The Billionaire's Challenging Beauty (Bold, Alaskan Men Book 2) (7 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Challenging Beauty (Bold, Alaskan Men Book 2)
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She grinned.  “Glad that you recognize that.”

He grunted.  “I knew you weren’t a kid the moment you came back into town.”

That was startling news and she smiled, trying not to laugh out loud with delight.  “So why didn’t you act on that realization?”

Again, those fingers tightened on the steering wheel and she wondered if it was possible to break one in half.  “Because...”

She held up her hand.  “No, don’t answer that.  Because of your promise to Matt.”  She paused for a moment before asking, “Have you always been this moral?”

He shifted uncomfortably.  “Why do you ask me something like that?”

She looked at him curiously.  “I don’t know.  I guess I always pictured you as the bad boy.  You’re so tall and muscular, I figured you for the bully on the school yard.”

He laughed softly.  “Not really.  Me and the guys used to be the protectors of the school yard.”

She thought about that for a moment, then nodded.  “Yeah, I guess I can see that too.”

He heard the admiration in her voice and shook his head.  “No.  I don’t think you do, Tyla.  We weren’t good.  We were…” he stopped.  “Suffice it to say, the four of us hated bullies.  So when someone started pushing the little kids around, we showed them…the right path,” he finished off vaguely.  “We weren’t good guys.  We were just as mean and bad as you can imagine.”  He sighed.  “Probably worse.”

He glanced over at her, seeing the purity of her sandy blond hair as it shimmered in the moonlight and her soft, beautiful skin, so perfect and enticing.  He sighed.  “Another reason why I think this is a bad idea.”

She felt her heart lurch at his angry tone and those words.  “What do you mean?”

He shrugged one of those massive shoulders.  “You’re good, Tyla.  You were the golden girl, the cheerleader, the girl that all the guys wanted to date.  And you’re sweet and generous.  Hell, you joined the Peace Corps!”  He shook his head.  “You’re good and sweet, Tyla.  I’m not.  You should be with a guy who is just as decent as you are.”

Her mind panicked and she frantically tried to find a good reason to counter Saeger’s comments.  “Well, if you’re so bad, then why have you done all of the amazing things for the town?  We don’t pay ten dollars for a gallon of milk anymore because of that warehouse.  And broccoli!  Goodness, we’re almost overrun by the broccoli crop this year.” 

Saeger laughed when she made a face about the vegetable.  “I’m guessing you’re not a fan of broccoli?”

She shook her head, trying not to squinch up her nose in disgust but it was tough.  “I’m sure it is a lovely…thing.  But no.  I don’t eat it.”

“Well, just because we have created a system to produce milk, fresh fruit, and vegetables, I don’t think that can make up for the things we did as kids.”

She considered him for a moment, her heart melting with how good he really was.  A bad person wouldn’t be concerned with his past.  And they wouldn’t be trying to make up for it now.  “Did you kill anyone?’

He did a double take, trying to keep his eyes on the road, but still shocked by her question.  “No way!”

She’d known that.  Just had to put the question out there.  “Have you maimed anyone?”


She smothered her smile.  “So, what you’re saying is that you protected anyone who was weak and now you’re making sure that this town has milk and healthy foods.”  She shook her head.  “Yeah, you’re a bad, evil man.”

He heard her tone of disbelief, but didn’t want to get into it any longer.  “Tyla, you’re an innocent.”

“Not so innocent,” she argued. 

He turned into the parking lot for her apartment.  “You’re more innocent than you think.”  He put the car in park, and shifted his shoulders so that he could look at her.  With one arm draped over the steering wheel and the other on the back of her seat, she almost felt like she was in his arms. 

“Aren’t you going to walk me to my door?” she asked hopefully. 

Saeger looked out through the windshield, then back to her.  “I think it would be better if we said good night here.”

She almost laughed at how ridiculous he sounded.  And yes, she was safe enough walking to her door.  The worst crime that had occurred in Winthrop over the past three years was when some of the kids skateboarded down the sidewalk.  The real danger was the wildlife. 

“You’re really going to let me walk to that building by myself?” She looked through the window towards the edge of the forest, then pretended to shiver.  “No problem,” she said, forcing a quiver to her voice. 

Saeger watched her, and in his mind, beat himself up.  This whole “gentleman” thing was pure torture.  He was trying to do the right thing by staying away from her.  But a good man would walk her to her door, make sure that she was safe. 

When she reached for the door handle, he was already out and walking around to her side of the SUV. 

She hopped down to the ground and looked up at him with a huge smile on her beautiful features, which immediately told him that he’d just been played.  The idea of turning her over his knee and spanking her adorable butt held a very strong appeal. 

But instead, he put a hand to the small of her back and walked her into the building.  She took out her keys and let them dangle by her fingertips for a moment.  Looking up into his eyes, she prayed that she could entice him.  But the nervousness in her stomach was hindering her seduction capabilities. 

“Can you come in for a cup of coffee?” she asked, silently praying that he would take charge.  She had no idea how to get the man to kiss her. 

Saeger looked down at the lovely woman with her blond hair shimmering in the hallway light, her blue eyes hopeful, and her body so perfectly delectable.  He knew what she was offering him and he had to be strong. 

“No.”  He almost laughed when her smile disappeared and her features looked disgruntled.  She was so obvious.  Tempting, but…  “Remember the ‘no-touching’ policy?”

She took a deep breath, still looking up at him with hope even if she had no idea what to do to get him into her apartment.  “You’re not serious about that, are you?” she asked.  Her fingers were clenching the keys now, desperate for him to touch her in some way.  She should just throw herself into his arms, take charge.  What would happen?  Would he hold her?  Would he…

But she simply wasn’t that brave. 

“I’m dead serious.  We can date, Tyla, but we’re not touching.  We’re not kissing.”

She bowed her head slightly, her mind frantically trying to figure out what step to take to get what she wanted.  She wanted Saeger to make love to her, to show her what all the hoopla was about. 

“Okay, so if you’re not going to kiss me goodnight, why are you still here?” She lifted her face up, trying to show him through her eyes what he was missing. 

Saeger almost groaned.  She was teasing him and he suspected she had no idea what she was doing.  “I’m trying to be a gentleman and wait for you to unlock your door, Tyla.”  And debating with himself on the best way to kiss her, to make love to her, without messing up so completely.  Tyla was too… perfect.  She was perfect in every way.  And he couldn’t touch her. 

With a sigh, she turned around and he almost groaned as he looked down at her bottom in the tight jeans.  Those boots… damn but he loved jeans and boots on a woman!  They were perfect!  He didn’t care if they were high heels or low, the leather against the denim was just… enticing. 

“Tomorrow night,” he blurted out, losing all of his reputed smoothness with the ladies. 

Tyla spun around, her eyes wide and hopeful.  She was clenching her keys in her hand, holding her breath as she waited for him to continue.  “What about tomorrow night?”  Her door was open and one hand was resting on the knob but she waited, her body not moving, not even to breathe in and out. 

“Actually, you work tomorrow night.  How about tomorrow afternoon?  We could go for a hike.”

She remembered their last kiss in the woods, his hard body pressing hers against the tree.  Oh my!  “A hike in the woods would be great,” she agreed eagerly. 

His eyes narrowed as he looked down at her, trying to figure out what she might be up to.  But he lost himself in those blue eyes.  Maybe he could just…

No touching, he reminded himself.  His hands clenched by his sides and he thought about stuffing them into his pockets, but that might draw attention to his aroused state and he didn’t want to embarrass Tyla.  Stepping back, he nodded his head.  “I’ll pick you up before lunch and I’ll pack something for us to eat.”  A moment later, he walked away, taking deep, gulping breaths and congratulating himself for being strong enough to walk away from her. 

When he got into his SUV, his hands clenched the steering wheel, trying to keep himself from jumping right back out and pulling her into his arms.  Just one kiss wouldn’t be bad, would it? 

With a growl of frustration, he turned the key and forced himself to back out of the parking lot.  The whole drive home, he was berating himself for asking her to go for a hike tomorrow.  It was a bad idea!  What the hell was he thinking?  They’d be alone in the woods, with no one around for miles! 

It was going to be torture. 

Chapter 6


Tyla practically stomped into the bar five days later.  She was so furious with Saeger that she wanted to just… well, she was too angry to even come up with something horrible!

And to make this day even worse, it was Wednesday!  Saeger would be tending bar tonight!  She remembered last week after their weekend shift, the way he’d held her in his arms, kissing her so gently at first but then…

She groaned as she leaned her head against the metal locker.  They’d been on a hike, a picnic, out to dinner or lunch almost every day for the past five days.  And he hadn’t touched her in any way!  No kisses, no touching, he hadn’t even put his strong hand on the small of her back like he had that night at the burger joint.  Nothing! 

“Are you okay?”

Tyla’s body tightened with anticipation at that deep voice.  “Go away, Saeger,” she whispered. 

He didn’t.  Of course he didn’t go away. 

Moving closer, her muscles tensed when he put a hand to her back.  “What’s wrong?”

She spun around, growling with her sexual frustration.  “You!  You’re what’s wrong!  You and your no-touching policy!”

He’d suspected that was the issue.  He’d even told himself to back out of the locker room, to leave her alone.  They’d been together every day for the past week and he was losing sleep, he wasn’t eating well, and he was snapping at his company directors… all because he wanted to pull her into his arms so badly. 

Every day, he’d told himself to stop seeing her, to leave her alone.  And every time he dropped her off at her apartment, he’d suggested another date, another outing. 

Seeing her walk into The Rotten Apple tonight, he’d noticed her grim expression, knew what she was going through because he was feeling it as well.  He’d told himself to leave her alone, to let her just get to work. 

But she’d looked so forlorn. 

“I know that it isn’t ideal.  Maybe we shouldn’t date anymore,” he said and shoved his hands into his pockets. 

Tyla’s mouth fell open with that suggestion.  “You don’t want to see me anymore?” she asked, her voice weak even as she tried to hide the hurt behind her question. 

Hell no!  That wasn’t even close to what he wanted!  Saeger shook his head.  “That’s not the issue.”

She stuffed her backpack into the locker, so angry she could barely speak.  “Then what is the issue?  What’s so wrong with us going out on a real date?  Actually kissing and seeing where things go from there?  You won’t even touch my back anymore!”  She threw her hands up into the air.  “It’s driving me crazy!”

Her flashing eyes and that pink sweater were his undoing.  Well, that and the sexual frustration reflected in her eyes.  It was too much! 

Saeger couldn’t hold back the growl as he trapped her delectable body against the metal lockers.  Their bodies weren’t touching, but he loomed over her, a hand on either side of her head as he leaned down closer to her.  “No, I’m not going to touch you.  And I won’t kiss you either.  We’re dating.  That’s it!”

She tried to push her way past him.  “No!  We’re not dating!  I’m not going out with you again!”

“Fine!” he roared, furious that she was pulling back.  No, he didn’t like the way things were either, but at least he got to be with her.  He got to bask in her smile and enjoy their conversations. 

She inhaled sharply and fisted her hands at her sides so she wouldn’t punch him.  “NO!  It isn’t fine!  It is horrible and not right!  If you don’t want me, then just say it!  But don’t keep taking me places and pulling away whenever …”

He was just as furious!  “You think I don’t want you?  You think I don’t torture myself at night, thinking about stripping off all of your clothes, seeing every part of you in my bed, my hands running over your skin, exploring every inch of your body and finding out where you like to be touched, what your skin tastes like here, on your neck as opposed to here,” his hand dropped to her waist, “on your stomach.”  He leaned in lower.  “And everywhere!” he growled low and furious. 

She reached up, wanting to touch him, just his jaw or his cheek.  But he pulled back as if she’d burned him and he shook his head.  “No Tyla.  If you touch me, I’m liable to burst into flames.  I want you.  More than any other woman I’ve ever met, I want to make love to you until you are screaming, until you can’t even scream any longer.” 

He rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath.  “So that’s why we’re not going to see each other any longer except here at work.  And I’ll even switch nights with one of the other guys so that we’re not working together anymore.”

Okay, so that’s what she’d told him needed to happen but… she didn’t really want that!  He wasn’t serious, was he?

She was so hurt and confused.  “You can’t mean that!” she gasped out, pushing away from the lockers.  “Please, tell me you won’t do that!”  She could feel the tears forming in her eyes and shook her head.  “Don’t pull away completely!  I can’t…”

His lips compressed as he dug deeper, trying to find the moral strength to stay away from her, to not sully Tyla with his touch.  She was too good and he… wasn’t.  “We have to Tyla.  We can’t keep doing this to each other.”

She couldn’t believe he was actually saying this!  “No!” she whispered.  “We’re not over!  I’m not letting you do this to us!”

And with that threat, she stormed out of the locker room and out to the bar.  With furious, jerking movements, she re-stocked the bar, packed the beer fridge, cleaned all the tables and chairs, mopped the floor and anything she could think of to keep herself from bursting into tears. 

And she wouldn’t look at him!  She wouldn’t allow him to hurt her.  Pulling away, not seeing Saeger would be the worst kind of punishment! 

The night seemed endless, and she suspected there were more people in the bar tonight than a normal Wednesday evening.  But she kept on moving, helping with the rush as much as possible.  Needing to work as hard as she could, not wanting to think about Saeger and his threat to not see her any longer, she pushed herself harder, needing to feel the pain of working so hard that she couldn’t distinguish between that pain and the pain of Saeger’s words.  She helped the other wait staff, but left them the tips for their tables, rushing through the food and drink orders as fast as she could. 

She pushed herself as hard as possible, and refused to let herself think.

After closing, she cleaned all the tables and chairs again, swept and mopped the floor in record time.  She was the first one out the door that night, not even waiting when Saeger ordered her to stop so that he could walk her home.  She just barreled through the night, running up the stairs to her apartment. 

They were not done!  She had no idea how to get through to him, but somehow, some way, she was going to prove to him that he would not be betraying his promise to Matt if they became intimate.  And he wouldn’t be sullying her if they had a more physical relationship. 

What hogwash! 

Didn’t he understand that his two obstacles sort of canceled each other out?  He wouldn’t touch her because he’d made a promise to Matt to protect her.  And yet, he wouldn’t touch her because he felt he wasn’t moral enough! 

Oh no, big guy, she thought as she curled up in her lonely bed that night.  “You’re not getting away from me,” she whispered into the darkness. 

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