The Billionaire's Second Chance (55 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Second Chance
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With her head still resting on her hand Shannon smiled slightly and shrugged. “We didn’t part well, I will admit that but I think the rest of the story is Nick’s to tell. As for not having a clue, he’s getting up to speed but at times he’s just so ……ugh!” she grunted.

Alanna laughed and chimed in with “Bossy? Is that what you’re trying to say?”

They both laughed at that while Alanna kept on. “His dad was the same way and it drove me mad. Thought all he had to do was snap his fingers and, well…. you get the picture. Of course,” she smirked, “all that arrogant self-assurance may be annoying it’s also terribly exciting at times.”

Shannon’s exaggerated
“Yes indeed.” provided the perfect tone to what was sure to become an inside joke between the two women.

“So you are off to Boston tomorrow for a family celebration I believe?” Alanna asked. “Will your parents be surprised to learn of your impending marriage?”

Thoughts of Boston and her family invaded Shannon’s mind as they continued to sit companionably chatting for another half hour. Things had been going so well once Shannon had allowed Nick the opportunity to explain the mistakes of the past and mount a defense of their future.

She’d learned so much about the grown-up he’d become and was filled with nothing but pride and satisfaction at his many accomplishments. His family had welcomed her with sincerity and they had rediscovered a passion so deep and consuming that their nights had become sensual feasts the likes of which she’d never dreamed possible.

They really were on some sort of accelerated fast track each having gone from empty solitude to being joined at the hip in such a short stretch of time. Her family wouldn’t be surprised, they’d be stunned. Hell, Shannon was stunned.

As the day flew by and the evening unfolded, Shannon’s mind continued to be crowded with growing anxiety each time she considered the ramifications of going home with a fiancé by her side. Something was bothering her although she couldn’t quite pin down what that was.

Not ever having
even a single boyfriend in her life would make Nick’s possessive presence a mystery to be explored
of that she was sure. Her pragmatic mother and professorial father would dissect and examine their every action and nuance to get at the real story. It was just their way.

She’d been so secretive and private about their earlier relationship, never speaking of it to a single soul, that she didn’t relish having their life probed under the microscope of parental inquisitiveness.

She thought of her older brother Ted and his wife Jane. After the accident she had been forced to endure Ted’s endless attempts to pry into the root causes of what she kept insisting was a simple accident. Luckily her privacy had been protected at the hospital and aside from a single follow-up visit she’d never allowed any of the painful truth from that time to find the light of day.

By the time they’d all retired for the night Shannon was as keyed up and tightly wound as an antique pocket watch. Nick of course had been watching her all evening like a hawk and while she had been friendly and light-hearted through dinner and the happy together time that followed, she knew he could see right through her.


They’d been placed in the master suite with Nick explaining at Shannon’s quizzical look that this entire wing of the house had been redone years after his father’s death and also that his mother preferred a suite of rooms on the first floor.

Relieved to be alone with him at last Shannon didn’t rest on ceremony and simply melted into his protective embrace needing to feel the thumping of his strong heart through her sense of touch.

Nick was quietly assessing Shannon’s every action
aware for some time that she was distracted and unsettled although not by word or manner could anyone else have picked up on her unease. Something was going on so when she walked into his arms and held on fast he didn’t hesitate to offer her the comfort she needed.

He wasn’t a genius, especially not where women were concerned, but he knew enough to realize that putting her on the witness stand for a cross examination wasn’t going to get him anything except a cross and out-of-sorts female to deal with.

This situation called for tactics a bit more subtle if he was going to get her to share whatever was going on in that head of hers.

Arriving at the perfect strategy to get him the result he was after
Nick pointed out where their bags had been placed and suggested they relax together in the Jacuzzi
. He suspected his clever segue to relaxation and comfort would be enough to give Shannon the space to let him in, in more ways than one.

Filling the impressive two person tub didn’t take long at all. Nick was pleased when Shannon reappeared after just a few minutes donned only in a short satiny robe that showed a great deal of leg
She might be distracted and overly worried about something
that was for sure
but she apparently wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to snuggle with him in the warm bubbling waters.

Trying to lighten up her mood he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at her and playfully teased
“Ms. Reynolds, I do believe you’re trying to seduce me.”

Throwing him a sexy pout Shannon tossed back a faux-whiny
“Oh really? Darn it. I hoped it was you seducing me again
” while she placed a dainty hand on her hip and provocatively cocked one sexy leg to the side.

Vapor lock. That’s what his brain did. She looked delectable standing there with nothing but a scrap of shimmery satin covering the mouth-watering curves he knew were hidden beneath.

“Okay cheeky minx, into
the tub you go.” he instructed
, waving her forward. His smile couldn’t have gotten any bigger when she untied the robe and let it slither to the ground at her feet. He had followed the motion of the falling garment and noticed with intense satisfaction that she was wearing
nothing underneath

When she sashayed past him with an intoxicating sway of womanly hips he patted her on the butt for good measure and stood by while she eased into the steaming water.

“I’ll be back in a minute.” Nick said before disappearing from the room. Shannon used his retreat to center herself and get control of her careening emotions. The water was helping; once again Nick had seemed instinctively to know what she needed.

He returned minutes later, buck naked; carrying a chilled bottle of champagne, two champagne flutes and sporting an impressive erection. The sight of him with those dimples and a wicked smile atop a chiseled physique that stole all coherent
seeped into her sense in comforting waves that quickly turned sharp and exciting.

“Champagne, Mr. Barrett? Are you trying to get me drunk?” she asked.

Setting the bottles and glasses next to the tub he hopped in and sank below the bubbling waters tangling his legs with hers as they sat on either end of the big tub.

“I don’t know about drunk but it did seem like we skipped an important part of getting engaged.”

Quickly filling the two flutes he handed one to her and made a short toast. “To us little one,” clinking glasses he added “and to the rest of lives.”

Watching her soft smile as she sipped from the elegant flute he whispered “I love you Shannon. For always.” and then drank deeply of the delicate liquid.

They sat quietly, sipping their champagne, talking about nothing and everything. He waited, she prevaricated. He waited some more.

Were women always this complicated he wondered? He’d never even gotten close to a real relationship with anyone other than the silent brooding female who was presently twisting him inside out so how the hell would he know?

The irony of wielding incredible power in the board room set against being tongue tied and unsure of himself with Shannon was not lost on him. God, she was challenging and excitin
g and completely, adorably drop-
dead gorgeous. What’s a guy to do?

Crap, he thought. I might as well just go for it since she didn’t show any signs of suddenly opening up.

He adjusted their positions in the swirling waters by pulling her across his lap and settling her in the crook of his arm. She didn’t resist
making relief surge through him and giving him the fortitude to push ahead.

“Spit it out
babe.” he quietly said. “Whatever it is, we’ll be alright. I can feel that you’re troubled. Did my mom say something to upset you? Was it something I did?”

Shannon wasn’t surprised that he’d finally asked what was going on. She’d been a fool for thinking she could worry without his knowing.

“It’s nothing at all, really Nick. I’m just being silly.”

“You aren’t fooling me Sharona, out with it.”

“Let it be Nick.” she sighed.

“Absolutely not.” he shot back in response. “We made a promise to speak the truth and pretending everything is hunky dory when you are clearly worried and upset about something you won’t talk about is not being honest.”

Snuggling closer to his massive chest Shannon sighed some more and after finding no more ways to hide from her emotions she lay her head on his shoulder and looked up into his worried face.

“It’s all been so perfect, y’know? The last few days I mean.”

Damn if she didn’t wiggle just at that moment causing Nick’s barely leashed libido to kick into overdrive. Why the hell couldn’t she just hold still he wondered as he fought to stay focused on the situation at hand? He’d tame the wiggle later and maybe add a few
of his own
but for right now the subject wasn’t her sexy rump but whatever was making her so quiet.

“Your mom is great Nick. Really and truly great.”

More nervous wiggling ensued while Nick revisited the fine art of counting backwards from 100. Ninety-nine, wiggle. Ninety-eight. Ninety-seven. Ninety-six … and then she lay her leg over his under the churning water.  The only word his mind could find to slot into the situation was a pithy ‘fuck’ as he employed every distracting skill he knew to stop from hauling her slippery wet ass from this tub and subjecting her to the sort of wildly primitive coupling that didn’t exactly fit into the current scenario.

“It’s my family actually. Been some time since I’ve been home is all and I suppose that’s making me sort of stressed.”

She started playing with the droplets of water trickling through his chest hair, tracing the wet path with gentle fingertips. He was going to have to back up to a thousand if he was going to survive. Nine hundred and ninety-nine,
keep breathing
. Nine hundred and ninety-eight, swish.
Nine hundred and ninety-seven, plunk. Her fingers dawdled against his flesh below the surface of the water. Nine hundred and ninety-six,
help me god

“We’re going to cause a bit of a stir, wouldn’t you think? It’s their anniversary and all. I don’t want to be answering a master’s thesis of questions when the attention should be on them.”

She was making a good point Nick knew and though she seemed convincing there was still the tiny spark of something yet hidden. Unfortunately the distracting sensory activities of her beautiful hands were enough to limit him to a single thought track if he didn’t want to embarrass himself.

“Shannon.” he replied. “I am eager to meet your parents and know the extraordinary people who made you such a wonderfully caring, sensitive and
smart woman.”

She warmed at his words feeling a shy smile return to her eyes.

“Just to clarify,
I left
the sexy as sin part out for the moment since I don’t think that’s an area you want thoughts of your parents to be involved in.” he smirked.

Shannon elbowed him lightheartedly and giggled into his shoulder.
When she sighed as if
to say something
he jumped in and continued.

“Hopefully we’ll be a five minute wonder and that will be it. Don’t borrow worries
little one.” he admonished as he lay two fingers against the frown lines showing between her eyes.

She was noticing that when wet, his hairline served as a straight and direct route to what sat lower. She liked the hair. Liked all that manly virility. She’d seen far too many pumped up,
spray tanned Hollywood hunks in the past few years to last a lifetime. All that smooth head-to-toe skin didn’t seem natural and freaked her out.

Shannon was drawn to Nick’s potent masculinity.
Rubbing her sensitive breasts against the hair on his chest,
lost herself in the
his rock hard abdomen flex
against hers while smooth legs tangled with his hairy strong limbs.
Yeah, she liked it all. Liked how big his hands were and the way he used those huge paws of his to cup and fondle her plump breasts. What were they talking about? Damn if she could remember.

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