The Billionaire's Second Chance (58 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Second Chance
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His brain had screamed…
inside her
given up any attempt at acting civilized right there and then.
Burying himself in her heated velvet depths was all he could think of so that’s what he did.

In this position he had an unimpeded view of his hugely engorged
plunging in and out of her dripping center. The image was seared on his brain as he watched in fascination when his thick, pulsing
staff emerged from her
core covered in creamy proof of her red-hot arousal. The helpless moan he wrung from her with each downward plunge as he pumped into her succulent body ramped up his own arousal a thousand-fold.

Sinking into her welcoming heat again and again Nick ran his big hands
over her quivering ass and gloried in the primitive satisfaction coursing through him.

She was starting to tighten;
her unbelievably strong female muscles began clutching at his marauding cock as she rotated her hips against each thrust. She was fucking fantastic he kept thinking; enjoying the way her exquisite response made him feel.

It was time he
time to let the beast loose. Time to hurl them both into the climax that was headed their way. He drove forcefully into her once, twice and then held perfectly still, thrilled at the way she

He di
n’t move, didn’t need to. The powerful inner muscles of her hot, dripping sex took over for him with deep spasms that clutched and released
cock buried deep inside. Just for good measure he pulsed against her a few times which only ended up pushing him further into her luscious body allowing his balls to rub seductively against her swollen clitoris. It was raw and primitive and unbearably arousing.

His body took over his rational mind then, focused solely on the orgasm that was swiftly building in his core. A sharp, greedy longing to come inside her ignited a fire of desperation that nearly made him lose consciousness.

The desperate and moaning woman in his arms was drawn so tight; hanging on the edge of ecstasy that when Nick reached under and stroked his fingers over her enflamed clit she shattered under his touch. Rolling her hips in mindless desperation Shannon exploded around his throbbing cock sending Nick up and over in an explosive climax.

He held on tight while Shannon convulsed and shook; feeling his essence spurting deep inside her receptive female core. It felt hotly primal and with one last grunt he emptied himself completely enjoying her quiet moans of intense satisfaction.

He’d hated easing out of her; leaving the incredible heat and feel of her body but there wasn’t really any other choice. They had things to do, places to go, people to see and while he’d prefer to stay right where they were, engaged in endless love-making until they dropped
the situation called for some of his trademark finesse.

Having taken her in the most basic and carnal of ways just now meant that he’d have a better chance of making it through the day ahead without embarrassing himself. For a guy who hadn’t been bothered to engage for years in anything other than a rare sexual encounter for purely self-gratifying reasons
the current situation was making him crazy. To be unexpectedly placed in the position of being constantly in a state of arousal and actively seeking any advantage or oppor
tunity to have his way with her,
wasn’t exactly an easy thing.

It hadn’t taken much to scoot her along into the glass enclosed double shower where he subjected her to a long leisurely washing that included plenty of kissing and fondling to make up for the lack thereof from earlier.

He’d helped her wash that glorious mane of hair, much to her delight he noted, and then rather matter-of-factly had rubbed every inch of her body dry.

Men really don’t have any clue he marveled a short time later when he watched in utter fascination as she shimmied into yet another mind-blowing pair of panties, this time something in
virginal white
satin with a tantalizing ribbon of pink.

As if that hadn’t been enough to send all thoughts south he was treated to the most tantalizing visual ever dreamed when Shannon went through the mechanics of drawing on the matching bra. The
way she bent forward slightly
and scooped her delectably round globes into the waiting cups
causing them to bobble and sway till just right
made his mouth go bone dry. After fastening the back hooks she adjust
the straps, bent forward again and gave the bra a little shake making her boobs shake too and then stood up straight.

Apparently not yet
he watched as if in a trance while she scooped her hands inside each cup and adjusted
of the luscious pale orbs. When a plain black t-shirt was pulled over the mouth-watering sight
of Shannon
dressed in
prim white
satin decorated with tiny pink ribbons
he was sorry to lose the image of that strangely intimate moment.

He’d never witnessed a woman’s toilet before and had found everything about it staggeringly
enticing; t
he way she touched a crystal perfume wand to the s
pace between her breasts or the
adorable twirl in front of the mirror so she could inspect her pert little
the way she adjusted the seams of those tiny panties.

Now how exactly was he supposed to get through the day he wondered? Knowing what was beneath her clothes was only making him randier than usual.  The tight black jeans that accompanied the simple t-shirt came next.
Was there anything more fascinating to watch than a woman wiggling in to her jeans? He doubted it.

She picked up the boots she’d worn yesterday and hesitated
bringing Nick’s ever alert watchfulness to

“What’s the problem?” he asked maybe a bit too sharply. Constant sexual arousal and a good deal of frustration thrown in
seemed to be
doing crazy things to his composure.

Sighing Shannon tossed the boots aside. “My ankle seems a little so
re today.” s
he said while flexing her injured foot. Her tone suggested that she was taken aback by this discovery but Nick was hardly surprised. Her legs were to die for to begin with but when you add the sexy heels they went into
the turn-on hall of fame. Unfo
rtunately those same heels put an extra strain on already injured muscles and tissue. She hadn’t complained until now
so he suspected that vanity had been over ruled in this instance by discomfort.

“Looks like flats for you today Posh Spice!” he joked, locating a pair of every day sneakers next to her bags.
Picking them up he tossed them her way and then whooped when she made a two hand catch. “Way to go Sharona.” Nick teased. “Glad to see you haven’t lost your touch.”

She stuck her tongue out at him and pouted while she looked disdainfully at the shoes in her hands. “If I wear these you’re going to like, oh I don’t know, maybe
me by a foot!” she whined.

“Ah. Once again I must remind you my love that you are nothing short of adorable and totally
when you pout so unless you want to spend the next hour trying to fend off my dastardly ways
I suggest you put the shoes on and get marching!”

She laughed.
“Oooooooooh. I love it when you get all bossy and commanding. Be still my beating heart!” she cooed merrily while she mimed a fainting spell

Throwing back his head and laughing joyously Nick st
pped in with a quick press of his lips to her forehead. “Come on my lady. Time for us to be afoot.” he joked
as he
put out his arm for her to place her hand where it belonged, right there in the crook of his.

Wandering through the upstairs of the big house Nick briefly pointed out the laundry chute by the hall bathroom that he and Jules used to pretend was an escape hatch through which they dropped all manner of things, including the family cat. He showed her the etched marking on the inside of the linen closet where his Dad had scraped a notch each year to mark the children

s height.

This was a real family home Shannon thought. Not like the lonely adult-centered existence she had experienced as a youngster. She loved her parents but admitted that the warm loving ambiance from Nick’s childhood was the type of home every kid yearns for. Was this what Nick visualized when saying he wanted it all? She could see herself in such a home. One just like this.

Breakfast with Alana and Mr. Allen was lovely. His mother was a charming hostess and quite versatile in the kitchen. Shannon was astounded when Nick pulled a huge platter of assorted cut fruit from the chiller enjoying the simple straightforward presentation and the cups of homemade yogurt that went with. A plate with Anna’s almond cookies with a couple o
f slices of home-made zucchini
bread made for a delicious start of the day.

Nick of course grumbled that there wasn’t any me
t making both women laugh a
d tease him endlessly about his carnivorous ways. When Shannon announced
she’d fix his diet right quick once they were married
his mother beamed while Nick tried not to grimace.

With a few hours yet to go before it was time to leave, Nick politely excused himself, apologizing profusely; indicating that something important had come up at work that he had to deal with. Once he had retreated to the study where he could get at a lap top, Mr. Allen headed off to town to pick up some items on his ‘Honey Do’ list while Shannon and Nick’s mother settled in the den.

Alanna had insisted on showing
her old photo albums from Nick’s earliest years, making Shannon laugh with delight viewing shots of him on Santa’s lap; in his first Little League uniform; dresse
d like a Ninja at Halloween. Sh
e was surprised just how like his father he was.

David Barrett was as dishy in
1970’s way that Nick was today. Tall, virile, killer smile. She could totally see how the little southern belle would have lost her heart to such a dashing figure.

One picture
particular hit Shannon li
ke a two ton brick. It showed Ala
nna and her husband
perhaps 2 years or so before the man’s untimely passing
dressed for a formal affair looking like they’d just walked off the set of TV’s Dynasty.

David looked impossibly handsome in dark tuxedo with a
grin and hair probably a bit longer and more casual than was the norm while Alanna wore a form fitting pink ice gown with a diamond necklace hanging in the deep v o
f the low cut dress. They were gazing
at each other with open a
oration, a look Shannon had become intimately familiar with over the past week.

Her heart clutched for the woman. By her calculations
, Nick’s mother
had only been thirty-six
when David died
; such a young age to lose one’s husband.

There were more pictures, most showing Nick and Ned as childhood BFF’s and the u
sual sorts of antics young boy
get themselves in to.
She laughed spying Jules in many of the shots; the adoring little sister in the background who one day grow
up to marry the best friend.

Shannon had secretly dreamed about Prince Charming as a young girl. Her world had been inhabited by fairy tales and flights of fancy which no doubt explained a great deal about why she was so good at creating fantasy for others.

Somehow though, her very own Knight on a white horse had come
into her life
when she’d least expected it
and claimed her for his own. In every way that mattered
the fantasy was hers. What on earth had she done to deserve such perfection? She felt lucky and counted her blessings in gratitude. She was especially grateful for whatever force had brought them back together and given her the strength to let down her guard long enough to give him a second chance. Give them both a second chance to love.

Their Connecticut good-byes
bittersweet. Shannon had found a true frie
nd in Alanna Barrett and while
their paths would no doubt be crossing with regularity
she was sad to leave the splendid home with its tree house and commando laundry chute. She made a mental note to text Jules later to add her agreement to the woman’s declaration that
the Connecticut white house was
the most awesome ever. It certainly was.

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