The Best of June (11 page)

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Authors: Tierney O'Malley

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: The Best of June
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“No, James. This man needs to hear this. I am not a big fan of you—a politician who wants nothing but to support corporations and pharmaceutical companies with high expectations of filling your pockets at the expense of blue-collar people like us. You’re a judge with connections and can pull power from everywhere to keep yourself above others. A judge who cares about nothing but his name.”

“How dare you come here and accuse me—”

“I’m not accusing. I’m telling you. What? I’m the first person with enough gall to make you smell your own shit? Do you think you’re untouchable? Wake up, Colchester. The world you built around you and your family will easily collapse. Your so-called friends will turn their backs on you once we show them who you truly are and the moment they smell your carcass. Oh, wait, they already know your phony ass. But no one dared to say it to your face because they suck up to you. Well, we are not like them. We’ll tell the world what kind of a parent you are. And let’s see if they would still associate their names with yours.”

“I can destroy you for this.”

“Just try. I’m not afraid of you.”

“I see. I’m sure you’re not afraid of your husband either.” To James, Colchester said, “You failed to put your wife in her spot, Greenwald.”

“No, I didn’t. She knows her place as my wife. A wife shouldn’t be afraid of her husband. She’s not just a pretty flowerpot that I water whenever I get the chance.” James glanced at Colchester’s wife. Her face turned scarlet and she kept her gaze on her lap.

“You’ll do everything to protect your Colchester name. Don’t deny it. Well, we have a name to protect too. Make your son marry my daughter. A month after the baby is born, he can divorce her. That’s how much we hate being associated with you.” Rebecca spat the word hate.


“You heard my wife, Colchester. We just want June to have a husband while she’s pregnant. Afraid it’ll not look good on your reputation? You have resources. You tell those who ask—media, friends, whoever—that the marriage didn’t work but they are still friends. It will be an amicable divorce. You’re good in making up stories. You know how it’s done.”

“Richard, I think their idea of marriage is good.”

Colchester didn’t even spare his wife a glance. “Have you any idea how ridiculous you sound, Greenwald? Besides, my son will not agree to your deal. He has plans. Big plans. And I have reason to believe that he and his girlfriend, a prosecutor, will announce their engagement soon.”

“We don’t care. Again, you’re good at covering things you don’t want anyone to see. Use the media. Henry doesn’t have a choice. Or I swear to God I’ll do everything I can to let the whole world know what he’s done and how he has failed to accept his responsibilities.”

Colchester flared her nostrils. “Fuck you.”

James smirked. Like his wife said, they weren’t afraid of him. “Doesn’t feel good to be up against a wall, does it?”

“Fuck. You.” Colchester bit off each word.

James sneered. “One more thing. If your son wants to buy my daughter food, fine by us. But he isn’t required to support her. We will provide for my daughter. All we expect from your son is his name.”

“You don’t have the upper hand to make demands, Greenwald.”

“We both know that I do, Colchester.”

“I don’t think you even know who you are talking to.”

“Oh, yes. I do. A man who hides behind his money, name and connections. Without those things, you are nothing.”

Judge Colchester slammed his hands on the table. “I swear to you, Greenwald. You don’t want to face my wrath.”

“We’re here because we are
afraid of you.” James sneered.

The rat was cornered.

“Do you expect Henry to be a good husband? Loyal and faithful to your daughter?”

“No. But I expect him to be a man. I’ll give you until the end of the day to think about what I said. Think about my terms. Your son and my daughter will stay married until our grandbaby is born.”

“What about after that?” asked Mrs. Colchester.

“After that, no communication. We will move on as if none of this ever happened. It’ll be up to my grandbaby whether he or she will acknowledged you as kin someday.”

“Oh, no. Please.” Mrs. Colchester turned to her husband. “Richard, do something. I want the baby to know us. No communication is not right.”

Colchester clamped his mouth shut. James could almost hear the man’s thoughts. His pride was too big to ask.

“What are you playing here, Greenwald? If it is revenge—”

“Think whatever you like. All we want is to spare my daughter from malicious gossip and our grandbaby from becoming a bastard.”

Rebecca took out the papers from her purse. “We already asked our lawyer to draw up this contract. Send it to us signed.”

“If I don’t sign?”

James sneered. “Watch your big screen television.” After a brief nod to Colchester’s wife, he and Rebecca left the room. They didn’t look back until they were well on their way home.


Chapter Five




Stacey moaned while he sucked the inside of her thighs. She looked so beautiful lying on her bed, covered in white silk sheets with just a red thong and a lace bra covering her. Henry closed his eyes, but as soon as he did, June’s face appeared.
. “Turn on your belly, Stays.”

Stacey obliged then arched her hip, pressing her ass right on his angry cock. “Like this?”

“Yeah.” He stacked two extra firm pillows beneath her stomach to keep her in position. “Spread for me.”

“Henry.” Stacey began grinding her ass.

Henry focused his mind on the woman in front of him. “Perfect, Stacey. You’re perfect.” With Stacey’s ass cheeks spread, he ran his fingers along her wet seam. She was hot and ready.


After moving her thong aside, he thrust deep, making Stacey scream.
Henry didn’t stop thrusting until they both found satisfaction.

Stacey rolled to face the other way. Henry followed her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

“It’s too hot and you’re sweaty,” Stacey complained.

“You like it when I’m hot.”

“Yes, but not the sweaty part.”

Henry sighed. He lay on his back and stared at the ceiling. June liked to cuddle. All he had to do was touch her and she’d scoot beside him, even in her sleep.

He thought about how June was doing. It had been over two months, but he still couldn’t stop thinking about her. He had hoped she’d call or see him again at the marina. She hadn’t. Even June’s friend Vivienne was gone. She’d stopped waitressing at the marina and the number she’d given him was a bogus one. It was obvious. June didn’t want to be found.

He shouldn’t lose sleep over a woman paid to pleasure him—one who blushed easily and responded to his touch like a virgin who’d never been touched before. Obviously, June had been forced to sell her body for…for what? Not money. Vivienne swore it wasn’t about money, and for some damn reason he believed her.

What was she doing right now? Working? Hanging out with Vivienne? Looking for another man to please? Henry let out an even deeper sigh.

Stacey turned to face him. “Another sigh, Henry?”

Henry looked at Stacey. A thin sheen of perspiration still covered her face. Her lips were swollen and her hair mussed. She looked like a woman who had just been ravished. So beautiful and yet…

“Nothing’s wrong. Why?”

“You keep sighing and were preoccupied while making love to me.”

“Of course I was. I was busy pleasuring you.” He turned onto his side, propped his head with his hand then ran his fingers from Stacey’s neck down to her flat stomach.

Stacey licked her lips. “That’s what you’re saying. Henry. Your body is here, but your mind was off somewhere. You were thinking of something.”

Someone. One with a wolf’s thunder eyes and not a zombie’s, because she didn’t like it.
Henry smiled.

“Are you thinking about her?”

Henry frowned. “Who?”

“The one who made you smile right now. The woman you took on your yacht. The day you had a party. Don’t deny it. I, too, have friends at the marina.”

Did he hear jealousy in Stacey’s tone? Thinking Stacey would drop the subject, Henry decided not to answer.

“Do I know her?”

“No. I haven’t seen her since, Stays.” She was just a woman he’d shared a wonderful three nights with. Three fucking great nights he couldn’t seem to forget when he should be thinking about his business. Once he opened its doors, he and John would be able to help more people get jobs. Maybe hire Vivienne if he happened to see her again.

He and John had been meeting with the owners of three different cargo ships that they wanted to purchase. They were close to making a deal. So fucking close he could taste his dream.



“Come on. It’s insulting to see you with a faraway look on your face when I’m here in bed with you. Naked, I might add, and you’re thinking about something else.”

“I’m sorry, Stays. Just have a lot of things on my mind.”

“I hope when to propose to me is one of them. Everyone’s expecting us to announce our engagement soon, Henry.”


“What do you mean why? Darling, you
going to propose, right?”

He was saved from answering when his phone rang. It was his dad. Odd, he thought. Normally, Dad’s secretary would always call. Maybe his elevated status as a captain had put him on his dad’s list of faves.

“Hey, Dad.”

“Come in my office. I don’t care where the fuck you are right now. Make sure you make it here in ten minutes,” Richard snarled then hung up the phone.

“The fuck.”
The hell was that about? What did I do now?

“Who called?”

“Dad. Damn, he’s pissed.”

“At you?” Stacey laughed. “Why am I not surprised. What did you do this time?”

“Who the fuck knows? Have to go, Stays.”

Stacey waved her hand, pulled the sheet up to cover her breasts then closed her eyes. He walked over to the bed then placed a kiss on Stacey’s temple. “Dinner tonight?”


“No. I’m cooking.”

“Oh, God. Boiled crab again, or pasta? Couldn’t we just go out?”

Damn it. He was tired of dining out. All he wanted was to have a decent meal, sit, relax, eat at his own pace and talk about anything without the waiter disturbing them. He wanted peace and quiet when he ate—something that he never had while dining with his parents. God, he wanted a repeat of what he and June had shared on the yacht.

“You realize we’ve dined out five days in a row now.”

“Who has the time to cook? See, we work hard to afford restaurants. You dine out then come home full. No dishes to wash and no garlic, fish or whatever smell you get when you cook in the kitchen.”

“You don’t like it when I cook?”

“Of course I do. It’s just I don’t like the smell of garlic, onions and especially fish. They get in my clothes and hair. Dining out is better. Besides, aren’t we helping the little people by eating out? Your waiter friend at the Beach Café has a job because of people like us.”

“I’m not saying we don’t eat out. At least have a meal here or at my place.”

“Sure. We’ll do that. When we have the time.”

“Looking at the state of this condo, you don’t have time to pick up stuff either.”

“Oh, God. Not that again. I have the cleaning lady coming Friday.” Stacey rolled on her back without bothering to pull the covers up.

Henry’s eyes feasted on Stacey’s great body, a result of regular appointments with her yoga and Pilates teachers. Any man could easily forget dinner at home and the messy condo if he could have that. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”

“Thanks. This”—she ran her fingers up and down her stomach—“is all yours. As long as you don’t bug me about cooking and cleaning.”

“You are one spoiled woman.”

“And you like this spoiled woman just fine.”

“Of course.” As he walked toward the bed, he watched Stacey’s body flush into a sweet color of pink. Bracing his arms on the bed, he lowered his head and captured one hard nipple. “Hmm…”

“Stay,” Stacey purred.

“Love to. But I can’t. Don’t know what the old man wants, but it’s not good to keep him waiting.”

“Fine. Go then. I’m tired anyway.”

Stacey was asleep even before he’d finished buttoning his shirt.

Talk about their upcoming engagement had already circulated at the marina, which really made his parents excited. He wouldn’t be surprised if he found out that his dad had started the gossip. They thought marriage with Stacey would strengthen the Colchester name and end his bad reputation as a womanizer.

Stacey had been his friend and lover for months. She was special to him, but he had no plans of putting a ring on her finger yet. That was something he hadn’t thought about. But with this talk about the damn engagement…
. Dad hated hearing people talk about their private lives. He’d probably say just be done with it and marry Stacey.

Yes, he wanted a big family, a home. Kids who would dirty the floors and run around in the backyard and a housewife who smelled of cookies and spaghetti. But then again, not just yet.


Chapter Six




A raging bull. Yeah. That was how he would describe his father. His mother, on the other hand, looked like a rat cowering in the corner, shivering with red-rimmed eyes. She’d been fucking crying again. Dad had been cheating on her left and right, only paying attention to her whenever she was needed to show up at some functions. The only reason Dad hadn’t served her divorce papers was the fucking family reputation—and she knew this. Still, she remained by his side. Was it love or her love for everything that sparkled?

“What’s going on, Dad?”

Richard tossed the documents in his direction. “Just when I finally thought you’d made a big turn and started thinking about this family, you did this. Goddamn you.”

“What are you talking about?” Henry picked up the papers. He quickly scanned them. The words contract and marriage in bold letters jumped at him.

A contract?

Fucking hell. A signed document between his parents and the Greenwalds. But his name was mentioned too. “What the hell! Who the fuck are the Greenwalds?” He flipped through the pages again. “What is this?”

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