
have to look up to figure out what the fuck they are.”

“When does it start?” Cat’s heart was up in her throat. The thought that
he’d be heading overseas where she wouldn’t be able to see him made her tense
with worry.

“We fly out December first,” he said softly. “The first show is in
London on the fifth. Christine wants us to have a couple days to adjust to the
time change, and a buffer in case there are any issues with customs for us
bringing in our shit for the shows. All the gear will go out mid-November, but
if anything’s missing in action, it gives her time to find a fix.”

“Wow,” she whispered. “Hang on a minute.” Sticking Shade on hold,
Cateline was in a fog as she showed Gerry in for her review, and made sure the
employee leaving Simon’s office was okay. He’d received an ultimatum to get his
shit in gear, or he’d be out. The older gentleman was understandably upset.

“Sorry,” she said once she’d picked up the phone again. “So I’m not
going to see you for Christmas then?”

“You could always come see me,” he told her. “We have the Christmas show
on the twenty-fourth in Paris, and then we’re off until the twenty-seventh for
our second show in the city of lights and love. If you can convince your boss
to give you the time off.”

“Actually,” she started before stalling. “He closes the offices for two
weeks over Christmas every year. If he didn’t, I don’t think the man would ever
take a day off. The only other time he has permanently etched in his calendar
is the week surrounding his wedding anniversary.” Cat knew there was a story
behind that one, but she didn’t feel it was her place to ask. She could guess
having met Simon’s wife. Talk about a woman who knew how to keep her workaholic
husband in line.

Shade let out a purring sound. “So you could come party with us then.”

Cateline pondered the idea for a moment. Then the other line started to
ring. “Shoot, hold up a minute.” She quickly took the call, and then got back
on with Shade. “Let’s talk about it tonight when I call. I want to think on
this a little,” she said. At his pained sound she added, “But it could be
manageable. I’ll talk to you tonight. Be good.”

“Kitten, you know I’m always good.”

She snorted at his words. “Right, should I dig out that news article
from last year?”

“That was a complete fabrication, absolutely no truth to it. Still can’t
believe Christine didn’t get that pulled. Crap, now I have to get back to work.
Talk to you tonight, kitten.”

“Bye,” she said with a grin. Hanging up, she shook her head. She would
never get over the effect Shade’s voice had on her. The man was dangerous in
the best way possible.


Chapter Twelve


Shade paced around the property while he waited for notification that
Cateline had arrived. It was finally Friday again. Too long since he’d held her
in his arms, and had her in his bed. While he hated only having her on weekends,
it made sense for her to stay at her place during the week. It cut down her
commute to work each morning. Not that it made him happy in the least.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. Pulling it out, he let out a breath
before heading to the parking area to meet his girl. She was later than normal,
but that was fine. They still had an hour before they had to be over at
Jeremy’s for dinner. Giving her time for a shower and some cuddle time.

Stepping up to her car door he tugged it open with a smile. “Hello,

Her smile warmed him from the inside out. The fact she threw her arms
around him for a kiss and a hug stoked that heat to something more. Nibbling on
her lips, he pressed his nose to her hair to breathe her in. “How was work?” he
asked when they were on the pathway to his place.

“Busy,” she said. “Lori’s little boy was sick which meant she couldn’t
come in today. But it sounds like it’s some sniffles like the kids pass around.
He’ll be fine in no time, I’m sure.”

Shade had to think for a moment before the name clicked. “Your assistant,
right?” Her nod had him doing a mental fist pump.

“She sounded harried when I talked to her first thing. But it was
pointless having her come in when she’d only have to shell out for a
babysitter. Had I known that Simon’s latest deal would blow up on him, I would
have offered to pay for the sitter personally. We were all running around,
putting the fires out for hours, but we got it done, and hopefully it can
proceed without any other problems arising.”

Letting them into the house, he shut the door, dropped her bag, and
hauled her into his arms. “I missed you,” he said softly.

She squeezed her arms around his middle, and shifted to press a kiss to
his neck. “I missed you as well. I love our talks each night, but it sucks
going to bed without you.”

If not for the fact he was leaving in less than a month for a four month
tour he’d have maybe tried to talk her into moving in with him. “I know,
kitten. I feel the same way. If I could figure out a way, I’d kidnap you from
your life and keep you with me at all times.”

He felt her smile against his neck. “Would you tie me up?” she asked

Since they’d started experimenting with bondage during her visits the last
two weeks, he had a crystal clear image for reference. “Fuck yeah. With those
scarves you like. I’d keep you naked, too.” The shiver she gave had him
tightening his hold around her. “You approve.”

“Damn straight I approve. You do the most delicious things to me when
you have me at your mercy.” Cat leaned her head back to look up at him. “Kiss me,

“I love you all polite, and proper,” he teased. Lowering his head, he
gave her a slow, deep kiss. Her tongue slid along his, pulling a moan from his
chest. Shade tightened his arms around her before dropping a hand to her ass. A
squeeze had her pushing up to her toes, and her arms winding around his neck to
draw him in closer.

When they broke the kiss for some much needed air, Shade watched her
under lowered lashes. “You are fucking beautiful, kitten.” Right on cue, her
cheeks flushed with color. He loved seeing the color in her cheeks.

Chuckling, he gave her ass another squeeze before slapping her lightly.
He feigned a shocked look when she stared open-mouthed at him, and then burst
out laughing when she poked his middle. “Let’s get you fed, and you can tell me
what you’ve decided to do with Simon’s offer.”

Cat pulled a face, but took his hand to let him lead her into the
kitchen. After setting her up on a stool by the offshoot countertop that acted
as his breakfast bar, he grabbed her a glass filled with wine. Since she was
staying put for the night, and the entire weekend, he didn’t have to worry
about her driving under the influence.

“What’s for dinner tonight?” she asked after taking a small sip from her

“Stuffed pork chops, baby carrots and peas, and garlic mashed potatoes
with gravy. For dessert I dusted off all my skills to make a pie. Haven’t had
to do one since home economics in junior high. We know how that one turned

“I’ll admit the first one wasn’t great, but you did get better. By the
fourth one they were actually semi edible. Even our teacher made a point of
telling everyone that if you recall.”

“Ha, ha,” he said then stuck his tongue out. “I’ve had some practice
since then, you’ll be happy to hear. Not that I get much time to practice with
us on the road all the time, but when I’m here I do tend to go on a small
rampage with the cooking, and baking.”

He quickly checked on the pork chops before he walked around the counter
to sit on another stool. “Are you going to finally talk to me about this?”

Cateline slowly twirled her glass by the stem. “There are definitely a
few pros. It would allow me to use the degree I have, although I will likely
need to do a few courses to get up to date. Nothing I’d exactly call a big deal.
It’ll definitely have different responsibilities I’ll oversee. Again not a big
deal in the grand scheme, considering what I’ve been doing for Simon all these
years. The cons are what bother me the most.”

“Okay, talk to me about the cons.” He liked the idea she’d finally be
using her degree in business. She’d told him during their last few weeks
together that she’d gone to college for a degree in psychology, with a minor in
business since it made the most sense. Simon had talked to her during her
review about shifting into an assistant manager position. Down the road there
would be potential to take over the manager’s position in the department when
the current head retired in the next couple years.

Shade agreed with Simon on several points, mainly she was being
underutilized in her P.A. position. Cat disagreed. She loved the job when she
didn’t feel like killing her boss, and it provided her with something new each
and every single day.

“The biggest one is that there would be travel involved,” she told him.
“Because he wants me to consider sliding into the acquisitions department, it
would mean travelling a lot initially while I learned the ropes. I would need
to fly out to meet his various real estate agents in the different cities to
see what they have. If it’s something Simon wants, or would be a good fit, then
he’d come out for the final say. Which means I would not be home all that much.
In time as I learn the job better, that would change. But he says there would
be two years at least where I’m home less than I’m away. It’s also not all
within the continental U.S. either, Shade. There would be international travel
involved. We would see each other less than we do now.”

“Fuck me,” he muttered. Shade definitely wasn’t feeling all that happy
with her boss now. He’d been thrilled to hear she’d been offered what amounted
to a huge promotion, and pay raise. Now he could happily strangle the asshole.

“Yeah,” she said. Looking to him, she let out a sad-sounding sigh. “The
challenges and the travel are great in concept. Seeing less of you than I do
now is not sitting well with me. We’ve only recently reconnected and his
proposal is like an acidic lump in my gut when I think too hard about it.”

“When does he want an answer from you?”

She frowned slightly while giving him an odd look. “Not until after we
return from the holidays. Simon told me to take the next couple months to look
into the position when I had time, and to think it through fully.”

Shade nodded slowly while his mind spun. “Why don’t you take the two
weeks over Christmas, and come to meet me and the band? Take it as a break from
life, and see the sights, enjoy yourself. We will party, we’ll be tourists, and
we’ll sleep late each day before going to find somewhere to get decent coffee
each morning. It will give you a chance to step back from the day to day, and
evaluate where you are at.”

Cat slowly nodded, and then turned her face to press a soft kiss to his
palm. “I think I will. You might be right, I may need something different to
rattle things loose. Tomorrow I’ll get online and see about flights. Since
you’ll know where you’re going to be we can organize it to ensure that we both
end up in the same place.”

“Now that,” he said tapping her nose lightly. “Sounds like a plan.”
Leaning in, he pressed a kiss to her lips before going to dish up their meal.
If he was lucky maybe she’d find she enjoyed the life on the road. He’d prefer
to have her with him, by his side for the journey, taking each step together.
But Shade knew that the rocker life wasn’t for everyone.

He set her plate before her he poured her more wine, and then got
himself a glass. Once he settled at her side, he gave her another kiss, and
waited for her to take a bite from the meal. At her happy moan he grinned, and
dug into his own meal.

While he’d never pressure her to choose him over her own life, he had to
figure out a way to balance their lives. Between them he was sure they could
find what worked for them. Because there was no way in hell he was ever letting
Cateline Lyon go again. He’d lost her once, and those scars still burned
harshly in a silent reminder.

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