The Best Man's Baby: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance (3 page)

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"I never had a type." Daniel said.

"Oh, come on!" Cliff teased. "Let's go back to our college years, shall we: Tammy, blonde; Ira, blonde; Emily, blonde; Georgia, blonde. This is your problem, Dan. You're dating the same woman over and over again. Blonde women of the law, it's a real issue."

"I don't go for blondes on purpose." Dan told him flatly. "They just always seem to find me. I've actually always found dark hair and dark eyes really attractive."

"So we're on the lookout for a woman with dark hair and dark eyes who can cook and is definitely not a lawyer." Cliff reviewed. "I will keep my eye out for you. Hey, maybe you'll meet someone at the wedding."

"Are there going to be many single women there?" Daniel asked with a curiosity that was suddenly piqued.

"On my side, there's only my sister; who is out of bounds for you by the way, and a couple of friends who are your sort of age." Cliff mentally calculated. "Diane's got hundreds of cousins, though. She comes from a big family. I've only met one or two, but I know there were at least twenty on the guest list. I don't know how many are single. Her maid of honor is hot, though. I don't know if she's single."

"‘My sort of age’!" Dan repeated with a wry laugh. "Every year there are fewer and fewer singles on the ground who are ‘my sort of age’. I feel like turning thirty this year has sealed my eternal status as a bachelor."

"People get married later nowadays." Cliff told him. "Not everybody wants to get hitched young. You've been building a career. Now you can find a woman who appreciates that kind of drive."

"I think it's that kind of drive that discourages women." Dan said. "With all the women I've dated, if we haven't been competing with each other because we're both lawyers, then it's ended because they say I spend too much time working."

"Well, maybe meeting a nice woman would be the perfect excuse to slow down." Cliff said. "You're in high demand now, Dan. You should be able to start to pick and choose cases now. Maybe you could even start your own firm."

"I'd have to go out to the city to do that. It's fair enough working out in the suburbs in one branch of a huge law firm, but starting your own means that you have to be in the center of it all."

"Then go to the city." Cliff shrugged. "If your schedule wasn't so chaotic you could make more time for other things in life, like love. Those things matter too."

"I know they do." Dan agreed. "It's just that I was born to be a lawyer and even when it's tough and demanding and even with the occasional losses, it's that adrenalin rush of a case that gets me going. I couldn't do anything else. I guess I feel like if I want to settle down it would mean giving it all up and getting some quieter nine-to-five desk job which would kill me."

"That's not true." Cliff insisted. "It's just about finding a woman who likes the whole package, including your dedication to your work. She's out there somewhere. I'm sure of it."

"Maybe." Dan shrugged.

"Definitely." Cliff said firmly.

After dinner when Dan had been dropped off outside his elite apartment complex, he entered into his home feeling unsettled by his conversation with the groom. Cliff was right. Everyone that they had gone to college with was married now and only Dan remained. It wasn't that he didn't want those things himself, because he did, but they were just difficult to come by when he also valued his career so greatly.

Perhaps Cliff was right to say that what he needed was someone completely unlike the other girls he met and perhaps when he found her, he too could experience that moment of transcendence and let life slow down.








When Diane caught sight of Carla peering around the doorway of the house where the bridal party was spending the night, she let out a squeal of delight and raced across the hall to throw her arms around her cousin in a loving hug and plant a kiss on her cheek.

"Little Carl-la-la!" she cooed. "It's been far too long! How have you been?"

Carla hugged her cousin back tightly and smiled wide. It was good to see her again. They had been as close as sisters growing up, but life had taken them in different directions as they grew older and Carla did not get to see her favorite cousin often enough anymore, although they spoke constantly on the phone and sent each other funny little notes and nonsense gifts in the mail.

"I am fantastic, darling girl!" Carla said warmly. "How are you? Bride to be! You look beautiful as you are. You are going to be a stunning bride."

Diane looped her arm through Carla's and began to lead her through the house and up the stairs to her bedroom. It was her mother's house; Carla's aunt, and Carla had many fond memories of racing around these rooms as a young child playing hide and seek with Diane and playing dress-up in all of her Aunt Tania's clothes.

It made a wave of nostalgia sweep over her when she caught side of Diane's wedding dress hanging at the window and she thought how much time had passed since they had been in the house together as children.

"It has been manic here, but we're getting there." Diane laughed. "I thought I'd be in pieces by now and panicking about all the details, but all I can think about is that tomorrow I'm going to be Cliff's wife."

"I'm so happy for you, Di." Carla said sincerely.

"I wish I could have spent more time with you in the run-up to the day." Diane said regretfully. "I really wanted you to come shopping with me for the wedding dress and to look at all of the bridal magazines together like we used to. Do you remember that?"

"I do,” Carla said with a light laugh. "You were going to have a Cinderella wedding and I was going to be Sleeping Beauty."

"Who'd have thought that one day I'd actually be walking down the aisle!" Diane said. Carla looked at her bright smiling face almost brimming over with happiness and felt a stir of envy for the excitement of getting married. Still, she was so happy for Diane who deserved every happiness in the world and so she smiled brightly and hugged her again.

"I just can't wait to see the dress!" she said.

"I can't wait to see the cake!" Diane said eagerly. "How did it come out? Thank you so much for doing it. I know it was probably a pain getting it to the hotel, but I am so proud of you and your wonderful bakery! I just couldn't have had my wedding cake from anywhere else."

"It looks fabulous." Carla assured her. "It's already at the hotel for tomorrow."

"Wonderful!" Diane smiled. "So that means that you're all ready for today! We've got the rehearsal dinner tonight at seven and while it was supposed to be just the bridal party to begin with, there are so many family members that we never get to see that I just decided to have a lot of them join us for dinner, so it's more like a reunion than a bridal party rehearsal dinner.

You're sitting at the high table with me, although the arrangement's a little bit different tonight. We're having the rehearsal dinner in the hotel restaurant, but on Sunday, it will be all laid out in the main hall. It's going to be spectacular. Everything is white and pink, just like we dreamed it would be when we were young. Before that we've got the bridal party lunch."

"I know it's going to be perfect." Carla said warmly.

"Did you have your fitting for the dress last week?" Diane asked her. "Does it look alright?"

"Oh, Diane, it's beautiful!" Carla beamed. The dress was a deep purple, full-length silk gown that made Carla look she'd stepped off of the cover of a fashion runway magazine. It complemented her skin tone perfectly and clung to her figure in all the right places. Carla was not used to dressing up in formal dresses, but she had felt like a million dollars when she had tried on that dress in the store.

"Purple was always your color." Diane told her with an adoring grin. She tugged at Carla’s arm. "Come on! We have so much to do!" 

Soon Carla was caught up in a whirlwind of tying ribbons on wedding favors and allowing hairdressers to experiment with different styles on her hair and then, finally, dressed in a simple floral dress and a pair of elegant heels, Carla accompanied the rest of the bridal party to the hotel restaurant for the bridal party lunch.

Arriving at the restaurant and seeing the bridal party made Carla remember why she had turned down the last wedding invitation she had received. There was something incredibly depressing about being single at a wedding.

All the same, Carla told herself to just enjoy the day and let her beautiful smile shine. She looked around at the rest of the bridal party as they began to take their seats and realized that she'd forgotten just how many cousins she had. It took her at least fifteen minutes to take a seat because she kept stopping to catch up with one distant relative or another. It was such a whirlwind that she found herself almost breathless when she sat down at last. She looked around happily as she watched all of her aunts and uncles and cousins kissing and embracing and then turned her attention with curiosity to those people she didn't know. She was so lost in her people-watching that she was startled when someone in the chair beside her,,  began to speak.

He was a very attractive man with fair skin and incredible eyes, unlike any Carla had ever seen before. He sat with one leg crossed over the other and an arm casually laid around the back of his chair in a posture, which was relaxed, but still very refined. He wore an expensive suit and the cut of his hair was sophisticated; he looked like a cover of GQ.

He looked to her to be about thirty or so. Everything about him emanated refinement and intellect and Carla felt a little shy to be sitting there in the flowery dress she was wearing with her hair still tousled from the experimenting hands of an indecisive stylist. She felt her cheeks get warm before anything had even been said.

"Bride's side or groom's?" the stranger asked her conversationally. He fixed her with an intense gaze that made it feel to Carla as if she were being held to him by a magnetic pull. Her people-watching stopped. All at once and she was drawn helplessly into deep grey eyes, and captivated by the sophistication of the man speaking to her, so much so, that she stammered over her reply in her shyness.

“B-bride's." she stuttered and then took a nervous sip of her wine to stop her from acting like a fool in front of this handsome man. She cleared her throat slightly, reminded herself that she was a capable and independent person who enjoyed her freedom as a single woman and then sat up straighter, deciding to meet the stranger's gaze with equal intensity and forcing away her shyness. "And you?"


"A relative?"

"College roommates."


"I'm a lawyer, and you?"

"A baker."

The stranger suddenly smiled as though she'd said a magic word and he held out a hand to shake hers.

"I'm Daniel." he said with a wide smile.

She took his and his grip was firm and gentle at the same time.

"Carla." She smiled at him.

He never once let his piercing gaze slide from her face. Even though Carla was trying desperately not to show it, she found her cheeks flushing once more from the instant attraction she felt for this man and something more which was hard to put her finger on; an intrigue maybe.

"What kind of law?"

"Corporate." he told her with an evident pride in his voice.

"Where did you study?"


"Gosh." she said as her eyebrows rose in admiration.

If Daniel hadn't been speaking with his best friend just a couple of days before about how a different type of woman could change his life, then perhaps Daniel wouldn't have swooped in on the shy and pretty girl in the corner with the warm smile and a dress that wasn't from the latest fashion season.

As it was, he had watched the way that Carla had moved so gracefully from person to person in the restaurant and left every group smiling. He had enjoyed the sight of her slender legs and smooth shoulders in a pretty summer dress and the way her loose hair was slightly tousled. The attraction had been instant, but to find that she was a baker was an extra check in the box and Daniel couldn't remember the last time he had heard anyone say ‘gosh’.

He was used to chasing after corporate girls with pencil skirts and stern expressions. This girl in front of him was someone clearly very sweet and demure who had probably never lived a day of the legal high life. This girl was something different.

Suddenly Diane stood up in the center of the restaurant and began clapping her hands loudly to get everybody's attention, and then raising her voice to address them.

"Lunch is about to be served!" she announced. "Please take your seats! Tonight at the rehearsal dinner there will be seating plans - you can find where you are on the board over there - but for now you can sit where you like."

The bride-to-be finished her announcement and then rushed over to Carla to grab her by the hand and usher her into a seat beside her own. Carla was pulled up and away so quickly that she barely had a moment to look back over her shoulder at the handsome man she'd had barely a chance to interact with.

He watched her go with a hungry smile and Carla felt something fluttering deep down in her stomach; a chemistry which was hard to ignore and impossible to forget as the lunch was served.

She kept looking up furtively as she picked at her salmon salad and gazing across the room to where Daniel was sitting with a table of Cliff's college friends. Every time that she looked up she found that he was looking right back at her and every time that she caught his eyes his lips would form an alluring smile which made a heat rise up the back of Carla's neck.

The bride-to-be couldn't help but notice that her maid of honor was distracted and followed her gaze the next time that she looked across the restaurant. Diane smiled knowingly and leaned closer to Carla to whisper in her ear.

"He's charming, isn't he?" she said. "He's Cliff's best man."

"College roommates, he said."

"You've already spoken to him?"

"He introduced himself and we talked for a quick minute." Carla told her. "What's he like?"

"Reserved, sophisticated, and a gentleman." Diane described. "He's also a ladies' man. I can't say I blame him. A guy must have his pick of women when he looks like that."

"Mmm-hmm." Carla found herself murmuring in agreement, before realizing what she was agreeing to and felt her cheeks warm. Diane grinned wickedly; a mischievous bride.

“There are still plenty of hotel rooms left tomorrow," she told her meaningfully. She held her gaze just long enough for Carla to realize what she was suggesting and Carla giggled in shock and playfully nudged her cousin.

"I'm not like that, Diane!" she gasped.

"Daniel has a way with women, that's all I'm saying." Diane warned her. "Cliff tells me how he always has a different woman on his arm. I've seen him with at least three different girls at one point or another myself."

"Thanks for the intel, but I wasn't thinking of doing anything like that." Carla whispered back, blushing. Diane simply laughed knowingly and gave a dismissive shrug.

"Well, I've seen that look in your eye before." she told her. "Tommy Wright. Twelfth grade. Prom finished at midnight and you didn't get home until three."

"There was an after party," Carla said, taking a swift sip of her wine.

"Sure..." Diane teased her with a wink.

Carla made a point after that to not look at the devilishly handsome man anymore, but she could still feel his gaze hot upon her as he continued to watch her from across the room,. After lunch was done and she had returned home to Aunt Tania’s house with the other girls in the bridal party, she still found it hard to shake off the feeling of his eyes upon her. It was unnerving to feel so undone by a pair of intense eyes on a very confident man.

The rehearsal dinner was later and Carla was very aware of the fact that apart from her beautiful purple dress, which was being saved for the day of the wedding, she had nothing particularly elegant to wear. Knowing that the handsome, sophisticated man with grey eyes was going to be there, made her want to appear more dressed up than her usual simple dress and apron look.

Unfortunately, all she had was another floral dress for the occasion, albeit a floor-length one this time.

As soon as she returned to the restaurant for the rehearsal dinner that night, she began scanning the area for signs of Daniel, but she didn't have to look for long. She didn't know if it was coincidence, or Diane being mischievous, but her place card at the high table had her sitting right next to a certain Daniel Towler. When the lawyer arrived and noticed with whom he'd be sitting, he looked immediately pleased and pulled out Carla's chair for her before taking his own seat.

"Hello again." he said smoothly, smiling that knowing smile, although what he knew about, Carla couldn't begin to guess. His steady gaze made her skin tingle and she became flustered all over again.

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