The Berlin Wall (79 page)

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Authors: Frederick Taylor

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Bergander, Regine

Beria, Lavremy; quells workers’ uprising; arrested and disgraced

Berlin: topographical situation; name; racial mix; trade; walls first built; economic and social life; rulers; and Thirty Years War; immigration; population; customs wall; Catholic cathedral; and Seven Years War; size of garrison; under Napoleon; expansion; and; uprising; middle classes; and democracy; ultra-nationalist influence; socialise politics in; and First World War; starvation; limited civil war; inter-war; Nazi vote; captured by Red Army; aftermach of Second World War; women in; Ulbricht Group takes control; post-war cultural revival; divided between Allies; and issue of access; welcomes Westerners; Soviets exert control; refugees in; fuel and power supplies; transport policy; anticommunists rally; Soviet blockade; airlift; affection for USA; city assembly meeting disrupted; city divided; new Soviet restrictions imposed; transport strike; declared capital of GDR; impact of Cold War; city administrations; border crossings and restrictions; workers’ uprising

Brandt arrives and elected mayor; Khrushchev provokes crisis; SED élite leaves; challenges to four-power status; border closure; ‘Berlin ring’; disbelief over possibility of border closure; news of border closure breaks; Soviet restraint; angry reactions to border closure; individuals caught by border closure; phone line to American Mission

British troops in; French troops in; American garrison reinforced; press; crossing points reduced; order regime tightens; post of city commandant created; Friedrichstrasse crisis; cross-border visits; Kennedy visits; age profile; homosexuality in; present and future;
East Berlin; West Berlin

Berlin Agreement

Berlin air corridor

Berlin autobahn
; American reinforcements travel; maintenance of

Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra

Berlin rail corridor

Berlin Steering Group

Berlin Task Force

Berlin Transport company (BVG)

Berlin Wall; Ulbricht hints at; rouce; materials; initial barrier erected; increasing permanence; permanene construction begins; purpose of; and ’green border$$$; decision on wall format

American plans to breach; propaganda catastrophe; fortifications; attacks on; free-fire zone; first anniversary; paramedical teams; Kennedy and; repairs and extensions; hinterland wall; dog-runs; border troops’ dilemma; costs of; first and last victims; and Helsinki Accord; plans for future; breakthrough feared; fall of; demolition; auction; Honecker defends; total deaths connected with;
see also
border escapes

Berlin Watch Committee

Berliner Ensemble theatre

Berliner Zeitung



Bernauer Strasse; situation on border; deaths in; removals and demolition; Wall Memorial

Berzarin, Colonel-General


Biermann, Wolf


Bismarck, Otto von


Bittner, Michael

Black Sea

Blue Angel, The

BND (ineelligence service)


Bohlen, Charles

Böhme, Peter

Bolshakov, Georgi

Bolshoi Ballet

Bolton Abbey

Bonn; chosen as seat of government; Germany Treaty signed in

Brandt in; Ministry for All-German Affairs; Johnson and Clay arrive in; GDR representation in; Guillaume arrested; Honecker’s aborred visit; Honecker visits; Bonn/Cologne Airport; Border Brigade; acquires first martyr; desertions; border escapes; numbers of; first killings; police and army desertions; sewer route; shoot-to-kill policy; organisations; passport method; tunnels; and GDR propaganda; ‘Scandinavian Tour’; and exchange of money; by car; with diplomatic help; through orher socialist states; change in attitudes to; difficulty of; by balloon; prosecutions of guards; Bornholmer Strasse

Borsig locomotive works



Boy Scout movement

Bracher, Rolf

Brandenburg; unification with Prussia; and Thirty Years War; population; religious tolerance; church in; neo-Nazi parties in

Brandenburg Gate; Napoleon parades through; demonstrations around; sealed off; crowds gather; border permanently closed; anti-tank guns sited at; tank traps installed; improved fortifications; Reagan speaks at; celebrations

Brandenburg-Görden prison

Brandt, Rut

Brandt, Willy; background and rise to power,; name; writings; and Allied intelligence; anti-Communism; elected mayor of Berlin; mocks Ulbricht; and border closure; election campaigns; meeting with Allied commanders; letter to Kennedy; plays host to Johnson; chastised by Johnson; and Kennedy’s reply; rejects East German visa offices; and border escapes; and Kennedy’s visit; develops
and convergence,; becomes Foreign Minister; becomes Chancellor; resigns; and German reunification; and furure of Berlin

Brecht, Bertolt; The Solution


Brentano, Dr Heinrich von

Brezhnev, Leonid

Brezhnev doctrine

Britain; alliance with Prussia; industrialisation; and triple alliance; and division of Berlin and Germany; post-war economic difficulties; and free trade area; and division of Germany; and Stalin’s reunification offer; commitment to West Berlin; and nuclear threat; in four-power talks; appeasement; and Checkpoint Charlie confrontation; economy compared with GDR; and German reunification

British Army of the Rhine (BAOR)

British Communist Party

Britz district

Britzer Zweigkanal

Brokaw, Tom


Brüning, Heinrich

Buber-Neumann, Margarete


Budapest; GDR refugees leave through

Budapester Strasse


Bundy, McGeorge; and Peter Fechter killing; and Kennedy’s Berlin visit


Bush, George H. W.



Cape Cod

cars; used in border escapes; in GDR

Carter, Jimmy

Cash, Frank

Castro, Fidel

Catholic Centre Party


CDU (Christian Democrat Union); influence of refugee organisations,; in Berlin elections; in GDR; American support for; and Adenauer’s election campaign; and border escapes; and
; coalition with SPD; in GDR elections; in all-German elections

Central America

space shuttle

Charité Hospital

Charles VI, Emperor

Charlottenburg; housing project

Checkpoint Charlie; white line painted; confrontation; improved fortifications; and Fechter killing; and Meixner escape; Reagans visit; structures removed; museum


Chernenko, Konstantin

Chiang Kai-shek




China; People’s Republic established; Soviet relations with; Great Wall; Tiananmen Square massacre; fortieth anniversary of People’s Republic

Chou En-lai

Chuikov, Marshal


churches; GDR campaign against; and punks; rebuilding of; observe elections

Churchill, Winston

CIA; Berlin Operations Base

Clare, George

Clark, General Bruce

Clay, General Lucius; delivers reply to Brandt; visits Berlin; brinkmanship in Berlin

Clifton, Major-General Chester


Cold War; beginnings of; intensifies; end of; spying; propaganda; American-Russian stand-off; shift in focus; imporrance of Germany; endgame; and Western unity






Commune One


Continental Congress



Council of Europe

Couve de Merville M.

CPSU (Communist Parry of the Soviet Union); XXII. Congress


Cuba; Missile Crisis

currency, hard; and KoKo system; Honecker and; and sale of political prisoners; maximum allowance; and German reunification;
see also
European single currency


Czechoslovakia; and Marshall Plan; Communist coup; strikes and riots; escapes through; acquires German territory; treaty with West Germany; GDR refugees leave through; economic revival



Dahlem, Franz


Daily Mail

Daily Worker



Das Leben der Anderen

D-Day landings

de Gaulle, General Charles; visits West Germany; and mobile warfare

de Mazière, Lothar

De Pauw College

de Zulueta, P.F.

DEFA film studios

Delacombe, General

Democratic Awakening


Der Geteile Himmel


Deterling, Harry

Deutsche Handelsbank

Deutsche Reichsbahn (RBD)

Dibrova, Major-General

Die Insulaner

Dieckmann, Johannes

Diekmann, Gerhard

Dillon, C. Douglas

Dimitrov, Georgi

Doherr, Annmarie


Dowling, Walter


Dreilinden checkpoint

Dresden; desrruction of; topographical situation; industries; and departure of refugees; demonstrations; revival

Dreyfus Affair

drugs; performance-enhancing

Dubinski, Alfons

Dulles, John Foster

Düllick, Udo


Dutschke, Rudi



East Berlin: cheap goods and entertainments; security strengthened; Kennedy’s policy towards; Bohemian culture; maps; eyewitness accounts; access to; Americans enter; Soviet armour appears in; Western intelligence in; Academy of Sciences; West German representation in; Reagans visit; Gorbachev visits; demonstrations; industry

East German archives

East Germany,
German Democratic Republic

East Prussia

Eastern Pomerania

Eberswalder Strasse

Ebert, Friedrich


Edict of Potsdam

Eich, Klaus-Peter

Eikemeier, General Fritz


Eisenhower, Dwight D.; retirement; and Berlin Crisis; administration; era

Eisenhower, Mamie

El Alamein, battle of

Elbe, river; bridge closed; topography of valley

Elisabeth Christine of Brunswick

Elisabeth, Empress of Russia

Elizabeth II, Queen


Ende, Colonel Horst

Engels, Friedrich

Enzensberger, Hans-Magnus

Enzensberger, Ulrich

Eppelman, Rainer


Erhard, Ludwig



Europa Center

European Advisory Commission (EAC)

European single currency

Every Man for Himself!


Exner, Gerhard


Far East; Soviet

FDJ (Free German Youth); members escape; Ulbricht addresses; target Western broadcasts; and conscription; members appeal to Gorbachev; uniforms

FDP (Liberal Party)

Fechner, Max

Fechter, Peter

Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany): established; capital in Bonn; flag; population; remilitarisation; Basic Law; borders; confirms sovereignty; economic improvement; national anthem; and Berlin Crisis; refugees arrive from GDR; militancy towards GDR; links with Eastern Bloc countries; in four-power talks on Berlin; British troops in; French troops in; response to border closure; election campaign; student revolt;
and convergence; recession; guest workers; age profile; subsidies to West Berlin; conscription; conservatism; and homosexuality; denazification,; and travel to GDR; and Berlin Agreement; signs Basic Treaty; credit agreement with GDR; signs Helsinki Accord; Pershing missiles sited in; inward transfer of technology; Honecker visits; Bush Sr. visits; Gorbachev visits

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