The Belligerent Miss Boynton AND The Lurid Lady Lockport (Two Companion Full-Length Regency Novels) (10 page)

BOOK: The Belligerent Miss Boynton AND The Lurid Lady Lockport (Two Companion Full-Length Regency Novels)
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There was nothing for it but to submit to Jared's threats. After he had his way with her—she shivered at the thought—she would be free to leave. At least Harrow and Tom would be assured of a good home. She didn't know why she trusted Jared to make good his promise, but she did. There was only
future to be considered now. She had once thought of becoming a governess, but she knew that road would now be forever closed to her.

Perhaps she could cut off her hair and pretend she was a boy. Then she could become a famous jockey and ride Tempest in all the big races. She was certainly small enough. "Oh, stop it, Amanda," she admonished herself aloud. Hadn't her silly imagination and romantic thoughts already gotten her into enough trouble? It was time and more that she stopped living in a fantasy world.

Why, oh, why couldn't she have stayed in London and submitted to Denton's demands? Was marriage that bad, after all? Yes! To anyone her stepfather would choose, yes, it was. Her plan to disappear was really not all that ill–conceived. Her only mistake was to want the satisfaction of her stepfather's disgrace. If she hadn't gone tripping off to Almacks in that odious gown none of this would have happened. She could have dispensed with Almacks altogether, then slipped quietly off into the night, having never met Jared Delaney.

That brought her up short. Never to have known Jared? Her mind went back over the events of the past few days. He had really been rather gallant in offering to take her to Fox Chase. It was only her own foolishness that had pushed him into behaving like a bully.

And what about Harrow and Tom? Not many men would put a dirty orphan up in front of them and ride across country, joking with the lad and making him feel at his ease. His treatment of Harrow had been equally kind. Harrow had once been the premier head groom in the country, but he was obviously past his prime. Jared could have left her old friend to his fate and ridden off, following Amanda when she left Fox Chase and then kidnapping her anyway.

Yes, Jared Delaney was really behaving quite well, considering the shabby tricks she had played on him. And he had tried to protect her with that farfetched story he had given his friends earlier. Last but not least—not that it mattered a whit to her, of course—he was a very pretty man to look upon.

Oh, she was in a quandary. Part of her hated Jared and the other part of her looked to him in awe.

Her mind went back to the kiss they had shared earlier today and her skin tingled at the memory. She had never been kissed before and didn't know if hers was the normal reaction; she only knew that it had been by and large a pleasant experience. Yet he hadn't tried to kiss her again. Maybe he hadn't enjoyed it? Strangely, that thought depressed her more than a little.

She started pacing again. Why didn't he come to her and get this interminable waiting over with!

Only seconds later, she whirled around to face the door to the hallway as she heard the latch turning and was immediately thankful she had asked the chambermaid for the key. Now that Jared was finally here she decided she didn't really want to see him at all. If it was Jared. What if she had been right, and he was sending Mr. Rawlings or Mr. Chevington in his place?

She slowly walked over to the door and called out, "Who is it?"

"It isn't Father Christmas, if that's what you thought," she heard Jared answer, and she sagged against the rough wood, her knees suddenly unable to support her. "Open this door, Amanda, before we have the house down on us. I want to talk."

She closed her eyes. "Go away, my lord. I have nothing to say to you."

"Really? That is a pity, isn't it? However, I have plenty to say to you, so if you don't want the entire inn to hear it you'd be well advised to open this door."

Grudgingly she turned and threw open the lock, then quickly took up a defensive position behind one of the pair of large chairs in the chamber. "Say what you must and get out," she ordered tightly as he entered. I am weary, and long for my bed."

Jared looked around the large, comfortable chamber, then walked closer to the blazing fireplace. "A very nice room, Amanda, that I, in my boundless generosity, have given up for you. The bed looks quite appealing, too. Do you think we both will fit?"

Amanda slid her hand into the pocket of her gown and closed it over the hilt of her knife. She glared at him, unwilling to dignify his question with an answer.

"I imagine I should take that silence as an answer in the negative. Pity. My hopes are quite cut up."

Amanda ignored his sarcasm and only said, "You wished to speak with me, my lord?"

Jared lowered himself into a chair and said, "I wish many things with you, Amanda. But, yes, I suppose you might suppose that speaking with you is one of them. Very well, if you insist on being tedious."

"I'm not tedious. You're being tedious. I'm being

"Yes, that too. Now, I think we must discuss our plans for the morning. I've convinced Kevin and Bo that you're who I say you are, and since they'll be leaving for the mill quite early we shouldn't be seeing them again. I propose we wake fairly early ourselves, and breakfast somewhere along the road. This inn is far too full with gentlemen of my acquaintance for my liking."

Amanda grinned at him. "Are you afraid one of those so gallant gentlemen downstairs will come to my rescue?"

Jared shook his head. "Indeed, no. On the contrary, I'm afraid they'll try to steal a march on me with someone they consider fair game. Well–bred ladies do not stay in towns where a mill is to be held."

Amanda felt her face grow hot. "Oh."

. Now, to keep us both from embarrassment, I suggest you do as I say."

"Yes, Jared."

"Ah, 'Jared' again. I must admit I like that better than 'my lord' or 'Lord Storm.' Does this mean we've cried friends?" He stood up and came over to where she stood. "Bo snores, and I would much prefer the company of a softer bed partner."

"You are impudent, my lord." Amanda skittered out from behind the chair as if prepared to flee the room, but Jared shot out his arm and caught her neatly, spinning her around to face him.

"And you, my dear, are an incorrigible nuisance. Do you really think I would try anything rash here, where your screams—or perhaps cries of pleasure—could be heard by all and sundry? I'm merely jesting with you, infant. I assure you I can live without your charms for one more night. But, I warn you, just the one night. No more."

Amanda pulled her arm free and dealt Jared a resounding slap across the cheek. His face took on a hardened look as he drawled, "Now, that's a pity. I told you I would retaliate if you ever raised your hand to me again, brat."

Amanda danced out of his reach and fumbled in her gown for the stiletto. She closed her hand around the hilt and drew it out. "Stand back, my lord, or I swear I shall cut out your liver and fry it for breakfast!"

Jared stopped in his tracks and shook his head, looking at the slim blade glinting in the firelight. "You never cease to amaze me, Amanda. First you threaten to tear out my guts and toss them to the crows, and now you have designs on my liver. You really should strive to be more consistent, though I daresay I prefer neither possibility." The smile left his eyes as he slowly advanced toward her. "Now stop this foolishness and give me the knife. You might injure someone."

"Never! Stay back or I'll turn the blade on myself."

"Christ!" Jared ran a hand through his hair. Perhaps the joke had gone far enough. "Of all the dim-witted, recalcitrant females I have ever met, you are the most—"

"Cork-brained? Feeble-minded?" she offered coldly. "Cabbage-headed? Do you have no end to the charming descriptions you keep hurling at my head?"

"So that's it. You take offense at my speech." He made a deep bow, ignoring the threatening blade. "Please accept my humble apologies for insulting your vanity." He straightened, and a grin played across his even features. "Any dolt could see that you, on the other hand, have behaved with only the highest of intelligence throughout the past days. And now, as a fitting climax to your brilliance, you're brandishing a toy knife, if I might be so immodest, at one of the premier swordsmen in England." He looked past her to the doorway. "Isn't that right, Kevin? Tell Miss Boynton how small her chances are of using that blade on either my person or her own before I could disarm her."

Amanda whirled to face the intruder and implore his aid, but before her mind could take in the fact that she and Jared were still quite alone in the room Jared had moved quickly to her and wrenched the stiletto from her hand.

"Oh, hang you!" she cried out angrily, rubbing her sore wrist. "You tricked me! "

Jared crossed to the window and, opening it, tossed the stiletto into the darkness below. "It wasn't difficult, Amanda. You are really rather lamentably gullible." He turned and advanced toward her again. "Now, about that punishment..."

Before she could run, he picked her up and unceremoniously deposited her on the mattress. She looked up at him with frightened eyes, but he didn't immediately join her on the coverlet. Instead he pushed her over onto her stomach and gave her a single solid smack on her bottom, then turned her over once more.

He sat down heavily next to her and laid a hand on her hair. "Oh, bloody hell. I'm sorry for treating you like a child, Amanda, but you just put me through several levels of hell. Do you have any idea—even the smallest notion—of how it felt to hear you threaten to turn that blade on yourself?"

Amanda dissolved into muffled sobs, her head turned against the pillows. Jared watched as her slim shoulders shook with grief, her long hair spread about her like a fan. He couldn't help himself. He slid his arms around her small shoulders and drew her up against his chest, muffling her sobs against his shirt.

"Don't cry, infant," he begged her. "I really am sorry." When she showed no signs of stopping he added, "I'll let you cut up my liver if you like."

She pulled her head away from his shoulder and gulped out, "Don't try to be nice to me now. I understand you better when you are being horrid."

? Oh, now that is good!" Jared laughed, feeling the last of his tension, his earlier fear, draining away. "I can do nothing to please you, can I, Amanda? If I'm mean you attack me, and if I'm nice you doubt my motives. Ah, brat, how can I make you happy?"

"By letting me go."

Jared's eyes darkened. "Anything but that, sweet imp. I'm not sure why, but for some reason that solution appeals to me not at all."

Amanda nodded, and relaxed slightly in his arms. Jared felt her capitulation and, lifting her chin, slowly covered her trembling mouth with his own. He felt her body stiffen for a moment, but as he slid her lips open with his fingertip she gave a soft moan and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Her mouth was sweet, so sweet, even as he tasted the salty taste of her tears on her lips. The bed was soft as he lay her back against the mattress, but not nearly as welcoming as was her body as he pressed himself against her, careful not to frighten her as he skimmed his hands over her shoulders, down the sweep of her sides, pressing one hand against the flare of her hip.

He could have her. Here. Now. One more kiss, and she was his. Just one more kiss...

Jared drew away, raising himself up on both elbows to look down at her, his vision blurred by passion, his mind telling his heart that it was a fool. That he was a fool.

Confused and even embarrassed by the strange look in his eyes, Amanda pushed his arm aside and hastily rolled to the far side of the bed, curling her body into a tight little ball of misery and confusion.

She felt his hand against her hair, then cringed as he cursed and all but leapt from the bed. "Not here, Amanda," she heard him say, his voice sounding every bit as strained and weary as she suddenly felt. "Not here and not now. Forgive me."

Before she could utter a word he was gone, and she turned her face into the pillow and wept, whether in relief or frustration she wasn't sure.




Amanda endured the questioning looks of the chambermaid the next morning when the girl tiptoed in the room with two cups of hot chocolate, to discover that her female guest had slept in her clothes on top of the covers—and quite alone.

Amanda had no choice but to don her travel-stained riding habit once more, and she was terribly upset at the thought of Jared seeing her looking as she did—and even more angry with herself for being upset. There were faint violet smudges under her eyes, and even pinching her cheeks until tears came to her eyes did nothing to add color to her face.

After the chambermaid finally left her alone, Amanda sat down primly to await Jared's knock. He came to the door within minutes and beckoned silently for her to follow him. Picking up her hatbox, she trailed after him down the steps, secretly cursing the fact that he looked clean and neat and extremely well rested. He must have borrowed a clean cravat from one of his friends, and even in his same blue jacket he looked disgustingly well-groomed and at his ease. No wonder she hated him!

Amanda blinked as she walked out into the early morning sunlight, then saw that the two men they had met the night before were standing in the shadows near the stables. The one called Kevin beckoned Jared to his side. "Did you see him? It wouldn't do at all to have him discover you here, especially," he threw a look toward Amanda, "with the young lady in tow. Wouldn't do for later on if he spies her now, if you know what I mean."

"No, I don't know what you mean, Kevin. Could you speak a bit plainer? It's deuced early in the day for riddles."

"It's Freddie," Bo volunteered. "Came in late last night, for the mill, most-like. Don't like him."

Jared cast a quick look toward the inn. "
Freddie? What the devil is he doing here? Christ on a crutch, that's all it needed to make this farce complete."

Having safely delivered his message, Kevin turned to Amanda and lifted her hand to his lips. "Good morning to you, dear Miss Boynton. I trust you slept well? My apologies for ignoring you in my haste to warn Jared of that odious toad's arrival. But, still, I was inexcusably rude. I'm never at my best before noon, you know. Can't get used to these country hours."

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