The Billionaire's Kisses: Billionaire Brothers (6 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Kisses: Billionaire Brothers
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Chapter Nine


Amy reached up to draw back the heavy velvet curtain of the fitting room, feeling as if she was about to stroll down the red carpet. This glamorous silk halter-neck dress was the most wonderful item of clothing she’d ever worn. It was flattering and sophisticated, and it made her feel special. It was long, and required heels, so she’d put her work shoes on for now, but really, it needed some proper evening shoes. She wondered whether she could stretch to buying a nice pair to go with this stunning gown. Depending on how much the dress was going to set her back, of course.

Amy had never been in such an expensive boutique before. She loved to buy new clothes, but she was a bargain hunter and she tended to stick to the higher-end retail chain stores. It was a treat to come somewhere like this and receive personal treatment from the owner – who was also the designer. She could happily get used to this.

Although, it would take a little bit of acclimatising. The layout of the boutique was minimalist and sparse, with unique garments dotted around the store. None of the items had prices on them, which worried Amy, and also she felt slightly intimidated by the owner/designer. Preti had introduced her as Carmel Brun, as if that name should mean something to Amy – she enjoyed reading the glossy magazines as much as any woman, but she wasn’t always up on the latest in-vogue designers. Apparently this one was ‘in’ right now.

Inside the opulent changing room – which was almost the size of her bedroom at home – she took one final glance at herself in the mirror. The silky black material clung to her curvy body like a dream. She smiled satisfactorily. If Adam was interested in her beyond just one night then perhaps this dress could be the clincher. She paused in shock at her train of thought. Clincher for what? There was no way this was going anywhere beyond sex and a nice night out… But there seemed something much deeper between them. A chemistry that she couldn’t put her finger on. Or maybe she was deluding herself. But why would she do that? Adam meant nothing to her, and likewise. She was here to do a job...

Amy forced herself to forget about work for now. She knew she was losing perspective, but surely one night of fun would be good for her. And besides, after everything she’d been through recently, why the hell shouldn’t she let a gorgeous wealthy charming man show her a good time?

She pulled back the velvet curtain of the changing room and saw Preti chatting casually to the imposing six-foot, glamorous Carmel. Carmel was a ‘handsome’ woman, and Amy wondered whether she could be a transsexual. There was no reason why not. This was New York City, and like London, anything was possible.

Amy stepped out onto the varnished wooden floorboards and Preti swivelled to inspect her.

She gasped. “Amy, you look amazing!”

Amy chuckled shyly. “Thank you.”

Carmel spoke in her booming voice. “It suits you, darling. Never has an angel looked so appealing outside of heaven.”

“Oh… er… thank you.”

Amy’s eyes flicked towards a wall full of photographs, featuring Carmel posing with various members of royalty and celebrities who presumably were wearing her designs. She forced away her feelings of inadequacy, then stepped over to the opposite side of the boutique to check herself out in the wall-length mirror. Preti came up behind her and they shared a smile in the reflection.

Preti brushed her fingers tenderly through Amy’s hair. “I’ve never known Adam to ask a woman out on a date like that. In front of everyone. I think he likes you.”

The words were out of Amy’s mouth before she could stop them. “Have
slept with him?”

Preti chuckled warmly. “No way – he’s my boss. And besides, I’m happily married. To a woman.”

“Ah, okay!” They shared a smile. Amy smoothed down the dress at the front. The material was soft and of an exquisite quality. “Preti, do you think I’m stupid?”


“Well, because I slept with Adam last night. I mean, not all the way. But he… um… we did things.”

“Oh. Did you enjoy it?”

“Very much.”

“That seems pretty sensible to me. Try not to overthink things; life’s too short.”


Amy allowed her feelings of contentment to whirl up inside. Preti was so cool – she was amiable and easy to talk to. If Adam had friends like these, surely that meant something about him as a person. There was definitely more to him than just his gorgeous looks and overflowing bank account. Amy opened her mouth to ask Preti more questions about him, but the bell above the stained-glass door tinkled, and a tall man strode in. Amy hoped it might be George Clooney looking for his latest tux, but actually it was someone Amy had already met.

Tariq Shard.

He closed the door behind him and smothered Amy with his intense gaze. Amy swallowed, trying to keep calm. Tariq was dangerous and threatening, but also good-looking. They stared at each other in silence for a few seconds, like gangsters at a standoff. Amy steeled herself, refusing to be intimidated by his macho stance or handsome face. She was in deep enough with ‘alpha’ Adam already; she didn’t need to allow this six-foot, shaven-headed, muscle-laden criminal into her heart and mind.

Amy fixed her eyes on the scar running down Tariq’s cheek. Maybe
was what made him look so hard. But she detected pain behind those dark eyes.

The breezy atmosphere in the boutique had shifted now, eclipsed by the menace that Tariq seemed to bring with him. He folded his arms across his chest like a bouncer refusing entry to a high-class nightclub; blocking the door. Outside, Amy could see wealthy shoppers promenading up and down the street, oblivious to the drastic fear that was rattling around her ribcage.

Preti broke the silence. “Tariq, what do you want? If you’re here for trouble, we’ll call the cops.”

He spoke with a mild New York accent. “I can assure you, Ms Ahmed, there’s no need to get upset. I just wish to speak to Ms Carter.”

“Well, you can’t,” Preti said. “What kind of a man are you? Waiting for us to be alone, innocently shopping? Who stalks two women into a boutique, other than a coward?”

Tariq ignored her. “Ms Carter, I’m sorry about the commotion I caused yesterday at the Quinlan office. It’s been a very trying month. But I’d very much like to talk to you about Quinlan Brothers and their intentions towards your company. Let me warn you, they’re up to no good.”

Amy’s ribs filled with apprehension. Should she believe him? He actually seemed rather gentle and kind; he spoke softly, with grace. Was she allowing Adam’s charms – and orgasmic flair – to blind her professional judgement? But – her personal feeling aside – at the meeting earlier, the Quinlans had agreed to Grafton Techs’ terms. So what ill intentions was Tariq talking about?

Amy stood tall, feeling foolish in her slinky dress. “How did you know I was here?”

“I have my ways of finding people. How are you enjoying New York so far?”

“It’s okay. Very big.”

He chuckled. “Yes, so they say. I hope you don’t feel too out of place. I know how it feels to feel out of place in a place.”

Amy frowned. “I don’t feel out of place. Everyone’s making me feel welcome. Apart from you. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m just trying to buy a dress.”

“It’s a very pretty dress. Where are you wearing it to?”

“Why do you want to know that?”

“I’m just making polite conversation.”

Amy wished he’d get to the point. This bizarre encounter felt strained and sluggish. Was he planning to hold her hostage and demand that Adam come and rescue her? It was like making conversation with someone who didn’t fully understand how small talk went. Like struggling through quicksand. Amy shook herself out of it. Stop being so bloody British! You don’t have to make small talk with
– he came here to talk to you!

“What is it that you want, Mr Shard?”

“Just the chance to meet with you later. Without the enemy spies eavesdropping.”

Preti scoffed. “I hardly think we’re the enemy, Tariq.”

“That would all depend on your point of view, Ms Ahmed.”

Amy’s anger snapped. “Look, can you stop pissing about and tell me why you followed me here?”

Tariq smiled sinisterly. “You’re the active ingredient in my recipe. The icing on the cake, if you will. Please agree to meet up with me?”

Amy’s head swam with confusion. She needed to remember whose side she was on – and it wasn’t Adam’s. She was here to negotiate on behalf of Grafton Techs. Maybe she
listen to Tariq and empower herself with as much knowledge as possible… But what if he was just being a troublemaker?

And then there was the possibility that he was a murderer…

Amy tried to act cool. “You can speak openly with me here.”

“No. I need to talk to you in private.”


He smiled kindly. “Well, the thing is, Ms Carter, it’s confidential, so I can only tell you in private.”

“Then we’re at a deadlock, aren’t we? I think you need to leave. I really have nothing to say to you.”

“Very well, I’m sorry if I scared you. I honestly mean you no harm.”

“Tariq,” Preti said, “Leave now, or I’ll call the cops – I mean it.”

“For the crime of what, Ms Ahmed? Walking into a boutique? Requesting a conversation with a person? You know as well as I do the Quinlans are up to no good.”

Preti leapt to their defence, but Amy interjected. “What kind of ‘no good’?”

Tariq opened his mouth to speak.

“Amy,” Preti said, “Don’t listen to a word he says. He’s trouble.”

Tariq stood firm. “Perhaps we can meet up later to discuss things, Ms Carter? Without an audience.”

Awkwardness surged through her. If she agreed, she’d be betraying Quinlan Brothers – who
after all about to become her company’s new owner – but worse, she’d possibly be arranging a rendez-vous with a murderer.

But she desperately wanted to know what was going on, so she opened her mouth to ask him again. Unfortunately, she didn’t get the chance to speak, because Carmel stepped forward.

“I believe it’s time for you to leave,” she said. “This boutique is a haven of harmony. You are disrupting the tranquil vibes.”

Tariq nodded. “Very well. Sorry to have bothered you, Ms Carter. If you change your mind, you can find me online – it’s not very hard to find people these days, as I’m sure you know.”

Amy glanced down at the shiny floor. “Right.”

“Well, goodbye, then,” Tariq said.

He turned and left, leaving a tarnished atmosphere behind him – as seemingly was his habit.

Preti’s expression was severe. “Don’t contact him, Amy. I know he seems nice, but he’s trouble. And I’m not just protecting my business interests. I like you, okay.”

Amy smiled. “Thanks. Don’t worry, I plan to stay away from him. Now, how much is this dress going to set me back?”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. Adam gave me a free reign on his credit card. Shall we go get our hair and nails done? I know a wonderful little beauty parlour. And then we’ll hit Barney’s for some shoes, okay?”

Amy chuckled, feeling the tension slip away. “Sure, why not!”

Chapter Ten


Adam stood by the entrance of the bustling hotel lobby, with his gaze fixed on the elevator, waiting for his date to appear. His chest filled with anticipation as each second ticked by. Jesus. What had Amy done to him? He’d never usually let a woman invade his mind like this; his body tingled with desire just at the thought of seeing her again. He noticed a blonde woman striding down the carpeted marble staircase on the other side of the lobby and his heart squeezed with nerves. Disappointment smothered him as he realised it wasn’t Amy.

He shoved his hands in his pockets and glanced around the huge space at the busy guests coming and going. A tall shaven-headed man strode past Adam, almost bumping into him, and his nerves were eclipsed by anger. Not because the guy had almost knocked him, but because he’d reminded Adam of Tariq. Preti had told him about Tariq’s visit to the boutique earlier, and the thought of that thug being anywhere near Amy sent anger straight from his brain to his muscles. He would gladly fight to protect Amy. He wanted keep her away from the madness in his personal life; to make love to her over and over until she could barely walk. Until she agreed to stay with him forever.

Forever? No, no, no! His idea of a long-term relationship usually just meant staying for breakfast…

But inviting Amy to his parents’ anniversary party was a huge deal. This was the first time the family had gathered since Ivan’s funeral two weeks ago, and he knew his parents were going to feel torn and fragile. He was optimistic that turning up with this beautiful and intelligent woman would thrill them, just as she thrilled him; she was so… lovely – as the British would say.  

He shook himself out of it as his eyes were drawn again towards the grand staircase. If this had been a movie, violins would’ve burst into song, and the extras in the crowd would’ve fallen silent and turned to look at the beautiful, glamorous woman who was now walking down the steps, like a superstar.

The suited-and-booted men and women in the lobby stared in awe – just as Adam did – unable to hide their admiration for his date. His heart pounded with pride. His cock hardened with arousal. She was
, plain and simple. And she looked perfect; that body, those curves. Her blonde hair had been twisted up at the back to look sophisticated and glamorous, and her subtle make-up highlighted her natural beauty, making her big blue eyes glisten and her red lips pout.

Adam was momentarily assaulted with a flash of Amy’s spectacular blow job this morning, making him yearn for another session with those marvellous lips around his cock. He forced himself to act cool. What was it about this woman that he desired so much more than the leggy blondes he’d usually date? Amy was feisty and fiery; independent and strong. But now – thanks to Adam – she had a weakness for mind-blowing orgasms, and he couldn’t wait to give her another.

She spotted him across the bustling room and waved shyly. He grinned, trying to remain casual. He knew he looked good in his tux.

She floated over and halted. “Good evening, Adam.”

“Amy, you look more beautiful than any woman I ever saw.”

She chuckled modestly. “I doubt that, but thank you.”

He reached out and took her hand, then gently kissed it, maintaining smouldering eye contact. Amy blushed at this display of public attention, which caused lust to zoom through Adam’s body. This gentlemanly act masked a deep passionate desire to fuck her hard in front of all these people, and he sensed that
prim and proper act was hiding similar desires. He couldn’t wait to get her out of that silk gown so he could take her slow and hard, ensuring total satisfaction for her – which would automatically ensure his own delight.

He gently brushed his fingers over her bare shoulder. “Your chariot awaits.”

“Thank you.”

She smiled –
sincerely. He was determined to get her smiling with affection for him before she left America – he wanted her to lose control outside the bedroom, too. It was for her own good; her face came alive whenever she smiled and laughed – it was such a welcome contrast to the steely serious expression she seemed so keen to maintain.

He held out his arm, so she linked her hand through it, then he led her outside and towards his chauffeur-driven Jag. Adam owned five sports cars, but this was his favourite – it was sleek, powerful, and possessed plenty of room in the back for sex on the move. 

Amy halted. “Wow, nice car!”

“Only the best for you, babe.”

She grinned shyly. “Remember what I said about flattery not working?”

He chuckled and held her hand. “Come on, let’s get in.”

The chauffeur opened the door, and Adam noticed that even
double-taked the beautiful Amy. She glowed with a natural inner-radiance that emphasised her external beauty. She was confident, yet humble. Adam adored that about her.

The driver set off for the hour-long drive to his parents’ house so they got comfy in the back seat with their arms around each other, like a married couple on the couch in front of the television. But it felt new and sparkly as well as secure and cozy. Adam squeezed Amy tight, suddenly desperate to ravish her here and now. But there was something he needed to ask her first.

“By the way, Preti said Tariq Shard interrupted your shopping trip earlier. You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. He seems… harmless.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure, babe. Did he try to contact you again afterwards?”

“No. But he said you and Dylan are up to no good.”

“He’s just trying to cause trouble. I promise, everything’s above board, okay.”

“I want to believe you. But why would he be so desperate to talk to me?”

Adam kissed her on the forehead. “It’s good to be sceptical, but just believe this: Tariq Shard’s not a good guy. He
once, but now he’s bitter and full of revenge. Promise me you’ll stay away from him. Not only for the business side of things, but for your own personal safety. Please, Amy?”

Amy smiled kindly. “Okay. I will.”

“Good. Now, it’ll take another hour to get to my parents’ place, so – in the meantime – let me strip you naked and make you come hard!”

Amy’s eyes widened in shock. “But we’ve got company.”

Adam chuckled and pressed the button for the tinted screen to rise between them and the driver. “Now we’ve got privacy. My fingers need to be inside your pussy; it’s so warm and tight. Have you ever made love in a car before?”

“No. It doesn’t seem like it would be much fun.”

“Well, allow me to show you just how much fun it is, my beautiful. Come ‘ere.”

Adam kissed her tenderly on the lips, then he eased his tongue into her mouth and kissed her passionately. Amy’s body flooded with desire, and she suddenly wanted him to make love to her for eternity. Still kissing, he gently leaned on her, so that she laid down and he was on top of her. She chuckled as he winked suggestively.

“See,” he whispered, “plenty of room!”

Amy laughed, feeling light and free as they kissed hungrily on the backseat. She felt safe and secure with him covering her like this. Most of his weight was on his upper-arms, which were securely planted either side of her shoulders, so she was firmly held in place. It was comforting. Romantic.

He gazed down at her in awe. “You are truly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”

Amy wanted to believe him – but she was sure it couldn’t be true.

He kissed her tenderly on the nose. Then his expression turned mischievous. “Lie on your front so I can work on you from behind.”

Amy chuckled as her body washed with naughty lust. She grinned, then wriggled around so she was lying on her stomach.

“Ready for me?” he asked.

She tried to speak, but her lust caught in her throat. With him behind her, she felt like a tigress being pursued by an alpha-male. It was highly arousing not being able to see him, and she gasped as he reached out and pushed up her dress. He lowered down and positioned himself over her again, so that he was holding her in place, then he slid his hand under her hips to gently rub her clit through the material of her panties. Amy’s mind surged with joy as she ground herself on his fingers; the excitement was already starting to possess her. Somehow she’d gone from someone who never orgasmed, to someone who could apparently get there fast. How had that happened? Not that she was complaining…

Adam bit her neck, then – still rubbing her clit – he used his other hand to probe his fingers into her panties and around the outside of her pussy, making her wetter and hornier than she’d ever felt in her life. She wanted to beg him to fuck her hard from behind, but she knew he was eking out the pleasure on purpose. She trusted that he knew what he was doing.  And he was doing it well.

“I love your tight pussy,” he murmured, as his fingers delved inside. “You’re so warm and wet for me.”

Amy gasped, enjoying the sensation of having her legs straight back behind her, as Adam fondled her clit and G-spot. All the pleasure was being focused into her pelvis, making that area of her body come alive with delightful lust. She gasped, trying to stay in control.

“Relax and enjoy,” Adam said, nibbling her neck from behind.

Amy decided to take his advice and relish the ride, so she rested her forehead down on the soft upholstery, allowing him to do this for her. As he continued to give her a finger-fuck, Amy felt her mind melt into the surroundings, as if she was drunk on passion. The feel of his fingers caressing her most sensitive areas pushed her over the edge and the orgasm struck, causing the pleasure to rush tightly in her pelvis and across her body like an ocean storm. She let herself go and pushed back into him, grinding her hips and drawing out the orgasm completely. The ecstasy increased and overwhelmed her, and she suddenly feared it would tear her in two – but in the most wonderful way. She grinned wildly, allowing her groans to burst out, feeling free and liberated, like an untamed animal.

Eventually she floated back to the car, and burst into giggles – lying on her stomach and feeling like a child. Adam respectfully withdrew his fingers and pulled her dress carefully back into place. She shuffled back around and gazed at him with affectionate eyes, as contentment bubbled in her heart.

She smiled. “Thank you, Adam Quinlan.”

He leaned down and kissed her. “Told you it was good in a car.”

“You were right.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it. Maybe on the way home, we can try for more.”

Amy practically purred as she reached down towards his zipper. “Absolutely. But why wait?”

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