The Billionaire's Kisses: Billionaire Brothers (7 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Kisses: Billionaire Brothers
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Chapter Eleven


Amy’s body tingled with post-orgasmic joy as the chauffeur pulled the Jag through the huge iron gates of the Quinlan family home. Adam’s favourite sports car blended in well with all the other expensive cars that were parked outside this magnificent building. Judging from the amount of cars here, Amy guessed there must be about a hundred party-goers inside. But, then again, she realised, she was now in a world where the rules were unknown to her. These flashy cars might all belong to Adam’s dad. She braced herself to feel like a fish out of water, but vowed not to behave like one.

It was an awe-inspiring building – a three-storey mansion set in its own sprawling grounds. Even though it was night-time, the house seemed to shine with its own light, like a diamond in the dust. It reminded Amy of a fairy-tale castle and she suddenly felt like Cinderella arriving at the ball with her Prince Charming. Her excitement shuddered as she remembered Cinderella’s hasty retreat. But Amy had no intention of running out on Adam. She was delighted to be by his side – even if only for tonight.

The chauffeur opened the car door and Amy climbed out as gracefully as she could, making sure her dress wasn’t accidentally tucked into her panties after that amazing sex session. The house was intimidating enough as it was without the need to humiliate herself unnecessarily. It was unlikely she’d ever see Adam’s family again after tonight, but she still didn’t want them thinking she was a nutcase.

Adam held her hand. “Relax, babes, you look awesome; like a debutante. Nothing to worry about.”

She threw him a smile. “Thank you.”

How did he manage to look so cool and sophisticated after having spent the last twenty minutes doing what he’d been doing? Amy could feel her own cheeks glowing with warmth. Her small hand felt secure and warm wrapped up in Adam’s fingers and she fantasised for a moment that she might be about to meet her future in-laws. Amy quickly stifled this stupid thought, knowing it would never happen. She wasn’t special to Adam. She was just a pretty face who could help him fill a bit of time in his busy life. 

Adam halted on the checkerboard doorstep and pressed the gilded doorbell. Amy expected a butler or servant to answer, but actually it was a blond, handsome man with a devilish twinkle in his eyes. A younger version of Adam, with an even
cocky aura. He was wearing smart black trousers, but he’d thrown a leather jacket over his white shirt, and there was no necktie to be seen.

Adam threw his arms around his little brother. “Joseph, great to see you, kid! Hey, this is Amy.” Adam turned to where she was nervously standing on the step. “Amy, this is my little brother Joseph. He’s the youngest of us – only nineteen, but going on thirty.”

“Hello, Joseph. Lovely to meet you.”

Joseph shook her hand and grinned. “Ah, this is Amy. I’ve been hearing all about you.”

Amy refused to believe that Adam had been talking about her. These brothers were charmers and Joseph was clearly learning the ropes from his older role models.

“Well, thank you,” Amy said, remaining polite. “I like your jacket.”

“Thanks. It’s the one Marlon Brando wore in
The Wild One

Amy ran her gaze over it. “Yes, it’s very similar, isn’t it?”

“No, it’s the
one. Dylan got it for me for my birthday.”

Joseph grinned proudly, but Amy sensed pain behind that self-assured smile. Just like with Adam, she could see that this young man was devastated about what had happened to his eldest brother. What had Tariq done to this family? And why was he so keen to speak to her?

Adam pulled her out of her worried thoughts by tenderly draping his arm around her shoulders and leading her down the lavish hallway. The house was minimalist and modern inside, which was a contrast to the castle-like exterior. The hallway glistened with money, but somehow Amy felt reasonably relaxed. Joseph followed, chatting casually with Adam about last night’s game, but as they drew closer to the sounds of the party, the stark mood of the stuffy entrance shifted, becoming light and festive. Amy could hear music and chatter emanating from a room at the end of the hallway, and excitement flickered through her as she allowed the party mood to envelop her.

Adam opened the heavy walnut door of the grand hall, and Amy halted in the doorway. It was like the portal to another dimension. She realised that the music was being provided by a ten-piece jazz band, who’d set up in the corner of the large room, next to a place that had been reserved for dancing. Amy’s mood spiralled further upwards; she loved to dance. Maybe Adam would ask her later. She hoped so. But the dance floor was empty at the moment, because the other one-hundred-or-so guests were dotted around the hall, dressed in their finest clothing and expensive jewels, chatting and socialising. Amy’s body flushed with delight as the band’s upbeat jazz buzzed though her, mixing with her nerves from being near all these ultra-wealthy people. 

But as she watched them, Amy sensed that they were having a genuinely good time. They didn’t seem pretentious, and there was no hint of the stifling vibe that she’d feared when she’d first seen the house. She relaxed a little and smiled at Adam.

“Welcome to the Quinlans’ humble home,” he said with a wink.

Amy chuckled. She loved how Adam was able to laugh at himself. Most wealthy businesspeople she’d met were so serious. It was true that his flirtiness had annoyed her when they’d first met, but actually, it was refreshing to find someone with a bit of life in them; someone who wasn’t afraid to be himself.

Adam held her hand as they walked through the crowd. Dylan noticed them and waved, then resumed his conversation with a few other men who looked as if they were probably part of this charming and handsome clan – maybe cousins.

Adam’s parents stood in the centre of the room, chatting with their guests, as if they were a king and queen holding court. They were attractive and stylish, like a couple of movie stars. His mom looked as if she’d once been a model – she was tall, slim, and beautiful. Amy guessed she’d married Quinlan Senior young, and had set about producing their six children early. She seemed happy and relaxed, though, as if being a mom and wife to a billionaire had been her dream-come-true. Quinlan Senior was rugged-looking and not as handsome as Amy had been expecting. Perhaps the children had acquired their striking good looks from the maternal line. Adam’s dad seemed stern, as though he’d had a tough life. But maybe he was just unable to cover up his devastation from losing Ivan, whereas his wife was forcing herself to play the jovial hostess.

Adam and Amy halted on the outskirts of the little group surrounding Mr and Mrs Quinlan, to wait their turn to be greeted. Adam gazed into Amy’s eyes and smiled more sincerely at her than any man ever had, making her heart squeeze with affection. He reached up and gently brushed a stray hair from her forehead.

“I’m proud to be here with you, babe. Did you see everyone staring as we walked past? They’re all wondering who you are.”

Amy blushed. “I’m sure they were just looking at you, Adam.”

He chuckled kindly. “Nah, they’ve all seen me before. But never with a woman. Not at a family function. I’m about as likely to bring a date as Dylan.”

Amy glanced over at Dylan, who was still deep in conversation with his cousins. She turned back to Adam, who leaned towards her conspiratorially. “My brother prefers the company of men.”

“Oh. He’s gay?”

Adam burst into laughter. “No! He likes to
women. He just doesn’t enjoy their company
of the bedroom.”

“Oh. And you’re the same? That’s why everyone’s surprised to see me here?”

“I’m not as bad as Dylan. But yeah, I guess to a certain extent I didn’t really entertain the idea of a relationship. Until I met you. I don’t know what it is about you. But I’m glad you’re mine.”

Amy opened her mouth to question his dominating assumption, but it was their turn to speak to his parents. Adam ushered her forward as if they were waiting to go on a terrifying ride at Universal Studios.

“Mom, Dad,” Adam said. “May I present Ms Amy Carter.”

Mrs Quinlan smiled warmly and offered her hand to shake. “How lovely to meet you, dear. Welcome to our home. Please enjoy your evening.”

“Thank you, Mrs Quinlan.” She glanced at Adam’s dad who winked and said hi. “Happy Anniversary to you both,” Amy added.

“Thank you, dear,” Mrs Quinlan said.

Adam started chatting with his dad about a business deal that Quinlan Senior was apparently involved in, leaving Amy grinning inanely at his mother.

“You have a beautiful home,” Amy said, hoping she was saying the right thing.

“Thank you – we built it ourselves from the ground up. Always worked hard, you know.”

“Yes, I can see that.”

“And what do you do?” his mom asked. “Are you a model?”

“Oh no! I’m just an operations director for a London software company which Adam and Dylan are interesting in acquiring.”

Mrs Quinlan grinned slyly. “I don’t think that’s
Adam’s hoping to acquire,” She leaned forward. “I’ve brought up my sons to know how to treat a lady. And I don’t mean holding the door open for her, if you know what I mean?”

Amy stifled her grin. “He’s a very good… man.”

Mrs Quinlan chuckled. “All my sons are good boys. And my daughter is a treasure. My children do me proud. Well, my youngest – Joseph – he’s going through a bit of rebellious stage.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes. He’s not taking his eldest brother’s death well. Are any of us?”

Amy suddenly realised that these people – who were extraordinarily wealthy and successful – still had normal human problems, like everyone else.

“I was very sorry to hear about your loss, Mrs Quinlan. I lost my mother when I was seventeen, but I cannot begin to imagine what it feels like to lose a child.”

Mrs Quinlan swallowed back her tears. “It’s been a terrible time. But I know Ivan would want us to carry on. I wish he were here to talk to Joseph, though. He was the only one who could really get through to him. Look at him over there acting as if he’s a blond Marlon Brando – can you believe it? And a few days ago he informed me that he intends to drop out of college to become a rock star. We’ve all tried talking to him, but he won’t listen.”

Amy glanced towards the drinks table and saw Joseph pouring himself a large whiskey. He noticed that his mother and Amy were looking at him, so he raised his glass to toast them with a cheeky grin. Amy turned back to Mrs Quinlan and chatted with her for a few more minutes, bonding with her over their respective family losses. Mr Quinlan called over to his wife to ask her a question, so her attention was taken away, just as Joseph appeared at Amy’s side.

He grinned at her and swigged his whiskey. “Would you care to dance with me, Ms Carter?”

Amy tensed up – was he flirting with her? “Oh, I’m not sure.”

Joseph gently grasped her hand. “Come on, nothing terrible will happen. It’s just fun. I don’t bite.”

Amy smiled and relaxed. A dance
be fun. The band were now playing a sassy jazz number, and Amy could hardly keep her body from swaying on the spot. She glanced at Adam, and saw he was still engrossed in the conversation with his parents, so she nodded, and followed Joseph to the dance floor, where they stood in front of each other slightly awkwardly, like teens at a prom. Joseph, of course,
a teen, albeit only just.

Amy gazed into his lovely blue eyes, which sparkled with mischievousness – just like his brother’s. He was such a charmer. So young, but already undoubtedly a heartbreaker. But there was nothing wrong with having a dance.

Joseph grinned at Amy and she chuckled, enjoying the attention. He raised a sexy eyebrow then yanked off his leather jacket with a flourish, before throwing it to the other side of the dance floor. Amy rolled her eyes, pretending not to be impressed, but actually, there was something captivating about this sweet young man. Maintaining playful eye contact, Joseph reached out and rested a hand on her shoulder, reminding her of his older brother’s orgasmic touch, which sent ripples of joy through her body. He wrapped the other hand around her waist and he gently pulled her forward, so their bodies were almost touching.

“Ready?” he asked.

She nodded. “I think so.”

Joseph ran his fingers from Amy’s shoulder down her arm to hold her hand, then they started to move their feet in time with the music. He danced very well, and Amy was happy to let him lead her around the dance floor, feeling graceful and free. She hadn’t been out dancing for ages, because work always got in the way, and it was wonderful to sway her body and twirl under his arm, frolicking and playing like kids pretending to be adults. As she felt her stiffness unravel, she realised that she probably wouldn’t have done this prior to meeting Adam – not in front of a room full of rich strangers. Adam had sparked something liberating deep within her soul, and she now understood that – even though her orgasms were highly erotic and adult – they were also incredibly childlike. It was like going home to a place she’d been craving all her grown-up life. Dancing and sex were natural and freeing.

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