The Billionaire's Secretive Enchantress (The Berutelli Escape) (7 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire's Secretive Enchantress (The Berutelli Escape)
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She didn’t get the sense that he was going to let her out of it thoug
h.  “Mr. Harrison, I really don’t…”

Drake pressed the button for the elevator and turned back to face her.  “You have several projects that are ongoing at the moment and you don’t have time, even though you put in more hours than anyone else in the firm.  So I understand your reticence to take any time off, but I’m going to have to insist in this situation.”  He couldn’t resist touching her arm when the janitorial staff pushed their carts down behind her.  She wasn’t aware of their approach but it gave him another chance to touch her, even if it was only her slender arm as he shifted their stance so the large, heavy carts could pass by them. 
“But you’re going to be on a very big project next week.  So you really need to understand the ins and outs of what’s happening, all the changes that will be occurring.”  Tonight would have nothing to do with explaining his management, the changes or even the project he planned to put her on next week.  It was only about the two of them getting to know each other better.  But if he told her that, she would run away, scared out of her mind. 

The doors to the elevator closed and she blinked, wishing she could think more quickly.  Normally, she was able to put a man in his place easily, usually with just a simple look that said, “Don’t even bother.”  If words were needed to discourage a man, she was quick witted and cutting, showing her displeasure at any man who invaded her personal space. 

In this case, this man wasn’t hearing her well placed put-downs because, unfortunately, he didn’t give her a chance to come up with one.  He was just moving forward as if she had completely agreed to his plans. 

When they were standing beside a very powerful, very elegant looking black sedan, he opened the door for her but she finally
got her wits about her.  “Mr. Harrison…”

He interrupted her and shifted slightly, their new positions more intimate somehow since his broad shoulders and impressive height blocked out the overhead lights in the parking garage. 
“Call me Drake.  And I’ll call you Sierra.” 

He was standing too close, she thought.  She had to tilt her head way back just to look into his eyes and that didn’t help her convey the look that would have him back off.  “I don’t want to call you anything,” she said, but her voice sounded more breathless than she’d wanted.  She was going for firm, commanding and intimidating.  Why was it coming out as if she was wondering what it would be like to be kissed by those firm, sexy lips?

She shook her head.  “I really need to…”

“Get in the car, Sierra.”

She blinked once again.  The look in his eyes was telling her that he wasn’t going to ask again.  She thought about arguing, of just taking her keys out of her purse and walking directly to her own car, ignoring the commanding tone in his voice and leaving him here. 

But something in his eyes dared her, challenged her.
  Was he daring her to walk away?  Or to get into the car?  She wasn’t sure what it was, and even if she could define it, she wasn’t sure if she could dismiss it.  The heat emanating from his body warmed her, the warmth radiating out from her stomach and spreading outwards, creating an excitement that she didn’t quite understand. 

“What if I don’t?” she questioned, not sure if she really had the confidence to challenge him.

He moved closer, his body almost pressing her against the car.  “If you don’t want to get in the car, I can only assume you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you.  We’re standing here, no one else is around, why not give in to what we both want?  I’m going to kiss by the end of the evening anyway so you’ve now been forewarned, Sierra.”

A part of her, a very large part of her mind and her body, wanted him to bend down low and follow through on that threat.  But the smaller, more sensible, part of her mind, the part that seemed to have at least a modicum of sense still functioning, didn’t have the courage to call his bluff.  Because she didn’t think he was bluffing.  The look in those blue eyes told her that he wanted her to dare him, wanted her to keep on standing there against his car so he could kiss her.

She was already sitting in the plush leather seats by the time she realized what she was doing.  She watched with fascination as he walked around the front of the car, his long, muscular legs taking him around quickly.  Before she had time to take a breath, or more specifically, before her mind realized that she had a small break from him, he was sliding into the seat next to her.  She watched with interest as he folded his long, incredible length into the leather seat beside her.  His body seemed to take up all the available space but that was crazy since the car more than accommodated his long legs and deliciously broad shoulders. 

She tore her eyes away from his muscular thigh, staring out into the darkness in front of her.  “You said that all the others who missed the lunch would also be attending.  Why aren’t you driving them to wherever we’re going?”

She almost gasped when he put his arm around the back of her seat, leaning forward slightly.  She thought he was about to make a move on her and her heartbeat went into overdrive.  But he was only shifting slightly so he could see out the rear view window. 

But as soon as he was turned slightly, making his broad shoulders almost come into contact with hers and invading her personal space once again, he said, “You’re the only one who missed the lunch.  The others were all eager to meet me, to talk to me about their expertise and explain why they were essential to the firm’s success.”

Her mouth dropped open slightly.  She knew it wasn’t because of his words or the surprise at his cynicism at her co-worker’s eagerness to maintain their jobs.  It was simply because he was so close, his heat almost a physical force in the confines of the luxurious car.

He drove the powerful car with confidence, almost arrogance
as he asked her questions about her current projects.  As she answered his questions, relieved that they were work-related, she realized that she never felt unsure of his driving abilities as he easily moved between the slower traffic.  When he pulled into an underground parking garage, she was relieved to be able to step out of the vehicle and breathe in air that wasn’t saturated with his spicy, male scent. 

Unfortunately, he came around the car too quickly for her.  She hadn’t had time to clear her mind, refuel her thoughts and get her equilibrium back in balance.  Then his hand touched the small of her back again and she almost resented how quickly he could make her feel protected and secure.  Which was a contradiction actually since the man made her quiver with strange feelings that she didn’t think she liked.  So how could she feel safe and secure while at the sa
me time, worried and….trembly?  Was that even a word?  Her mind really had turned to mush.

“What’s the name of the restaurant?” she asked as they both stepped into the elevator.  Something deep in her stomach tightened when she noticed him put a key into the control panel and pressed a button. 

“I’m cooking for you,” he said as he pulled the key out and let it slip into the pocket of his slacks.  “I hope you like Italian.”

Sierra swallowed past the lump in her throat and unconsciously moved to the back corner of the elevator.  Leaning against the rich paneling, she stared up at the numbers indicating that the elevator was quickly ascending.  All the way to the top.

“You live in the penthouse,” she stated.  A split second later, the elevator doors opened and she gasped in surprise at the beauty in front of her.  She forgot her fears as she stepped out, walking slowly towards the floor to ceiling windows that showed the most magnificent view of the Rocky Mountains she’d ever seen in her life.  “This is incredible,” she sighed with awe. 

“Thanks.  It certainly is relaxing.
  And a huge change from my place in Chicago.”  He moved away slightly but Sierra couldn’t pull her eyes away from the view.  “Would you like a glass of wine?” he asked almost softly so as not to disturb her.

“That would be lovely,” she said, and finally looked away.  What she saw when she looked at his apartment, and the man, was almost as amazing.  This penthouse was like an actual home with interesting details, quirky pendant lights hanging over the countertops, extremely comfortable looking bar stools with deep cushions instead of those uncomfortable wooden ones most people
preferred because of their sleek lines, not because anyone actually wanted to sit on them.  There was strategic lighting and a massive granite fireplace that switched on, warming up the whole area. 

She found
Drake behind the counter, uncorking a bottle of red wine, then pouring the rich liquid into two round goblets.  He handed one to her and she was almost afraid to reach out and take it, afraid her hands were shaking too much to hold the delicate looking crystal. 

She accepted the crystal goblet warily, careful not to touch his hands during the transfer. 

“To new beginnings,” he said and raised his glass towards her before taking a sip. 

Sierra didn’t want to drink to new beginnings or old endings or any kind of change.  Change was for her clients.  She worked change around their lives and their preferences.  Personally, she didn’t like change.  Change meant something unexpected, something different.  It was hard to anticipate how to react to something new and different.  Change
could be good, but why risk it? 

She’d gone through enough change in her life.  She liked the dull, predictable life she’d built
for herself.  And this man was here to stir things up, impact her world and shake things so she might not even recognize her life. 

“What are you thinking?” he asked as he pulled his tie loose, then tossed it onto the counter away from the food he’d pulled out of the refrigerator.

She took a long sip of wine, just as an excuse to give herself more time to come up with an answer.  “I was wondering who decorated your space.  It’s very…eclectic.”  She wasn’t about to tell him that she didn’t want anything in her life to change and that she resented him for bringing it all here.  She resented him even more for making her feel things that she didn’t like and she thought she could actually learn to hate the man for being so gorgeous and healthy.  And close!  They weren’t ever supposed to meet so why was he here now?  Why had fate stepped in and made this whole day so…awkward! 

looked around, nodding his head at her description.  “I decorated it myself.  I’ve been in this industry long enough to know what I like and don’t like.”

That surprised her
enough to distract herself from her mutinous thoughts and she looked around at the lights and the comfortable seating area which would allow his guests to relax while he cooked, but still be near the fireplace.  “Really?  That’s surprising,” she said without thinking.

“Why is that so strange?” he asked, setting his glass down on the granite counters so he could fill up a pot with water for the pasta. 

“I just can’t picture you as the decorator type.”

He smiled at her observation. 
“Well, I guess I cheat a little.  When I build a hotel or apartment complex, the designers do all the work.  If I like a particular item or set of pieces, I have those pieces shipped to a storage facility.  Since I change living spaces frequently, I just choose the pieces I want for any particular apartment I’ve bought.  So I guess I don’t really stroll through the furniture warehouses to find the perfect sofa or chair like so many designers or couples do when trying to decorate their new space.”

She looked around at the lighting that perfectly suited the seating arrangements, the angles of the fireplace that were just slightly off center so the kitchen itself looked balanced.  This is the type of thing she loved
doing, but he’d done it all himself.  “It’s a unique style,” she said softly, feeling vaguely threatened.  If she were to design a living space, she’d do it exactly like this. 

Deciding that a change in topics was needed, she walked around, acting as if she were looking at things when in reality, she was painfully aware of him cooking, chopping and seasoning whatever it was that he was making. 
“So why did you buy Todd’s firm?  Don’t you have a whole team of architects on staff?”

“Of course.”

“So why did you need us?”

your team knows this area better than mine.  You’re very successful with the clients and understand the cultural issues that come with entering any new market.  Each area of the country is different with fads and preferences that are unique to the region.”

She had to accept that his explanation made sense.  It still didn’t explain why he chose Todd’s
company though.  “So why did you approach Todd to buy out his firm?”  She sat down on one of the comfortable stools, propping her chin up on the palm of her hand so she could watch him.  A fascinating show, she thought. 

He placed a plate of crackers with some sort of dip in a small bowl in front of her.  “What would you say if I told you that I bought out Todd because I wanted you on the team?”

She immediately rolled her eyes.  “Seriously, what was it about Todd’s group that made you choose them over all the other architectural firms in the city?”

watched with interest as she sampled the creamy pesto dip, gratified when her eyebrows went up in surprise.  Since she didn’t believe that her reputation preceded her, he would go with a more simplistic approach.  “The talent in Todd’s group is better, he’s ready to retire and I wanted to move ahead quickly.  Other firms might not be as amenable to a fast-paced change, but since Todd was already past retirement age, everyone on your team seemed to be anticipating someone else taking over.”

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