The Billionaire's Second Chance (49 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Second Chance
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Framed museum quality art hung on the walls of a comfortable space complete with leather wing back chairs
a love seat and a small sofa. There was a round table with upholstered seating and a full length
scrolled antique stand
cheval mirror in the corner.

The serious young man who had escorted them to the room pointed out the elaborate wet bar available while they waited and let them know that the head jeweler would be with them shortly
he evaporated from the room.

Nick had
Shannon to one of the high wing backs
as he stood sentry at her side, asking
if she needed anything to drink. When she shook her head no and reached for his hand he gave it readily and the two held on to each other as they stared silently into the other’s eyes for the longest time. Emotions on both their parts were running so high

From there things went into overdrive when the diamond expert, a quirky gentleman with a slight French accent, appeared in their midst. He introduced himself and then immediately began asking questions as he drew up a chair and sat next to Shannon.

What were her favorite colors? Did she have a setting or a stone she preferred? Did she work with her hands? The questions came at her in rapid fire delivery while the odd little man seemed to be assessing her hands and checking out how Shannon and Nick interacted with one another. When Nick started answering some of the questions for her as if they were of one mind, the jeweler nodded and took note.

All of a sudden he stood and said
“I will return with some suggestions for you Ms. Reynolds, Mr. Barrett. If you would like to make yourselves comfortable at the table …..” and then quickly disappeared through a door in the paneling Shannon had not previously noticed.

“He forgot to ask me my shoe size.” Shannon muttered in mock irritation while Nick snorted a laugh as he led her to the table area.

The next twenty minutes went by in a blur as she viewed a dozen different rings and settings, all impressive but nothing which even remotely struck her fancy. Apparently Nick wasn’t seeing anything he liked either. He was speaking quietly to the French man as they walked toward the door while Shannon sipped sparkling water in a perfectly chilled crystal goblet. She thought of a commercial she’d often seen on TV for a
jewelry store where all the women gushed and spoke dumb lines like
‘Only the best from Delwest’. Looking around at the situation she found herself in caused no end of amusement. There was no way she was going to end up with anything less than something spectacular even if it meant he had a diamond specially mined just for her. Such was the power of the Barrett name and wealth.

She wasn’t trying to be picky Shannon thought
a bit uncomfortably
and briefly felt bad that she’d dismissed the entire tray of exquisite jewels she’d been shown. She’d never worn a ring before; not like this. The bauble they chose today would be with her the rest of her life and would tell a story all on its own. Maybe someday it would become a family heirloom, who knew? But what Shannon did know was that for her, their love story was unique and special and she felt a need to honor those qualities with her choice.

Nick came back to her side as the French man left and playfully chided her for being
“Just like a woman.” h
e sighed in that long suffering way men have when they poke fun at their women. “Remind me never to go shoe shopping with you.” he joked, nudging her shoulder with his as he sat in the chair next to hers.

He took the hand closest to him, lifted it to his lips while he held her eyes and kissed her knuckles saying
“Let’s see what he brings out next, hmmm?”

Shannon smiled and nodded as Nick sat back and laughed. “Damn Europeans!” he chuckled. “I don’t know if it’s his accent or what but I swear just now it felt like an out-of-body experience when he
told me
that th
e right
ring will appear for the wearer at the proper moment. Isn’t that a bit like
the wand choses the wizard?” and just like that they both broke up laughing at the pop culture reference.

The walls were still ringing with their gleeful chuckles when the jeweler returned with what looked like an elaborately carved chest on
velvet lined tray. Sitting the tray down in the center of the table he looked as if he’d just dropped the
Holy Grail
in their laps. His demeanor, both serious and slightly awestruck, got their attention as three pair of eyes turned with expectation to the small container in front of them.

With a decided flourish
the Frenchman dramatically cracked open the hinged lid on the beautiful box, revealing another smaller black velvet jewelry case tucked inside. Gesturing with a nod of his head
he prompted Nick to reach for the velvet box which he did with much gravity.

Looking expectan
tly at Shannon and then back at the box in his huge hands
, they both held their breath
Nick slowly r
the lid to reveal the most beautiful ring ever
at least that’s how she would tell the story in later years.

Nestled in the soft black velvet was a beautiful marquis cut diamond flanked by intense sapphires and accent diamonds in an unusual raised setting
and feminine at the same time,
Shannon gasped at the sight of the flashing stones and knew this was the ring. It was obviously something special and the look of approval on Nick’s face sealed the deal in her mind.

The diamond was lovely yes, but it was the two
flanking the main stone that spoke to her heart. Just like the symbol of the two birds which helped them find their way back to each other
the ring’s setting reminded her of that long ago promise. That the two sat on either side of the glorious shining center stone symbolized their new union.
She thought, f
rom two there shall be one,
all but burst into joyful tears.

Nick removed the magnificent ring from its box and with slightly trembling hands held her much smaller left hand in his. It wasn’t necessary to say the words, they’d already done that part, but with all the gravitas and seriousness he could muster at such an overwhelmingly emotional moment
he looked his beautiful Shannon straight in the eyes and asked, “Will you do me the exquisite honor of being my wife, Shannon Reynolds?” as he slowly and deliberately slid the stunning ring onto her finger.

There may have been music playing, birds twittering and a holy choir singing at that moment, but neither would have noticed. All she knew was that her eyes were swimming with tears while Nick looked like he was going to cry too as he swallow
deeply several times.

Unable to speak Shannon nodded a wobbly yes
seconds before the tears started flowing in earnest. She looked at their joined hands and the gorgeous stones twinkling from her ring finger and felt a surge of happiness like none she’d ever know before. Instinct pure and simple had her reaching for him and framing his wonderful face with her delicate hands as she placed her tingling lips on his.

and a sense of contentment which Nick had never dreamt possible
settled over him at the touch of Shannon’s lips.  He forgot all about the hovering Frenchman and would have happily stayed like he was with Shannon pressing soft, wet, tear soaked kisses to his mouth for the rest of time if the feelings of perfect peace and serenity he was experiencing would never cease.

Shannon was running on pure emotion as she kissed Nick
whispering incoherent words of love against his perfect mouth. So wrapped up in the moment was she that it came as a surprise several sensually charged minutes later when they finally came up for air to find that the quirky French jeweler had discreetly vanished from the room, leaving them to their privacy.

Eventually he reappeared to speak briefly with Nick, most likely finalizing their choice while Shannon did what any female in her right mind would do at that moment. She held her hand this way and that, letting the magnificent stones twinkle and shoot tiny sparks of light around the room as she admired the beauty and symbolism of her perfect engagement ring.

She overheard Nick asking about a matching wedding band and was shocked when he asked to see several men’s bands as well. Was it wrong that she smiled at his
for a symbol of their union to wear every day?
men didn’t seem to want to be bothered with such traditions and viewed the whole fancy ring accessory as a women’s thing.
That Nick was a traditionalist gladdened her already overflowing heart.

Shannon giggled like a teenager when Mr. Allen expressed the appropriate oohing and ahhing over her beautiful ring. The ride back to his home took place with a grinning Nick and an excited Shannon who continued to preen and flash her hand at every chance; clearly enjoying the moment immensely.

Nick had planned on taking her out to dinner, something exclusive and swanky one would expect in New York City
but after the sweet kissing and Shannon’s bubbly delight at their choice he decided against taking them any place public and opted for a romantic fireside dinner at home.  A few carefully placed comments as they returned to the limo ensured that Mr. Allen would alert his wife to the details
leaving Nick the opportunity to bask in Shannon’s joy.

They had tonight all to themselves and he planned to make the most of it before they got back on the road tomorrow for the trek to Connecticut and the visit with his mother. He was sure Alanna would be charmed by his choice for a wife and secretly wished just for the briefest of moments that his father had lived to see this day. He would have liked Shannon’s spunk and the way she made ev
eryone around her feel special.

He hoped Shannon felt the same way about him meeting her parents, which would happen all too soon he remembered since the last leg of their travels would find them in Boston by the weekend. He just wanted her to be happy god-damnit
he thought with determination. If she wanted him to don a garish yuppified sweater and play chess with her professor dad he would. Whatever it took he vowed
before turning his full attention to the sexy little woman at his side while she cooed and bubbled with delight over the sparkling diamond he’d just placed on her finger.


Dinner had been fabulous with Mrs.
going all out to provide the perfect romantic accompaniment to their already memorable day. She’d set a small, intimate table for two near the huge stone fireplace and placed flickering candles of all sizes and shapes along the wide wood mantel. The effect was seductive and dreamy; setting the perfect scene for a long night of incredible loving.

Shannon had been too excited to eat very much but she’d been absolute perfection in her dealings with the Allen’s when they arrived back at the brownstone. Her wide smile of happiness when Mrs. A lavished flowery congratulations on their engagement and the way she giggled with the older woman over the magnificent ring made Nick feel a hundred feet tall. She was going to make him a wonderful wife and life partner and he decided right then to bestow a loving on her this night that would make time stand still.

By the time dinner was cleared away and they’d spent hours cuddled together by the fire sipping a heady brandy Mrs. Allen declared was only for special occasions, a sense of rightness had surrounded them. Nick had removed his suit jacket and tie but Shannon had stayed in her chic copper colored suit much to Nick’s delight. The sight of her voluptuous figure accented by the nipped in waist of the tailored jacket and the jut of her heart-shaped bottom in that sexy skirt was working on his testosterone fueled libido in a big way.

A week ago he had been looking for ways to escape his empty, privileged life never suspecting that a not-so-chance encounter with a costumed cowgirl would alter his future in ways he’d been afraid to dream about. Now that he had her at his side, wearing his ring and agreeing to explore a future that wished for everything and asked for nothing in return but her love, he was fulfilled in ways he
didn’t think would ever have mattered in his previously, emotionless life.

“You’re tired.” h
e suddenly declared taking Shannon by complete surprise. She’d been snuggled up against him babbling about random nothingness in a semi-buzzed state powered by romantic endorphins and a liberal dose of expensive brandy when he’d switched gears so fast she felt momentarily off balance.

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