The Billionaire Dragon Shifter Meets His Match: BBW Paranormal Romance (Gray's Hollow Dragon Shifters Book 6) (5 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire Dragon Shifter Meets His Match: BBW Paranormal Romance (Gray's Hollow Dragon Shifters Book 6)
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“Please, Laurence. Don’t make me wait anymore.”

The flames in his eyes brightened, and he lowered himself, grinding the hardness of his body against every softly curved inch of hers. “When you say you’ve been waiting...”

She closed her eyes and writhed up against him. “I’ve—yes. I’ve waited. I wanted my mate, only my mate. I was willing to wait a long time for that. For you.”

Laurence moved against her, and she spread her legs wider, cradling his hips between her thighs. He ground slowly against her through the layers of their clothes, and Jane wondered dizzily how they hadn’t just burned away yet.

“Say it,” he murmured, hot and low in her ear. “Tell me.”

“I waited for you,” she repeated, sliding her fingers into his silky hair. “I only wanted you, only my mate. I’m a virgin, I’m yours, I waited—”

Laurence cut her off with another fierce kiss, and he raised up off of her to tug her shirt up. Her bra unhooked itself, and she didn’t know which of them had used their dragon’s ability to move metal to do it. It didn’t matter. Laurence was peeling it up and off along with her shirt, leaving her all at once bare to the waist. The cool air was a shock after the heat of his body, and her nipples tightened further.

His hand closed on her wrist after he’d gotten her shirt all the way off, holding her to the bed, and that was all it took to make her feel his heat again—the flames in his gaze flushed her skin, and she writhed under him, moaning. She needed more, she needed his touch, she needed
, all of him, all the way.

“Laurence, please—”

“I’m not going to rush now, treasure,” he murmured.

Jane bit her lip to hold back a groan at the pet name. The sound broke free in the next moment, because he did bend lower over her, kissing the base of her throat where the gold chain of her medallion usually rested. He kissed the notch between her collarbones, barely visible under her softness, and then he dragged his lips down the valley between her breasts, his hair brushing softly over them.

He kissed her there, and then nuzzled at the heavy curve of her breast, touching her where no one ever had before, and Jane whimpered and arched into the soft press of his lips. His mouth found her aching nipple and opened over it, hot and wet; he kissed and sucked her there, igniting a fire that shot straight to her pussy. She sobbed and squirmed under him, spreading herself wider, silently pleading.

But her mate knew how to give her everything she needed, and he deftly unfastened her jeans, tugging the zipper down and sliding his hand inside. He pressed against her clit through the damp fabric of her panties, too much and not enough all at once.

Her hips bucked at the sudden intense sensation, and his mouth left her breast only to kiss the other, finding her nipple and testing his teeth against it this time. She thrilled at the little sting as her hips moved frantically, mindlessly under his hand, his fingers sending shocks of pleasure through her with every touch.

For an instant the touch disappeared, but then his fingers—hot and damp already from her wetness—slid down inside her panties, over the softness of her belly and into the wet curls at her crotch. He stroked through them, not quite touching her clit now, but giving her just the right pressure, just close enough, as his mouth teased her nipple. He drove her higher and farther than she’d imagined she could go so fast, from such little touches, just his mouth and two fingertips driving her wild.

“Yes,” she gasped, “Laurence, yes, yes,

,” he growled back, rubbing harder, biting down fiercely, and she arched under him, crying out helplessly as she came for him, her pussy clenching wetly as she pressed up to feel his weight over her.

“I need you,” she gasped, her orgasm still shuddering through her in waves. She realized he wasn’t holding her wrist anymore and put both hands to her jeans to push them down; she was still half-dressed, but all she could think of was how empty she was, how much more she needed from her mate. “Laurence, please, I need you, I need—”

“I know, treasure,” Laurence murmured, raising himself up onto his knees.

She wriggled out of her jeans as he peeled off his shirt, showing her his scarred chest and arms again. The sight of the black bracelets at his wrists was like snow being dumped on the fire that raced through her, but the momentary chill turned to steam as he unfastened his pants and shucked them off along with his underwear, freeing his cock.

Jane’s breath shook at the sight of it, thick and hard and all for her—here was her mate, who she’d waited so long for, wanting her, wanting to be inside her as much as she wanted him. Her pussy throbbed, wet and sensitive and needing more; she made a helpless little wanting sound when Laurence moved further away, but then she realized neither of them had stopped to take off their shoes. Her jeans were caught above her boots, and he had to toe his own shoes off before he could strip completely.

He pulled her boots off for her while he was at it, pausing to squeeze each of her bare feet when he was done, and Jane gave an entirely different groan at the delicious sensation.

“Like that, treasure?” His voice was warm, teasing a little as he rubbed his thumb into the arch of her foot. The sensation was almost ticklish, almost sexual, and ran all the way up her spine.

“You know I do,” she mumbled, pushing the feeling to him without thinking; she was already close enough to not being able to speak properly out loud. Soon she would need dragon speech to say anything even close to coherent.

She felt a little flick of surprise from him, and only then realized that it shouldn’t have worked; she should have bounced, once again, off that cold glass wall, that
he was so insistent on. She met his wide-eyed gaze and let herself smirk, pushing up on one elbow.

Looks like I got you naked too.

Laurence snorted, but didn’t deny it, and didn’t shut her out. When she heard his silent dragon speech it seemed to vibrate through her bones, setting her whole body ringing like a struck bell.
And what do you intend to do with me now that you have me?

I thought you were going to have me
, she prompted, wriggling to work her jeans down a little further now that her boots weren’t in the way. She saw his gaze go to her pussy, the skin of her thighs glistening with her wetness, and he quickly tugged her jeans and underwear free, leaving her completely bared to him.

She spread her legs wider, inviting him into her deepest place. He closed his hand over one wrist—pressing that damned dragonglass into his skin and sending a sliver of frustration through Jane at the same time. At least when she heard his voice again, it was still his dragon voice.


Jane insisted decisively.
I want you, all of you. Everything I can have tonight.

If we—

I want you, and I want whatever comes of this,
Jane insisted silently, sliding one hand to her own thigh. She wasn’t above encouraging him to stop arguing.
Mated properly or not, you’re the only one for me, and I won’t pretend this is a one night stand, or that you’re a stranger I can’t trust.

Laurence sighed, but he moved onto the bed again, crawling up her body with his eyes fixed on hers. They were silver again, the flames hiding once more, but Jane could feel the dragon heat of him just under the surface.

“I am a stranger,” he insisted in low voice, warm and golden as honey, as he set his hand beside hers on her thigh.

“Never,” Jane insisted, hooking one finger over his. “You’re my mate.”

“You don’t know my last name,” he pointed out.

I know your scars,
she returned.
I am not a stranger to your mind.

He shook his head, but lowered it without saying another word, out loud or silently, to kiss the top of her thigh. Jane’s pussy clenched, wanting him, knowing what was coming next. She spread herself wider and he kissed her again, a little further in, and a little further. His nose was brushing the lips of her pussy and she thought she might come again just from the heat of his breath and the thought of what he was going to do next.

She moaned, shivering all over, when his tongue flicked out to touch her. It brushed between her lips and over her clit so quickly she barely felt it before it was gone. She felt the flames rise between them, felt his need for her flash bright.

Yes, yes, Laurence, yes.

She lost all track of what he was doing after that, his mouth moving over her pussy, his fingers stroking in his tongue’s wake. The pleasure of it was beyond anything she’d ever felt, and she felt as if her body couldn’t contain it, as if she really would burst into flames from the electric pleasure racing through her, the heat rising on her skin from the center of her outward.

His stroking fingers pressed gradually inward as she got wetter, pleasure spiraling higher. He had two fingers inside her, stroking up into her most sensitive spot while he sucked softly on her clit. Jane pressed into him, wanting more, more, begging for it out loud or silently, she had no idea.

I think this is enough for right now
, he murmured to her, in a silent voice as dark as smoke.
Come for me, treasure, I know you’re almost there. Let me feel you come while I’m inside you

Jane cried out as another orgasm swept through her, her pussy contracting around his thick fingers, the first way she’d ever had any man inside her. He left his mouth over her clit, his fingers still stroking gently inside her, as she came down, until she was moaning, oversensitive and still needing more.


But he was already moving, pushing up over her. His cock was hot and hard against her thigh as his mouth found hers, his tongue pressing into her mouth in a smooth glide. She tasted her own sex and moaned again, wanting more, wanting
. She reached down to curl her fingers around his cock for the first time, feeling the hard thickness of him, the pulse beating against her fingers.

He groaned, rocking his hips to work his cock in her grip, and his need for her surrounded her. For all he had—his vast hoard, his half-dozen places to keep his gold and lay his head—she knew he still had no home but her, nowhere he wanted to be the way he wanted to be inside her.

“Yes,” she whispered. “My mate, mine, I’ve been waiting for you, come in, take me—”

“Mine,” he breathed against her mouth, moving between her thighs to line himself up. She let go of his cock when the thick head of it touched the hot, sensitized lips of her pussy. He pushed in without any further hesitation, and her breath caught at the feeling of him sinking into her, the thickness of his cock stretching her open for the first time.

Mine, mine, all mine, only mine
, he was growling silently as she took him, deeper and deeper inside until every inch of his cock was buried in her.

, she returned, gasping as she squeezed her pussy around him, tightening further. She ached deep inside, her body struggling to adjust, but this was everything she wanted, and the pain was soon lost in pleasure, and the greedy knowledge of having this intimate hold on her mate.
Won’t let you go

He pulled out a little, only to thrust back into her, and they moaned together at the exquisite feeling.

More, give me more, harder

Laurence kissed her harder, his tongue thrusting into her mouth roughly, but everything was slick and hot, and there was nothing he could give her that wasn’t what she wanted. He rocked his hips, his cock still buried inside her, making her feel every inch, every different place he was touching her inside.

Then he started to move, thrusting into her faster and faster, and she moaned into his mouth and used dragon speech to tell him just how good it felt, every new burst of pleasure, every dizzy new peak. He responded the same way, so that she felt how intense it was for him, to have his cock inside her and know that he was the first. He moved faster and faster, taking what he wanted and giving her what she needed all at once.

He stilled inside her, buried deep, and she felt the pulse of his cock as he came, filling her in a different way now. He found her clit with his thumb, brushing gently over that most sensitive place, and she followed him into orgasm, her pussy clenching rhythmically on his cock, milking out the last of his climax until he was panting over her. His weight settled onto her with his cock still inside as the urgency finally faded into satisfaction for both of them.

“For now, anyway,” he murmured, nuzzling at her jaw. “Enough for now.”

Jane smiled under his blanketing weight and curled her arms around him, holding him close.

“For now,” she agreed, and she let the exhaustion of the day catch up with her at last. Jane drifted into sleep with her mate in her arms.




Laurence slept lightly, always aware of exactly where he was: his Chicago place, with Jane in his arms. His mate, his treasure, who had
all her life for her mate and turned out to belong to him. Every glorious inch of her skin felt like the sweetest gold on his, her hair like silk under his cheek.

BOOK: The Billionaire Dragon Shifter Meets His Match: BBW Paranormal Romance (Gray's Hollow Dragon Shifters Book 6)
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