The Billionaire Wins the Game (16 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire Wins the Game
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She gasped and the only thing that kept
her from running was Joseph gripping her arm. “I thought only a few
people would be here,” she whispered.

“Now, Amy, don’t be frightened. My
oldest son’s finally getting married and we couldn’t hurt anyone’s
feelings by not including them in the affair,” he said, making her
feel guilty about not wanting all the strangers staring at

Amy took a deep breath and felt nerves
running through her entire body as they took the first steps down
the beautifully decorated aisle. She looked straight ahead, because
she feared if she faced the strangers’ faces, she’d turn around and

She spotted Lucas at the end of the
aisle, just a short distance from her. He took her breath away with
how beautiful of a man he was. Their eyes met and held. He gave her
a smile that seemed to tell her everything would be

Amy felt like the wind had been knocked
out of her. She stopped to catch her breath. Joseph looked at her
quizzically, but she didn’t notice. She didn’t notice anything but
the way her body quivered.

She was in love with him and she
realized she could no longer imagine her life without him. He was
going to be her husband, but he didn’t love her. She didn’t know
how she was going to get through the wedding. How she could be with
him every day, making love and raising a child and knowing he
didn’t love her? She was barely holding herself

Joseph prompted her and she
finally began to walk forward. She had to fight to keep the tears
Maybe he’ll eventually fall in love
with me,
she tried to comfort herself. If
he thought she’d somehow trapped him into the marriage, how would
he ever trust her, much less love her? He knew she hadn’t planned
the pregnancy, but he was honorable in doing what was right for his
child and therefore would always feel like he was

There was nothing she could do at the
moment, so she would continue down the aisle and get the wedding
over with. She was a strong person. She would have to store away
her love and try to survive the whole event.

Lucas felt a moment of panic as Amy
stopped halfway down the aisle. Was she going to turn and run? He
wouldn’t let her get far. He knew how badly she wanted her baby,
and as much as it hurt him to trap her, he couldn’t let them go. In
the months he’d known her, she’d invaded his every sense and he
couldn’t picture his future without her in it.

He breathed a sigh of relief as they
began walking toward him again. When his father placed her hand in
his and she stepped up to stand beside him, a quiet calm washed
over him. He had her in his arms and he wasn’t going to let her

He barely heard the preacher speaking.
He focused just enough to repeat the words he needed to say, but
otherwise his mind was consumed by his beautiful bride.

She was a vision. He’d dated models and
heiresses - he’d been with far more women than he should’ve, but
none of them had been able to cause the tightening in his gut that
Amy did. She had a natural beauty that outshone the brightest stars
of Hollywood.

He’d move heaven and earth to have her
as his wife forever. He was falling in love with her. He was
shocked to the depths of his soul by that revelation. He couldn’t
let her know of his feelings because then she’d know she had the
power to drop him to his knees and beg her for mercy.

He wouldn’t let her destroy
him. He’d be a good husband and she’d learn to love him and not his
name or his money.
Please God, let her
love me and not what I can give her
, he
secretly added to his vows of love, honor and obey.

They finished the ceremony and the
preacher told him to kiss his new bride. Lucas gave a full-fledged
smile. “Gladly.” then he bent her slightly backwards and consumed
her mouth. They both forgot they were standing in a room full of

Neither of them had any idea how long
the kiss lasted. They may as well have been alone in their bedroom.
It had been so long since he’d held her and tasted the sweet nectar
of her lips.

“Ah, son, you have plenty of time for
that during the honeymoon,” Joseph interrupted the pair and slapped
his son on the back. The crowd laughed at Lucas’s enthusiasm. Amy
turned scarlet and Lucas looked like a very proud

To all those witnessing the wedding,
the marriage looked like a union of love, which was going to last
forever. The way each of them looked at one another could only be
described as besotted.

They walked down the aisle as Joseph
led the vast group of people to the backyard. Amy was once again in
awe of the Anderson family. She couldn’t believe they’d planned the
wedding in less than a week.

The yard had glamorous tents set up,
filled with linen covered tables. There was soft lighting, a dance
floor and an entire band playing music. Caterers carried around
trays of champagne and food, attending to the guests.

On each table sat crystal, china and
the most fragrant and colorful floral arrangements. She decided to
enjoy the day that was all about her. She’d imagine it was a real
wedding, with a loving groom by her side.

Lucas had wanted all the silly little
traditional things. He didn’t even know why. God knew it wasn’t a
traditional wedding. Amy probably thought it more appropriate to
have guards with guns ushering her from station to station since
he’d strong-armed her into the entire marriage.

He was surprised to see she seemed to
be enjoying herself. She appeared to be in slight awe and genuinely
happy. His bride was full of surprises, or she was one phenomenal

“You know, you’re absolutely stunning
tonight,” Tom said to Amy when he finally managed to get a moment
with her. She threw her arms around him, grateful her best friend
was among the sea of strangers.

“Thank you for being here, Tom. This is
all overwhelming,” she told him with a sniffle.

“Just don’t forget about me now that
you’re married and prego,” he said with a teasing smile. She could
see the insecurity beneath the teasing, though.

“I haven’t had any true friends my
entire life. You’re the first one and I promise you’ll always be
the first person I call when I need a shoulder to cry on. You know
you can also call me anytime. We’ll always be best friends,” she
said. She gave him one more hug before she was called over to cut
the cake.

Lucas and Amy cut the cake and fed each
other. They toasted their union and shared dances with family
members. Lucas was surprised by the intense jealousy he felt as
each of his brothers pulled Amy too close, for a married woman, and
whisked her around the dance floor.

When she was dancing with Alex, she let
out a delighted laugh at something he said. Lucas walked away from
his partner without a word and reclaimed his bride. His brother
laughed harder and kissed Amy on the cheek before releasing her to
her husband.

“What were the two of you laughing
about?” he questioned her with jealousy as he spun her around the
dance floor.

“He told me if I came to my senses I
could call him and he’d whisk me away from his boring older
brother,” she said smiling, still in delight, from his

“You’re mine, and only mine, and the
only one who will be whisking you anywhere will be me,” he stated
and pulled her even tighter so she’d have room for only him in her

He kissed her until he could hardly
stand anymore, and then decided they’d spent enough time with
people. It was past time to start the honeymoon portion of the

“It’s time to go. Let’s say goodnight
to my parents and run away from here,” he spoke as he took her hand
and led her in the direction of his mom and dad. Amy became
incredibly scared as he led her toward his parents. This was it.
They were going to be alone very soon and she was terrified. She
didn’t know how to act as a married woman.

She wasn’t worried about sex. They
definitely had chemistry, but she was worried about the before and
after sex. Did she kiss him if she felt like it? Did she take his
hand in hers? Did she tell him when the baby was kicking so they
could share the moment? Were those things too intimate?

In a regular marriage, she wouldn’t
need to ask herself those kinds of questions, but this wasn’t a
regular marriage, and she didn’t know what was expected of her. It
was terrifying.

“Mom, Dad, thank you so much for the
wedding. I know I didn’t give you enough time, and you still made
it beautiful. We’re leaving now,” he said as he hugged both his

“Thank you both. You’re truly amazing
people. I’m very glad to be a part of your family,” Amy added

“My dear, we’re the ones grateful to
have you in our lives. Now, we finally have the daughter we weren’t
blessed with years ago,” Joseph said, grabbing her in a hug and
then passing her over to his wife.

“You two have a wonderful honeymoon and
we’ll get together for lunch next week. Now that the wedding is
over, it’s time to prepare for our first grandchild,” Katherine
added while hugging her.

Amy was so overcome by her amazing
in-laws; she didn’t know what else to say. Her child would be loved
beyond compare and spoiled beyond measure. The love certainly
outweighed everything else about the unusual union.

“Give us a few minutes to run upstairs
and get Amy changed for your departure,” Katherine said, while
taking her into the house. Lucas looked as if he wasn’t going to
let her go for a minute, until Joseph laughed and pulled him

“She’ll be right back, son.” Amy loved
that laughter. She quickly walked up the stairs with Katherine. She
was nervous as they entered the bedroom and she saw the beautiful
outfit Katherine purchased for her.

“Amy, I know all of this has been
overwhelming for you, but I want you to know I’m very happy to have
you in our lives,” Katherine told her, which brought tears to her
eyes again. She wanted a mother so badly.

“Thank you, Katherine. It’s all
happened so quickly,” she replied. She didn’t want to say anything
bad about Lucas but at times the man was really

“I know my son can be stubborn and a
bit hard-headed. He’s been hurt before. When a family’s been given
as much as we have, people tend to take advantage of you. Lucas has
been with women who hurt him. He’d never admit that, but a mother
can see things others can’t. You’ll learn all this soon enough,”
Katherine told her gently.

“I just don’t want him to hate me for
thinking I somehow trapped him,” Amy told her, feeling she could be

“Oh Honey, you’ve nothing to worry
about. Lucas’s growl is far worse than his bite. He’ll make a fine
husband. I can already see he worships you and it gives my heart
great pleasure to see the way you look at him. Don’t look at me all
panicked. I’m not expecting you to blurt out your love for him, but
I know you’ll both be fine,” Katherine said. She then pulled Amy
close to her again and the two women hugged, sharing a first
mother-daughter moment.

“Thank you. again. This all means more
than you could ever know,” Amy told her as she wiped away her

“You’re the one who should be thanked.
I never thought my son would find a woman like you. Now, we’d
better get you back to Lucas before he starts hunting for you,”
Katherine finished. Amy changed quickly into the beautiful blouse
and skirt and then the two of them returned downstairs.

Lucas led Amy from the house amid
shouts of goodwill and much birdseed. They made their way to the
awaiting limo that was decorated with ‘just married’ across the
back. As soon as they were in the backseat together, Lucas pulled
her into his arms and again ravished her mouth.

She wanted him so badly; she didn’t
have a single thought of pushing him away. Her breathing deepened
as she tangled her hands in his thick, dark hair, to pull him
closer. He was pressed tightly against her aching body and she
still felt like she couldn’t get close enough to him. Oh, how she
loved the man who was now her husband.

Lucas was so hungry for her; there was
no way he could hold out until they got to the jet, which was an
hour away. He unbuttoned her blouse and stripped her bra off within
seconds. Amy gasped as he lavished her breasts with his hands and
lips. He was molding her aching body with a sweet lovers touch. She
pressed tighter into his touch, not wanting it to ever

Her nipples were peaked in desire from
his every caress. When his mouth clasped over one rosy tip, she
threw her head back and moaned. He switched sides, giving her body
the full attention it needed and wanted.

She noticed immediately how much more
sensitive her body was now that she was pregnant. He’d turned her
to molten lava the only other time they’d made love, but this time,
she felt like she was going to sink right through the seat. She
couldn’t get enough of his hands or mouth all over her.

When he released her hardened nipple
and trailed his mouth down her stomach, which was just barely
showing signs of life within, she began to tremble. He stripped her
skirt and scrap of underwear off in one smooth motion and then he
was trailing his lips and tongue over the sensitive skin on the
inside of her thighs. She couldn’t stay still. She wanted more. She
tried pulling him back up her body, but he looked up at her with
smoldering eyes and gave a slight shake of his head.

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