The Battle Within (2 page)

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Authors: LaShawn Vasser

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: The Battle Within
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Sandy spoke, “I’m so happy for Jason and Vicky.”


Franklin was taken off guard that she’d said anything to him but recovered quickly. “I’m happy for them too.” He hesitated, “And, I guess congratulations are in order for you as well. Congratulations on your engagement.”


She put on a smile that didn’t quite reflect the emotions running through her. Sandy hoped he hadn’t noticed. “Thank you.”


“He’s a very lucky man to have you. Any man that was smart enough to make you their wife would have been a very lucky man indeed.”


Her smile faltered. She paused for just a moment but couldn’t seem to stop the words from tumbling out of her mouth. In barely a whisper, she spoke, “There was a time when I hoped that man was you.”


Their eyes locked and held. Suddenly, there was no oxygen in the room. Somehow, Franklin managed to bridge the distance between them and was only a touch away. His fingers were feather light as he caressed her cheek, “One of my biggest regrets was not being able to be the man for you. If I could go back…I’d do so many things differently.”


As if an invisible chord were pulling them closer, Franklin bent his head low and drew her face to his before lightly pressing his lips against hers. It felt…right. All the hurt and pain they’d caused each other disappeared at that moment.


Breathless, Sandy slowly pulled away. She pressed her hands into his chest, “Franklin, I know I shouldn’t say this, but there is a part of me that will always love you.”


While gazing into her eyes, Franklin knew there was so much that hadn’t been said and was probably best left unspoken. While still embracing their eyes said what neither of them could voice out loud.


John Lucas came barreling out from the nursery beaming not realizing his intrusion, “I thought I’d better come and let one of you see the baby. I don’t think anyone is going to be able to get John, Miriam, or Shirley away anytime soon.”


Franklin immediately released Sandy from his embrace. Their private moment was gone. He tore his eyes away focusing instead on a clock on the wall behind her shoulder. Then, stood aside and motioned for her to go ahead. Quietly, he responded, “I’ll visit with the baby after you.”


Sandy paused as if she wanted to say something more but then thought better of it, “Take care, Franklin.”


“You too, Sandy.”




Their private moment hadn’t been so private. Unbeknownst to them, Roman returned just in time to witness everything. He’d left his keys on one of the tables and had come back to retrieve them.

He’d stood just outside the hospital waiting room door…watching…listening. They were so engrossed in each other that they hadn’t noticed he was even there.

The wind was knocked completely out of him. It was as if he’d been punched in the stomach. No, it was much worse than that. His heart had been ripped out of his chest. The woman he loved was wrapped in the arms of another man gazing at him like she’d never looked at him.

Roman always knew that there was history between them. And, anyone looking at them just now, couldn’t help but wonder if their past was really in the past. It was more than obvious that they still harbored some pretty strong feelings.

He ran one of his strong hands across his face. Roman’s emotions were all over the place. Luckily, John Lucas and Franklin left the waiting room through another exit giving him a little more time to compose himself. He waited another few moments before entering the room trying desperately to digest everything he’d seen and heard.

Roman didn’t want anyone to know he’d come back to the hospital. So, he quickly went inside, retrieved his keys, and left as if he’d never been there.




Roman sat stoically behind his desk barely listening to his VP of International Operations, Doug Masterson, calmly but urgently lay out the problems with their overseas facility.

Apparently, the political unrest was spilling over into the private sector. Several businesses in the area had been bombed. Doug was afraid that Roman’s would be next.

Although it was late, this was an all hands on deck meeting for the heads of their international division. Kate Marsh, his executive assistant, was furiously taking notes and listening intently as Doug’s booming voice came through the speaker phone.

He continued to lay out his plans, “The extra security can be here in the next few hours. I just need your approval since this expense is above my allowable expenditure. It will need your signature.”

The room went silent. And, after a few more moments of silence all eyes turned to Roman waiting for him to respond.

Kate cleared her throat and whispered, “Mr. Benton? Should Doug move ahead?”

The look on his face clearly indicated he hadn’t been paying attention. The almost imperceptible nod of Kate’s head told him how to respond. He trusted her completely.

“Doug…yes. Please move ahead.”

Kate covered for him, “Just e-mail the papers over to me and I’ll make sure they’re signed and sent back to you right away.”

“Okay…expect them in the next five minutes, Kate.” Doug expelled a breath, “So, if there aren’t any other questions….”

Roman shifted in his chair finally engaged, “Wait…one more question, how many employees do we have over there?”

“We have about one hundred and twenty-three.”

“What is our exit strategy in case the fighting gets completely out of control?”

The room went silent again.

Roman rolled his shoulders. His piercing gaze went around from person to person. “Don’t everyone speak at once,
! How the hell are we going to extract our people if we need to?”

Another executive VP stumbled over his words, “Sir, we…I’m sure…I’ll have to get back to you on that.”

Forcefully, Roman stood, “See that you do. If I don’t have that plan on my desk in the next few hours…whoever was responsible for putting it together can start looking for a new job! I pay too many people too much money for there not to be an exit strategy in place. We knew this region was unpredictable.” Roman yelled slamming his fist down on the table, “Damn it!”

He unbuttoned his shirt and rolled up his sleeves, “It’s going to be a long night, so whatever plans you thought you had…cancel them. We’ll meet back here in one hour for an update.”

Everyone left the office except for Kate. She’d been a loyal and trusted employee for many years. Kate had also been in love with Roman from the moment she entered his office doors.

Kate got up slowly and walked over to where Roman stood. She hugged her pen and notepad to her chest, “You seemed awfully pre-occupied tonight. What’s going on?”

“Don’t you think the possibility of losing a multi-million dollar facility is enough?”

With a tilt of her head, Kate tossed her long box braids over her shoulder, “Roman, you and I both know you weren’t all the way checked into this meeting. Something else was on your mind and whatever it was had to be pretty important to take your focus away from this.”

He almost considered not telling her what happened at the hospital with Sandy and Franklin, but thought better of it. She was one of his closest confidants. They shared almost everything.

“Today should be one of the happiest days of my life.”

There was a hitch in Kate’s voice as dread seeped into her veins, “Really why?”

“I asked Sandy to marry me. And, she said yes.”

Her heart rate sped up as she clenched tightly onto her notepad. Breathing was nearly impossible, and there was no way to contain the surprise evident in her widened chocolate eyes, “Wow…Roman. Wow. I…I…wow.” To say Kate was shocked was an understatement, “I knew you two were dating, but I didn’t know it was this serious.”

“I know.” He smiled meekly, “Meeting and falling in love with Sandy was a surprise to me too. But, when you know it’s right…why wait?”

Capturing a bit of her composure, Kate responded, “Why wait? I don’t know…I guess…if you love her and she loves you there really is no point in waiting.”
Except that I love you, idiot
! She couldn’t bring herself to say congratulations.

Roman folded his arms across his chest, “It is for me. I thought it was for her too but….”

Her eyes darted to his, “What? But what?”

Roman bowed his head and closed his eyes, “I overheard a conversation tonight that led me to believe that maybe she still has some unresolved feelings for someone else.”

Thank god! Maybe there was hope this farcical relationship would end before it was too late.
But, Kate couldn’t say that either. Instead she responded, “But…she said yes to you, Roman. Why would she do that if she wanted someone else?”
Other than maybe she’s marrying you for your money or because you’re the most beautiful man that has ever graced this planet.
No, she really couldn’t say that.

Roman opened his eyes and slowly lifted his head, “True.”

“I can only imagine how you must be feeling, but I think right now…your most immediate concern should be handling this issue with your overseas facility. I promise Sandra is not going anywhere. Remember, she said yes to you.

However, telling your mother about your engagement to Sandra Catchings is going to require DEFCON 1 planning. All hell is going to break loose when she finds out you’re going to marry a green-eyed devil.”

He laughed and pulled Kate into an embrace, “She’s always wanted a daughter-in-law that looked more like you, a sweet mocha woman, so that she could have beautiful brown skinned babies.”

Kate could help but think that she didn’t want a daughter-in-law like me, she wanted it to
be me

“Thank you. You’ve always known exactly how to make me feel better about anything. I’m grateful to have a friend like you in my life. And, for the record, Sandy’s eyes are not green…they’re blue.”

Kate’s head lay just underneath his beating heart. Briefly, she closed her eyes, wondering how the hell she was going to make sure he didn’t marry that she-devil!





Franklin knew as soon as he heard April say they needed to
that he was in store for a draining conversation. He sat on the couch massaging his temples trying patiently to listen. However, as soon as she took a breath, that was his opportunity, “I should probably leave.”

She grew more agitated, “You can’t just leave every time I want to have this discussion, Franklin! Running away is not going to solve our problems.”

He coolly responded, “I didn’t know we had

“Please don’t be condescending.” She snapped, “And, I think if I’m ready to take our relationship to the next level, and you’re not…we most certainly have at least
big problem.”

Franklin pinched the bridge of his nose, “April, we’ve discussed this.”

“Yes, I know but things change. I want more. For heaven’s sake, I don’t want to be your girlfriend
. We were once engaged. I want…I want to be your

While it was probably for the best, wasn’t April the one who broke off their engagement in the first place? Franklin was desperately trying to rein in the anger he felt every time he thought about it. On the inside, he was raging but on the outside, no one would have ever known. He would exercise control even if it killed him. He was not his father.

April paced the living room floor, “I know I messed up, but if I hadn’t, we’d be married by now. For better or worse right? How much longer are you going to punish me?”

“Come on April…you know better than that. You can’t believe that’s what I’m doing.”

She softened her voice, “Maybe not intentionally but…” April let the sentence hang in the air before continuing, “Franklin, I want to be a mother…I want children. I want

That was almost his undoing. He pushed himself up and off of the couch. His chest tightened, “April you know that can never happen no matter how much…” He’d had enough, “Look, I’ve got an early day tomorrow. I’ll call you when I get home.”

April stood in his way blocking his path. She reached out and ran her hands across his chest, “Franklin, don’t leave. Please. Wait…I love you. And because I love you…I’m willing to take the risk…
risks. You’re worth it. We’re worth it.”

He took her hands in his, “April…I’m not willing to take the same risks. I can’t, no matter how much I wish things were different…this is my reality. I thought you understood that.”

She stuttered, “I…I did…I mean…I do. It’s just…we could have so much more.”

Franklin was emotionally exhausted. They’d been over this. He couldn’t blame her for wanting more, but he wasn’t the man to give it to her. Wasn’t that the exact reason he’d ended things with Sandy?

Was this how it was going to be with him for the rest of his life? Once a relationship progressed to the point where someone wanted more he’d have to end it? A continuous cycle of having to end relationships?

He kissed her softly on the forehead, “April, I’ll call you when I get home.”

Frustrated couldn’t even begin to explain the emotions swirling within her as she watched him leave. The moment he walked out of the door, April counted to ten before screaming at the top of her lungs.



Two years earlier…


The summer evening was still. However, the moon was full, and there wasn’t a star in the inky night sky. Franklin and April walked hand in hand from the restaurant to the parking lot.

He’d been on edge throughout the entire dinner. Probably more nervous than he’d been the night he’d proposed. Although this time there wasn’t going to be a proposal, they needed to have a serious talk.

It wasn’t easy for Franklin to open up to many people, but even after everything they’d been through, he still trusted April.

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