The Best of June (7 page)

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Authors: Tierney O'Malley

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: The Best of June
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“You do the same to me.”

Wrapping his arms around June, he inhaled her shampoo-scented hair while he tried to control his raging lust. “If we don’t stop, I’ll make love to you right here. Another boat might pass us.”

“Oh, dear. We don’t want to moon anyone.”

Henry laughed. “Right. So, how about if I give you a tour?”

“I thought you would never ask,” June answered.

Later, I’ll go on a tour around your body.
Henry grinned.


* * * *


Henry’s yacht, which he called Dreamer, was a five-star hotel floating on water. However, June noticed Henry didn’t really tell her much about the luxurious amenities. Instead, he pointed out the safety features like the GPS. He explained the power and importance of the engines and where to exit and enter when diving. He showed her the dive deck and where to store the fins and masks safely, and the filled tanks for diving. When they reached the compressors and generators, her eyes must have glazed over because Henry burst out laughing when he looked at her. After hauling her to his side, he took her to the galley. Henry had grinned when she’d made the mistake of calling it a kitchen. By the time they ended the tour in the dining area, June was already lost.

Since she worked at Bud’s Bait House, she’d seen yachts that would last her a lifetime, but not once had she’d stepped foot in one. Until now. Henry’s yacht was really impressive.

“So, we dine in tonight. The galley is stocked. I think we have everything that we need. If you think there is something that I’ve missed, then we’ll go shopping.”

“What’s for dinner?”

“Pasta. Do you like chicken alfredo?”


“Whew! Thank God.”

June laughed. “What if I’d said no?”

“We would’ve opened a can of tuna.”

“I don’t mind having tuna sandwiches for dinner.”

“You’re an angel.”

She bet Henry grew up with food already laid on the table and hadn’t learned how to prepare anything. But he seemed excited to make the alfredo to impress her. She leaned against the counter and watched him move around the galley wearing a pristine blue apron. Everything about the yacht was new and she was delighted to hear that she was the first person he’d invited to see it. What about Stacey? June was curious about her, but she was afraid to ask. Besides, the mood was too good to ruin by mentioning his girlfriend. This romantic rendezvous would only last a few days. She wanted this to be a perfect memory.

June sighed. Henry heard her and raised a questioning eyebrow.

“Oh, don’t mind me, chef. I’m just wool-gathering. This yacht is very impressive. I really love this galley. All stainless.”

“Thank you. I love the bedroom. Comfy. Did I show it to you already?”

June laughed. “The one where you tried to trap me? Yeah.”

“Wanna see it again? I must have forgotten something to show you.”

Grinning, June shook her head. Henry tried to pull a sad puppy face, making both of them laugh.

“Can I help prepare our dinner?” She had a feeling he needed it.

“Sure. You can cut the French bread and wash the asparagus.”

“Want me to prepare the asparagus?”

“That would be nice.” Henry opened the wine cabinet. “Anything to drink?”

“Lemonade or orange juice. If we don’t have those, I’ll have water.”

“You really don’t drink, huh?”

“Yeah. I’m a cheap date.”

For a tall guy, Henry could move gracefully. Right away he had the chicken sprinkled with salt and pepper and sizzling in the pan, drizzled with olive oil. Although June would have prepared it differently. She preferred grilling the chicken first.

“Have you tried drinking at all?”

Sadness settled in her chest, joined by little pricks of needles that made her wince. “Yeah. Went out with Craig one night and—”

“Craig?” Henry dried his hands, leaned his hip against the kitchen island then crossed his arms. “Who’s he?”

“A friend of mine since middle school. Why are you scowling?”

Henry shrugged.

“We went out one night. I—”

“As a couple?”

“No. Friends. I got drunk and felt horribly sick the next day.” Really sick, she wanted to add, but he didn’t need to know the particulars. “Since then I’ve never touched alcohol again.”

Henry closed the gap between them. He wrapped his arms around her waist then kissed her forehead. “No alcohol for you, then. Sorry you got sick.”

And lost my virginity
. “Me too.” Not wanting the past to ruin the moment, she changed the topic quickly. “While you boil the pasta, I’ll preheat the oven.” When Henry raised an eyebrow in silent question, she explained, “I’ll broil the asparagus. Is it okay if we use the peppers?”

“Help yourself. Whatever you want to cook, baby. Sounds good to me.”

June quickly managed to preheat the oven. She was happy to find a baking dish too. “Oh, look at this shiny thing! My goodness. I love this kitchen. A kitchen is the best part in the house in my opinion.”

“Honey, you’ve seen the shower, right? We can do awesome stuff in there.”

“Like what?”

Henry grinned. “I’d rather show you.”

“Oh, dear. Stop grinning like that and pay attention to that boiling water.” She arranged the asparagus and yellow, green and red bell peppers on the baking dish, drizzled olive oil, and used the salt and pepper for seasoning. Next, she took a lemon from a bowl on the counter and sliced it for later use. She asked Henry to cut and arrange the bread on a baking sheet.

“Yes, chef. I thought I was cooking for you tonight?”

“I like to help. Food tastes better when you help prepare it.”

With both of them working together, it didn’t take long before the food was ready and the table set. Henry surprised her by producing votive candles in tiny little glasses. Giddiness assailed her. She’d never been treated to a romantic dinner before. Now, she sat in a cosmopolitan designed dining room, in a yacht, with the man she’d been dreaming of for months.

Can’t top that.

June took everything in, memorizing every detail. She would never forget this.

“What are you thinking about?”

“How lucky I am to be here with you. This is a surreal mix of fantasy and reality.”

“I feel the same way, love. You’re a beautiful dream that I found staring out into the Puget Sound. You’re one special gift.”

“Thank you. You’re cool, if I say so myself.” She passed him the plate of broiled vegetables.

“Thank you. This smells divine.” Henry handed her the basket of bread. “Do you have any idea how hot you look.”

“Hot? Hmm…no one has called me that before.”

“That’s hard to believe.”

“It’s true. I’ve never attracted a man’s attention before.”
Maybe one time, at the bar, but the jerk only wanted my virginity.
“I bet women flock to your side because you’re a

“Heck, yeah. When I was young, I didn’t have to seduce little girls. They’d come to me like bees to honey.”

“And what did you do with them.”

“Lifted their skirts using a stick.”

“What in the world!” June nearly choke on her pasta. “You’re so bad.”

Henry refilled his glass with wine. A look of sadness passed over his handsome face. “I grew up in the care of a nanny. Went to a private all boys’ school. Never played with girls and never knew one until I went to high school. I met a couple, maybe—daughters of a congressman, mayor, president of this company and that, but never hung out with any of them. You could say that I was sheltered growing up.”

“I never would have thought that.”

“What about you? What did you do to the boys following you around?”

“I was never interested in boys.” June laughed when Henry rolled his eyes. “Really. My mom and dad told me that when I was young they tried leaving me at a friend’s house many times but I would cry and cry. I would rather hang out with my parents than friends. Mom said I was like a barnacle attached to her hip all the time. But, I was most happy when we rode with Dad.”

“Rode with him?”

“He was a Metro bus driver. Mom and I would wait at the bus stop for Dad. I’d have a Slurpee and a hot dog from 7-Eleven.”

“Riding around town on a Metro bus. Sounds like a lot of fun.”

“It was. From Northgate all the way to downtown Seattle. I got to see the pier, Aquarium, the malls. You have no idea how much fun it was to watch people get on and off the bus. Interesting people. Then Dad had an accident when I was in high school. Metro gave him two options. Retire or he was fired. He retired. Now we hang out at home, play games and eat. So, yeah. I was always attached to my parents. They never complained. I think they loved it.” When June looked up, she found Henry staring at her. June realized she’d just turned the conversation into a dull one.

“I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to bring down the mood.”

“It’s all right. I actually enjoy listening to you—although you make me jealous.”


“Yeah. I grew up playing with the gardener, driver and a cook who smelled like food all the time. I loved old Beth. She promised to make special desserts if I ate my veggies. Mom never really cared if I ate or not—or if I was home or not.”

“I’m sorry. No child should feel that way. I’m not bragging, but I love my parents for showing me what it’s like to love, be loved and know that someone is waiting for you at home.”

“You’re lucky to have them and I’m sure they are lucky to have you pestering them all the time.” Henry grinned.

“I know.” She would love it too if she had a baby who would cling to her all the time and cry whenever she left. Would that ever happen? June stared at her plate. “Someday, if I happen to have a baby, I want her to have someone to run to when there is lightning and thunder, to come home from school and smell my mom’s freshly baked cookies, to listen to my dad’s crazy stories about Metro commuters. Mom and Dad provided a sanctuary for me. I want the same for my baby. I’m sure Mom and Dad would entertain their grandchild. My baby will never be bored.”

“And your baby would be as beautiful as you are.”

“Thank you.”

“You sure look kind of melancholy.”

“Sorry. I perfected the art of ruining a good dinner.”

“Just wait until you taste dessert.”

“Boy, after three days, I’ll be as big as a milk cow.”

“Don’t worry, love. I know how to work your udders.”

June never laughed so loud in her life. “Oh, my God! You’re horrible.”

Grinning, Henry stood then went to her side. “Sorry. Not really a good joke. He leaned down so his lips were close to her ears. “You already know, my hands are not the only part of me that I’ll use on you.”


* * * *


Thinking he would disturb June if he used an alarm, Henry set his cell phone to buzz then placed it beneath his pillow. He wanted to make sure that he’d wake up in time and not blow his surprise.

He wondered what it was that had made June sad during dinner. One thing for sure, he didn’t like it. She spoke about her future baby as if the kid would be growing up without her around. The sadness in her tone had touched him. It was bone-chilling and comparable to hearing someone mourn a lost child. He wanted to ask why, but for some reason he didn’t think it was right to pry. Hopefully, his surprise would bring her happiness, something to think about when sadness started creeping in. Sighing, he tightened his hold on June. Damn, she was so soft. June, he learned, liked to sleep with her back against him. He liked it too.

What a sensual, giving woman. He would forever remember how she’d come apart in his arms. So uninhibited, but at the same time still innocent. She blushed easily, like a woman who’d never been with a man before.

Henry’s cock thickened. He wanted her again. Slowly, he moved his hand to cup her breast then teased the nipple he’d sucked repeatedly. Carefully, he wedged his knee in between her legs. June moaned but remained asleep. He wondered if she would sleep through his caresses. Henry kissed the base of June’s neck while he snaked his hand lower to touch her pussy. He groaned when he felt her wet heat. Fully aroused now, he thrust his hips.


“Shh…honey. Just let me.”

June arched her back, helping him guide his cock into her. Henry drowned in the intense feeling and bit harder on her neck. From behind, he made love to June. Slowly at first, until both of them were panting, seeking to reach the highest peak.

“Honey, I love this—so good, so fucking good.” The beast inside him fought to claw its way out. He kept June on her side then anchored her leg on his thigh. She was wide open. Slowly thrust his dick deep inside her while he played with her clit. “Honey…”

His thrusts became faster and harder, his balls slapped her flesh. Damn it to hell. He didn’t want their lovemaking to end.

“Oh, Henry…”

“Baby, can’t get enough of you. You’ve cast a spell on me.”

“I’m just a woman.” June moaned.

“A beautiful, sensual woman. Oh, yeah. Keep your legs open, hon. Just like that. Jesus, you’re tight.” He kept his rhythm until both of them were wild with need to come. Henry licked his fingers then rubbed June’s nub. “Come for me, hon,” he whispered in her ear.

Henry was in heaven. If he was dreaming, he didn’t want to wake up. He could just lie like this all night, making her come over and over, but his body screamed for release.

As he roused her passion, Henry’s own was close to bursting. He rotated her wet bud with his fingers while he fucked her. “Honey…”

June’s ass muscles tightened then she screamed his name.

“You’re mine.” He thrust so hard the tip of his cock touched her cervix. “You’re mine,” he repeated. There was no stopping him now. Over and over, he thrust his hips, then he let go.

It was the best night of his life.

He was still kissing June’s neck when he realized she’d fallen back asleep already. Smiling, he covered them both with a blanket. He reached beneath his pillow to check the time. Two in the morning. Sunrise would be at five-fourteen. He still had three hours to sleep, if he could sleep at all.


* * * *


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