The Billionaire's Daughter (27 page)

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Authors: Maggie Carpenter

BOOK: The Billionaire's Daughter
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could feel him stroking her face and then her eyes fluttered open, and she was
on her back.

happened,” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

flew,” Dante answered quietly, smiling down at her.  “The ultimate
orgasmic reward.” 

I don’t understand,” she breathed.

had an orgasm so strong, you surrendered so completely, that you experienced
what many think is an out of body experience.  It’s called flying. 
And now you feel wonderful, don’t you?”

I do,”  she murmured.  “Can’t describe it.”

idyllic sense of peace had flooded her.  A pure complete contentment.

can stay with me tonight,” he said softly.

you so much,” she moaned.  “I don’t think I could bear to be sent away.”

know,” Dante answered.  “And I don’t want you to go.  Fall
asleep.  Don’t think about anything.”

pulled the bedcovers up and switched out the light.  Darkness and quiet
filled the room.  He thought about the days ahead.  When her father
returned Dante had no doubt the man would be shocked by the transformation.

his eyes, he hugged her tightly.

but not least!
Dress code 101
would begin in the morning.







had managed to make it up the stairs by moving slowly, and had walked into
exactly what he expected, a spacious but messy bedroom. But he wasn’t
What did astonish him
was the extraordinary painting that graced the walls and ceiling.
And the furniture, beautifully festooned
with flowers that boasted so much detail and delicate work, they looked almost

This must have cost a fortune,
he thought.
Hours and hours.

something the matter?” Kate asked.
He was leaning against the wall, completely still, staring around the
“I know it’s a bit of a
mess,” she said quickly.
“I’ll try
harder to keep it tidy.”

- you will,” he said, almost absently.
“But I can’t get over all this artwork.
Who did this?
It must have cost a pretty penny.”

felt her heart swell, and a deep, happy blush crossed her face.

- no.
Just the paint,” she squeaked, almost too emotional to trust
her voice.

don’t understand,” he replied, turning his gaze from the work to look at her.

did it,” she said simply.

was never at a loss for words, but he absolutely did not know what to say.

gazed back at the ceiling.
The ivy
was so beautifully painted it looked as if it could drop leaves on his
Without speaking he moved
across to the bed and sat down, brought his legs up, and leaned back against
the decorated headboard.

- please come and sit next to me,” he said, softly.

wasn’t sure why he was being so reserved and kind of weird, but she hurried
over and sat down next to him.
took her hand and kissed it.

- sweet Kate,” he began.
“Are you
aware that you are enormously talented?
I don’t just mean, you can paint.
I mean - you are gifted.
Truly gifted.”

felt a lump in her throat and thought her heart would burst.
If Dante said it, it meant something.

think so? I mean - I know I’m pretty good - and I find the classes a bore. But
you think...”

cracked up.
Of course she
found the classes a bore!

so funny?” she asked, perplexed by his unexpected outburst.

You are so funny,” he said, still
“You are too - oh just
too!” he declared.
“Do you want to
be a painter?
Is this what you’d
like to do with your life?”

love to be a painter,” she answered happily.
“I just want to paint and ride horses.”

laughed again, then dropping her hand, reached around her shoulder and hugged
her tightly.

Then you shall paint.
But you will go to some kind of art
institute. Sorry - but you need to.”

I--” she started - then stopped.

- good!” he exclaimed.
“Things are
actually starting to sink in!”


Yes - I guess they are.

of that,” he decreed, kissing her lightly.
“Time to see what you have left to wear.
Go and put on the first dress.
Hopefully this won’t take too long.”

she said, and jumping from the bed, disappeared into her closet, returning
quickly in a short black spandex dress sporting a halter top that left little
to the imagination.  The stretchy salacious fabric pressed against her
breasts, outlining her pert, very erect nipples.  The hem was mid thigh
but the tightness of the dress made it appear shorter, and outlined very
clearly the round luscious shape of her bottom.

Kate.  That simply won’t do.”

this is one of my favorites.  I wear it to parties,” she simpered.

sure you do,” he replied patiently, “but those days are over. No self
respecting young lady would be seen in public in a dress like that, unless she
was charging for her time,” he quipped.

Kate asked, not believing her ears.  Was he accusing her of looking
like a prostitute?

he said patiently, “it makes you look like a slut.  I’m sure your father
would be very disappointed if you welcomed him home dressed in that. 
Sorry sweetie - it’s a no.  The dress is out of here.  Next.”

felt a flash of rebellious anger but held her tongue and disappeared back into
her large closet/dressing room.  If that didn’t pass, she doubted most of
the others wouldn’t either.
Changing quickly, she sauntered out in a hot pink silk shift dress and
Dante shook his head.

may as well be naked!” he exclaimed.  “It’s basically transparent.”

felt her face redden.  She knew he was right but what he didn’t know was
the very fact that it was so provocative was one of the reasons she had bought
it in the first place.

a chance you’re keeping that and I’ll bet it cost a fortune as well,” he said,
shaking his head.  

wanted to protest, to exclaim how sexy she felt when she was wearing it, but
again held her tongue.

he said, stopping her as she headed back into her closet.  “Put that
aside.  I’d like to keep that for my own personal pleasure.”  

grinned, his sexy request lightening her mood.

 Dante.  I would like that very much.  Thank you.”

so it continued.
Every dress or
outfit or skirt or top Kate paraded in front of him received a thumbs
After viewing more clothes
than he thought one woman could own, she was standing before him in a low cut
turquoise tank top and shorts so short they looked to him like thick panties.

got to be kidding,” he said, shaking his head.
“You didn’t actually wear that in public did you?”

- yes,” she replied nervously, “but only once!”

many outfits do you have left in there?” he asked. 

much as he had been enjoying his own private fashion show it was starting to
become tedious.  And he was annoyed that she had chosen to keep such
outrageous attire.
He had thought
she would have discarded most of the scandalous stuff when she’d had her
initial clean out.

few,” she answered quietly.

stood up, and favoring his ankle, walked slowly across the room and into the

got more dresses than a dress shop,” he exclaimed, staring at the endless line
of clothes hanging from the rods.
“This is going to take much longer than I thought.
We’ll make a start today and spend two
hours a day until we’re finished,” he

and began pulling dresses and outfits from their hangers, quickly deciding
which were allowed and those that would go to charity.  She stood by,
fighting her desire to argue the point, knowing full well it only end up with
one of the wooden coat hangers being slapped against her tender behind and he’d
finish the weeding out process regardless.

might work, with a brown turtleneck,” he remarked, holding up a

tweed, pleated skirt.  “In fact, this is very nice.”

don’t have a brown turtleneck,” Kate sighed.

yet,” he answered, “but you will.”

continued for a little while longer then stopped, turning to her.

think we need to go into town and find you some nice, conservative, attractive
clothes,” he suggested.  “No more bare mid-riffs or exposed cleavage.”

stared at the pile on the floor, realizing they were just as Dante said.
Too short, too clingy, too revealing -
or just too!
Her father had been
right as well.

he asked, seeing her deep in thought.

actually see your point," she admitted.

Kate that’s - well that’s
And I think once you
start wearing clothes that are flattering and stylish instead of just trashy
you’ll not only look a thousand times prettier, you’ll feel a thousand times
better about yourself.”

think maybe you’re right,” she said, quietly.
“It’s weird...”

he asked.

was just thinking about my father,” she replied honestly.

Dante pressed.

was always upset about what I wore,” she said frowning.
“The more he complained about my
wardrobe the more I wanted to shock him.
I don’t know why.”

you wanted him to stop you,” Dante said, taking her hand.
“Isn’t that what you’ve always
Someone to put their foot

- uh - I guess.
I mean - I think
you’re right,” she murmured, feeling a light bulb go off in her head.

course I’m right.
And it appears
he finally has,” Dante said.
know I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for him.
He may not know what I’m doing with you, but he is
You do get that don’t

do - I do,” she repeated, looking up at him.

pulled her into him and hugged her tightly.

very proud of you,” he whispered in her ear.
“And your dad will be too.”

sighed heavily, and Dante stepped back, looking down at the clothes waiting on
the floor.

put these in two separate bags.
Dry cleaning and laundry.
You can start a wash and then we’ll go into town and drop the other bag
at the cleaners.”

somewhat emotional, still processing Dante’s words and her own epiphany, they
started the job together.
they were finished she lugged the bag with the items to be washed and he carried
the heavier one destined for the cleaners.
At the bottom of the stairs he left his bag at the door,
then taking hers, followed her to the laundry.
He watched as she expertly sorted through the different
fabrics and colors, then added the appropriate cleaning solutions.
As she was piling a load into the large
machine Dante moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

lovely,” he purred in her ear.
“You’ll find that people will treat you with much more respect when
you’re dressed like a lady, and even more importantly when you behave like

leaned back against his chest and breathed in the aroma of his after
It smelled strong and
masculine, just like him, and she closed her eyes.
The feel of his embrace sent sweet sparks of longing through
her body, and she could feel her pussy lips swell in anticipation.
His hands cupped her breasts and
lightly pinched her nipples.
She recalled
the nipple clamps, the exotic, erotic tingling thrill they had created.

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