The Billionaire Wins the Game (17 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire Wins the Game
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He began caressing her legs again,
while his hands ran up and down her stomach, reaching over her
breasts and then back down again. She felt his warm breath whisper
over her most sensitive place, seconds before it was replaced by
the wetness of his tongue stroking her swollen flesh. Her body
jerked at the intimate contact, then all thoughts fled and she
could do nothing but feel.

It took only seconds and she was
falling apart, quivering as her body exploded in complete ecstasy.
Before she had time to blink, Lucas was naked and once again
kissing her passionately. Her body started burning again in
anticipation of their union.

He thrust his tongue inside her mouth,
then spread her legs open, and suddenly he was deep within her
folds. Their breathing was mingled with the sound of her groans, as
her body tightened around him.

She erupted inside a second time,
quivering in his arms and that was all it took to send him over the
edge. He pushed into her one final time and then fell against her,
fully sated. Neither of them talked as their breathing slowly
returned to normal.

She didn’t want to let him go. She knew
once they broke apart, the awkward silence would begin. For now it
was just two lovers enjoying the aftermath of what they’d

They were still lying pressed together
when the driver announced they’d reach their destination in about
five minutes, over the car intercom.

Amy flushed scarlet, quickly scrambling
to get her clothing back in place. “Where’s my bra?” she asked in a

Lucas laughed aloud at the horror on
her face, at the thought of getting caught naked in the back of a
car with her husband.

He pulled the bra from behind him and
handed it to her. She finished dressing in record time and scooted
away from him. Lucas straightened himself up, but knew the clothes
would be coming back off in a few minutes. He found it very
endearing how wife was afraid to be caught necking in the back of
the limo.

He’d just finished loving Amy, far too
quickly, and now wanted to take her again, much more slowly and
thoroughly. He could already feel his body hardening in
anticipation of sinking into her again. He couldn’t understand how
he could crave her so quickly after being totally

They pulled up to the airport, where
his private jet was awaiting their arrival. Lucas led her inside
while the luggage was loaded. “We’ll be taking off in about thirty
minutes, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Is there anything I can get for you
while we’re waiting?” A far too cute and perky blond lady asked
when they were inside.

“Yes, Lana, thank you, we’ll each have
dinner and I’ll take a glass of bourbon.”

“What would you like to drink, dear?”
He asked Amy.

“I would love some milk, please,” she
replied, realizing for the first time she was starving. She loved
the term of endearment coming off his lips. It made her feel like a
real wife.

“Here’s your drink, Mrs. Anderson. Your
meal will be out in just a few moments,” the perky flight attendant
said as she returned promptly.

Amy looked up at her, with
a bit of shock. She’d called her Mrs. Anderson twice. She was Mrs.
Anderson. That hadn’t really sunk in. She’d continually thought
about the power the Anderson name commanded and now
had it. She was so
out of sorts in his world she didn’t know how she could ever
possibly fit in.

“How are you feeling?” Lucas

“Really good, actually,” she replied.
“I forgot to eat today, though, so I’m starving. I think I could
consume an entire cow right now. Would it be rude for me to ask for
two of the little dinners?” she asked, somewhat

Lucas laughed out loud at her question.
“We have a full meal prepared for us, Amy. I don’t think you’ll
have to worry about being hungry. I’m pretty famished myself. I
didn’t get much of a chance to eat with so much going

“Here’s your first course.” Amy looked
at the plate Lana set in front of her and her mouth began to
salivate. There were several appetizers in the mix, sending up the
most amazing aromas. Her stomach growled loudly enough for both
Lucas and the perfect Lana to hear.

“You better dig in before my son starts
growling more,” Lucas said and patted her stomach.

Amy was so shocked by the
intimate moment, tears filled her eyes again. She leaned over and
kissed him impulsively. “Your son
daughter,” she stressed with
humor, “is just fine. It’s the mommy that could consume everything
in sight.” She grabbed her fork and moaned aloud at how good it

Lucas watched her, enjoying her
pleasure for a few moments before starting on his own food. “I’ll
serve your salads after we have taken off,” Lana said and then left
them to eat.

Amy finished off her food and looked at
what was remaining on Lucas’s plate with longing. He laughed at her
pathetic look and then speared a bite and fed it to her. She closed
her eyes in pleasure and moaned, and he forgot all about food as
his blood rushed to his groin.

What she did to him was amazing. He
wanted her all the time. She took so much pleasure in everything.
She didn’t get that look of ecstasy on her face when she saw the
expensive items all around her. She did when she took a bite of
food that melted on her tongue, and definitely when he was
thrusting inside her.

“Amy, can we please start this
honeymoon off on the right foot. I’m sorry for the accusations I
made against you. I’d really like for us to let things go and have
a good trip,” he said as he took her hand in his.

It was the first time ever when he’d
actually apologized and asked something of her instead of demanding
it. How could she possibly resist?

Amy’s eyes filled with tears and she
nodded her head. “These dang pregnancy hormones make me cry at the
drop of a hat, I’m warning you now,” she said on a little laugh.
“I’m not usually so emotional.”

“I like you this way,” he whispered and
kissed her a little bit longer. “We’ve been cleared for takeoff,
Mr. Anderson. Please fasten your seat belts and we should have a
smooth flight. The wind is going in our direction, so we should be
touching down in Paris at nine,” said the pilot’s voice over the

“I’ve never flown on a jet before, but
I’ve seen the movies, and I have to tell you this is much nicer
than sharing a row of seats with a big sweaty guy next to you and a
screaming toddler behind,” Amy said excitedly.

Lucas burst out laughing. She really
was invigorating. “I would have to agree with you.”

During takeoff, Amy’s face was glued to
the window. She was fascinated by the whole procedure. She loved
how the jet suddenly burst with speed. The feeling as they lifted
into the air was unlike anything she’d ever experienced.

She had no fear; she was feeling alive
with adrenaline. She definitely had to add flying to her list of
favorite things to do. She’d have to see if her husband would fly
her to other places later. Maybe he would for their anniversary the
next year.

Once they reached a certain height,
Lana brought them the second course. They ate several courses,
including succulent lobster. That definitely didn’t come from the
bargain market’s frozen department. After the final course was
served, she leaned back and rubbed her stomach. “You were right,
Lucas, I’m stuffed,” she said to him sleepily as a yawn

“Let’s go take a nap. You look
exhausted,” he said as he got up and helped her from her

“Can I get anything else for you, Mr.
Anderson,” Lana asked.

“No thank you, Lana. We’re going to
retire for the rest of the night,” he replied.

They went back and laid down together
on the comfortable bed. Lucas slowly undressed his bride. He took
his time showing her how much he wanted her.

Lucas spent the next hour showing her
repeatedly how desirable she was. He then pulled her into his arms
and she was asleep within seconds. He felt very lucky to have won
his bride. They may not have started out the right way, but he knew
they were going be very good for each other.

Chapter Nine

Amy and Lucas had an amazing time on
their honeymoon. He’d flown her to Paris for a couple weeks. They
didn’t bring up any of the problems that had been ever so present
in their relationship from the start. They simply got to know one

They spent each night in the hotel
making love and holding on to each other, neither of them willing
to let the other person go. Amy thought if their relationship kept
progressing that way, they may have a future together

Lucas took her all around Paris. She
was like a child at Disneyland. She loved all the history and
ancient beauty of it all. She knew it was nothing new for Lucas and
figured he was bored to pieces.

She was wrong on that aspect. Lucas was
visiting Paris for the first time through her eyes. It was amazing
to see things he’d seen countless times, through her. She had such
a love and appreciation of everything around her.

Lucas would’ve much rather stayed in
their luxurious hotel room the entire time and tour her body
instead, but reluctantly he took her around the city of love. He
wondered when his thirst for his wife would quench

He made love to her and then could turn
around and do it again five minutes later. He couldn’t get enough
of her and she seemed to be the same with him. She wasn’t usually
the one to initiate their lovemaking, but she made up for that with
her total enthusiasm, once they got started.

The honeymoon ended too soon. The trip
was amazing but he was anxious to show his wife her wedding
present. They both slept most of the red eye flight home, since
they didn’t sleep much in Paris. When they arrived back in Seattle,
early in the morning, they didn’t even have to deal with Jet

The company jet was comfortable enough
it was like not even flying. Amy was happy in her marriage and she
couldn’t get enough of her husband. She was thrilled to follow him
just about anywhere. She couldn’t get enough of his hands on her
body. She became tense with anticipation at just the thought of his
magical fingers stroking her.

He took her out for a wonderful
breakfast at a little family diner, serving a fluffy omelet. She
consumed her entire meal and was barely full. She was seriously
worried she was going to gain a hundred pounds if she wasn’t
careful. “I can’t believe how much food I’m eating. You’d better
stop me before I’m as big as a whale,” she worriedly said to Lucas.
He laughed aloud.

“Remember, Amy you’re eating for two,
and I can tell you now if you’re carrying my child, he’ll be very
demanding, even from the womb.”

Oh well
, she figured, he wasn’t with her for her body, anyway. He’d
married her because she carried his child. That thought put a
little bit of unease back into her good mood. Amy decided to brush
it off and not think about it. She was enjoying her time with Lucas
way too much to let anything affect her.

“I have a wedding gift for you. I hope
you like it because it would be difficult to return,” Lucas said to
Amy. She had no idea what else he could possibly give

She wished he could realize the only
thing she wanted from him was his love. She didn’t care about his
money or his power. She didn’t care about the trips to Paris or the
massive diamond now resting on her finger. She just wanted him to
love her as much as she loved him.

She felt badly, too, because she hadn’t
gotten him anything. “I didn’t know we were supposed to get gifts
for each other. I have nothing for you.”

“Let me show you what it is,” he told
her as he helped her into his car. They drove toward his parents’
house and she figured it was at their place, although she didn’t
understand why, when they had two apartments in the

He turned and drove down a long
driveway and she was even more confused. Where were they going?
They continued down the endless driveway with beautiful trees
shading it the entire way. He stopped the car in front of a
colonial style house that was larger than any person needed it to

He stepped out of the car and came
around her side, opening the door. She stepped out and looked at
him quizzically. They walked up the steps and he opened the door,
then suddenly lifted her into his arms and carried her across the

“Welcome home,” he told her before
placing his lips on hers. Amy was speechless. He’d gotten them a
new home. Had he had it all along and just stayed at the apartments
to be closer to work? Had he lived there before with other

She had so many questions, but was too
afraid of the answers to say them out loud. “This is really our
house? We have a real house!” she finally exclaimed and let her
excitement take over.

She’d always dreamed of having a real
home, with a real family in it, but had never thought it would
happen for her. She knew she’d have a child, but to have a husband,
too, seemed so unreal. She could barely breathe and was afraid to
blink, in fear it may all disappear.

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