The Billionaire's Courageous Lover (Bold, Alaskan Men Book 3) (13 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Courageous Lover (Bold, Alaskan Men Book 3)
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“Tell me what you like, Andie,” he murmured as his mouth moved back to her perfect breasts.  Not too large, not too small.  Perfect, he thought.  A handful and slightly more with rose colored tips.  He’d known they would be rose colored, just like her lips, he thought as he teased them again with both his mouth and his thumb. 

“I like that,” she said with a moan when he did it again.  “But no more!” and she twisted her body away from his touch. 

Knox would have laughed but his mouth was already moving lower.  “There’s so much more,” and he found a spot lower on her waist that caused her to shift closer. 

He laughed softly when she tried to wiggle away, but his hands were stronger.  “Going somewhere?” he asked and moved even lower. 

“This isn’t what I want,” she gasped, when his hands moved between her knees.  “I want you!”

He couldn’t laugh now.  Her words and the way she was moving was making him crazy.  But he wanted all of her.  He’d been dreaming about this for so long.  “Open up for me, Andie,” he commanded, his hands moving to make that happen.  When his mouth latched onto his goal, she arched up, causing her hips to press closer to his mouth and he took complete advantage of that movement.  Sliding one finger inside of her, he pressed his finger upwards while his mouth latched onto her core.  All too soon, her inner muscles clenched around him and he felt her throbbing release, tasted it in his mouth. 

Kissing and soothing her body while he watched her come down from that climax, he waited, coming up to lay next to her while his hands stroked her stomach, her waist and thighs.  She was beautiful, he thought.  Like this, with a rosy glow suffusing her skin in the afterglow, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen in his life.  All the nuances of Andie were amazing, he thought. 

When she tilted her head to the side, looking over at him, he felt the tension coil inside of him even tighter.  “Thank you,” she sighed with that breathy sound in her voice.  “Are you…”

“Yes.  I was just enjoying the view,” he told her as his dark head moved lower, capturing her rosy nipple once again.  He nibbled when he heard her gasp and soothed when her body curled into his.  While torturing her breasts once again, his hands moved over her incredibly soft skin, rousing her back up to her previous need. 

“Knox!” she whimpered, her hips shifting closer to his.  “Please, I don’t want to leave without…”

“You’re not,” he growled.  He was referring to her leaving, but he knew she was talking about making love.  Moving over her, he pressed his legs between hers, almost growling again when her legs shifted, her hips lifting to accommodate and cradle his erection. 

“Would you like to do the honors?” he asked, holding up the foil packet.

Andie stared at it, her heart pounding so hard, she thought she might just pass out.  No!  She couldn’t pass out!  Not when she’d finally gotten to where she wanted to be with Knox! 

“Yes,” she gasped and sat up.  She was only mildly embarrassed to have the man between her legs, but she was more focused on that part of him, the hard, jutting length of male flesh that she’d wanted to explore so badly. 

She tore open the packet and pulled out the condom, then looked at his erection, fascinated.  With one hand she held his erection, smoothing her hand up and down the length.  He was huge and glorious and she wanted all of him.  Licking her lips, she glanced at the condom, then down at him. 

“Later,” Knox said, startling her slightly as he took the condom out of her hands and pulled hers away with a groan. 


He took the condom out of her hands and rolled it down himself.  “Because your touch is already driving me over the edge.  I don’t think I could take any more stimulation.”  And he pressed her back to the mattress, his hips moving into place.  With unerring instincts, he pressed into her wet heat, closing his eyes as her body sheathed him so tightly.  “Ah Andie,” he said softly, trying to be gentle, but all he wanted to do was sink into her. 

Moving slowly because she was so tight, he watched her face, trying to gauge what felt good to her.  When he felt her resistance, he almost groaned.  Very briefly, he thought about pulling out, but dismissed that idea.  “You’re mine,” he almost shouted to Andie as he pushed past that resistance, burying himself fully inside of her. 

He felt the slight jerk of her body and went completely still, waiting for her to recover.  When he felt her move, he looked down again.  “You okay?” he asked as gently as possible.  It probably came out more like a roar, but he couldn’t help it.  She felt too good, too perfect. 

Her hips wiggled and she pressed a hand against his cheek.  When he opened his eyes, she was smiling up at him, trying to reassure him.  “You’re okay,” he stated, almost laughing now. He should be reassuring her, not the other way around. 

He felt her leg shifting against his hip and shook his head to clear the need slightly.  “Andie,” he groaned, and moved inside of her. 

He felt and heard her gasp as she moved with him.  A perfect rhythm started, surging and lifting, meeting and pressing.  Everything timed as if they’d been doing this together for years instead of for the first time. 

When she closed her eyes and arched into him, he didn’t like that.  “Look at me, Andie,” he commanded. 

Slowly, as her body accepted his over and over again, her eyes opened and he could see the desire, the confusion, and the need in her silver depths. 

“Trust me,” he told her, when her body started to tighten and her eyes widened. 

“Knox…?” she whispered, even as she lifted her hips to meet his thrust again. 

“Let it happen, love,” he came right back, pressing deeper, faster.  Holding his own release back with the last threads of his control, he watched as…

“Yes!” she cried out, her back arching up and taking all of him, trying to ride the intense waves of pleasure surging through her.  Over and over again, she shuddered as the feelings hit her.  She was vaguely aware of Knox climaxing as well, and possibly if she weren’t so new to this, she might know how to make it better for him.  But at the moment, all she could do was hold onto him as tightly as she could and wait for her body to stop throbbing with happiness. 

Chapter 11


Andie woke up and looked around.  Flashes of the previous night came back to her and her whole body warmed.  The heavy arm around her waist made her smile and she trembled, remembering how often he had made love to her last night. 

A glance at the clock showed that it was almost noon.  Not a surprise since they’d spent half the night in each other’s arms, finding so much pleasure; she never would have believed it possible. 

Knox was a gentle, demanding, and amazing lover.  So patient, so sweet and kind, and so amazingly talented with…well, every part of her body, she thought, and knew that her face was heating up at the memories of some of the things they’d done. 

“Oh my,” she whispered.

Then her stomach growled.  Food.  They’d skipped dinner last night.  And breakfast this morning. 

She needed food!

Slipping out of Knox’s arms was possibly the hardest thing she’d done.  As soon as she was free, she wanted to crawl right back into the bed. 

But she also wanted to surprise Knox with something delicious for breakfast.  The man loved food, she thought.  And he was probably more famished than she was.  He had a lot more of…everything…she thought with a smile and stepped into the shower. 

Feeling clean once again, she towel dried her hair and…ugh.  She didn’t want to put her clothes back on.  But Knox’s shirt was on the floor.  She lifted it up and brought it to her nose.  Delicious, she thought.  Woodsy, a touch of lemon, and all Knox. 

Slipping it on over her nakedness, she laughed when it dropped almost to her knees.  Knox was definitely a bigger person than she was. 

Goodness, she’d seen women in movies wearing men’s shirts all the time.  But this was her first opportunity to wear one herself. 

She practically danced out of his bedroom in search of his kitchen, looking around the whole time.  His home was amazing, she thought as she padded barefoot down the hallway.  Everything was a mix of log cabin meets modern convenience.  She loved it.  Glancing at her bare feet, she realized that even her feet were warm!  The man had heated floors! 

His kitchen was a work of art, and she opened up one side of the massive fridge, peering inside.  She had no idea why the man had so much food, but she pulled out eggs and cheese, some ham, and milk.  Twenty minutes later, the biscuits were in the oven and she was whisking eggs and milk together when she heard movement behind her. 

When she turned around, she found Knox standing in the doorway, his eyes still sleepy and more scruff on his jaw than she’d ever seen. 

“You’re awake!” she smiled, trying not to feel self-conscious as her eyes devoured his massive chest and the jeans that still weren’t buttoned up, revealing his ridged stomach and the fascinating line of dark hair that…

“You didn’t leave,” he grumbled, as he stalked across the floor to her. 

She’d just put the bowl of eggs and milk down on the counter when she felt his hands against her waist, lifting her up into his arms.  And he was kissing her!  Knox was kissing her as if he couldn’t believe she would still be here. 

When he lifted his head, she put her hands on both sides of his jaw.  “Where else would I be?” she asked softly, seeing the look in his eyes that told her he still wasn’t sure what to expect of her. 

“I thought you’d gone home.”

Andie didn’t comment that she felt like she was home now.  “I didn’t leave your house,” she whispered back.  “I was only making breakfast.”

The wicked smile that formed on his dark features made her stomach clench with anticipation.  “What are you thinking?” she asked, and his arms tightened around her waist. 

His grin widened.  “I’m thinking about how hungry I am,” and he walked forwards.  A moment later, she gasped when he set her on the counter. 

With a chuckle, he realized that the stone counter was cold on her bare backside.  “Sorry,” he told her.  “I can fix that.” And a moment later, the shirt she’d just put on was swept over her head and laid out on the countertop.  “There,” and he lifted her back up.  “Not too cold this time?” he asked, his hands sliding up her thighs, spreading her legs as he made room for his large body. 

She laughed, sensing that she was going to like this wickedness.  “Nope.  Not cold at all,” she replied, her hands on his shoulders.  Moving down his still-bare chest, she rubbed her legs against his side.  “Definitely warm.”

His hands moved up to cup her breasts.  “Good.  I wouldn’t want you to suffer through my attentions. 

With a quick movement, he jerked her forward, absorbing her gasp of surprise when her heat pressed against the muscles in his stomach.  His fingers curled around her hips and then lower, caressing the sensitive skin on her bottom before moving up to her waist.  “Lean back, Andie,” he told her, moving his lips from her neck to her shoulder, then lower, kissing her breasts as she leaned back to give him better access. 

“All the way back,” he admonished, his hands moving to her hands and pressing her backwards. 

Andie had no idea what he was doing but she followed his instructions.  She’d done that all night, and he’d never failed to make her scream out with pleasure. 

Knox stared down at her, spread out on his countertop.  His hands slid down her body, from her sternum to her thighs.  “You have no idea how many times I’ve pictured you just like this,” he breathed, his eyes taking her in and caressing her with his gaze and his hands. 

“How many times?” she asked, shivering, not from the cold, but from his touch and anticipation. 

“I can’t count that high,” he whispered as his mouth moved to her stomach, nibbling on the slight swell and then moving lower.  And lower. 

Andie knew exactly what he was about to do, but she didn’t pull back this time.  Oh no!  She was fully aware of what those magic lips could do to her.  When she felt his fingers move inside of her, she gasped and arched, his lips making her ache. 

When she climaxed, Andie swore that he’d done something different this time, something with his tongue and those fingers and all of it was desperately indecent and fabulous.  He was just that good. 

Knox watched her as she came down off of that climax, his hands skimming along her skin.  He didn’t think he’d ever tire of touching her.  She was so soft and everywhere he touched seemed to ignite the fire inside of her.  He loved it.  He loved…her. 

That thought hit him like a ton of bricks and he tossed it around in his mind while he watched her start to shift against him again.  Yes, he loved her.  And if he hadn’t been such a fool, he would have realized how much he loved her a long time ago.  Possibly from the first moment she’d stepped into The Rotten Apple, looking wet and lovely and oh-so-desirable. 

When her fingers stroked his hair, he turned his head into her caress.  But it wasn’t enough.  Nothing would ever be enough with this woman. 

Lifting her into his arms, he carried her over to the sofa and sat down with her legs straddling him.  “Remember trying this last night?” he offered her the condom with a teasing glint to his gaze.

Andie took the condom and nodded her head.  Looking down, she realized that he was still wearing his jeans even though she could see his massive erection pressing against the denim.  “Should I…?”

“Anything that pleases you,” he told her, his hands moving back and forth along her outer thighs. 

Andie took that to mean anything and she smiled, wondering if her smile was anything like his before he’d…well…and she was going to do it to him!

Sliding off of his lap, she knelt in front of him, unaware of the way her pink tongue darted out the side of her mouth as she worked the zipper on his jeans.  She didn’t bother taking them off, too impatient.  She was truly grateful that he wasn’t wearing boxers at the moment, and gently took his erection in her hands.  Her fingers wrapped around him and her thumb rubbed against the tip, exploring and listening for sounds that she was doing this right or wrong. 

When she leaned in and touched him with her tongue, she heard the hissing sound and looked up at him.  He was staring right back at her, his hands clenching into fists at his sides.  She figured she was doing something right and continued, enjoying the way he groaned.  Taking all of him in her mouth, she reveled at the taste and texture of him, thrilling to the way he moved against her.

But too quickly, he lifted her up and stopped her ministrations, settling her right back onto his lap. 

When he lifted the condom and started to roll it down, she was aghast.  “I thought I was going to get to do that,” she admonished, but could barely keep still on his lap, wanting him inside of her too desperately to really care if he put on protection or if she did it.  In the end, it just needed to be done, and he was more adept. 

Lifting her up, he moved her closer.  “Now, Andie!” he roared and positioned her hips at his tip, sliding her as carefully down his length as he could.  Andie held her breath as she relaxed her muscles, taking him all in, holding his shoulders as she sank fully onto his erection. 

“Knox,” she breathed when she was fully settled against him.  She took a moment to adjust to his size, loving the fullness, but it took a moment.  She felt his hands on her bottom, moving up her back and then down again. 

When she moved, she loved the sensation of power, the way she could feel him in this position.  It was so different from the other ways he’d taken her in last night.  Not better, she thought as she lifted herself higher, then back down on him, just different. 

“Knox,” she moaned again, her nails digging into his skin, unaware of that movement but loving every feeling of him inside of her. 

She moved slowly, her body taking in every sensation, every ripple of pleasure.  But Knox was obviously more impatient.  He only gave her time to adjust and then he took control, his hands wrapping around her waist and lifting her up.  One moment, she was on top, loving the way her body was enjoying herself and the next, she was underneath him, the leather of his couch on her back while he loomed over her. And he pounded into her, giving her everything.  She couldn’t control the tidal wave when it happened this time and she screamed out, her body clenching around his and reveling in the waves of pleasure.  She was vaguely aware of him finding his own release and then pulling her close, holding her gently in his arms. 

A long time later, she heard a beeping sound behind her.  Neither of them had stirred and she looked around, not sure….well, even what her name was at the moment.  But the beeping wouldn’t go away. 

Knox lifted up and stared down at her.  “What’s that?” he asked gently. 

Andie was clueless.  And then it hit her.  “The biscuits!” she gasped, and struggled to get out from underneath him.  “I forgot about them!  That’s the timer!”

While Andie walked into the kitchen to check on breakfast, Knox went to the bathroom and cleaned up, shaking his head the whole time.  He’d lost control.  He never lost control!  It was all Andie’s fault. 

Coming back out of the bathroom, he watched as she pulled perfectly baked biscuits out of the oven and slid them onto a plate.  His mouth was already watering for her, even though she’d pulled the shirt back on.  He still knew what was underneath the material. 

“I hope you’re hungry,” she said, but wouldn’t look him in the eye. 

Knox immediately knew that something was wrong.  Walking over to her, he put his hands on her waist and stopped her.  “Andie, talk to me.  Did I hurt you?”

Andie froze and looked up at him.  “No!  Absolutely not!”

“Then what’s wrong?” he asked, pulling her closer, enjoying the way her body melted into his.  She was so affectionate, and he loved the way her hands moved against his chest, her soft fingertips teasing him and she didn’t even know that she was doing it. 

“I just…I wanted…”

“You know that I love the way you move against me, right?” he asked, nibbling on her earlobe. 

She almost purred with that movement.  “Yes, but…”

“No buts, Andie.  Don’t regret anything that happened last night.  Or this morning.”  He glanced at the clock over the stove and chuckled.  “Or this afternoon,” he corrected and leaned down, kissing her once again.  “Or tonight.”

She smiled, and leaned more fully against him.  “Is there going to be another night?” she asked, her silver eyes looking up to him with hope. 

“Absolutely,” he growled and kissed her until she was clinging to him again.  “So many more nights,” he said out loud, wondering how he could convince her to marry him.  Because he wanted more than just temporary nights with her.  He wanted forever. 

BOOK: The Billionaire's Courageous Lover (Bold, Alaskan Men Book 3)
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