The Best Man's Baby: A BWWM Pregnancy Romance (5 page)

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They shared their intense gaze as the elevator came to a stop and Carla's mind began to go wild with wonder, excitement, and anticipation about what was about to happen. Her heart thudded heavily against her chest as the elevator slowed and the doors opened, and Daniel finally took his eyes from hers, taking her hand in his and leading her to the room he'd gotten for them.

In no time, the door of the room was closing behind them, and as it did, Daniel wasted no time at all. He pulled Carla into his arms and kissed her again, harder and hungrier this time, and she responded in kind, sucking and biting at his mouth as her desires burned in her with a white hot flame.

They made their way slowly to the bed as he pulled his clothes off a piece at a time, and when she reached for her zipper, he closed his hands around hers and whispered breathlessly, "Oh no... I want the privilege of peeling that dress off of your gorgeous body." He moved his mouth from hers, trailing kisses to her ear and her neck, stealing her breath as he blazed fires of need in her skin.

She was euphoric, standing so near him, feeling his ravenous hunger for her and her own ache for him, which was almost too much for her to control. Yanking off the last of his clothes, he stood before her, nude and aroused. She let her eyes fall from his, wandering over his body and drawing in her breath as she took in his strong lines and hardened muscles. It was obvious that Daniel worked hard to maintain a chiseled physique.

He watched her looking at him, proud of his body, and anxious for her to be intimate with it. He saw her mouth open in awe at him, he saw her catch her breath, and as her warm brown eyes rose back up to meet his gaze, he felt like his skin might have caught on fire.

It was the first time a woman had looked at him that way. They all gawked and stared, they all lusted after him; he knew he was beautiful, but no woman had ever looked so surprised in such a sweet and almost innocent way; and way that made him burn for her, wanting to share with her what she had found amazing.  It was an unusual sensation for him, and he wanted more of it.

He lifted his hands and ran them from her bare shoulders down to the sides of her breasts, tracing them over the material that hugged her like a second skin. A soft sigh sounded from her lips as he held her gaze.

"I've never felt so turned on just by a woman looking at me." A smile spread over his lips. He slid his hands around behind her and slowly unzipped her dress as he left teasing little kisses along her neck and the top swell of her covered breasts.

The zipper down, he leaned back and slid her dress off her, revealing her body to him. All that she had on underneath were little lavender lace panties and his smile faded from his face as his eyes took her in.

His expression changed to one of voracious need. He let his hands move over her, from her shoulders to her fully rounded breasts and hardened nipples, down over her ribs and belly to the curve of her hips.

Carla closed her eyes as he sculpted her with his hands, drinking in the feel of his touch and the profound measure of his desire for her. She raised her hands to touch him, laying them flat on his chest and sliding them down his solid form to his thick erection, and as she closed her hands around it, he groaned in his chest and pulled her to him, holding her tightly as he lowered her to the bed and hovered above her.

Daniel kissed her mouth passionately, pushing and pulling at her lips as his hands began to move over her skin, squeezing and massaging her. Everything in her yearned for him and it only grew more intense as his mouth moved to her breasts, sucking and biting at them, and then over her belly, to the hem of her panties.

He teased her then, pulling them ever so lightly from her skin, just at the top, and kissing where the material had been. She sighed sweetly and he pulled the material further away from her, sliding her last article of clothing off her body. He replaced the lace with kisses and nibbles, making her gasp as he pulled the piece from her, leaving her nude before him.

He lost no time in sliding his hands down the length of her thighs to her knees, pushing them apart, and dipping his head to meet her. He kissed her softly at first, and then with growing urgency as the flames of passion became a bonfire between them. His tongue maneuvered all over the outside of her, and into her soft folds of her, making her arch her back and twist her fingers in his hair.

His hunger for her was insatiable, and the heat and strength of his tongue moving against her made her cry out and come, gasping for air and closing her eyes in the release.

At the sound of her orgasm, Daniel could hold himself back from her no longer, and he moved above her and thrust himself into her depths, filling her and holding her tightly against him.

Carla clutched at his shoulders to anchor herself in their storm of passion, as they moved together, their bodies stiff and taut as they wrestled and moved against each other, both of them lost in the tidal waves of pleasure that overtook them. At long last he could not keep his passion at bay and he cried out as he flooded her depths with his orgasm, clinging to her and holding her against him, as they trembled and shuddered with the final throes of their wild need.

Finally sated, they fell back weakly into the bed and sighed, each one catching their breath as their bodies slowed and peace enveloped them.




Carla nestled against Daniel's strong chest and felt completely satisfied. They slept long and deeply, and in the early hours of the morning, she opened her eyes, feeling him beneath her and wondering in amazement at what they had shared.

As the light began to filter through the blinds of the hotel window, she began to feel a little disappointed that it was over. This was the first time in years that she had given in to pleasure without thinking about how it might leave her wanting.

She stretched out her body and then turned to lay against Daniel's chest again. Her movement caused him to stir awake and when he spotted her, his lips formed an equally satisfied smile.

"Good morning." he said.

"Hi." Carla smiled.

Daniel looked over at the window and saw that it was already day. He sighed with disappointment, but then sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes.

"That wasn't like me at all,” Carla told him shyly. "It's going to sound trite, but I really don't usually do this kind of thing."

The same couldn't be said for the lawyer, but he smiled understandingly all the same.

"There's nothing wrong with enjoying yourself. You did enjoy yourself, didn't you?" His voice was slow and teasing again.

"You know I did,” Carla replied, with a self-conscious giggle. "But it was just for fun. I am not really looking for anything serious right now."

Carla was sure that Daniel hadn't expected their one-night stand to turn into a relationship, but she still felt like she needed to express, that for her, this had been a one time affair. She had the feeling that Daniel had had many one-night stands and that he wasn't looking to get tied down to any woman, no matter how electric his night with her had been.

But she still wanted to make it clear by saying it out loud. Carla had enjoyed the night thoroughly, but a playboy didn't fit into her long term plans and she didn't want to walk into another heartbreak by falling for a man who was nothing like her.

"It was fun," Daniel agreed, "but not all things have to turn into something serious. Don't look so worried about it. You had a good time and so did I; aren't we lucky for that."

He leaned over and kissed her softly and she kissed him back. Daniel looked at her with a grin and said, "thank you for a really incredible night."

The baker smiled and was satisfied with that. Sure, it would be nice if mind-blowing nights like the one before came more often. But she knew that sex like that always came with strings attached, so she was happy to just let this be a wonderful and deeply sensual memory.

They went their separate ways after that, and there was no awkwardness between them. Daniel even kissed her once more before she left the hotel room ahead of him. When she was gone, Daniel smiled to himself. Cliff had been right. His encounter with Carla had been unforgettable, but the timing was not right to try to build a relationship with someone new and unfamiliar.

Carla arrived back at the bakery late on Monday afternoon, which made Lily ask a thousand questions about the wedding.

"You hooked up, didn't you?" she gasped. Her voice was shocked. Her boss had never so much as been on a quiet date with a dull man, let alone had a steamy one-night stand with a stranger.

The baker grinned and giggled, giving herself away, and Lily's eyes grew wide.

"Spill it!" Lily demanded impatiently. She began to tense in anticipation for the news and grew more and more restless as Carla took her time in telling her what had happened.

"Oh, come on!" Lily urged her. "Start with the basics. Who was he?"

"The best man." Carla confessed.

"Was he tall with nice hair and eyes?" Lily grinned and folded her hands together.

"Very tall, stylish hair, and about the most amazing eyes I've ever seen."

"So, what happened?" Lily could not contain herself.

Carla shrugged self-consciously and giggled again, shy to be telling this story to her apprentice who was hanging onto her every word.

"He was charming and sophisticated and I suppose I just let go of my inhibitions a little." Carla told her, and then corrected herself. "Maybe a lot."

"He must have been some player to get you interested!" Lily exclaimed. "I've seen a hundred guys hit on you and you always turn them away. You always talk about men being trouble. What was different about him?"

"Oh, I don't know." Carla gave a distant sigh.” I suppose it was his confidence. He spoke to me like he already knew what was going to happen that night and I thought he was so...
that I couldn't help but get drawn in."

"Daring?" Lily repeated excitedly. "So what happens now? Are you going to see him again?"

"No." Carla said firmly, her eyes serious. "You're right. I think men are trouble and especially this one. He's a player and some big shot lawyer. It was nice to live in the fantasy for a night, but he would never go for a simple woman like me, and I wouldn't want to invite that kind of trouble into my life. I've got my life all worked out and he would only shake things up. I told him it was a one-time thing."

"What's so wrong with shaking things up?" Lily urged her. "You're great, Carla, but you forget you're young sometimes. You should be taking risks and stuff now, before you
old and it's too late."

Carla laughed. "I wish I had your attitude, Lily," she said. "It's just that I like my life the way it is. I just want to keep on building what I have and open a new bakery. I'm the only one that's going to make that happen."

Lily sighed despondently. "I got excited that you were going to tell me you'd met someone to get you out of your shell a little more."

"I was pretty out of my shell last night," Carla said meaningfully, making Lily forget that the gossip wasn't as juicy as she had hoped, and she laughed. The two carried on with their day and Carla tried to forget about the feel of Daniel's hands on her body and his breath on her neck, although the memories came back to her in sweet waves of sensation that made her smile without noticing, although Lily kept casting her knowing glances.

Uptown, Daniel didn't talk about Carla again until Cliff had returned from his honeymoon and they met up for a drink at an expensive bar near Daniel's apartment. Cliff wasted no time in getting to the matter at hand.

"Diane told me that you stayed the night at the hotel with her maid of honor. Well?" Cliff leaned forward and prompted Daniel to speak with an impatient hand gesture and then huffed when Daniel made him wait.

His friend sat back on his bar stool with a cool and self-satisfied smile and Cliff rolled his eyes.

"Typical." he said. "Why is it so easy for you? Why would a nice girl like Carla want to take a risk with a guy like you? Diane said she's just not the type."

Daniel laughed. "She had no complaints."

"God, you're so slick." Cliff told him with a shake of his head. "You're just too smooth, you know that?"

"I know that."

"Of course you know that,” Cliff sighed. "So, what now? Are you going to see her again?"

"No." Daniel said. "She wasn't interested and I had second thoughts about this different girl idea. She's a baker, Cliff. Can you imagine me with a girl like that? If I was desperate to settle down and marry someone tomorrow, maybe I'd had taken her on a date and see how things could be with her, but right now it just doesn't seem like the right thing to pursue."

"Oh, don't pretend that you pulled away because you just had too many options." Cliff scolded him. "You chickened out."

"You think?" Daniel asked with a single raised eyebrow.

"I know,” Cliff insisted, looking at him seriously. "You met a regular, sweet, nice young woman who isn't going to be impressed with all this... "

He threw his hands in Daniel's direction as he searched for the word, "
.., and you got scared that you'd met your match."

"Not at all." Daniel said with a shake of his head.

"‘Not at all’." Cliff parroted. "You know I'm right."

Daniel hadn't considered it, but maybe Cliff was right. Dan knew that his perfected appearance, expensive suits and impressive career had always helped him to draw the admiration of women from his field, but perhaps he was a bit uncertain about whether a woman who wasn't part of the high rolling world he lived in, would still like him when she wasn't dazzled by his reputation and lifestyle.

"I think it was just the wrong time for her,” Daniel said, pushing his self-doubts away. "She's running her own business."

"And you're busy too. I’ve heard it all before. There's got to come a day when that's not an excuse anymore. I think you should call this woman and take her out on a real date. Spend time with a nice down-to-earth girl for a change."

"No. It's too late for that." Dan told him.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm dating Brooke from Holland & West."

Cliff looked at him in surprise and lowered his brow curiously.

"The lawyer from the other company in the merger?"

"That's the one,” Daniel said with a tilt of his head.

"Let me guess. She's blonde?" Cliff gave a half smile.

Daniel sighed under the inquisition and shrugged unapologetically. "It makes more sense to date someone who does what I do." Dan told him.

"No. It doesn't." Cliff argued. "It's convenient, but it stops being convenient the second you realize that someone as stubborn as you gives you a headache." He pointed his finger in the air to punctuate his statement.

"That's enough about me,” Daniel said quickly, to change the course of the conversation. "How as the honeymoon?"

Cliff eased back and smiled then, letting go of some of the frustrations towards his friend, who he thought always made bad choices when it came to women.

"It was perfect," he said. "Just Diane and I with nothing to worry about." He took a swig from an expensive artisan beer and then sighed despondently. "I suppose it won't last, though." he said. "Diane's already started to talk about having kids."

Daniel chuckled at his friend's predicament and took a swig of his own brew.

"That's marriage," he said. He looked at his watch and drank down the last of his beer. "I'm sorry, Cliff, I have to go. I'm meeting Brooke across town in twenty minutes."

Cliff waved his hand in a gesture of goodbye and stayed to finish his drink. Daniel stepped outside and flagged down a cab to meet Brooke at a restaurant. She was waiting for him on the sidewalk outside with a beautiful dress and a stormy expression.

She was a beautiful woman. She had long blonde hair, which hung in a smooth layer, spilling over her shoulders and framing a face which was the classic picture of beauty. She had light eyes with long lashes and she wore red lipstick, which highlighted her impatient pout. Daniel raced across the road and kissed her formally on the cheek.

"Sorry I'm late." he apologized.

"Where have you been?" Brooke snapped. "It's freezing out here. I've been waiting forever."

"It's mild, darling, and I'm ten minutes late,” he replied calmly. In all his years of dating high-maintenance and entitled women, he had developed a skilled patience for them. He expected snappiness and ingratitude from them, but reasoned that a little selfishness from a woman was a small price to pay for the pleasure of having a beautiful woman and a partner who fit comfortably into his life without him needing to make any adjustments. "Let's go inside."

Brooke stormed ahead and didn't thank Daniel when he held open the door for her. She sat down at the table and only stopped her sulking when he ordered an expensive bottle of wine, which made her attitude change.

"Oh, I'm sorry, darling, for snapping,” she drawled, reaching across the table to squeeze his hands patronizingly. "I'm just so hungry after the case review this afternoon and absolutely nothing has gone according to plan today. My associate did nothing she was supposed to do. The girl is useless! Honestly, these girls get a degree from a reputable college and thinks it makes them invincible.

Well, I told her straight out, I said, ‘Olivia, this apathy will not do. You better get your act together or I will kick you right to the curb and you know that associate positions are hard to come by. Good luck finding another lawyer of my status to take you under her wing!’

Well, obviously, she started crying and I just had no sympathy for her. I mean, does she think the law is a stroll in the park? She is going to be fighting bigger, meaner people than me in court so she better get used to people telling her the truth."

"Didn't you tell me that your associate was just off work because her brother died?" Daniel recalled with a frown.

"So?" she looked at him quizzically.

"Well, maybe that is why she's been struggling,” he offered generously.

"Oh no, darling,” she said, waving her hand. "She's struggling because she's not as smart as she thinks she is." Brooke added spitefully, "Besides, do you think anyone else will go easy on her just because of a bereavement? Would she drop a multi-million dollar case because she's having a hard time? It doesn't work like that at all and, as her mentor, I have to make sure she understands the way it goes. I'm doing her an enormous favor."

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